Solid Korean War Court Drama - Sergeant Ryker
3 May 2024
The Korean War was a tragedy for its participants. There were more collaborators and deserters in this war than ALL other American wars COMBINED. Why? Because the American leadership that got the US involved in a non-winnable war in the first place, failed all the honorable thousands of men under their command in the Korean theater of war. Only Douglas McArthur was able to salvage a tie through his military expertise.

This war was Truman's biggest failure, the Pentagon's biggest failure, and the State Department's biggest failure up to that point in time of American History. Sergeant Ryker (well-played by Lee Marvin) is an American soldier convicted of collaborating with the enemy. The film goes on to describe his circumstances and trials, with Brad Dillman as his defense attorney. Dillman is also very good in the film.

The film shows military justice for what is really is in real life; extraordinarily mediocre. Military justice is to justice as military music is to music; mediocre at best. The film has some things in common with "A Few Good Men", but not overwhelmingly so. What is very clear is that this conflict was a great tragedy for all that served in it.
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