Too hyper-focused on fan-service and appeasing a niche audience.
7 May 2024
The show is... interesting. The show is mainly about a loser/deadbeat/incel/hikikomori (insert your term of choice). Seems interesting as I'm curious what they are, how they live in Japan, and how there's an anime about it.

I figured it might be a dark, psychological, thriller of some sort.

Turns out the show isn't really about a Hikikomori but it's almost assuming that YOU are the Hikikomori. There's a ton of sexual, perverted, and just weird fetish-ish scenes that are extremely cringy and even downright concerning.

It seems to be a fan service, incel male fantasy, softcore adult show. Most of the story is just random banter and weird scenarios that isn't natural or believable. It's one-dimensional. There aren't a lot of interesting characters. There's no suspense, no buildup, no drama.

I wish they dove more into the psychology of the main characters. Instead, we're put into their head but without any prior context or character building so we don't really feel we care about the characters as they live out a plain fantasy.
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