Multimillion-Dollar Ineptitude...
9 May 2024
Rebel Moon 2 is the long awaited sequel to the nothing-burger that was the last movie. Zack Snyder shows that he's capable with captivating visuals and well-choreographed action sequences, but his screenwriting chops just don't cut it when he's doing a self-indulgent 'passion project' that was originally gonna be a Star Wars movie, and he takes character development as 'trivial' instead of seriously like any veteran director treats as equal priority with personal vision.

Where to start with this thing? First of all, it feels like Part Two was more a threat of more-of-the-same that the last movie offered, and lo-and-behold: it pretty much is exactly that, except it's a 'pay off' to a culminate story that doesn't feel earned at all.

Zack Snyder is a good director when he's got a good script to play with, but don't give him his own script. He'll lose all self-awareness and will go full blown George Lucas over his own lack of creative restraint or finesse on his own movies.

Rebel Moon 2 MIGHT be potentially 'remedied' if they release an oversized cut that includes both movies back-to-back, and with extra coverage, but it'd be of little comfort for newcomers who've already heard what they need to know about the film already.

This kind of film... it's a wonder Netflix said yes to this one, considering it's a blockbuster-budgeted film that didn't get a wide theatrical release (it got limited release before Netflix) to try and recoup the ridiculous amounts of money sunk into Zack Snyder's now infamous Star Wars ripoff. And they wanted this thing to be a 'franchise' comparable to Harry Potter, James Bond and the MCU, etc.

Rebel Moon 2 brings closure to one of the most puzzling two-parters in recent memory, and has you wondering: is there gonna be anything else from Snyder or this 'franchise' afterwards?

This is a bit of a weirdly boring movie, what with its development lacking any impact on viewers, and the abuse of the slow-motion technique hampers Rebel Moon in almost every conceivable way.

This one's a 2/5 flop-sweat-maker. It's really not a well-defined movie like you'd expect from similarly high-concept directors tackling passion projects, but hey; maybe it'll inspire someone to do even better than what we got here.
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