Not one of Murphy's better movies.
10 May 2024
The WWII hero, Audie Murphy, was soon recruited by Hollywood and became a minor star. However, nearly all of his 45 films were westerns...meaning he was definitely type cast. I've recently seen several of them. A couple were really top-notch films, such as "Drums Across the River" and "Apache Rifles". But most were pretty ordinary westerns...and "Arizona Raiders", despite being in color, is pretty ordinary.

The film begins just after the Civil War and for a couple months, Quantrell and his bloody Raiders refuse to accept that the war is over and they continue robbing and killing. However, after Quantrell and many of his gang are killed, two of the band's former members are recruited to go into Arizona and capture or kill them, as they definitely are no longer fighting for any cause...apart from murder! Clint (Audie Murphy) is one of these new Rangers out to stop his old gang.

There are a few problems with the film. First, tons of westerns have featured Quantrell's Raiders...so the folks in it are practically cliches. Second, the film begins with a very long introduction by some guy who lectures about Quantrell...followed by even more narration. I don't think I've ever seen a movie with more exposition than this one! Third, the story and Murphy's characters never really take off and the story tends to be rather talky. Fourth, Gloria Talbot sounded NOTHING like a Yaqui Indian...and although the dark paint made her look Indian-like, she was a poor choice to play such a part.

What's to like? Well, the color footage is nice. But that's really about it and it's nothing more than an okay time-passer.
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