11 May 2024
Hadn't seen this since it was in cinemas. I know a lot of people seem to really hate it, and maybe some of those people took some time to turn on it, but I still like it quite a lot.

I like a lot of the contentious creative decisions it makes. I like its attempts to get a little darker and more psychological, and the way the main characters are at each other's throats just as much as - or maybe more than - they work together. Sequences like the party early on and then the hulkbuster scene are top-tier, and Ultron's a fun villain. And, in hindsight, I like the way this hints at a bunch of phase 3 movies.

I had a dream once where I was watching Age of Ultron alone in a living room, and people constantly kept coming into the room, walking behind me and laughing at the fact I was enjoying it. Maybe admitting I still like it in 2024 will make people laugh at me now, but whatever- I still like it in 2024 (that being said, I will agree with the general consensus that it's the weakest of the four Avengers movies so far, though).
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