Features an Attractive Actress and a Lot of Really Bad Music
12 May 2024
This film essentially begins with a teenager named "Dori" (Tuesday Weld) talking to her best friend "Arabella" (Fran Manfred) about the upcoming prom. It's at this time that Arabella warns Dori about a new student named "Gloria" (Jacqueline Kerr) who appears to have an interest in Dori's boyfriend "Tommy" (Teddy Randazzo). Not long after this conversation Dori discovers exactly what Arabella was talking about as Gloria soon tries to come between her and Tommy every chance she gets--and things get worse with each passing day. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I didn't particularly care for this movie due in large part to the sheer number of songs (21 more or less) included in this film. Making matters even worse was the fact that so many of these songs were just downright awful. Likewise, some really bad lip-syncing during some of these songs didn't help things either. That said, although having an attractive actress like Tuesday Weld certainly helped, her presence wasn't nearly enough to make this film even remotely entertaining, and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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