Top Tier MCU
12 May 2024
MCU Phase 3 continues with the hits as Thor: Ragnarok blows its predecessors away. While searching for knowledge regarding the Infinity Stones, Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth) stumbles upon puzzling information regarding his father, Odin (Anthony Hopkins). Returning to Asgard, Thor discovers his mischievous brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) disguised as the All-Father, after banishing the rightful ruler to Earth. Upon locating him, Odin passes into the afterlife and in doing so, releases his imprisoned daughter Hela (Kate Blanchett). Exiling Thor and Loki to the trash planet Sakaar, the brothers must overcome their issues to save themselves, their people, and their realm from their hellbent sister.

Thor: Ragnarok is easily one of the best MCU films to date. Joining the franchise, Taika Watiti takes on the directorial role, fresh from his acclaimed Hunt For the Wilderpeople. Adding in his wacky sense of humor and bold decisions, Waititi elevates the Thor franchise from forgettable to unforgettable. While moving away from the serious mythological lore of its predecessors, he allows the character of Thor to develop a larger personality and connect with the audience, outside of just his looks. After back-to-back films suffering from lackluster stories, Ragnarok successfully gives Thor the blockbuster he deserved.

Previously, the Asgardians had mostly been a battle-happy group, with little personality outside of that. Taking the place of the one-note warriors, Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), Korg (Taikai Waititi), and Miek (Stephen Murdoch) join Thor in his battle against Hela. While the latter two become an excellent comedic duo, Valkyrie adds a kick-ass fighter to Thor's team. Thompson plays an emotionally flawed, but redeemable soldier as her performance balances the comical and emotional traits. Tackling one of its predecessor's most glaring issues, Ragnarok's exciting characters create a much more fulfilling experience.

Though it strayed far from previous adaptations, Thor: Ragnarok takes the character and his mythos on an incredible journey. Mostly attributed to Taika Waititi's bold choices, the film focuses on the heart and relationship of the Asgardians, while creatively accentuating their comedic characteristics. More than 15 films into the franchise, Thor: Ragnarok brings new and exciting ideas into the MCU, creating one of the greatest installments in the entire saga.
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