Ocean Waves (1993 TV Movie)
Ocean Waves looks nice, but the story's quite dull.
17 May 2024
This seems like a bit of a hidden oddity within the Studio Ghibli canon, and part of me was hoping watching it would feel like unearthing a hidden gem.

I can say this much positively about it: I'm surprised it was a TV movie, because animation-wise, this is of a really high quality for the time period it was made and released during. It looks crisp and visually pleasing for 99% of the runtime, and animation shortcuts are rarely noticeable (you could probably find a few more if you were on the look out for them specifically).

Ocean Waves actually falters most when it comes to the story and the characters, which was surprising, because that's not something you need a movie budget to get right, traditionally. I came in thinking it would be compelling enough narratively but lesser visually, and in the end, Ocean Waves was actually surprisingly good presentation-wise but also disappointingly weak everything else-wise.

At least it's not too long. I don't reject watching it. But, at the same time, I don't think it can be recommended to anyone who's not a Studio Chibli completionist.
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