The Murder Party (1934) Poster

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Crisp hour long whodunnit!
khunkrumark31 December 2020
The film version pays its respects to the play... there's not much camera movement and no music at all. Despite that, the capable cast and brisk pace make this an enjoyable 60 minutes of movie theater. There are a few red herrings thrown in and the culprit could be anyone. There's a watchable copy on YouTube at the moment.
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"All the nicest games are played in the dark"
hwg1957-102-26570415 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
An early Michael Powell film that does not indicate the glories that were to come. It is a regular large house murder plot based on a play by John Hastings Turner and Roland Pertwee. There is some attempt to open out the play but the film mostly takes place inside the house in which the camera moves around nimbly. Some of the lighting effects are good but all in all it is not that exciting. It only runs 61 minutes though it could have been longer as the ending is rushed.

There are good actors like Leslie Banks, Jane Baxter and Ian Hunter but the film is stolen not unexpectedly by Ernest Thesiger playing a waspish poet and Muriel Aked playing the saucy Princess Maria Amelia who is responsible for the quote above. The butler is played by the splendidly named Disney Roebuck.

Worth watching only for Thesiger and Aked.
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Saved by two impish characters
greenbudgie21 January 2021
As a mystery fan I was a little disappointed by this whodunit. I was getting the upper crust characters confused with each other and there is little running time to get them and their situations sorted. But there are two distinctive characters who save the film from becoming too stuffy. They are Chidiatt the flowery writer and the slightly dotty Princess Amelia.

Princess Amelia of Corsova is played by Muriel Aked. She's the one who proposes the game of murder in the dark. She has brought a toy gun along for the occasion. In the past she reveals that she's been told that she "can see better in the dark than any other woman I've known" by a man who has had enough experience to tell I expect. She has the best lines in the film especially when she's talking to the General.

Chidiatt is played by Ernest Thesiger. He takes charge of Princess Amelia's toy gun as he enthusiastically joins the game of murder. At one point he says he prefers guns to flowers but I notice he carries a posy in the court scene. He gets away with murder the way he talks to the Judge. Thesiger is so thorny and witty as usual and his impishness brightens up the film.
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The Death of the Party
boblipton21 March 2017
Michael Powell was still working his way up the ranks of director with this film. Malcolm Keen is a rich man who invites a bunch of guests, all of whom have cause to want him dead, first to a party, then to a game called "Murder".... and winds up dead. It's from a stage play co-written by Roland Pertwee, and shows its origins very clearly, despite the agile camera-work of Glen McWilliams.

Although this one-hour mystery is clearly a lesser production, it boasts a good cast, including Ian Hunter, Leslie Banks and an always amusing Ernest Thesiger. Although Michael clearly did not have the budget or time to do much more than produce a good programmer with this one, it would be only two years later that he directed his breakthrough THE EDGE OF THE WORLD, and four until he began his great collaborations with Emeric Pressburger.
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A Good Time Was Not Had By All
malcolmgsw17 July 2009
In 1935 Gaumont British produced 14 films including such classics as The 39 Steps and First A Girl.They also decided in that year that they would make this quota quickie and handed the job to Michael Powell.What the end results show is that even a great director such as Michael Powell can not turn dross into gold.Of course any film which features the ever theatrical Ernest Theisiger can not fail in part to be entertaining but this really is a rather lame effort and clearly Powell just wanted to get it done with as quickly as he could.The denouement of this film reminds me of the Perry Mason series when in the courtroom the culprit breaks down and confesses.To be quite honest by a process of elimination it is not that difficult to guess whodunit.Muriel Aked has what must be one of her best roles.
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Send for Emeric Pressburger!
F Gwynplaine MacIntyre27 August 2005
'The Part of the Nightie' ... sorry, I mean 'The Night of the Party' is yet one more of the many, many, many 'lost' films that have returned from oblivion ... although this particular movie might perhaps have done better to stay lost. The single most notable thing about 'Night of the Party' is that it was directed by Michael Powell ... a film figure of such major importance that *any* movie he directed automatically merits attention. I saw this movie at National Film Theatre in March 2000; as a Powell completist (and a fan of actor Leslie Banks), I'm glad that I saw 'Night of the Party' but I'm in no hurry to see it again. (Full disclosure: in the mid-1960s, I worked with Ralph Smart, who had worked on the screenplay of this movie. He told me quite a bit about his early career, but he never mentioned 'The Night of the Party'. Now I've seen it, I don't wonder.)

Two of Powell's contemporaries in the British film industry were Pen Tennyson and Arthur Woods. Both of these men died very young during World War Two, after making only a couple of films apiece ... but, in both cases, their immense talent was manifest in these films: so much so, that cineastes must deeply regret that neither director lived to create a mature body of work. In Powell's case, although his life and career were thankfully long enough to create some of the greatest movies in the history of cinema, his earliest efforts (unlike those of Tennyson and Woods) showed little hint of his immense talent.

Here goes the plot, then. Lord Studholme (Malcolm Keen) is a press baron -- one of his newspapers is a tabloid cried the Sun -- and, like most press barons, he's a deeply unpopular man. He hosts a cocktail party in honour of Princess Amelta of Corsova (where's that when it's at home, then?). This movie very quickly shapes up to resemble one of those Agatha Christie novels where several different characters all have strong motives for killing the same person: several different people attending the party make clear their animosity for Studholme. This being a very unusual cocktail party, the guests decide to play a brisk round of Murder in the Dark. The lights go out, and when they come on again ... Lord Studholme is dead. Conveniently, who should arrive at just that moment but Sir John Holland, master sleuth of Scotland Yard (played by Leslie Banks, in his 'Arsenal Stadium Mystery' whimsical mode).

As I've noted, there's no end of suspects for murdering Studholme. However, the most obvious suspect is His Lordship's secretary, Guy Kennington (played by Ian Hunter). I was so bored during this movie, I started thinking up dead-awful puns. If Kennington is the killer, would the corpse be Kennington Offal? Ouch! Anyway, this is the sort of movie where the most obvious suspect can't be the real killer. Or can he?

The climactic scene is the murder trial at the Old Bailey, and it just doesn't come off. It's badly paced and very static, betraying the stage origins of this material. The murderer gives an incredibly banal motive for the crime ... and proceeds to whip out a pistol in the middle of the courtroom. I attended several trials at the Old Bailey in the 1960s and '70s, before metal detectors were standard equipment in courthouses. I suppose it's possible that a trial participant (especially one who isn't the defendant) could have smuggled a firearm into the Old Bailey in those days ... and perhaps it was even easier in 1935, when this movie was made. But I found the climax of this movie deeply contrived, not least because the set design only vaguely resembles the interior of the Old Bailey. But maybe that, too, was different in the 1930s.

The popular character actor Ernest Thesiger is in this movie. Thesiger gave one of his very best performances in 'They Drive by Night', directed by the aforementioned Arthur Woods. Those of you who have savoured Thesiger's pull-the-stops-out turns in 'Bride of Frankenstein' and 'The Old Dark House' will have difficulty believing that this actor is capable of giving a dull performance. Overripe, maybe, but not dull. Well, in 'The Night of the Party', Thesiger's performance is dull and lacklustre. I was more impressed with Muriel Aked -- a tiny, bird-like character actress -- as the party's guest of honour.

I'll rate 'The Night of the Party' just 2 out of 10. I don't recommend this movie to fans of Leslie Banks nor of Ernest Thesiger. I can't recommend it to Michael Powell fans either, unless (like me) you're a completist who wants to see as much of this great director's work as possible. Right, you've been warned. Next case!
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A Murder is Announced!!
kidboots20 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One of the marvellously tight quota quickies that Michael Powell put his stamp on, again using the talented Leslie Banks (although in the credits his name is above the title it is very much an ensemble piece).

Ruthless Lord Studholme (newspaper publishing magnate) is holding a party but there are people he wants to invite and people he does not. He does not want Vernon there, he is a married rake and initially when he visits Vernon at his flat to demand some indiscreet letters written to Vernon by a friend of his daughter Studholme looks like a white knight but his designs are from the gutter!! He wants the letters as a bargaining agent to blackmail Joan, to force her to be "nice" to him!! Studholme has other enemies - his daughter Peggy (a very lovely Jane Baxter) is too proud of her husband to keep his existence a secret any longer, he is Studholme's much put upon private secretary Guy Kennion (Ian Hunter) and her father is furious that it will come out!! Ernest Thesiger just makes the movie for me, he plays Chiddiatt, an over the top poet who has an axe to grind with Studholme because he feels the paper mocks his work!! It is he who suggests the game of "Murder" when the party is falling off in popularity. And when Leslie Banks as Sir John Holland, one of Scotland Yard's most esteemed inspectors comes as a party guest. (and who is not too keen on Studholme himself) little does he know he will end up conducting a real murder investigation!!

I can't understand the negative reviews - at 59 minutes it is fast moving and with a professionalism and build up by director Powell that puts it above the quickie class. Also Ian Hunter was a most interesting and versatile actor before he went to Hollywood and became a very cardigan and slippers type of guy!!
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