Camp Blood (Video 2000) Poster

(2000 Video)

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One of the worst of its kind
Justin-Fog26 February 2006
Apparently the writer and director of this direct-to-DVD slasher movie is a fan of Friday 13th and other summer camp slashers. This movie has everything - a group of teenagers who want to spend the weekend with fun, alcohol and sex in an abandoned summer camp called "Camp Blood", the old man who warns them not to go there; and of course the crazy killer with the machete who keeps on slashing and hacking at the teenagers without any reason at all... The whole thing could have worked if it had been shot on 35 mm film with acceptable Special Effects. But instead the Special Effects are poorly done. The killer walks around as if he's out on a Sunday afternoon stroll, and the only good things about this movie are the acting of the talented main actress and the sex scene at the beginning. Other than that - dull and forgettable. Jasper P. Morgan
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Can it get any cheaper?
Leofwine_draca8 June 2012
As far as cheap shot-on-video horror films go, CAMP BLOOD is very much of a muchness. It offers absolutely nothing that wasn't already done to death by other slasher films in the 1980s; the story of a killer wearing a clown mask stalking the woods and killing teenagers is completely predictable and everything that happens is long telegraphed in advance. Die-hard horror fans will be put off by the absence of any special effects and the cheesy, orange-looking blood, and cinema fans will be repulsed by the zero-level production values and less-than-impressive talents of the amateur dramatic student cast.

However…is it the worst film I've ever seen? No, far from it. Films like this, which rip-off literally dozens of other efforts that have come previously, occupy their own notch on the scale of cinematic badness, just above even-worse outings like the deliberately puerile dreck that is LESBIAN VAMPIRE KILLERS. Yes, I'd still rather watch CAMP BLOOD again – with all its raw, inevitably lacking running-through-the-woods type antics – than more expensive, studio-made fare that has no excuse to get it so wrong.
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edgein1526 September 2002
83 minutes? Nope, this thing is 72 minutes, tops.

If you cannot guess the killer in this movie, you had better throw your TV out the window, because you ain't learned nothing in 20+ years of cinematic slasher history.

And how come the plain star who never gets naked is always the one you want to get naked?
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Big Movie Fan21 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
(MAJOR SPOILERS THROUGHOUT) Camp Blood is one of those movies which are entertaining because they are so damn awful.

The acting is intentionally poor, the fake blood is orange and the clown mask looked like it had been at the bottom of a basket for twenty years.

I don't really need to go into detail about the plot except to say that four youngsters go out camping where a murderous clown lurks. There's also a local guy named Mr Thatcher. He is one of the good things about this film-the guy who plays him was so obviously intentionally acting really really bad. At the beginning of the film he warned the kids to stay away from the camp pretending to be concerned for their welfare. But I knew from the minute that I saw him that he was a bad guy-I guessed he might have been the clown. I was wrong there but he was a partner in crime with the clown.

The ending is one of the most nonsensical endings ever but it had me laughing anyway.

For those who are wondering, I'm not making out this movie is awful. Some movies are extremely awful and are no fun at all. With Camp Blood, it's different. It's so intentionally awful that you have just got to like the film. It makes you laugh when you see how bad the acting is.

Roll on Camp Blood 2...and 3...and 4.
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Absolutely awful
last_cheese22 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing original, fun, clever, entertaining, or worthwhile in this stinker. It rips off every other slasher film and does so so incredibly ineptly that I can only assume a three year old created this. Plot? A masked killer picks off campers in the woods. That's it. The twist is that a park ranger (I believe I can't remember exactly) is the killer and was working with someone else to lure the kids.

There is nothing here that hasn't been done before, done better in SOV slashers that were ripping off the classics. Don't be fooled, this movie isn't "so bad it's good" nor is it entertaining at all. It's so boring, so plodding, so incompetent, it's absolutely useless. Some have said this movie is intentional bad, but I don't see it. When watching this it was clear to me that the film makers set out to make the best movie they could, and unfortunately, that is this POS. Avoid at all costs, this movie is complete trash and a major waste of time.
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For Bad Cinema lovers only
CHUDtheBUD14 May 2005
I'm giving this a '8' rating because Camp Blood is hilarious, in an unintentional way of course. This film might suck for the 'serious' mainstream horror crowd, but if you're a fan of so-bad-so-'entertaining' movies Camp Blood surely delivers on most accounts. It starts off pretty good (in a bad way) as you get you're typical slasher clichéd set up served with an outdoors sex scene (including looped footage) followed by a cheesy double murder. After that we are introduced to the main players of this epic, and the film actually gears down a few notches ... However, it's still pretty amusing because one of the actors has a habit of spitting out bad language by the minute, plus you get Thatcher! Thatcher is a riot but I won't say more ... see and believe! The film picks up in the final 20-30 minutes with an onslaught of goofy (not intended of course) over-the-top slasher-action that made me laugh so hard I was still hurting the next day.

Camp Blood may not be as classy as Troll 2 or A Night To Dismember but still worthy tracking down if you're into that kind of stuff.
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So amateurish and so bad, that I have to like it!
gila_film3 June 2003
The cover case and the premise that write there is so promising. As slasher maniac I expect much from this. But, what the heck is going on. The movie is awful. The direction, the plot, the suspense and the act of the casts is so amateurish. I even thought that they are using a home video camera to shot it. Lucky that it still manage to deliver some good moments to me that make me have to like it. Thanks for the bad package of so-called "Camp Blood".

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Home movie with delusions of grandeur
Libretio3 May 2005

Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 (Nu-View 3-D)

Sound format: Mono

Whilst hiking in woodland near the deserted Camp Blackwood - site of an unsolved murder ten years earlier - four young city-dwellers are targeted by a masked psychopath who kills their guide (Courtney Harris) and stalks them through the woods with murderous intent...

Low-rent time-waster, filmed on camcorder utilizing the Nu-View field sequential 3-D format. There's a plot, at least, but the script adheres closely to an established blueprint (with obvious nods to the likes of "Friday the 13th", "The Burning" and "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre") without adding anything even remotely new or interesting to the formula. Director Brad Sykes - also responsible for similar 3-D efforts like THE ZOMBIE CHRONICLES (2001) and BLOODY TEASE (2002) - cites the early works of George A. Romero and Sam Raimi as key influences on his career, but while those filmmakers challenged the mainstream with their no-budget efforts, Sykes uses video technology merely to imitate his cinematic heroes, resulting in a home movie with delusions of grandeur. Aside from the 3-D format, there is NOTHING here to warrant anyone's attention. Followed by CAMP BLOOD 2 (2000).
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A film makers view
Horror_UK29 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can I say? Interesting would be a good place to start.

We watched Camp Blood because it came as part of a box set of 20 'interesting' horror movies.

I've now watched it a couple of times and to the casual observer, it comes across as a terrible film, but I now look at it as a film maker, having just completed my first zero budget feature (will be interesting what people have to say about my one!).

The acting wasn't great, but it was on a low budget. I think the real unforgivable sin was using the same actors to play completely different characters at the end. This could have worked well if they had used some strange psychological story line in the sequel (yes, there is a sequel), but it was never mentioned. I also loved the way the nurse held her arm and those shoes? The colouring was bad, but I'm not sure if that's because I have seen it on IMDb as 3D, but there was no mention of that on the DVD.

Some of my favourite bits in the film has to be the orange blood, the swishing of the water off-screen when the blood wasn't moving fast enough, the chewing of the blood capsule and, my mostest favouritist bit, the mad guy and his mad laugh.

I give Camp Blood a 5. It was very low budget which excuses a lot, but there were some things in it that could really have been worked on.
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How did this ever get distribution?
filmfreak-520 June 2006
It's a puzzle to me how this turd of a film ever got distribution.

Sure, it's horror and there's a fair share of nudity, but by god, the production value is the lowest I've ever seen, the equipment used is worse than standard home equipment, everything is overlit, giving everything an amateurish look, bringing your thought to America's worst home video's or whatever that show was called..

Please people, is it too much to ask that you actually do an effort when you expect to waste 90 minutes of peoples lives watching this? You really should have done some short projects first cause it's obvious you're a bunch of amateurs! 1/10
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And to think there also exists a "Camp Blood 2"!!!
Coventry10 December 2009
How to round up every possible cliché and stereotype existing in the genre of horror and then subsequently stuff them into one massively lousy movie? The answer: "Camp Blood". This is amateurish slasher nonsense made on a micro-budget and a little bit too obvious inspired by "Friday the 13th". Four of the most intolerable teenage characters you'll ever see – they're like a combination of ugly, stupid and annoying – go camping and quickly find themselves pursued by a homicidal maniac in a clown suit. Don't even ask me what the killer's motivations were or even who he/she was, because if it did feature in the film, I totally missed it. This is one of the worst movies ever made, with no inspiration or craftsmanship whatsoever. The production values were so pitiable that there are actors playing multiple roles without even bothering to make them unrecognizable. The only half-decent and worthwhile sequence throughout the whole of "Camp Blood" is the opening in which the impressively voluptuous Meredith O'Brien has sex in the woods with her geeky boy scout. Yes, I'm fully aware that this is a totally shallow remark to make, but then again this is a juvenile and retarded film, so who cares?
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Another superb example of "so bad it's good" film-making! Warning: Spoilers
I'm the first to admit that if judged on production values, or as a horror movie, or as an emotionally-moving masterpiece, or as a great piece of thought-provoking entertainment, CAMP BLOOD fails on every single level.

However, if judged as good basic old-fashioned cheap-as-chips entertainment that any random man or woman on the street can enjoy, CAMP BLOOD is the jackpot.

As one would expect with this type of movie, the plot is as thin as they get - a group of people go to a place called "Camp Blood" where they encounter a killer dressed in a clown mask.

This truly amazing piece of "so bad it's good" entertainment makes use of just about every single slasher cliché invented.

The production values are rock bottom. The killer's costume literally looks like it was bought from a kids' toy shop, the acting is either over-the-top or non-existent, the killings are lame, the killer's identity can be deciphered very quickly, several actors play more than one role, daylight is the only light and the multiple uses of the f-word pass for the scriptwriter's definition of intelligent dialogue. I mustn't forget to mention the awful colour filter used for the camera-work that makes blood appear orange! This movie truly ranks up there with TROLL 2, THE NAIL GUN MASSACRE, CHOPPING MALL, DON'T GO IN THE WOODS and the like.

There's plenty more to say about it.

The movie is recorded entirely on digital video rather than film.

The DVD cover looks like it cost more to produce than the movie itself.

There's nothing scary, suspenseful or thrilling to be found in the movie despite the genre being listed on the IMDb as "horror". But it's a masterpiece of hilarity. Critics would say it's funny for all the wrong reasons. But so what? Funny is funny, isn't it?

The character of Jay, played by Tim Young had be in stitches in every scene he was in. He came out with the most outrageous comments imaginable and kept his face straight the whole time.

And let's not forget the jewel in this crown - Joe Haggerty - who should be by now a veteran of "so bad it's good" straight-to-DVD movies. He's the funniest thing in the movie. The writers were clearly inspired by the character of Crazy Ralph from the Friday THE 13TH franchise but Bromley Thatcher is truly crazy. I won't give away spoilers but bad movie lovers will find themselves reciting Thatcher's one liners long after the movie has finished. The movie is worth seeing just for Bromley Thatcher's introduction scene!

To summarise, CAMP BLOOD is an item of treasure that should be in every bad movie lovers' treasure trove. Everyone else should avoid it like the plague!
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Camp Blood:
shadowfever26 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, we go out of our way to find no budget horror films and then complain about the production values and the acting. We say the director can't direct, the writers can't write, and the actors can't act.

So what were we expecting? The fact is the movie was fun. Not great, but then it was never meant to be. And whether or not the creators of this movie have any talent or not, they still made the movie and apparently had a ball doing it. Anybody can be a critic, not everybody is willing to make the sacrifices to become a no budget film-maker.

Joe Hagerty, classic overacting, intentionally.

Courtney Taylor rocks. What is a camping trip without a cookout.

Jennifer Ritchkoff, don't hate her because she doesn't look like Jennifer Anniston. Nice to see a true girl next door getting hacked on for a change.

Why did it have to be a clown with a bad mask? Why not something original like a slasher in a William Shatner mask. Oh wait, that's been done.

The movie was criticized for reusing some of the actors in other roles at the end. Seems an efficient use of talent (or non-talent) if you have no budget. But I gave them credit for being a little more high-brow than mere economy. I thought it gave the movie a "Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" type feel at the end. Okay, maybe that is overstating but it was still an interesting way to end it.

Maybe Brad Sykes is a genius and most of us just missed the point.

Anyone who thinks this is the worst movie ever made obviously never saw "Robot Monster."
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The worst film i have ever seen.
Chrisonnet17 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Idiots go camping and act like idiots before they finally die like idiots, yes Camp Blood (or if you're wanting an awful, badder than bad pun that suits a badder than bad film, "Camp Bloody awful"), is so bad it's actually quite depressing to watch. And it has all the ingredients to be a perfectly bad film...

Awful acting-check. Bad script-check. Tacky effects-check no originality whatsoever-double check.

It doesn't even attempt to be different, and is riddled with every predicted cliché imaginable. For example, the film opens to a couple having sex in the woods, so of course they end up dead.

One of the most disturbing things is that this film actually spawned two sequels, how and why only baffles the mind.

Just stay away from this one.
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Fire-WalkWithMe16 June 2002
Where oh where can I start?!?!

First off... I won't even attempt talking about the plot... as others have...

This is the WORST movie I've ever seen!! BUT IT'S SO GOOD!!! It's so bad... and cheezy... and cheap, that's it's the best movie I've seen in forever!!!

The director must have known the actors like as friends, because... who would pick those people?!?! I mean, REALLY! The lead girl.. is NOTHING like stars look now... She's.. just.. not a star looking person.. LOL. And you know how movies are now, and her boyfriend looks like a model.. perfect body.. it's just weird!!

And JAY.... Played by Tim Young.. is... ADORABLE! But so stupid!!! He really is cute... I won't say anymore.. lol

And, err... how exactly did lead girl know that that girl was Harris's girlfriend!?!? No one told her...

But really... I have no idea what happened at the end. It MADE NO SENCE. IT MADE NO SENCE. It confused me, bad... First, like let's say Mulholland Dr. has done, had characters being different people, because someone dreamed or imagined it all.. that's what I thought at first!! But... then... I mean I don't know.. was it the same people, just playing different roles, because the budget was SO CHEAP!? Couldn't they have got a few people who didn't care about money to do that minute of filming?? Oh well...

It doesn't make sence, but still, I liked the movie! But really, the only reason I liked it is because Tim Young is cute, probably...

Well, I give it a 7/10 for fun value!!
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I can't believe the local shop had this rubbish!
pitchfader30 July 2003
I must first mention that as a group of mates, we often find entertainment in wacthing films which are known to be terrible for comedy value, hence our rental of Camp Blood.

Camp Blood was the first film which we'd rented that had been shot on what looks to be a camcorder, and was so rubbish it wans't even funny.

The DVD was returned and a refund was demanded, with the added suggestion some sort of quality control is implemented to prevent such utter rubbish being stocked.

Don't do what I did, and let the curiosity get the better of you, it's so bad it's not even funny.
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Another slasher film in the vein of Friday the 13th. with every single cliche in the book.
bigpappa1--227 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers

Okay, if you haven't figured out the plot yet, I am going to give it to you. Two couples head out to a camping site, but a clown masked killer shows up and causes all sorts of mayhem.

Now it is time for me to give these couples some advice.

1. Never, ever go to camp dubbed Camp Blood by the locals. 2. Don't have sex or make out in front of the killer. 3. Don't go chasing after the killer if he or she runs away. 4. Don't yell profanity at the killer. 5. Make sure your cellular phone works before you go camping. 6. Everybody needs to bring a sharp or dangerous weapon and carry it on themselves at all times. 7. Wear loose and comfortable clothing and bring a good pair of running shoes. No tight and binding clothing and no high heels or sandals. 8. Wear glasses or contact lenses if you need them so you don't stab the wrong person. 9. Always carry your car keys on you. 10. Put out a camp fire when you go to bed. 11. Watch your step. If you trip on something, your going to break a bone. 12. Check the backseat for uninvited guess. 13. If the killer has you cornered, at least put up a struggle.

And guess what? At least one, but usually all four of the main characters breaks all of these common sense rules. They are the dumbest characters ever to grace a film.

Now for some brief comments. This slasher film was on a very tight budget. So low four of the 7 or 8 actors play more than one role. The acting, writing, direction, sound, lighting, camera work, plotting, editing, etc. are all bottom of the line. But like the classic film JACK O this works on a sooooooooo bad, it is very entertaining and campy fun level. So rent this and have a good time and laugh. My rating: 5 out of 10.
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Ridiculously lame 3D movie...
dwpollar19 July 2003
1st watched 7/19/2003 - 1 out of 10(Dir-Brad Sykes): Ridiculously lame 3D movie which pretty much follows the plots of many 80's teen slasher flicks. Stupid kids go to a known murderous camp site, become hunted by an unknown masked man, and then we try to figure out who, if anyone, is going to live. We really don't care who's behind the mask but even that's not hard to figure out if you've seen any of these kinds of movies. What a waste of a 3D viewer despite somewhat decent 3D effects.
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Snake-66616 August 2002
Camp Blood is an absolutely atrocious slasher film. We're mixing Friday The 13th with the Blair Witch Project and adding....a killer in a clown mask.

The budget for this film must have been very low, some of the actors played multiple parts and the camera used produced a picture equal to the colourised version of the original Night Of The Living Dead, which if anybody has watched that version will back me up that it is poor.

This film was just so bad. There is nothing in the film even worth watching. The very fact I watched this all the way through stunned me. Just take my advice and don't buy or rent this film. It is appalling.
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Crap isn't harsh enough word.
lordzedd-318 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
But I can't say how I really feel about this pile of steaming dung. Where to begin. The film quality, there isn't any. I've seen clearer pictures on America's FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS! The acting is substandard, the gore effects is okay. The clown mask is the best part of this movie, the story is repetitive. The same thing over and over again. At least in a Friday THE 13TH or HALLOWEEN we stick with one main character for the most part. There is no main characters, just victims. Man, now we come to the worst part of all. The final survivor kills the clown and finds out it was one of her friends. Then when the police finally arrive, they don't believe her and she is locked up in a rubber room. What kind of ending do you call that, crap, that's what. In my opinion, there is no excuse for a bad ending in a horror movie, that was just sloppy writing. The excuse, "It has to ending badly, it's a horror movie." or "We need to end it badly to leave it open to a sequel" are just lame excuses and that is all. I must give the CAMP BLOOD the THANKSGIVING TURKEY.
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Skip Part One, Watch Part II!!
andreas_bruderer12 March 2003
I am a fan of slasher movies, especially of Scream 1-3, but this one is just one killing after another. To my astonishment: Part II is far better and you get the whole story of part one summarized! So don't waste time on this one and move right on to part II, you won't regret it cause Part 2 actually has a PLOT and is quite self-ironical. First Part: 1 out of 10 Second Part: 4 out of 10
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For a minute there, this looked like it might be fun.
BA_Harrison9 April 2012
Camp Blood opens with a couple hiking through the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of a rare bird; although the keen ornithologists fail to find the elusive creature, the man does spy the most magnificent pair of tits, as the woman (Meredith O'Brien) whips off her top and proceeds to straddle him. Their fun is cut short, however, when a clown (Shemp Moseley) wielding a machete pops out of the undergrowth, kills the man, and then chases the screaming bare breasted babe through the trees to a stream, where he ruthlessly cuts her down.

It's a surprisingly fun start to a film I had selected because I wanted to watch something really, really bad (clearly I have problems, but I know I'm not alone!). Thankfully, director Brad Sykes didn't disappoint me for much longer, his film quickly plummeting to the extremely low standard I had originally hoped for, with terrible performances, lousy camera-work, a diabolical script, and laughably unconvincing gore.

The story for this crap-fest centres around a group of campers who unwisely ignore all the signs (the mad local warning them of danger, a news report about the missing bird-lovers, the campground sign scrawled with the word 'blood') to pitch their tents in the killer clown's stomping ground. More obnoxious characters you would be hard pushed to find: lead girl Tricia (Jennifer Ritchkoff) is unattractive and overweight, her boyfriend Steve is a gimp, and his best friend Jay (Tim Young) is a jerk of the highest order, totally undeserving of his hot but clearly shallow girlfriend Nicole (Bethany Zolt). Joining these losers is butch guide Harris (Courtney Taylor), who is equally as unlikable.

Of course, being such an irritating bunch, it should be a whole heap of fun watching them die, but nothing could be further from the truth: Syke's handling of the action is cheap and nasty (there are tacky video editing effects aplenty), the cast are completely incapable of conveying terror, and the special effects are amateurish, the result being a scary movie totally devoid of tension or horror. Camp Blood doesn't even manage to be unintentionally funny—just boring.
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So bad its good?
daveblythe694 December 2002
the only way i can think of to describe this movie. so bad its good! the movie is a good way to pass a short time, humouous and clever, the acting is quite appauling but it works with the story, all i can think is how much i want to make a second sequel!!!

see it to pass the time, and enjoy it! 8/10
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For fans of low budget slashers.
NickGagnon9425 March 2022
There are 10 of these films. I liked the first two. The other ones are trash. You have to really like super low budget horror to like this one. I enjoy it for what it is.
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What the hell?
joelheywood8 August 2005
Yeah i bought camp blood and it wasted about 86 minutes of my life and 5 pounds of my money on this crap, I mean i didn't expect an amazing movie, judging by the front cover i wasn't really expecting anything great but at least not boobies in the first 3 seconds (I'm not complaining about the boobies..) I'm complaining about what the hell that has to do with anything? this film should have been kept on there hand cam at home as a joke....they suck..why was the blood more brown and turd like that real blood? i tells ya i mean everyone wasn't in colour they were just tinted yellow, And another thing that made me die laughing at this sad excuse for a film was the fact that they tried to pretend the clown was a woman all the time, although its clearly a flat chested black short haired man...did anyone else notice that the only special effect in this film was a slowed down jump..that was also poor oh and the dissolve effect that you can find on many basic p.c programs such as...powerpoint....this film blows
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