In Memory of My Father (2005) Poster

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Unity through dysfunction
johno-2115 March 2006
I saw this a couple weeks ago at a screening by the Desert Film Society in Palm Springs. We were fortunate to have the film's Director/Writer/Editor/Actor Christopher James along with the films co-editor and fellow actor Eric Michael Cole and actor Pat Healey on hand to present the film and take Q&A at the film's conclusion. For the 17 commenter's on this film so far here at IMDb who gave this a 10 even James himself likely doesn't consider it a 10 since he said he planned to make additional edits to the the current screened version. This film is reminiscent at first of Jim McBride's 1967 film called David Hotzman's Diary about a fictional documentary of a character named David Holtzman who films a week in his life. It appears like the film is an actual documentary but everything is scripted. Blair Witch would of course use a similar technique years later. This starts out a little awkward but then gets rolling where you realize this is a well drafted script but you still wonder how much may be ad libbing which may or may not distract from the viewer of the film. I found a slight inconsistency in the films setting and an unexplained element of the films premise and a couple other minor elements that I would rather not write a spoiler about so as to not bring up questions before a lot of people have had a chance to view this film. It features a great young cast of actors, some of which have an extensive body of film and television work besides James, Cole and Healy including Judy Greer, Nicolle Tom, Matt Keeslar, Monet Mazur, Jeremy Sisto and Christine Larkin among the large ensemble cast. I liked Nicolle Tom and her character the most in this cast and would have liked to have maybe a little more of an expansion of that character here. Daniel Teper does the original music soundtrack and the music of Scottish band Belle & Sebastian are featured throughout the film. Some in my audience noted an offense to the film's rapid fire swear words in the film's beginning which may have distracted from the film initially although it isn't like that throughout the film. It's a good script and good acting and although a low budget independent film it looks good. I would give it an 7.5 out of 10.
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MikeyB179319 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film was touted as a comedy, but I really hated it. It's just a series of self-obsessed conversations that immature people are having after their father dies. I don't know who these people represent, the Hollywood jet-set I suppose. They are a really sorry bunch. If anthropologists look at this film in a thousand years I can only speculate what conclusions they will reach about the state of civilization.

Don't look at this film for tenderness there is none. I didn't laugh and I certainly didn't cry. It's a pretentious bore and a waste of time.
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I enjoyed the heck out of this...
fletchcommunications15 June 2005
This film was really something rare. Great artistic and entertainment value wrapped into one package. This film embodies everything Hollywood films have been missing over the last year. It has that indie edge and popular appeal that hasn't been evident since the early-mid nineties. I miss films like this! I was most impressed with the humor brought about by the relationships of the characters and creative exploration of comedy I don't think many film makers could have handled. I usually wait until for DVD for a second viewing, but in this case I would jump at the chance to buy another ticket. The director really showed unique vision that I hope to see more of in the future.
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Best Film of AFI Fest 2005!
AbyssGlyder16 November 2005
With 'In Memory of My Father', relatively new auteur Christopher Jaymes has created the perfect depiction of loss, depression, selfishness, love, and jealousy as applied to one family.

How do we deal with loss? We drink. We get high. We have sex. We escape from loss, but the characters in 'In Memory…' get no such escape. Even with sex, drugs, and alcohol none can escape the hell dad's death has created. It takes the length of the film for the brothers to discover what has actually happened: that they are alone, that their father is exactly the man they remember, and that they always knew it. They can't escape their past, they can't escape their present, and they're damned to a future that resembles that of their father's life. Surrounded by family, but dying alone.

The aesthetic style of 'In Memory…' evokes a slight documentary feel, much like 'The Office' and 'Arrested Development'. Characters address the cameras, but as the story progresses, we leave the device behind and focus on the drama, comedy, and the bitingly funny stirring of the soul that develops.

Witty, poignant, brilliant, filled with squeamishly uncomfortable moments and mouth-agape situations, 'In Memory…' is most honest movie to come along this year, and I only hope Jaymes is able to continue making films of this caliber.
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A serious situation surrounded by the funniest of characters, truly great!
JBertain26 April 2005
So many people set out to do one-location shoots, limit your budget, and shoot in a few days. However, few can do these things and produce a great product. They did a really great job with this one.

The acting is superb throughout the large ensemble of a cast. I really enjoyed the bathroom scene with Sisto. One of his best takes I've seen.

This movie is going to allow you to look at death and those around the death in a much different, maybe crazy at times, sort of way. I guarantee you will be entertained with laughter and just enough but not too much drama.

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Much better than expected
Eric_Sjoeberg20 November 2005
I was going to this movie thinking that I was about to see a head-on point of view on sons dealing with the death of their father. But this is a much more subtle film. The death of the father gives the film a mournful background on which great comedy and drama will take place.

I laughed out loud at several places and it is indeed a very funny movie but it also contain some profound thoughts and lessons of life. I love the way the sons can't deal with the death of their father and instead are concentrating on other problems in their lives making the absurd wake even more twisted. The music is great and I love this movie to bits. It is a movie which is truly complex, funny and beautiful and I really can't wait to see it again.
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Dysfunctional yet witty Hollywood characters attend the wake of a famous producer.
laceyjaine14 November 2005
I can not imagine a funnier or more poignant film than "in Memory of My Father". I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my chair and I was restrained compared to the audience around me. Eric Michael Cole might be the finest actor of his generation, and I use the word fine to to describe both his performance and his looks. I think I'm in love. I know I am not the first person to compare writer/director/ star Chris Jaymes to a modern day Chekov, and I am sure that I will not be the last. His sense of irony and the outrageous combines flawlessly with his universal understanding of family friendship, and of course "the biz" to create a mix of "The Big Chill" "The Player" and "Dazed and Confused". I couldn't have had a more pleasurable ninety six minutes, and look forward to its wide release. I only hope my funeral will be this exciting.
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Finally, someone's thinking!! A rare thing these days.
mici5555 May 2003
A story of human nature... deceptively intelligent. A younger, more edgy Woody Allen. The performances are strangely human, it's difficult to tell sometimes whether they are improvised or rehearsed as the quality of performances are impressive. It's a movie that doesn't question itself.
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frazierfiles200516 November 2005
This was such a great movie. Very entertaining. Did not find myself bored for even a minute. Jeremy's performance was awesome and hilarious!! Christina was charismatic and beautiful as always!! Go see it. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed! I thought the entire cast did an excellent job. This film had the audience in an uproar. I took a couple of friends who aren't into "indies", but had nothing but positive things to say about this film. I loved the way the maker of this film handled the topic of death. Recommended for those who love dark comedies. If you haven't seen it yet, you are missing out!! MUCH LOVE TO CL SMOOTH- Kat
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Surprisingly brilliant... Festen meets Christopher Guest
filmtractor5 May 2003
It's seldom these days that something is fresh and intelligent and instead of clever, emotionally striking. Overall, quite enjoyable. If you liked Festen, the Royal Tennenbaum's, Christopher Guest, Six Feet Under... it sort of has a bit of all of these combined.
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By far... the best film of 2005 and destined to be a Criterion Collection Film
yanivr26 December 2005
It seems the other comments talk plenty about the film. I will just add that I've seen the film more than one time and each time... it gets better. The nuances are so honest and the layers within the dynamics of the characters and the situations are so organic, it's a blessing that a film this good ever gets made. At first, it seems that IMOMF would be a specific type of film for a specific type of audience, however the film is one of those films that resonate in your body and stays with you, you find yourself replaying moments for days in your head, strangely wanting to see these moments again. It's honestly suitable for a pretty broad audience which is uncanny. A smart film that can reach a wide audience? It's still possible, and this film is proof of that.
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Real, intriguing, entertaining
beckystarr5 May 2003
The film was a combination of Woody Allen and the Big Chill, my favorites! Characters were real, story line intriguing, dark humor. Very entertaining. Want to see more. The script was so well written, very Hollywood and so raw. Good Job
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beautiful film
joey_mosbrucker31 March 2002
the fighting cameraman was great. he deserves an oscar and should buy everyone of his brother's a brand new car. this is a great film. better than "A Beautiful Mind"!! great casting and an excellent director. A+ film.
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PT Anderson meets Six Feet Under --- sort of
P-user24 May 2004
Very intelligent and subtle... a film that I think may potentially have a cult indie following. A sprawling ensemble where all of the performances are extremely layered and well put together. Probably a film that would be even better on a second viewing. Jeremy Sisto is better than I've ever seen him which is nice as I think it's time for him to get to the next level. Judy Greer is better than ever and pulling off the role of leading lady which hasn't happened until now. The Six Feet Under crowd will find solace and comfort knowing that films like this one are being made. Christopher Jaymes has done a tremendous job on all sides which I am always skeptical to say about writer/director/actors... so plan to see more of him soon.
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Enjoyable and Emotional Rollar Coaster
chlo1417-120 June 2005
The film was a piece of Art, in every aspect. It gave you the harsh reality of everyday life experiences, with a edge of sadness, humor and light. A film that for most would have some relation to a time or feeling or instance that one has experienced. The dialog was intelligent, the cast was memorable and lovable, the editing was flawless. There was not an emotion that was not invested in this film. I laughed, I cried, I was shocked, I was driven to look within, I feel in love and I saw the hypocrisy in our society. A true delight from beginning to end. This film I feel is by far one of the most eye opening, therapy sessions I have had in a very long time Congratulations to the writer, director producer of this film of the 2000's Christopher Jaymes
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If you can get your hands on it, see it quickly.
often_slow5 May 2003
I haven't seen too many films lately that make me think and this one did without allowing me to be aware that it was the cause for my perception alteration. Most films seem to suit a single category of people or audience, where this film strangely enough allows whatever state of being you are in at the moment to identify with what is necessary to comfort and/or irritate that specific emotion or question. It's hard to explain, just see it and you'll get what I mean.
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Great indie flick... glad i saw it!
mike1478024 September 2005
Having been dragged to many indie films, some good and some bad, I was somewhat hesitant to see this film when my friend suggested it tonight. Thankfully, it was worth the whole 10 smackaroos to watch a seamlessly edited mockumentary (i guess that is what it is?) that delves into America's affluent youth (I grew around kids like these...). Anywho, well worth it and spread the word about this young up and coming talent! And he's a looker too! :) The dialogue, in the words of the writer / director (there in the audience), was tailored to the actor. If you notice, the actors all use their first names in this movie. At times, it was VERY difficult to tell whether it was scripted or improvised (Chris said it was all scripted, yet he asked the actors to improvise a little... 85/15). Regardless, the actors came through with great performances and I can't wait to see what will come of this cool, hip, intelligent film.
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I'm still thinking about this film...
cloudfrench25 January 2006
Nothing in this film was what I expected...and I loved it. I was absolutely thrilled by the absurdity of it all. It's like what Tarantino tried to do right out of the gate and with any luck, Christopher Jaymes' future films will be just as unforgiving and delightfully "wrong" as this one.

An ingenious parody of a dysfunctional family at their dead movie mogul father's circus of a wake, documented by his youngest son and attended by numerous less-than-grateful relatives and suckling sycophants. Family members and friends seem to bypass grieving altogether and plunge headlong into self-centered yet fashionable breakdowns, leaving each messy little life raw and exposed. Don't expect anything in this movie to be neatly tied up with a bow, neither life nor death are like that.

The film is full of wonderful performances from untainted actors, refreshingly organic dialogue and surprising reveals that keep you guessing for its full run. This movie is certain to go down in history as one of the least "Hollywood" movies ever made about what living, breathing and dying in Hollywood is all about.

My recommendation, skip the trailer and go straight to the next screening. I can't wait to see this film again!
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absolutely perfect film
truffaut-fran14 November 2005
In Memory of My Father is heavy on dialogue and populated with a lot of characters. Those seem like big risks for a such a small movie. One bad performance or one false conversation could bring down the whole thing. But screenwriter Jaymes and his cast mates nail the characters and the dialogue. Director Jaymes keeps it all moving and makes the relationships clear.

More importantly, the movie entertains. Dad's death puts everyone on edge, so nobody behaves well, and nobody is particularly likable, at least initially. Though over time, the characters grow on you until eventually you find yourself within one or more of them.

All that remains to be seen is whether Jaymes parlays his ultimate success (it'll happen) into a career of outstanding actor showcases like an American Mike Leigh, or whether he'll squander his talent in the Hollywood grist mill like Edward Burns.
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A remarkable, radiant and unforgettable film.
Ben_Murphy11 October 2005
I had the pleasure of screening Christopher Jaymes' In Memory of my Father at the San Diego Film Festival last month and was completely swept off my feet. Possibly one of the most natural and well written scripts I have seen brought to life on the big screen. Full of raw, genuine emotion, this film puts the audience on location and inside the debauchery of "Dad's" wake. IMOMF is truly an unfeigned plunge into second generation Hollywood royalty. Experience three brothers coming to terms with their own quandaries, flaws, and failings amidst a bribe-driven documentation of their retired film producer father's wake. This film is brilliant. Not one single less-than-stellar performance made by any of IMOMF's amazing cast. Complemented by a phenomenal soundtrack (Belle and Sebastian's "Lord Anthony" never sounded so good), this film inspired me and reminded me why I love movies. In Memory of My Father is fresh, beautifully shot, deeply moving and at most times hilarious… a movie that everyone can identify with in some way. Christopher Jaymes wore all of the hats on this project: writing, directing, producing, editing, and starring (not to mention the great original music he did for the film). I spoke with Chris after the screening and wished him the best of luck, but this kind of talent needn't any luck. Go see this film. Nine out of ten stars in hopes that Chris will keep writing and directing. Plus the guy posts in his own forum, how cool is that?
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The setting:DEATH That special time in the lives of the living to unleash anger validate disrespect to ones elders and take a deep full swallow of ones grim reality
l-grijalva8 December 2005
I had the good fortune to enjoy a Q and A with the filmmaker tonight.

I enjoyed this films honesty and its refreshing perspective of the tiresome subject of human relationships fusion bombing against a bereavement backdrop EI (Big chill,Magnolia). This guy has a gift for what to edit out and show some confidence in his audiences imagination. I could not thank him more for keeping the dialog short,sharp and grasping hard on you,then poof...gone. Really interesting way of telling an old familiar tale.

A real joke that he had trouble with distribution. Not surprising though. We have to seek out a good flick nowadays,while junk is at our doorstep. I will certainly keep my eyes open for his book "Self Help" I believe. Though making a film like this is all the self help any normally addled person could ever need.
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This film reminds me why I like people
nodandsmile3334 August 2005
This film captured the essence of what it is to be human. All of the characters were 'flawed' in some obviously fundamental way, but they were extremely lovable and easy to relate to. It would have been really easy to fall into the trap of taking a slightly flattened caricature type and using their particular dysfunction as a laugh gimmick, but each of the characters were totally unique and round and real. At some point in the film each of them does something that could seem totally deplorable but we've been watching and not only do we understand why it happens, it seems like a logical step and we've probably been there at some point ourselves. It lends itself to be used as a tool in cutting yourself some slack. This is one of the only films I've seen recently that allows for dysfunction to be completely endearing. It's also rare to genuinely like all of the characters, and I do.

In a cinematic world filled with perfect protagonists and 'bad guy' villains with obvious motives, this film is refreshingly true to life. Watching it was a pleasure and I left liking myself more than when I went in.

Also, what a soundtrack!The screenwriter also wrote and performed most of the songs in the film.
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Made me want to be a better person... instead of going back to bed
bstarr10024 March 2006
It begins in a manner that almost pisses you off... if you hadn't heard good things about the film, or noticed that it had won a bunch of awards, you might even want to leave within the first ten minutes... however, it builds, and builds and gets more and more layered and more intelligent until you're wrapped up entirely.

Now, I want to watch the beginning because I will understand the humor from the beginning this time... don't get me wrong, the beginning isn't awful, it's just a lot going on and the characters seem somewhat unlikable... but that changes into an explosive honesty that moves the entire audience in some manner... mostly laughter, but at the same time subtly reminds you to look at your family and your relationships and all of the things that you don't do perfectly, and... yeah, well. that.
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This is undoubtedly a film that will polarize audiences...... a more manic version of "American Beauty"
filmjim-222 March 2006
"Memory" is an ensemble work that explores the lives of three sons as they host a wake for their father. Daddy dearest, an absentee father who put his Hollywood career ahead of his family, lies in state in the master bedroom and the lives of his sons are dissected as they intersect with each other throughout the manor.

Writer, producer and director Christopher Jaymes was given the opportunity to shoot a film in a Hollywood mansion that had once belonged to Samuel Goldwyn. He turned out a script in a whirlwind five days. A film that started as a place-specific opportunity turned into a people- oriented investigation into basic human themes of love, lust and loss. It helped that Jaymes had friends in mind for the cast — including Jeremy Sisto (HBO's "Six Feet Under"), Judy Greer ("The Village," Fox's "Arrested Development") and Matt Keeslar ("Waiting for Guffman", "Scream 3").

Like a more manic version of "American Beauty," "Memory" is alternately hysterical and heartbreaking, as the audience watches these men make life-altering decisions under the worst possible circumstances. Suppressing their feelings of inadequacy and emotional abandonment, they show no grief at the loss of their father, but instead turn on themselves, openly acknowledging their inability to have healthy relationships.

Jaymes turns the distinctive look of digital video and hand-held camera shots to his favor as he conjures up feelings of surreal imbalance and real intoxication that come with a bacchanalian wake. The audience experiences the claustrophobic feelings of having one something too many and staying up far too late, becoming a prisoner on one's own home waiting for people to realize it's time to go home.

In the spirit of a Robert Altman slice of life, however, the finale is not tied up neatly. After the party is over, the hosts are left alone to clean up various messes, mostly those they themselves have created.
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A black comedy about the classic dysfunctional Hollywood family attempting to deal with death.
jhyde856 August 2006
Chris Jaymes does an excellent job of giving his audience what the big studios can't seem to, a unique, enjoyable, worth your money and time experience with out resorting to throwing tens of millions of dollars into special effects for that "shock and awe" factor. While the movie is about a dysfunctional Hollywood family we all are likely to find a character or situation we can relate to particularly if we are from LA or NY. I've watched the film three times and have enjoyed it more each time. There is so much going on with the number of characters and fast pace, that it is difficult to pick it all up the first time around. Additionally, it is just one of those films that you can watch over and over again and I would bet that it will be a cult classic.
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