Weasels Rip My Flesh (1979) Poster

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is that a piece of gizzard sticking out?
Burntout16 March 2006
The debut film from underground horror film 'legend' Nathan Schiff. this is a crude little film...and that's putting it mildly. it isn't your typical B-movie. no, nowhere near. it's actually a Z-movie. as in, zero-budget. as in, no money was put into this and it shows and makes no bones about it. which is actually pretty cool with me. sometimes there's nothing better than wasting time watching total trash at 3 or 4 in the morning. except, i watched it at 10 pm tonight...but that's not the point. no, the point is that there is no point. to this movie. or review. if you really like ed wood movies, um...you still might not appreciate this. the only way you'll enjoy this is if you like z-movies. i mean this is horrid quality crap we're talking about.

the music is bad. the dubbing is bad. the editing is bad. the acting is non-existent. the plot is barely there. the monsters are laughably pathetic.

but there is some nice gore. very fake, but nice and gory nonetheless. they seem to really enjoy ripping off people's and things' arms. a lot. which became kind of tedious...but the final arm ripping scene in this movie is fantabulous. it made it all worthwhile and left me smiling and laughing. out loud. which doesn't happen often. unless i'm drunk.

OK, i was kinda tipsy. but that's not the point. like i said, there is no point.

it's only 67 minutes long so it didn't feel like an eternity like some z-movies. despite the low score, i still enjoyed this experience. i may even rewatch it one more time in the future. but not much more than that. it is after all a total and complete time waster.
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I love me some bad Horror, but this is just insulting
Tromafreak16 February 2011
If some teenage Avatar-obsessed Hollywood lover asks me, whats the big deal? why do you watch that B-grade trash? You know Roger Ebert would never approve. After laughing in their face, I would let them borrow something like Basket Case, or Blood Freak, maybe even an old John Water's flick. If they were really hard to please. I would throw something like Criminally Insane at them. That might cure their Matrix fever. The point being, if I aimed at turning someone on to the splendor of B-cinema, Weasels Rip My Flesh would not enter my mind for a single second. Only as a mean-spirited prank on a fellow fan of the genre would I unleash this embarrassment. This one just about ruins it for me, it makes me want to go watch the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy in HD. Nathan Schiff and his brand of unintentional spoofs of Z-grade cinema just defeats the purpose of it all. Why don't we all just stop buying movies, we can simply make them ourselves. Apparently anyone can. Movies like this are intended to earn grades, not money, or stars, in this case. Weasels Rip my Flesh is not B-grade, nor is it Z-grade. This home video is not apart of the B-Horror genre I hold so dear. I will never accept the weasels. It's a student film, period. Somehow, Schiff's second student film, Long Island Cannibal Massacre is even worse, mainly because it's longer. As for that other one about not cutting the grass, well, I wouldn't know, what am I, a masochist? As for the one about the weasel's... F.
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Weasel out while you can...
Coventry22 May 2019
Although I love crummy B-movies, I generally have a very low level of tolerance for homemade, amateur horror flicks put together by a bunch of drunken buddies that use a handheld video camera and everything they can find around the house for special effects.

In the case of "Weasels Rip my Flesh", I do have to express a minimum of respect and admiration for Nathan Schiff. Don't know if it's true, but allegedly he was only 16 years old when he mobilized his family members, friends and neighborhood volunteers to help by appearing in his big film-project! Schiff's obvious enthusiasm, and maybe the imaginative title, are the only positive things I can think of, though. Fortunately, the plot synopsis is carefully described here on the IMDb-page, because I didn't understand one iota of what was happening on the screen. The first couple of minutes simply contain images of treetops. Then, a pencil (which is supposed to be a rocket ship) crashes into a pond (which is supposed to be the ocean) and loses its cargo of toxic waste. Interesting, I didn't know earth imported or exported toxic waste into space! Two young kids pour a can of infected water into a weasel's hole and the critter subsequently turns into a humongous killing machine. At least, the title wants us to believe it's a weasel, but I can honestly swear I never saw one. I think Schiff used his childhood teddy bear to transform into a monstrous creature, or something. The first quarter of "Weasels Rip my Flesh" is inept and very bizarre, but, trust me, it's the most entertaining part of the entire film by far. After that, there a bloke with a hideous moustache pretending to be a police officer on the lookout of the two missing boys, but he ends up in the shed of a weirdo in a jumpsuit who pretends to be a mad scientist. It's truly boring from here, and I honestly could bring myself to listen to their endless talking, atrocious acting and monotonous body language. The only remaining moment that woke me up from my comatose state was a hilariously random shark-attack sequence during the finale.

Nathan Schiff made two other films before vanishing and ending up as a footnote in exploitation/cult horror history. "Long Island Cannibal Massacre" (1980) is also lousy amateur guff, but at least a progression curve is noticeable. I haven't seen "They Don't Cut The Grass Anymore" (1985) yet.
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I Rather Enoyed It!
Pretentious_crap10 June 2010
While it's easy to knock on the paper mache monsters which ooze red gelatin and giblets nicked from a butcher shop's dumpster,keep in mind when viewing this movie Nathan Schiff made this as a high school student during 1979-- the age before digital camera and film editing software.I remember in high school when I tried to make movies that it was pretty hard to plan everything out, and to get people together to participate. I never got as far as Schiff did with "Weasels Rip My Flesh". What I find interesting is that he actually got adults to participate in this film, and his characters had motivation!

I'd compare this feel of this movie to something like a Polonia Brothers film, however this of course was made before the digital age by a high school student, and wasn't intentionally made to be bad.The badness of this movie is almost excusable, but still enjoyable because the pace stays at sort of jogging speed throughout the film.

I recommend "Weasels Rip My Flesh" to a select type of people, namely those who are fans of low-budget film, who understand a thing or two about movie making, who love to laugh, and who love drinking beer in the company of like minded people.
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Ultra low-budget gore flick.
HumanoidOfFlesh24 January 2005
"Weasels Rip My Flesh" is an entertaining,albeit extremely low-budget debut of Nathan Schiff,the New York film-maker behind "Long Island Cannibal Massacre" and "They Don't Cut the Grass Anymore".A NASA shuttle collects some goop that looks like egg yolks from Venus then,on the way back,crashes into a pond and its radioactive contents end up all over a weasel that looks like a deformed teddy bear.Two cops stumble upon a secret lab and do battle with a mad scientist Dr.Sendam,who performs an experiments with the weasel's blood."Weasels Rip My Flesh" is a homemade horror film that certainly delivers plenty of cruddy gore.The sound sucks,the acting is awful and the script is hilariously bad,but if you like Z-grade horror cinema give this one a look.5 out of 10.
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capncrusty4 March 2008
Quite possibly the worst movie ever made. EVER. Seriously. Well into the negative stars for worst plot, worst acting, worst monster, worst special effects, worst mad scientist, worst illicit laboratory, worst secret agents, and worst accents--New Yawk positively dripped from each syllable. Okay, maybe Joisey, too. Overall, I'd have to say that if a dozen mentally-deficient eight-year-olds on a terminal sugar-and-Ritalin binge had made "Weasels Rip My Flesh (more accurately, "Movie Ate 75 Minutes of My Life") with some WWII vintage 8mm film, a pile of butcher-shop leavings and a buck ninety-five, it couldn't have been worse. Ed Wood would have shot himself if he had been connected to this gobbler. It was made as a joke? Sorry, but it flopped. Whatever else you may do in your life, MISS THIS. Don't even watch it for a MST3K fest unless you have plenty of mind-altering substances available and a group of 'bots with absolutely no self-respect or taste whatsoever. Bad. Bad bad bad bad bad BAD. I won't even mention the blatant rip-off of the end-theme from "One Step Beyond". Okay, so I did. So sue me...JUST DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. You have been warned. I disavow any further responsibility.
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Cheap and cheesy enjoyable creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder3 April 2018
After returning to Earth, the radioactive contents of a spaceship fall into a small community in Long Island and turns the rodents into a breed of man-sized, vicious killing machines and forces a pair of scientists looking for the fallen spaceship into trying to stop the rampaging beasts.

Considering its resources, this one didn't turn out that bad. Among the many enjoyable elements to consider here is the numerous technical limitations that don't seem to affect the actual on-screen content. This one really scores nicely with the idea of the radioactive contents of a crashed space-ship being spread throughout a small community and turning the creatures into ravenous killing machines. It's a fantastically cheesy type of setup that might actually get played out. This one generates some solid action scenes here due to that, from the boys' initial encounter out in the swamp where it takes them out one-by-one to the hit-and-run accident that severed its arm. The remnants of the severed arm itself lead to some rather fun searching of the house to find it as well as the antics afterward that are certainly far more exciting than expected throughout there. The later half, where it introduces the deranged scientist and his plan for world domination using the contained radioactive chemicals in his work manages to bring about some exceptionally cheesy work. The whole aspect of his character appearing out of nowhere and derailing the general fun of the creature attacks with the scenes down in his basement lab holding them hostage and explaining his plan the way all good mad scientists do which in turn leads to the real fun here with the final mutations to arrive. Consisting of the mutated assistant that appears to sprout a rodent-like face and claws in human form while coming together with some solid action featuring all the sides brawling with each other in the ruins of the facility and really generating some solid fun to be had in the grand confrontation. From the emergence of the giant creature to the battle with the mutation and the series of foot-chases with the final mad doctor in the swamplands outside, it ends this one on a rather nice note. These here manage to hold it up as there wasn't a whole lot to dislike about it. Frankly, those here really tend to revolve around the low-budget special effects and presentation here, which is the elephant in the room with this one. There's some laughable material here, from chunky meaty blood, doll parts for human remains and obvious food substituted for spilled innards which is all completely obvious about its usage. The rat costume at the end oddly looks like it's falling apart from the beginning and the giant rat costume used for the creature's appearance is clunky, stiff and barely mobile enough to pose enough of a threat to the lone victim that's attacked. It's somewhat embarrassing, yet again the circumstances surrounding it do manage to give this somewhat of a pass moreso than most others. There's also the main flaw here of the needless inclusion of the mad doctor that does nothing for the film as a whole. It comes out of nowhere and seems to halt the momentum of the film to introduce this segment that doesn't really belong there. This was working fine as a creature feature rather than introduce this rather off-kilter segment, so placing it here is somewhat jarring. Otherwise, this one isn't that bad.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Not enough weasels and not enough ripping in this one.
Boba_Fett113812 October 2011
Never seen an $1 budget movie before? Well, here is your chance. Here is a low-budget movie if there ever was one. But what's especially shocking; it's not just only cheaply done but also horribly!

Of course I can enjoy and appreciate a low-budget horror flick every now and then, especially when it got made in the '70's and is featuring killer animals. But even if you're a fellow lover of the genre, you'll have to admit that this movie is just horrible and a complete waste of time, even though the movie is just over an hour short.

The movie totally looks like an amateur film, put together by a bunch of friends, after school was out. And actually, that also really was the case with this movie. I hope for them they had fun making this movie, fore I surely didn't had any fun with it and the fun also doesn't really show in this movie.

They obviously went over-the-top and overboard with things, just for the fun of it but this doesn't make the movie a fun one as well. It instead makes it look more like a clumsily one. All of the effects are quite horrible really and truly look like they came up with it on the spot and put things together from stuff they had lying around in their kitchens or garages. Paper-mache monsters, fake pink blood, a lamp that is supposed to be a space rocket and even a stuffed shark, it's all present in this movie. But summing all these things up makes it sound like more fun than this actual movie was to watch.

It's painfully obvious that none of these guys and girls had any experience with making movies, prior to this. They most likely had no idea what they were doing. It's not just the movie its concept and script that is bad and silly, in all honesty it's something that could had worked and something that has worked in other similar type of genre flicks but it's more so that the directing, acting, camera-work and editing is all so painfully bad. Nothing in this movie really clicks with each other, or works out for the movie and its entertainment value. It's just a total mess in every way thinkable.

Also highly annoying that you keep hearing the sound of the camera rolling. Once you notice it you'll keep hearing it throughout the entire movie. Also funny how they weren't even able to do a decent close-up. Every time the camera gets close, the screen gets all blurry. Not that it matters though, I doubt anything good was to be seen during its blurry moments.

It's so disappointing that a movie with a title such as "Weasels Rip My Flesh" completely failed to entertain. I at the very least expected some good weasel action but it ultimately was just all very disappointing and totally amateur-like.


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Total Piece Of Junk
FoodTastesGood15 November 2007
This movie is a total piece of junk. It was shot on what looks like 8 millimeter film(not sure though). It looks like it was somebody's student film. I think that this is the worst movie I've ever seen, and I've seen some pretty bad movies. I can't believe that this movie is out on DVD, it's so bad. The plot has something to do with a giant rabbit or something, I don't know. I pretty much fast forwarded through the movie because it was so unbelievably bad. This movie has to be one of the worst ever made. I believe that the sound quality is bad and messed up too. The movie also had bad edits, I believe and poor special effects. I guess that the movie would be decent for a student film. They say that Ed Wood's movies are bad. This movie makes Wood's movies look like "Casablanca". It's a no-budget movie. I would recommend this movie to people only for them to see the world's worst film. It should have remained buried. Take care.
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Pure crap!
hall1983329 April 2013
Too bad there isn't a vote below the rating of "awful"! My God! I shot better short videos on camcorders! And with better make-up effects! This piece of garbage should be burned and buried in a secret land-fill! I am very serious! Why anyone would release this to DVD is a joke! If I ever see this DVD in any store, I will personally petition its removal! This is just stupid! I can shoot better optical effects by using toilet paper and water colors! And what is with the "monster". That is just ridiculous beyond belief! This may have been an interesting college art film in its time..yeah, right! But as a DVD release, it is an insult to main-stream film making!
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omg This is so awfull
johnc214123 May 2019
If you thought plan 9 from outer space and manos hand of fate was bad , This is a homemade amateur movie with paper bag acting no budget. The main character a villain calls a weasel a rodent . Sorry Charlie weasels are not rodents. Actually the best thing about this movie is the music soundtrack lifted from the blob and horror of party beach both epic films compared to this zero budget movie. I'm glad this was a short movie I couldn't bear another half hour . This is an example of how the poster makes the movie look enticing.Mystery science theater even passed on this. I say bad and don't mean so bad it's good it's so bad it's rotten. A waste of good movie film . I was generous and gave it one star.this is an hour and 15 min I'll never get back. Pop goes this weasel
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Weasels Ate My Script
stmichaeldet20 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So, you're thinking of watching Weasels Rip My Flesh, are you? Well, ask yourself this - how much pain can you take, bucko? 'Cause this ain't no ordinary film, no sir. Y'ever see one of those "outsider" art shows - the paintings with the cheap materials, crude figures, no perspective, and weirdly distorted sense of space creating an effect only slightly better than what's posted on grandma's refrigerator, and the highest praise you can muster is to commend the artists on their determination in the face of their obvious lack of talent or training? This is the cinematic equivalent.

Normally, this would be the point where I would give a little recap of the plot, but that's not really possible, as there isn't much of one. There's lots of nice, loooong shots of trees and brush, interspersed with scenes involving characters doing senseless things and then dying or otherwise dropping out of the film entirely. But, basically, a weasel is exposed to radioactive slime from Venus (don't ask), and goes around killing people. Then two Agents show up and fight with an utterly non-scientific-looking Mad Scientist in the least-laboratory-looking laboratory set I've ever seen in my life. The Mad uses weasel blood to change Agent Sidekick into a gray carrot-creature, the monsters fight, Agent Mustache fights the Mad, many people lose many limbs, the special effects department opens another can of Chef Boyardee, then we get the Lamest Shock Ending of All Time, and roll credits.

Of course, I'm leaving out the drunk college girls killed by a weasel-rabies-infected madman (which occurs before the weasel itself is mutated - huh?), the gripping rocket-to-Venus sequence, the two guys who dissect a severed weasel-limb in their kitchen, with tragic results, the unknown woman on a table in the not-lab, the bike-riding kids, and who knows what else, but none of those scenes really amount to anything, anyway.

If that's not enough to put you off your feed, check out the imaginative, yet ultimately pathetic, use of props. Hypodermic needles are stored in beer steins, pasta tongs (or maybe a hair clip?) serve as the Venus probe's robot arm, and my favorite - the duct-tape covered shoebox with "DANGER RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS" (or some such - I'm not going back to search the disc now) crudely magic-markered on the lid. Really gives you that high-tech NASA feel.

On the plus side . . . Hmmm. OK, there's a crashing-rocket's-eye-view shot that's kinda interesting, but only because it's hard to figure how they did it at their bottom-feeder level of production. The thick Long Island and Jersey accents of some of the actors are occasionally diverting. And, we get not one, but three Ron Jeremy look-a-likes in the cast! OK, one's kinda more Gabe Kaplan, but still, it should count for something.
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Impressive for a sixteen-year-old
Humdinger6918 October 2013
I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that Nathan Schiff was sixteen when he made this movie, and he was able to get adult actors and crew to work for free in his movie, now that's an accomplishment!

As far as the movie itself... let me try to explain it. The movie opens with a Manos-style opening sequence (though not nearly as long) with a voice that sounds like it was recorded over a phone reciting a speech about "life and it's purpose" that's way too deep for a movie called Weasels Rip My Flesh. Then two drunk girls enter a house, then get killed with a knife by some guy with frosting on his hands. After the opening credits, there is a model spaceship with rocks on fire sitting next to it on top of a black garbage bag. The movie then shows a guy walking in a completely black atmosphere and picking up a sample of green slime and puts it into a container. The model rocket then takes off into space and crashes on earth in the water.

As we find out later, turns out the model rocket was supposed to be a real rocket ship, and the rocks on fire on top of a black garbage bag, that was the planet Venus. A NASA space rocket was on an expedition to Venus to collect a highly radioactive specimen, and upon returning to earth, crashed into a lake.

Two boys then find containers of the stuff in the water, one of the boys gets bit by an animal, the other boy finds it's hole and pours the stuff into it (sorry if that sounds wrong). The weasel inside (which looks like it's decaying and was probably made with paper Mâché) gets the stuff on him and transforms into a giant monster and runs loose. Then some interesting stuff happens, I don't want to spoil it.

Some of the stuff I said in the plot description, you wouldn't know this is what is happening unless you rewound over and over again and studied the scenes hard because some scenes are shot in such a strange way or are so blurred that you can't tell what the heck is going on. I had to rewind the movie about four times before I realized that what looked like a pile of blood, discarded body parts and pus that then transformed into a monster was in fact the weasel.

Don't let that fool you though, I really did like this movie. It's really silly, surprisingly entertaining and it has a surprisingly fair amount of gore. It's really worth watching for the climactic battle and the ending alone. Looking forward to watching Nathan Schiff's other movie They Don't Cut The Grass Anymore.
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NickGagnon94229 June 2022
This film was made in 1979 but it has the look of a modern film trying to look like 1979. Its a ugly boring mess. No fun at all. Best to see any other horror film.
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This one's as bad as they get.
Hey_Sweden3 June 2015
A NASA space probe returns from Venus, carrying a cargo of radioactive goop. When it crashes back onto Earth, the goop is allowed to infect the nearest possible victim: a weasel. The weasel was already not doing so hot since it was rabid in the first place. It is then transformed into a big ugly mutant monster that claims a couple of victims. Not to fear, for an intrepid inspector named Cameron (John Smihula) is on the case.

Granted, it is cool that Nathan Schiff, apparently just 16 years old when this was made, was actually able to get this completed. That in itself is an achievement, especially if this little offering has attained any sort of cult status. That still doesn't negate the fact that, objectively speaking, the movie *is* a turd. It's a slowly paced, exposition heavy, terribly acted clunker with oodles of stock music, truly tacky special effects and splatter, and an inane script. It's hard to believe that "Weasels Rip My Flesh" is as crude as it is, until one sees it for themselves.

Still, it's somewhat fascinating in spite of itself. Hell, it's even pretty funny on occasion. Fred Borges is an absolute hoot as the deranged Dr. Sendam, who hopes to exploit the monster for his own ends. And it *does* have an absolutely hilarious twist ending.

Recommended only to the most patient and adventurous of B movie fanatics.

Five out of 10.
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The movie to see that artistically reveals man's tampering with nature!
mediaonme11 December 2006
This Nathan Schiff is a genius. This is not to be confused with Mothers Of Inventiveness corny album released 10 years prior to this wonderful film. NO! I still drink Lowenbrau. I will buy ANYTHING this man writes!! Nathan "The Genius" Schiff has carefully culled bright young actors, all of whom I am certain will rise to stardom in a very short time, a coaxed masterful performances from each of them!! And it is NO SECRET that Nathan "The Jesus Of Movie Magic" Schiff has taken the same actors and has yet encouraged sterling performances from these Oscar winners to be in his other stupendous sensations of the celluloid supremacy!!!
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A Different Kind of Animal
gavin694228 October 2014
Returning from the planet Venus, an errant NASA spacecraft crashes into the ocean, spilling its radioactive cargo. Enveloped by a radioactive mass, a rabid weasel is transformed into a gigantic killer mutant.

A film named for the Frank Zappa album "Weasels Ripped My Flesh", and directed, written, produced by a teenager with a Super-8 camera? With a budget of only $400? How can that be bad? Although that is some sarcasm, in all honesty, worse films have been made. Even Brian Ritchie of the Violent Femmes made a movie ("Red Eyes") that is of comparable quality, focused on blurry images at the Waupaca bowling alley. So, apparently, a 16-year old kid has as much talent as a world-famous musician.

You might mock the effects, the beast, but in all fairness some of Roger Corman's early work looked worse. This kid has talent, whether we like it or not.
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I can't believe this is not the most famous movie ever. ever.
lthisotimea22 December 2006
I am going to attempt to pack all of my thoughts and emotions within the 1000 word constraint. I stumbled upon this elegant piece of work online, and as soon as it started, I knew I was about to be taken upon a journey in which I had never experienced before. Never have I seen more compelling footage, acting, and just sheer brilliance within cinematography. The story line, which took so many twists and turns I could not believe, was able to wrap around every emotional fiber within me and just never let its grasp weaken. There is no way to even begin to give justice to this movie with words. It's something you just have to see and feel and experience and breathe for yourself. Get ready to take a journey like you have NEVER experienced. Ever. Ever.
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Ultra cheap z-grade movie.
jimy2321 August 2012
This was Nathan Schiff first movie he was 16 when he made it and it cost 400$ to make but that seems like to much. This looks like it cost way less then 400 this is one of if not the cheapest movie i ever seen. Nathan Schiff is the Director of they don't cut the grass anymore and Long island cannibal massacre like those and other shot one video movies this is fun to watch and make fun of and it's not to take seriously i liked this more then some big budget mainstream films unlike mainstream Hollywood movies it's no big deal if it doesn't become a success it's to small and cheap to fail. The movie starts with a rocket ship flying from venus and crashing to earth some kids find some toxic slime the rocket was carrying and pour it in a weasels hole. The weasel become mutated and gain the ability the grow its limbs into other weasels when them come off. A mad scientist catches the weasel and plans use it's blood to become immortal but it's rabid so he needs pure blood to mix with the weasels blood. Then movie is so cheesy the scientist lair is in a basement the weasel is paper mache the rocket is a small model the only animals in the movie are a dog and a rat that suppose to be the weasel.If your a shot on video or bad movie buff this is a must see.
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Gut-busting Grade Z horror splatter trash
Woodyanders26 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A giant mutant weasel terrorizes a small town in Long Island. Mad scientist Dr. Sendam wants to use the weasel's regenerative blood in order to achieve immortality while an intrepid government agent tracks down the foul flesh-eating beast.

Man, does this uproariously awful atrocity possess as the right wrong stuff to qualify as a real four-star stinkeroonie: We've got hopelessly ham-fisted (mis)direction by Nathan Schiff (who also wrote the nonsensical script), a slapdash narrative that plods along at a poky pace, lovably lousy (far from) special effects (the weasel puppet in particular looks uproariously fake), rank amateurish acting from a lame no-name cast sporting heavy upstate New York accents, oodles of cheesy over-the-top gore, ineptly staged monster attack set pieces, a cornball film library score, and ratty cinematography. Sure, this one is pure micro-budget schlock, but it nonetheless possesses a certain endearingly cruddy ramshackle charm that's impossible to either resist or dislike. An absolute hoot and a half!
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