Midnight Mass (2003) Poster


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Awful Movie with a Promising Beginning
claudio_carvalho22 March 2008
After an apparently outbreak of a mysterious virus, the world is dominated by vampires helped by the traitors Vichys. The atheist Gwen Waters (Pamela Karp) leaves the small town of St. Anthony in her bicycle trying to find the alcoholic Priest Joe Cahill (Douglas Gibson) and bring him back to her town to give hope to the human dwellers. Father Joe rebuilds the church with the support of some locals but is attacked by vampires and Vichys leaded by the evil Father Alberto Palmeri (Marvin W. Schwartz), in a battle between good and evil.

"Midnight Mass" has a promising beginning that explains what has happened to the world through footages of broadcasting news. Unfortunately, after the first three or four minutes, the story becomes a complete mess. However, the acting is the worst, with amateurish performances of Pamela Karp and Douglas Gibson in the lead roles, and with the ham actor Marvin W. Schwartz performing Father Alberto Palmeri. It is ridiculous the way he speaks the sentences, and I do not recall any other actor or actress with such bad speech. I ruined my Saturday night watching this crap on DVD, deceived by its great initial five minutes. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "A Missa da Meia Noite" ("The Midnight Mass")
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Good premise, very poor execution
jhs393 August 2003
Initially promising vampire movie opens with a montage sequence of television news programs detailing the death of civilization as we know it--a disease that starts in the Middle East and spreads throughout the world, wiping out huge swaths of population in every country as a result. By the end of the newscasts we find that the disease has finally devastated the USA and that the disease story was actually a cover--the real culprit for all the death and devastation was vampires. The intriguing opening suggests that this might be for vampire movies what 28 Days was for zombie movies--an attempt to inject some fresh life into a very tired horror genre--but then the movie proper actually starts and it takes about forty five seconds for all of that initial promise to disappear. Bad production values and laughably awful acting sink Midnight Mass completely. The script has some good ideas, but it hardly matters when the rest of the movie is so poorly made. Fans of evangelical Christian movies might enjoy this, though, since the material is quite a bit more aggressively Christian than most vampire movies--in large part the script seems designed to show a plucky young female atheist the error of her ways and make her pay in the end for her unforgivable lack of faith. While I said previously that the script had some good ideas, this wasn't one of them. If bad acting and Christian sermonizing are your thing, by all means see Midnight Mass. If you want to see a scary horror movie, take a pass.
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Midnight Mass: More like Midnight Mess!
Platypuschow18 August 2017
This not so epic vampire film tells the story of a shamed priest and an atheist surviving in a world where vampires have become the majority.

First of all let me be clear this is really terrible! The acting is laughable, the random overreaction shouty outbursts are hilariously bad and the movie is heavily pro Christianity which really got my back up.

The film almost felt like propaganda, I won't spoil anything but the way the film plays out really underlines my statement.

All round total mess and not worth the time of anyone but the most hardcore of vampire movie fan.

The Good:


The Bad:

The appalling acting

The heavy pro Christianity vibe
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Cancel Mass
Dr. Gore10 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers

B-movie's must learn to accept their limitations. You know a B-movie is reaching for the stars when the back of the video box promises vampires taking over the world. My spider sense was screaming at me not to rent this one. Any low budget movie that promises world domination is setting you up for bitter disappointment. "Midnight Mass" is no exception.

So vampires have taken over the world - B-movie style. We get to see a bunch of TV broadcasts at the beginning of the flick which assures us that the bloodsuckers have bitten the world. Take their word on it. This all becomes meaningless when the movie focuses on a small town church. Seems the local chapter of the vampire army has taken over the church and the priest who was running it wants vengeance. He's aided by the only atheist in town and together they will try to make their part of the world vampire free.

You know the movie is in trouble right away when they kill the hot blonde within minutes and let the overweight, droopy girl live on to torment the audience with her overacting. Who was the genius who made this decision? So she goes to get the priest and tries to shake him out of his alcoholic stupor. "Joe! We need you!" There were at least five scenes in which either Father Joe or our heroine overacted to the heavens. Was this their stab at an Oscar? I was cringing. I know I'm being mean to the lead actress but this inane movie brought out my fangs and claws. It's the movie's fault.

There is only one scene worth seeing. It's a thirty second S&M sex scene which has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the movie. Speaking of the rest of the movie, it's a shining example of B-movie lameness. Too much overacting kills a decent vampire movie premise. There's not enough gore or action here to make up for Ms. Hammy Girl and her attempt to bring home the gold.
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Midnight Mess
Citymars14 July 2003
Rock-bottom rotten. A promising premise (reminiscent of stories in "Under the Fang") and a somewhat creative opening few minutes -- tracking a vampire apocalypse from the point-of-view of TV news clips -- are red herrings in this presumably straight-to-video release.

Wherever the dividing line is between "low-budget" and "indie", this movie is well on the losing side. The acting is entirely amateur and ranges from the sub-par (for example, the goth youth collaborators) to the merely dull (alcoholic hero Father Joe) to the whopping ludicrous (Marvin Schwartz as a Catholic priest-turned-vampire). The direction as such is incomprehensible. A dreadful, rambling script is partially credited to horror author F. Paul Wilson, who also briefly appears.

Don't be misled by the colorful video box! This trash is impossible to watch in its entirety, and not worth the wear on your DVD player.
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This movie hurt me.
a7r24 July 2003
Seeing vampire movies is a hobby of mine. This is the /worst/ vampire movie I've watched, ever. In fact, it's probably the worst movie I've ever watched, period. It has all the traits of a bad vampire movie: cheap sets, bad special effects, and horrible acting, but somehow it became worse than the sum of its parts.

The 'intro' sequence was great. I got totally excited by it, and maybe that contributed to my total let down over the rest of the movie. The script is so awful, my words can't do it justice. The 'score' does nothing but exacerbate the poor dialogue. The acting is of the worst caliber. I could go on and on about how bad this film is, but why bother.
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Should be seen by anyone who wants to make movies.
movieguyangelus9 July 2003
Have your life long dream always been to become a film maker? Have you ever gotten depressed thinking that you are just not good enough and that your dream will never come true? I have found the cure for that depression! Watch Midnight Mass! When you do you will discover that no matter how bad a movie is, it can still get released! I really wanted to get some enjoyment from Midnight Mass. It is based on a short novel by F. Paul Wilson, author of The Tomb (one of the greatest horror novels of all time, which launched an incredible character named Repairman Jack). But after a few minutes, it became obvious that this is one of the worst acted, directed, photographed, and edited films in the history of cinema. I have sat through some bad horror movies in my life, Darkwolf, House of 1000 Corpses, and Queen of the Damned are some recent examples, but this one puts them all to shame. Mr. Wilson himself has a cameo in the opening sequence of the film, and he can proudly say he delivers the best performance. If watching movies full of pointless nudity, bad splashing blood effects, and really silly goth characters act sinister is your cup of tea, then you may think Midnight Mass is right up your alley....but you are still in for a disappointment as most the time the camera work and sound are so bad that it is impossible to figure out what is going on even if you have managed to stay awake. Avoid this at all costs!
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Smells_Like_Cheese9 January 2005
When I went to go rent a couple movies this week, I admit, I felt pathetic. It's been a long time since I rented a horror flick. I used to run to the horror section all the time when I went to rent movies. What happened? I don't want to think I am growing out of the genre. So what do I do to get back? I rented this piece of crap! "Midnight Mass" is a very lame B-movie. The acting is very horrible and the writing, I don't even know if there was an actual script. It was just so stupid. But now, I'm going to think before I go into the Horror section again! Thanks to the people of "Midnight Mass", YOU'VE KILLED MY LOVE OF THE HORROR GENRE!!! 1/10
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Shoddy everything. Avoid it like a vampire plague.
Captain_Roberts14 May 2013
The only thing horrifying is the script, and the acting, and the makeup...

Let me start by saying that I am a huge fan of the novel upon which this turd is based. The book? Fantastic.

The movie? Not so much.

Let us start by stating that referring to the acting in this movie as "wooden" would be to over-emphasize any realistic flexibility this cast has. Seriously, ventriloquist dummies have a greater depth of emotion.

Of course, then there is the fact that it seems every other scene is people walking around in the open, at night...you know...when vampires can get them? The vampires themselves? The only way they could look cheaper is if they were merely wearing t-shirts that said "Vampire" on them.

Avoid this stinker.
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Please save your money
doc346 September 2003
I rent this movie in DVD fullscreen format, I don't remember a vampire movie so bad it looks like a super-8 movie it has it all bad acting,bad lines bad filming Please save your money and dont rent it.
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There are worse things.
i_liek_chse16 November 2005
Considering this film was a) not written by the director, b) relied mostly on inexperienced actors AND crew, and c) had a budget that was clearly far beyond sub-par, i have to say it really couldn't have been THAT shitty. Honestly, if you've ever seen Reptilian, you know a bad movie. Or You Got Served. Or how about 75% of any of the massively popular movies out there that, let's face it, are only popular because they can afford decent actors and special effects to cover up the absolutely shitty writing -- writing which, in point of fact, the director IS responsible for allowing to be used in the damn movie.

Considering how little it had to work with, this movie could have been SO. MUCH. WORSE. It was a good effort, but sub-par equipment, actors, and well... everything else... kinda killed this movie before it even started.
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Great film visually, a bit wordy, overall well done.
otter072510 December 2002
Director had great vision, as well as, a great cimenatographer. The acting could use a bit more restraint. Father Joe is a good character played very well, but Gwen could be played better by anyone. The other characters are also well played. This movie has a great feel to it, you can tell the director knew what he wanted and pulled it off nicely. Defintetly worth seeing.
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Not as bad as some,good idea poorly executed.
stormruston3 October 2005
I have sat through this movie twice in the last two years, it did not get any better with the second play.

Lets start with the positive. A neat idea for a story, and the TV video opening leads one to have hope for a decent movie.Douglas Gibson was not too bad in this as the preacher, there is some acting ability in him.

Now on to the rest of the crew.They ranged from just watchable to almost laughable.

The special effects were OK for the budget nothing outstanding.

If you are looking for gore, this is not the movie for you.

If you are looking for good acting and editing, this is not the movie for you.

If you have watched most all the vampire movies in existence and still feel you need another, this is the movie for you!
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good insight into the 15 year old mind. One interesting actor
gseidman95416 July 2003
If you want to know whats going on in the mind of today's gothicly dressed, tatooed,, body pierced 15 year old, study this film. Some of the visuals are quite good. The best thing is actor Marvin Schwartz who plays the Vampire Priest.

His strong screen presence overcomes the competition from a beautiful blonde's pair of quivering bare breasts. I nearly got crosseyed from trying to watch both at the same time. Scwartz was great and i'm sure we will see more of him, he comes from the same place as Klaus Kinski.
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Frustrating junk
Poe-173 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Frustrating because this was a semi neat notion whose execution just ... came undone. The gang should get an A for attempt but I'm afraid every thing else misses. Badly. It stole from virtually every horror notion that came before it, a forgivable sin if it could run with the stolen merchandise but it, instead, limps and stumbles. This was an F. Paul Wilson project, which, despite Wilson's popularity, explains alot. Our leading lady takes a lot of flack in reviews, and she earned them, but her problem isn't that she can't act. She does nicely with the dramatic moments but can't carry the in betweens. The in betweens was the movie trying to address the philosophical and spiritual concepts and conflicts of religion vs. an apocalyptic vampire plague. Heavy stuff that could have been fun to investigate, or it could have been addressed as this film did and be merely uninteresting and unresolved. When the story tried to come together, the acting fell apart and when the acting tried to kick in gear, the story dissolved. The movie built a golden opportunity, never before done as far as I know, hinted and foreshadowed at it for half the movie but chose to ignore it when the time came to deliver. *****************MAJOR SPOILER ALERT********************* Our defrocked priest is several times challenged with "Do you think you could resist the hunger if you became a vampire?", to which he promises he could. This is repeated enough times you just know it has to be a plot element and maybe the film's one redeeming feature but when the time comes, our priest never has to test his metal. It never happens! Wow, what a way to condense all he film's philosophical and religious pontification into end scenes with the vampire priest slamming his faith against his undead hunger. What a loss. That scene needs to happen in a film. It's a whale of a horror idea. But, nope, too much weight for this film's mastermind to carry. ****************END OF SPOILER****************************** There are neat nuances like much ugly vampires whimpering and whining for their food in a very original way and fight scenes with only noise and music but no fighting. Off screen scenes that needed to be on screen and on screen things that would be tons more effective off screen. High promise and no delivery. This kind of film is frustrating because of what it could have been. It needs to be remade by competent hands. But it won't. Too bad.
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One of the worst "B" movies I've ever seen.
FiendishDramaturgy26 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about "Midnight Mass?" Well, the plot...wait...WAS there a plot?

I've dubbed a few movies "the worst," but nothing I've ever seen (aside from Brain Dead productions) has ever come close to topping this crap-fest. It's one of those rare things that you have to see, to believe.

The acting quality was non-existent (really), the directing was atrocious (what there was of it); the storyline was not just weak, it was dead and buried long before they even SHOT this thing; the sets appeared to have been put together by a group of nine-year-olds and the effects were the worst I have seen in a long, LONG time.

This flick was a complete waste of film and of my money in renting it.

There was not a single redeeming factor about this flick. Not one.

It gets a 0.1/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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bordentownfilms31 March 2004
If my one-word summary drew you in to read this, making you think this would be a rave review of this horrendous piece of trash, then you know how I felt when I picked up the box for this movie, thought it might be cool and watched it. This is easily the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life.

I can't really talk about the plot because whenever I think about the storyline of this ridiculous excuse for cinema, I suffer alternating waves of nausea and fatigue.

I racked my brain, trying to figure out how this movie could've been made--because, quite simply, it defies logic. Then one day, I awoke from a dream, and before my mind was a vision. And then, o! how clear it was! The answer was given to me, and now, I must tell it to you.

One day, a magic ape escaped from the zoo. During its adventure in the outside world, the ape found a winning lottery ticket blowing around in the street. Since primates can't collect lottery winnings, the magic ape befriended a local neighborhood boy whom nobody played with and was in need of a heart transplant. The ape and the boy adored each other and became the dearest of friends. The magic ape then gave the ticket to the boy's father to collect the winnings for him. But before they could make it to the local convenience store, the zoo keepers caught up with the ape!

During the capture, it was discovered that the ape and the boy were the same blood type and that the boy could receive the transplant of the magic ape's heart. While they were lying in the pre-op room, both beast and boy on the table, the boy's father leaned in close and whispered to the ape, "What should I do? Tell me!" The ape then let out a series of grunts and murmurs that the boy's father loosely interpreted as the premise for a horror film about vampires taking over the world, as well as instructions for using the lottery winnings to finance said film.

I don't know if the kid lived or not, but his stupid father sure did get this atrocity filmed and distributed.

This was yet another in a series of ridiculous movies I have intentionally rented to make good on my vow of revenge against my friend Marc for making me watch equally bad films. This one definitely would've done the job--had the frumpy heroine and bad dialogue not put him to sleep instantly.
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Probably the worst movie I've ever seen
drumtom5899 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
this atrocity is somehow a cinematic production? who the hell thought to produce this garbage? there is close to NO plot, the actors couldn't do a worse job, the "bad" priest sounds like freaking homestar runner, and its OK, you can have 7 things going on at once, no one will be confused. the TV broadcasting idea was good in the beginning except you can see the frightened reporters read right off the lines.how the atheist becomes Christian because she repairs a cross? wow, touching. it would've been more touching if you know, she knew how to act.

My recommendation for this movie is to obliterate any trace of its existence, director, and anyone who had to do anything with its unfortunate spawning from an old mans rectum.
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Christian propaganda in the guise of a horror film
arcticcarrot13 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I posted a review of this film in my blog, "Good Things About Bad Movies." But I feel a need to place it here on IMDb as well. So here you go:

Holy moly, Midnight Mass is a terrible movie. But it's in the category of So-Bad-That-It's-Good. First off, it's Christian propaganda wrapped in the guise of a horror film. And like most Christian propaganda, there's nothing subtle about it. It's about as subtle as Mel Gibson (remember him?). I expected characters to turn and look into the camera and say, "It's up to you to turn this world back to a God-fearing Christian world." They do almost as much.

That aside, this film has probably the worst group of actors ever assembled - and i'm including all groups of actors, even third-graders performing a grammar school holiday play. Clearly, it was some Christian group who got a hold of film equipment and money, but decided to do the acting themselves.

The two heroes of the film are Gwen, who is referred to as "the town atheist," and her friend Joe, a fallen priest. Will they both find their way back to the church by the film's end? Of course.

The story combines the vampire legends with the zombie scenario. Basically, the world is overrun with vampires, and there are very few people left. Society has completely broken down.

So how did Gwen, who is on the heavy side, survive this long? Seriously. She seems to have trouble walking. It's both hilarious and painful to watch her move on the screen. Her body seems to be going in several directions at once, and to add to that, she likes to flail her arms around while "acting." And the director (who perhaps subconsciously hated this poor woman) has her running in a couple of scenes, and walking on sand in another scene. And he has her riding a bicycle. Basically he does everything he can to make her look even worse.

Every time she's on screen, all i could think was, "How is this one of the few people who have survived?" She never sleeps. She carries no provisions. She has no survival plan. She has no place to hide during the night. In fact, she just wanders around at night when the vampires are out. She has no weapons (except of course for a large cross that she wears, even though she's an atheist - a cross which sometimes disappears for a few scenes, then reappears). And she can't run, or even walk well. She has no skills whatsoever. How has she survived? The only clue we get to her survival is at the beginning of the film, when a group of humans who serve the vampires capture her (easily). They're about to put her in their car, when they see a more attractive blonde and decide to get her instead, figuring they can always come back and get the fat girl later. So basically the vampires aren't interested in her. Poor girl, you get the idea that no one has ever been interested in her.

When the characters aren't preaching to the audience (and even sometimes when they are), there are some hilarious lines in this film. Like this line from Gwen: "I'm okay. As okay as I can be sitting in a Catholic church eating stew." And there is a girl, Mickey, who laments that she used to think vampires were cool and that Anne Rice was cool and on and on, but now sees how wrong she was. And then she blurts out, "I never wanted to see a dead baby." Not that we've seen any dead babies on screen or anything, or that any have been mentioned up to now.

And it seems that Mickey, before she returned to the church, was involved in a lesbian relationship with one of the vampires' servants. The only thing more frightening to Christians than vampires is of course gay people. But Mickey is over that bit of nastiness and has repented.

This movie also has - and this blew me away - a musical montage scene where the priest and the atheist and a few other people clean up the church to restore it to a proper Christian place. They remove corpses and rebuild crosses and on and on - it's like those wonderful 1980s montages where in the span of one song, a group of characters completes some impossible task. I never expected a scene like that in this film.

And of course because uptight Christians are really doing their best to hide their repressed desires, there are wonderful twisted sex scenes with flagellation and cutting and fur restraints (which i totally want, by the way). Of course, it's the "bad guys" who engage in such behavior - but it's clear that the filmmakers really enjoyed these scenes. They seemed to take more care on these than on any other scenes. Ah, if only these silly bastards could admit their true desires, the world would be a better place.

This insane pile of propaganda was directed Tony Mandile, who also co-wrote the script and even appears as an actor in the film. Ouch. This is the only film Tony directed, amen. And this is the only film that Pamela Karp (who plays Gwen) ever appeared in. Amen again.
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Simply dreadful
KillerCadugen13 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of F. Paul Wilson. I think "The Keep" is one of the best horror novels ever written (I read it at least twice a year) and I think his Repairman Jack character is the best character in modern horror fiction.

But this script for Midnight Mass was simply dreadful. Beyond dreadful. When I picked this up, I didn't have a lot of high hopes because of some of the negative comments I saw on IMDB. But I am often at odds with what people say, so I went ahead anyway.

(Some very minor spoilers ahead)

The script, again, was dreadful. The acting was beyond awful (the female lead should never, ever act again). And the simple logic of the events taking place on the screen was stupid (two people walking along a darkened roadway NOT getting attacked by vampires ... a woman seeing Goths attack another woman and seeing the Goths see her and then NOT running away?).

I have always wanted Repairman Jack to come to the big screen, ideally in "The Tomb." But since the film version of "The Keep" was so bad and "Midnight Mass" was so awful, I'm not sure I want to see it anymore.
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Highly disappointed
originalvampire11 October 2007
I'm a fan of F. Paul Wilson. I'm a die-hard Repairman Jack fan and I certainly hope that when he decides to put Jack in an actual film, he won't allow the dick(s) that massacred this story to do it. The novel Midnight Mass was truly an ass-kicker. So many of the critical characters were left out of this film. It is not hard to write a script from a novel and maintain all or at least most of the characters. The only positive thing I can say about this film is the lead in sequence of news footage. That was the best way to describe the vampire takeover of the world. The rest of it, needs to go back to the drawing board. This was obviously a rushed project without any serious thought being given to the book. F. Paul Wilson should be ashamed and the writers of this script should have a foot put up their asses and given a twist!
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Please read the novella, ignore the movie and the novel
kaiju022 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Please be aware, my review is very biased, as I fell in love with the writing of F Paul Wilson many years ago. As far as I am concerned the novella "Midnight Mass" (available in many different collections) is one of the finest vampire stories ever written. I have read that Wilson was happy with this adaptation, and I can appreciate that, but I'm going to call this out as one of the worst, and I mean the very worst "films" I've ever seen. A story as good as "Midnight Mass" deserves a better effort than this one.

There are those who object to the "pro-christian" slant this movie takes. I have a difficult time understanding that. As an atheist who adores the mythology of the vampire, one cannot ignore the relationship between Christianity and the European vision of the vampire. I love it! I love the idea that something as simple and yet complicated as faith can be the greatest weapon against evil. Read the story and tell me that the sequence involving the transmogrification isn't amazing. To actually witness what amounts to a modern miracle is a fascinating concept. Tie that in to the concept that vampires have weaknesses against that which is Holy and you've got an amazing story. I strongly urge you to read the novella and the other works of Wilson, I'm a huge fan. Remember, if we buy enough of his books, Hollywood will finally commit to making a decent version of one of his works, right?
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The first horror movie ever to mean something
geritol011 July 2003
Not to knock an entire genre of films, but horror movies have traditionally been pointless exercises in gore. Until now. Midnight Mass is the most (again, perhaps the only) thought-provoking horror film ever made. Its combination of extensive spiritual self-examination with good old-fashioned gore makes it essential viewing for anyone with over 100 minutes left to live.
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Midnight Mess
mazzy191929 July 2003
this movie was terrible. I didn't even finish watching it because it was not scary at all it was gruesome and very predictable. They made vampires look dirty and unworthy. Well at least in my opinion they should make vampires look beautiful because that's how they really should look.
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Like watching a train wreck
HorrorFan7217 July 2003
Like watching a train wreck

Horrible, but you couldn't stop watching it. The first few minutes are an eerie prelude to a pathetic B- movie. An excellent story and idea As I watched this movie I kept hoping to see something get better, I kept wanting and hoping for the movie to be what I wished it would be. Maybe because there were some honestly well done shots in the film, like when the priest is giving a last prayer to a group of dead bodies. 10 minutes into the movie we placed bets that the leading lady got her job by being someone's daughter. Her acting, only matched by the vampire priests, shadowed even the pathetic make up effects. The fight scenes were laughable and made no sense.

An exercise in frustration. With all that's done right, and all that's done wrong, this film should be watched as a lesson in what not to do in filmmaking.
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