WWE Vengeance (2005) Poster

(2005 TV Special)

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An Above Average WWE PPV. Angle vs Michaels II Was The Highlight.
BunkhouseTito27 June 2005
Vengeance 2005 was above average for today's WWE pay-per-views. On paper, it looked as though only 6 matches would detract from the show but at a closer look, three of those matches could main event any show the WWE puts out and two of the others were strong matches in themselves. Most of the matches were given more time to build a better story and allowed the fans to soak it all in.

MATCH REVIEWS - Once again I'll try to keep it short and spoiler free.

INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP Carlito (Champion) vs Shelton Benjamin This was a good, solid match that was almost as good as their match on RAW previously. Although this was good, it seems that these two wrestlers could have a match that is much better and that they just don't click together in the ring. Hopefully, they can get used to working with each other and give us the match I know they want to have.

Victoria vs Christy Hemme This was the gratuitous and time-filling ladies match. Victoria did an excellent job of carrying Christy to easily her best match (shouldn't have been too hard to top her previous ones). I think Christy must have been working pretty hard as I can see vast improvement since her WrestleMania match. Is it just me or does anyone else think that Christy is even hotter when she looks angry?

Kane vs Edge with Lita Again, I think a solid match but could have been better. Lita is debuting her new "Slut of the Century" gimmick and I must say, she looked the part (and I'm not complaining). This match was littered with "We Want Matt", "You Screwed Matt" and "She's A Crack Whore" chants, which seemed to upset Lita (especially the crack whore one). Throw in some needless Gene Snitsky interference and you have your match. They could have done better here.

Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle This was, like WrestleMania, the match of the night and where the entire show began to pick up. Angle vs Michaels II was another match where it seemed nothing could go wrong. I have read reports saying this match was on par with their WrestleMania match but I believe it was not quite at that level, although still a great match and definite Match of the Year candidate. Michaels seemed to be injured at the end but still put on a great match. If you have not seen Vengeance 2005, then this match alone is worth it.

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP John Cena (Champion) vs Christian vs Chris Jericho This was one of Cena's better matches, possibly his best. How can he go wrong with Christian and Jericho in there with him? I think Cena has gotten a bad reputation as a worker and I believe he is better than being given credit for. It seems that certain wrestlers expose his weaknesses while others can cover them up, which is the mark of a great wrestler. Jericho and Christian both fall into this category. This was a great Triple Threat match. Hopefully, Christian gets his due. He is deserving of a nice push.

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP HELL IN THE CELL MATCH Batista (Champion) vs Triple H Batista is obviously learning a lot from wrestling guys like Triple H and Kurt Angle, among others. He has been put on the fast track and is forced to learn quickly. He's not the greatest worker but he fits the part of a world champion in a big way. Triple H wanted to prove he could do a hardcore match in the WWE style and make it good. This was a good, bloody match. Along the way, we saw some barbed wire chairs, sledgehammers and the ring stairs being used. When all was said and done, I thought the finish of this match elevated the whole thing. That was one of the greatest match finishes I have seen. It even had me fooled.

Overall, the 3 big matches made the event worth watching. Both Cena and Batista are put in a position to make or break themselves. Obviously, the odds are with Batista more than Cena, being backed by Triple H and all, but I think there is room there for both of them. I think Cena needs to work on new ways to finish his match. The FU is becoming like Hulk Hogan's leg drop. That was the only way Hogan knew how to finish a match. Given that there were not much in time restraints, the matches were better which made the event better, above average even. 8.5/10
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Raw delivers big time at Vengeance
stitch_198120 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever doesn't think there is a difference between Smackdown! pay-per-views and Raw pay-per-views just needs to take a look at Vengeance 2005 for proof.

This was an extraordinary one brand only event. The best since Backlash 2004. Every match was entertaining, including Hemme and Victoria. I found the fight between Edge and Kane was highly entertaining. The WWE Championship with Raw's new boy John Cena against Christian and Chris Jericho was excellent. That is the results you get when Cena is in the ring with great workers who can carry him. If only he was able to pull of a better match at WrestleMania 21.

Speaking of WrestleMania 21, the big rematch between Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle did not disappoint. All be it, it wasn't as great as their epic battle at WM21 but it had me on the edge of my seat from the opening bell. These two are simply the best workers in the WWE at present. I can't wait for the decider.

Hell in a Cell was another match that didn't disappoint at Vengeance. The perfect way to settle Raw's main feud that has been dominating our screens the best part of 2005. The match was the best match in their three match series. It was violent, brutal, vicious. I could be wrong but I think this was the tenth Hell in a Cell match on a WWE event and I felt this borough back some credit to the type of match. Too many times lately (Nash/HHH, HBK/HHH, HHH/Y2J) it has felt the cell has been brought out just for the sake of it. This was thankfully one occasion where it should have been used.

Great event in all, Raw once again proves it is far superior. Lets just hope the remainder of the draft lottery gives Smackdown! some much needed talent on their roster.
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Vengeance 2005
Ikepoiyen66889419 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Easily the best one brand show of the year, though thats maybe because this was during the draft and cena angle had just moved to raw whilst batista was still on raw so both titles were up for grabs

1. Shelton Benjamin Vs Carlito(IC TITLE) IC TITLE MATCH

7/10 crowd are great in this match a good 50 50 feel. not much technical wrestling but good nevertheless...the ending though i believe was fluffed by benjamin as he literally seems to intentionally head butt the exposed turnbuckle.

2. Victoria Vs Christy

4/10 Trish isn't in it so its obviously not good ..although christys performance is her best yet..even though shes booed by the crowd.

3. Kane Vs Edge

7/10 Good Match . crowd ROARRRRRRRR at the ending, which is a surprise.

4. Kurt Angle Vs Shawn Michaels

7.5/10 no way near as good as their mania match, i also think some people over rated this match just because their mania match was so good . still a very good match. hbk delivers some really good sweet chin music.

There's a segment in which lilian asks viscera to marry her..godfather returns to a great ovation and viscera rejects lilian leaving her sweet pretty face crying in the ring.

5. John Cena(WWE CHAMPION) vs Christian Vs Chris Jericho WWE CHAMPI0NSHIP MATCH

8/10 Once again Cena performs exceptionally at a pay per view ..provides a quality piece of entertainment with a double five knuckle shuffle to Christian and jericho at the same time which the crowd loves..a few minor false finishes but nothing more but all in all a very good triple threat match. More entertaining then technical.


7/10 Was a good match .duh because its in a cell but the most OVER RATED hell in the cell match of all time... good beatings given out .especially with the barb wire rapped around the chair... a nice ending as well because you think something will happen during the match conclusion but it doesn't.
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Vengeance Critique
Randomstuff786454 September 2005
Vengeance was a pretty decent PPV which had some highlights and some downsides.

1) Intercontinental Match: Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin- a decent match,with Shelton, unfortunately, being screwed out of getting the title back. however there were some good action (apparently Calito is actually wrestling now).- 2/5 2) Victoria vs. Christy: wow...this was a pretty unnecessary match. This match also proved that Christy CANNOT wrestle and she should stick to posing and smiling.- 1/5 3) Kane vs. Edge: This was one of the better match (as opposed to the previous two). Kane finally got the payback he needed against Edge and Lita. I loved the part when Snitsky ran down and attacked Kane.-3/5 4) Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Micheals: Fantastic: the only word to describe it. It was an excellent rematch and I could have sworn that Angle was going to win and then i let out a yell of relief when Angle got a huge sweet chin music. This began the progress of matches becoming actually good at Vengeance.-5/5 5) WWE Championship: John Cena vs. Christian vs. Chris Jericho: A good match. The fact that it was a triple threat made it even better. The highlights were when Cena power-bombed Jericho and ending up super-plexing Christian. Of course, the way Cena used Christian (in the FU position)to hit Jericho and win the match.-4/5 6) World Heavyweight Championship: Batista vs. Triple H-HELL IN A CELL: The best match of the night. It was a very good match in which there was blood, violence, weapons, and a victorious Batista. This was the perfect way to end the HHH/ Batisa rivalry. The only reason i saw Vengeance was for this match. The best part was when HHH had the sledgehammer and Batista almost got destroyed but then Batista Bombed HHH for the pin. Overall, an excellent Hell In A Cell.-5/5
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WWE Vengeance 2005
wrestlingsitewebmaster3 September 2005
WWE must be proud of themselves. Vengeance was a fine PPV and all of the wrestlers worked hard. This PPV reminds me of Backlash in April.

Results from Vengeance are as follows: - Carlito defeated Shelton Benjamin to retain the IC title in a decent match. However I can't help noticing that Carlito sucks as IC champ and all of the other wrestlers who were very good IC champs such as Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon and the legendary Bret Hart must feel insulted.

  • Victoria pinned Christy Hemme in a fair Women's match. Yes you read that correctly Hemme was in a good match.

  • Kane defeated Edge in a very good match.

  • Shanwn Michaels defeated Kurt Angle in a scorching match. This is what I call wrestling.

  • John Cena defeated Christian and Chris Jericho to retain the WWE title in a decent match. Yes, you read that correctly again Cena was in a decent match. Perhaps Cena and Hemme are an item? - Batista defeated Triple H in a superb Hell in a Cell. Again HHH losing to Batty 3 times in a row makes this writer wonder if Triple H has finally seen the light.

Overall Grade - A
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nascarsucks16 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Match 1 Intercontinental Title-CCC(c)vs. Shelton Benjamin-A good match because Carlito has charisma and Benjamin has in-ring ability. Match ends when Shelton misses a Stinger splash and Carlito rolls him up with tights for the win. 5/10 Winner by pinfall and still Intercontinental Champion:Carlito Match 2-Victoria vs. Christy-Christy is hot, Too bad she didn't win. She should have. Victoria wins w/ the ropes. 3/10 Winner by Pinfall:Victoria Match 3-Kane vs. Edge-This was a retarded match and the wrong man won. I love Kane but he shouldn't have won this. Match ends when Edge tries to spear Kane but hits Snitsky (who was down there for some reason) and Kane gets a chokeslam for the win. Stupid. 3/10 Winner by Pinfall:Kane Match 4-HBK vs. Kurt Angle-Excellent, pure wrestling contest. Match ends when Kurt jumps from the top rope but gets Sweet Chin Music! 1-2-3. 9/10 Winner by Pinfall: HBK Match 5-Triple Threat for the WWE Championship-John Cena (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian-Great Match. It ends when Cena lifts Christian up for the FU and swings him around. Christians legs hit Jericho in the face knocking him out of the ring. FU for the win. 8.5/10 Winner by Pinfall and still WWE Champion:John Cena Match 6-I loved this match. Highligts include a steel chair w/barbed wire and Sledgehammer shots. Late in the match, Triple H hit a low blow and a Pedigree. 1...2...NO! Holy Sh*t! Batista kicks out. Trips can't believe it either. He goes for another one on the steps but gets a Spinebuster and then a Batista Bomb. He literally falls on top of HHH for the win. 10/10 Winner by Pinfall and still World Heavyweight Champion:Batista

Overall 8/10 would have been higher if not for Edge/Kane and the womens match
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Overrated PPV
gridoon21 January 2006
1) Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin (for the Intercontinental title). Shelton is a great athlete, but Carlito still needs a lot of work. His cheating tactics slow down the pace of the match. Eddie (RIP) also used to cheat a lot, but Carlito is no Eddie (not yet, at least). **

2) Christy Hemme vs. Victoria. More of a catfight than an actual wrestling match. Pretty intense, but not very good. It's just not believable to have Christy throwing Victoria around, and even though she is supposed to be the "face" of the match she gets booed by the crowd. **

3) Kane vs. Edge. This match is 40% Lita and her barely-there outfit (she is in incredible shape here), 40% soap opera storyline, 10% power, 5% Snitsky and 5% wrestling. Only thing I liked (apart from Lita) was the ending. **

4) Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle. Unsurprisingly, the best match of the night. Not quite the "epic encounter" promised, but undeniably good. Angle is a phenomenal wrestler, HBK is not in the same league (who is?) but working with Angle brings out the best in him, too. After their first match in "Wrestlemania 21", the ending of this one is predictable, but it is also fair. ***

Just when I was thinking we would get through this PPV without any stupid "comic" relief, Lilian Garcia calls Viscera (who could use some diet) in the ring, sings a love song to him and asks him to marry her, but just when he's about to respond the Godfather (who could also use some diet) appears and tempts him with his girls, so the "500-pound love machine" turns poor Lilian down. A total waste of time.

5) Chris Jericho vs. John Cena vs. Christian. Triple-threat match for the WWE title. Begins poorly, more like a streetfight than a wrestling match, but picks up some steam as it progresses. Cena was still HUGELY popular with the crowds then. **

6) Batista vs. Triple H. Hell in a Cell match for the world heavyweight title. This is a matter of taste. If you consider blood, steel chairs, steel steps, sledgehammers, barbed wire, chains, punches and clotheslines synonymous with the word "wrestling", you'll love this one. I don't, though I do appreciate these men's willingness to put their bodies on the line. **

Overall an overrated PPV in my opinion, no bad matches (which is rare), but also no really great ones.
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Very Enjoyable Show Honestly
morantjavonte21 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Vengeance 2005 Thoughts

Vengeance 2005 was the 5th Vengeance PPV event produced by the WWE. It took place on June 26, 2005 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. The show was held exclusively under the Raw Brand. Attendence was 9,850 with a pretty good buyrate of 420,000. This was the 4th highest of 2005. You can tell by 3/6 of the match card. This PPV despite being a Raw exclusive featured some talent of their last Raw appearances as this was during the draft Lottery which did not end till post this PPV.

Main event would come to the conclusion of Batista vs. Triple H feud in a Hell in a Cell. This was the rise of Batista as a top star and the feud against his mentor told a story. Cena was drafted to Raw weeks earlier got in a feud with Chris Jericho & Christian for WWE Championship. I remember Jericho turning heel around this time of jealousy of Christian getting title shot which I look back as he didn't really need a heel turn. They made it for him after attacking Cena after a brawl. Last Angle vs. HBK would go in a rematch after Angle returned to Raw during draft. This was pretty much the most anticipated match due to their WrestleMania All Time Great.

The Good - The main event was solid and it was one of the most brutal hell in a cell matches ever. It wasn't a top 5 best but it still delivered. The crowd loved it and Triple H did a good job putting Batista over at the end of this feud (Yep I Know). Only issue was it could have ended about 5 minutes earlier. Angle vs. Shawn Michaels was also tremendous. Not as great as the WrestleMania clash but it was awesome. Michaels as usual did great selling. The Triple Threat for the WWE Championship was fun too. All guys worked well and Cena looked great for his first PPV match on the Raw brand. As we know, this was Cena rise to the top. He also cut an amazing and funny promo.

The Meh - The Intercontinental Championship match was good for an opening. It did get sloppy at times though and the finish was cheap. Edge vs. Kane was alright. Match felt like an old match from 99 under Russo of soo many things happening. Many question Kane winning as the wrong man but still the crowd loved the victory as Edge & Lita at this timing were not well-liked by audiences for a real-life.....you know what. Last, while I loved the last 3 matches, I will say they all were pretty obvious on who would win. HBK just needed a W to make things even, Batista was clearly going to Smackdown with the belt, and Cena wasn't going to give the title up like that to people Vince wasn't favoring at random.

The Bad - The only bad match of this show was Victoria vs. Christy Hemme. Christy Hemme wasn't good in the ring and the storyline was a mess as Victoria turning heel wasn't making sense. We also had a segment that wasn't really relevent. Just a filter. Viscera and Lillian Garcia love story. Not really something to talk about.

Overall - A solid show especially for a B-level brand exclusive PPV. The show was hot and it might be one of, if not, the best Brand Exclusive PPV ever. The only thing that stopped it from being a near perfect was the obvious winners seen from a mile. Still fun show.

Score - 8 out of 10: Really Really Good

0 = Terrible : 1 = Bad : 2 = Decent : 3 = Good : 4 = Awesome : 5 = One of the Best of all Time :

1. Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin: WWE Intercontinental Championship - 3/5

2. Victoria vs. Christy Hemme - 1/5

3. Kane vs. Edge - 2.5/5

4. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels - 4.5/5

5. Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. John Cena: WWE Championship - 4/5

6. Batista vs. Triple H: World Heavyweight Championship (Hell in a Cell) - 4.5/5

Best Match - Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels. Batista/HHH is really close

Worst Match - Victoria vs. Christy Hemme

Most Memorable Moment - Batista's victory. Told a long story.

Top 5 Performers

1. Shawn Michaels - Outstanding Performance

2. Kurt Angle - Outstanding Performance

3. Batista - Great Performance

4. Triple H - Great Performance

5. John Cena - Looked ready for the A show.
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The best Raw PPV in a while
kliko40011 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely the best Raw PPV in a while. Almost all the matches were good, well not exactly all of them.

FIRST MATCH- SHELTON BENJAMIN VS. CARLITO FOR THE WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP What a great way to start Vengeance. Both Carlito & Benjamin put on a very good decent match. Carlito wins after Benjamin misses a slam & nails himself head first into the exposed turnbuckle {Which Carlito exposed during the match} which led Carlito to cover Benjamin for the 3 count to retain his IC Title. 6/10

SECOND MATCH- VICTORIA VS. CHRISTY HEMME Just a plain, boring Diva match as usual. Victoria wins after a roll-up on Christy Hemme using the ropes for the cheat win. 2/10

THIRD MATCH- KANE VS. EDGE W/ LITA This was a great match too. Kane & Edge really delivered a great match which they never used to in all their times in the ring together. Kane wins after Edge goes to nail his Money In The Bank briefcase on Kane but misses {Which accidentally hits Gene Snitsky who tried to interfere in the match} & falls into a Chokeslam by Kane for the win. 5/10

FOURTH MATCH- KURT ANGLE VS. SHAWN MICHAELS These two can seriously steal the show when they are in the ring together. Too bad their Wrestlemania 21 encounter was better than their second which was right here. Angle jumps off the rope only to get nailed by Sweet Chin Music by Michaels for the win. 6/10

FIFTH MATCH- JOHN CENA VS. CHRIS JERICHO VS. Christian IN A TRIPLE-THREAT MATCH FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP Great triple-threat match which showed Cena overcoming the odds. {Almost the whole match Jericho & Christian were ganging up on Cena.} Cena wins after using Christian to knock down Jericho, finally getting Christian & nailing the F-U on him for the win to retain his WWE Championship. 5/10

SIXTH MATCH- TRIPLE H VS. BATISTA IN A HELL IN A CELL MATCH FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP A very awesome, brutal & violent HIAC match this was. Both men tried to topple down each other with as many weapons they could find under the ring. Batista wins the brutal match after nailing a spine-buster on HHH on the steel steps, followed by a Batista Bomb for the win to retain his World Title & to be the first man ever to pin HHH in a HIAC match. 6/10

This was a very good Raw PPV indeed. Doesn't get any better than this, does it.

Overall: I'll give it 8/10 & a B+
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An Excellent Show, the Triple Main Event Really Delivered
carologletree24 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
2005 was a great year for the WWE, and this was probably the best Pay-Per-View from that year. The undercard was pretty solid and the three main event matches were all great.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Carlito (c) vs. Shelton Benjamin - This was a pretty good opener. These two are good workers and they have nice chemistry. The match was well-wrestled and was given a decent amount of time. Carlito retains the title by pulling the tights. RATING: ***

Edge vs. Kane - Surprisingly, this match was also pretty good. Edge managed to carry Kane pretty well and the match didn't overstay its welcome. Surprisingly, despite Edge's push, Kane gets the win with a Chokeslam. RATING: ***

Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle - This match had a lot to live up to being that it is a rematch to one of the greatest matches of all time, and it really managed to deliver. While not quite as good as their first bout, this was still another amazing match between these two. Their chemistry is still stellar and they really bring each other to their limits. Shawn Michaels gets the win with a Superkick in midair. RATING: ****1/2

Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian - This was a great triple threat match. All three men worked well together, and the match was filled with plenty of exciting spots. Cena was still getting used to main event status, and he put on a good performance here. John Cena retains the Championship with an FU to Christian. RATING: ****

Hell In A Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship: Batista (c) vs. Triple H - While their first two Pay-Per-View matches were above average, their HIAC match is fantastic. It was a great bloody war that moved at a blistering pace and had a brilliant finish. Batista retains his Championship and ends his feud with his former mentor once and for all with a Batista Bomb. RATING: ****1/2

This is a must-own show. It has just about anything a wrestling fan could want in a wrestling event, and it is a great showcase of how good 2005 really was.

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