Planet Raptor (TV Movie 2007) Poster

(2007 TV Movie)

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Good for a Couple Laughs
Droid_Gunner9 December 2016
If you go into 'Planet Raptor' expecting nothing more than 'Carnosaur' in space, I can't see how you'll be disappointed. The plot if awful and confusing, and for a movie that shows off it's titular monster in the first 3 minutes of screen time, it moves painfully slow.

The effects in the film are a highlight, for two very different reasons: 1. The CGI is offensivley bad. I'm talking 'Incredible Bulk' levels of lame. So bad, it's funny.

2. The practical puppets used, much like in the 'Carnosaur' flicks, are kinda fun and give off that 90's direct-to-video vibe. Don't know if that was done intentionally (I doubt it), but I enjoyed them.

Overall, the film is goofy, cheesy fun. Not a b-movie classic, but watchable.
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Review I guess
SecularTheocrat31 July 2018
I think my main problem is that the Velociraptors depicted are inaccurate and more closely resemble Deinonychus without feathers.
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nearly excruciating
priestdoxy5 April 2022
Only watched this for ted raimi... if you like one of the actors, i'd say it's worth watching. A little bit of eye candy is worth a little bit of your sanity... right? #TygonSupremacy.
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For the love of god, STOP MAKING THESE!
tdi-625 January 2009
It's made in 2007 and the CG is bad for a movie made in 1998. At one part in the movie there is a stop motion shot of a dinosaur that actually looks good, but this just makes the extremely amateur work on the CG stuff look even worse.

The writing, acting, directing and everything else in this movie is just terrible. This is as bad as, if not worse than Raptor Island and 100 million BC... pure crap! Again, as with the other movies, the only scary part about this movie is that it actually got made and is now being aired on the sci-fi channel.

I still can't understand how they somehow get people who do have some acting skills to act in these movies and then somehow get them to act as terrible as everyone else in the movie.

For those of you who are unsure, the other poster is obviously being sarcastic in his review... or he is one of the people who worked on this movie.
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Charmingly Bad
mooch101325 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The fact that the movie is named "Planet Raptor" really ought to tell you everything you need to know. Even before you start watching, you pretty much know in advance that it will involve some kind of dinosaur-like creatures that will kill people in amusingly graphic ways. The main questions answered by the movie will not be grand existential questions such as the meaning of life, or what is love, no, the questions answered by the movie will be:

1. How long will it take before the raptors start killing the people? 2. Will the people get off any good lines before they die and/or as they are dying? 3. Once the killing starts, will the more attractive cast members manage to escape (the unattractive ones are pretty much going to be raptor-fodder)?

A side issue will be determining just how bad the special-effects will be.

Anyway, having sort of watched Planet Raptor, I am pleased to report that as far as cheesy- bad Sci-Fi Channel made-for-TV movies go, this one is actually pretty watcheable. I don't want to bang my head against the wall, or jab a pencil through my eyeballs. I consider this to be a victory for this sort of movie. Sure, it's not what you could consider "good", but what did you expect? The friggin' movie is titled "Planet Raptor"!

*Very Mild Spoiler Alert* The answers to the questions posed above are: 1. Too Long 2. Kinda 3. Yes a. the special effects were very, very, not-good
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Raptor Island 2, and just as awful
TheLittleSongbird9 June 2012
I know it seems like it's a hobby that I rag on the SyFy movies. Trust me it isn't. I do keep watching them to see if they get any better, I do like to be entertained and I have once before if only to revel in their awfulness. But I couldn't do that with Planet Raptor. I disliked Raptor Island also, but compared to this (sort of) sequel it looks like an award winner. Planet Raptor suffers first and foremost from being cheaply made, the photography and editing are among the most choppy of any of SyFy's movies, and the special effects are abysmal, not only out-of scale and phony-looking but some like the dino munching on Steven Bauer actually look as though they were recycled from Raptor Island. The acting is just as bad, showing no kind of personality(apart from perhaps the end credits) or wanting to be there. In all honesty though, they don't have much to work with. The script is in extreme volumes of cheesiness and aimlessness, the story and action sequences are predictable and never exciting or suspenseful, the pacing is dull, the characters are clichéd and not likable at all and the direction is of lazy incompetence. Overall, a truly awful waste of time, one of about twenty plus times I have been infuriated rather than mildly entertained by a SyFy movie. And if I hear or see one more person trying to justify their movies' badness one more time, saying that it's meant to be bad(a typical cop-out of anybody trying to defend a disliked movie/show), I am going to scream, to me there is nothing fun about terrible visuals, flat directing, pacing and acting and completely uninteresting script and story, and while there is once in a while when these components are actually tolerable for SyFy Planet Raptor is not one of them. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Worst movie ever
moleculargal25 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of the worst movies of all time. The graphics were horrendous, the acting was b-movie and the effects were just plain Nintendo 64 qualified. You would think that they would put a little more effort into it. Of course, it is a Scifi channel movie so you have to expect it to be low rate, but this one takes the cake. Hell, I'm still laughing. So, as a shake-your-head in disbelief movie, this one does well.

Although it appears to have some 'known' actors and actresses in this, it is difficult for me to believe that they did not realize that the quality of this movie was worth their time and effort.

The graphics might have been good in the '60's or even early '70's but come on, this is 2009! I wont give spoilers out, let's just say that if you have played "Jurassic Park" on the Nintendo 64 you will be very familiar with what you see in this film

It is definitely not worth the 2 hours it took to sit through the thing
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How Desperate..?
tmccull524 October 2020
Steven Bauer. Vanessa Angel. Ted Raimi. How absolutely desperate these performers had to be to sign on for this piece of crap? They had to be in dire need of a paycheck. I can remember when Vanessa Angel first appeared on the big screen. She was supposed to have the makings of a major star. Judging by her performance in this movie, she has all of the makings of a mediocre short order cook at a truck stop. I watched this piece of bowel slime for about 10 minutes and turned it off.
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best experience of my life
mabraham-625 January 2009
wow, how can I even discuss this movie without tears coming to my eyes? It was surely the highlight of my year--nay--my life. As if the raptor graphics weren't amazing enough, the award-winning editors continued to use the exact same shot throughout the entire movie, even when the background didn't actually match up with the setting of the scene. Wow, what genius. And while the movie is full of plot-holes (for instance, a few clips of a t-Rex type animal where a raptor should be and one key moment where Pappy finds a torture chamber, screams "Colin's a girl!" and runs out) I will never forget the brilliance that is Raptor Planet. Thank you Sci-Fi for another classic.
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A little flawed, but acceptable
slayrrr66627 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Planet Raptor" is a pretty enjoyable and entertaining creature feature.


Receiving an SOS, Marines Captain Mace Carter, (Steven Bauer) Sgt. Jacqueline Moore, (Musetta Vander) Sgt. Pappy Mathis, (Peter Jason) Sgt. Krieger, (Florian Ghimpu) and Volkov, (Christopher Troxler) assisted by scientists Dr. Anna Rogers, (Vanessa Angel) and Dr. Tygon, (Ted Raimi) to investigate the signal on a strange planet, only to find it a deserted wasteland. When they are attacked by a group of ravenous lizards, they try to hold them off while seeking shelter in the area, finding a series of buildings that resemble Earth. Realizing that the creatures are actually Raptors and are trying to get them into their own traps, they try to find a way to get away from the creatures. Getting help from the last remnants of the Alien society still alive after the Raptor attacks, they believe they have a method for getting rid of the creatures and off the planet alive.

The Good News: This was a fairly by-the-numbers Sci-Fi Channel Creature Feature. That means that their isn't too much new stuff here, as it's a fast-paced, action-packed film with a fun sense about it, which is what's on display here. The action here is much better than expected, starting off in the film much earlier than normal and feels rather nice about it. By allowing for the first ten minutes to feature an attack, it starts the film off rolling rather nicely by injecting a top-notch sequence right off-the-bat, namely the attack on the separate members of the rescue squad in the old-time village. Following this is the big attack on the squad's base, which is essentially a shootout amongst the streets with the creatures and their surroundings. This is a lot of fun, with the creature's battle tactics of popping out of everywhere allowing for plenty of excitement, and the squad's all-guns-blazing approach being rather fun as well. Other scenes, such as the first castle attack or the scenes in the underground nest being rather well-done as well. The castle one features some fun battle tactics from the creatures in an attempt to get the upper hand, with the Gothic undertones of the building allowing for an interesting battleground. The cave chases are rather good with the rocky cliffs being useful, casting shadows and allowing for the pop-out as well as the off-screen sounds of them off in the distance, making for a greater and atmospheric encounter than normal. The second castle battle is just as good, with more creatures, better tactics, and the introduction of the laser guns into battle allowing for some really good moments. Also, not surprisingly, the film's at it's best when it shows the raptors as prosthetics rather than CGI. To be able to see a realistic head or claw on-screen gives the film far more realism than it normally does, and those scenes, brief as they are, do give the film a positive air to it. The last plus here is the film's blood and gore. Despite not knocking a whole lot off, the fact remains that there's some really great deaths when they occur. There's a couple that have their heads ripped off, one is savagely bitten in the waist to the point of falling in half, another is grabbed and bitten around the shoulder and another couple are shown to be dismembered and torn up, which isn't including the wounds inflicted on the creatures. Though not too realistic-looking, it still adds to the violence level. These here are the film's pluses.

The Bad News: There wasn't a whole lot really wrong with this one. The biggest issue with the film is the simply atrocious and utterly abysmal CGI here for the creature. Once they go on display, the creatures never once look anything close to realistic, mainly due to several issues. The skin color being changed is one, while the use of stock footage is another rather big angle that really makes it hard to take the look of these creatures seriously. Besides them looking incredibly phony, there's also times where they're out-of-scale to the environment. The big scene of this is the attack on the soldier's headquarters, which is just loaded with fake-looking moments. Besides the fact that they're completely out-of-scale through they're overall appearance, the biggest gaffe, through the stock footage, is that there's a shot where, despite being shown as human-sized before, a quick glimpse shows them as being big enough to hold a human in it's mouth and still continue on about another thirty feet in length, despite no other mention of such a creature's size before or after. There's just no way around the fact that it's CGI so terrible as to be so obvious in how fake it was. The only other flaw here is the low body-count for this kind of film. There really should've been more here, as there's way too many survivors and could've used a few more deaths, even to bump up the gore a little more as well. Overall, these here are the film's flaws.

The Final Verdict: Not a whole lot really wrong here beyond the usual for one of these films, so take that as a ringing endorsement or not. Really worthwhile for those that enjoy these Sci-Fi Channel Creature Features or just the lovers of badly-made movies in general, though those who prefer quality cinema should look elsewhere.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language
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Stop being serious about it!
jessedawson7026 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst movie I've ever seen, yet it was also the best movie. Sci Fi original movie's are supposed to be bad, that's what makes them fun! The line, "I like my dinosaur meat well done!" is probably the best quote ever! Also, the plot sounds like something out of a pot induced dream. I can imagine it now, the writers waking up after a long night of getting high and playing dance dance revolution, then putting ideas together for this: Space marines got to alien planet, which is infested with dinosaurs and has medieval houses in it, to protect a science team studying the planet. Best idea ever! In fact, in fits the complete Sci Fi original movie checklist: guns dinosaurs medieval times space travel terrible acting

So go watch this movie, but don't buy it.
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great scott
chrisspalla17 July 2006
dear god where do i begin. this is bar none the best movie i've ever seen. the camera angles are great but in my opinion the acting was the best. why the script writers for this movie aren't writing big budget films i will never understand. another is the cast. it is great. this is the best ted raimi film out there for sure. i know some of you out there are probably thinking "no way he has plenty better" but no your wrong. raptor island is a work of art. i hope it should have goten best movie of the year instead of that crappy movie Crash with a bunch of no names AND no raptors. i believe this movie is truly the most wonderful thing EVER.
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So goofy, it is watchable
Pro Jury27 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This review contain spoilers.

This is one of the most watchable movies currently sneaking around the free channels of Roku TV.

So much fun, where to start?... There is the concept: dinosaurs and castles! Please move along "cowboys vs. aliens" please step to the side "snakes on a plane" etc.

Also, the costume of the lead female character looks like it was designed by Mel Brooks for a spoof movie. I was kinda expecting her chest might have the power to hypnotize the eyes of excited raptors.

On one hand, the language is pretty much family friendly. Easy on the ears. But on the other, the blood-spurting head bite-offs are not family friendly.

PLANET RAPTOR would be better if it was one notch smarter. The characters do not barricade the doorways and use the stone castle, hight & second floor rooms to their advantage.

Last, because the movie borrows from the tech of STAR TREK, it would have added to the fun if the writers played with some aspect of the ST universe.
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me when the RAPTOR
schjohnwhon24 December 2022
Best movie ive ever seen tby youre all just haters i adore the raptor raptor is love raptor is life raptor is GODme when the raptor me without the raptor best graphics I've seen in all my years on earth pov RAPTORS pov no raptors i love the raptor great family night film great bonding experience for all parties involved jashtagraptorplanetfanclub making a planet raptor fan page follow my new insta pl4n3tr4pt0rluvr101hashtagiheartraptor hashtagcantlivewithoutraptor hashtagraptorlover hashtagme+theraptor333333333 hashtagpleasereleasraplanetraptor2fortheloveofgodineedthis RAPTOR RAPTOR TAPTOR RAPTO.
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