Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York (TV Movie 2006) Poster

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Not too terrible for a disaster movie
gtc833 March 2006
This is about a group of underground tunnel workers in NY who come across some molten lava while digging a new sewer. There's also a mad scientist who's conducting experiments in geo-thermal power which involves digging deep into the earth and using the heat to power a generator or something. That's what causes the volcano to start erupting. The woman who comes to investigate for the government just happens to be the ex-wife of the tunnel digger, and of course we run through the usual cliché of them disliking each other and then getting back together over the course of the movie. There's also a lot of time spent as some federal bureau comes in, shuts down the work of our heroes, and blames the whole thing on terrorists. Yes, someone has to stand in the way of our heroes doing what must be done, if for no other reason than that it's in the handbook of required clichés for disaster movies.

Overall, it's just insanely cheesy and silly, with lines like "They're screwing with the pressure of the Earth's crust". Another scene involves lava erupting out of a guy's house and killing 70 people, but the authorities are apparently too stupid to notice the lava (I would think it would be painfully obvious), so they think it was a terrorist bomb. I also got a kick out of how a wood frame house could contain molten lava - until the guy opens the door! The special effects are funny throughout the whole movie, it adds a certain B movie charm I suppose. I especially liked the part where a single pistol round is all that's required to reroute the lava from one tunnel to another. The acting is pretty spotty, the evil genius guy is prone to scenery chewing, and one of the female characters manages to pull off Mexican, Italian and Czechoslovakian accents over the course of her performance. The two main characters turn in good enough performances.

I say this is not too terrible - for a disaster movie - because there's no sappy melodrama involving kids, pregnant women, sanctimonious paramedics, or inner city gang members. There's no speech by the black or female president at the end saying "we should have listened to the environmentalists". And best of all, there's no little girl looking at a bunch of people covered in volcanic ash and saying "Look mommy, they're all the same color". Oddly enough, for a disaster movie, the "special" effects actually serve as a backdrop for the story, not the other way around. But still it's just so tiresomely predictable that it's hard to make it through to the end.
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Diasaster Zone: Invasion of the Demented Camera Guy
MartianOctocretr54 March 2006
It's hard to say which was more toxic: the magma or the camera work in this film.

Endless dart-in's, dart-out's, dizzying pans, rapid-fire jump-cuts, unnecessary point-of-view changes, and so on. It was like some two-year-old kid was playing with a video-cam. Irritating in nature, devoid of purpose, it has become a pandemic in made-for-TV flicks.

Once the bumbling camera movement has you popping sea-sickness pills, the movie introduces you to the same old assembly-line stereotypical characters rehashed on a hundred other made-for-TV flicks. You've got some Einstein-wanna-be scientist causing the menace, a bunch of blue collar heroes that are the only ones who want to save the city, a female scientist that discovers the problem but nobody listens, politicians who are breaking the law and not listening to reason, dimwits in an anti-terrorism unit, and a few extras whose only reason for existence is obviously to be victims. Two of the above serve as the obligatory divorced couple rekindling their romance while people get zapped by lava all around them.

Most imbecilic scenes: some magma burps a skull out, landing near some horrified witnesses, it's still (no, I'm not kidding) smoking like a piece of burnt toast. A guy opens a door, and lava pours out, like storage out of an over-filled closet. A fisherman catches a fish and says--oh never mind; you'd never believe it, anyway.

Anyone with an IQ over 30 would detect about a zillion scientific plot holes. If you want serious fare, skip this movie. If all you want is a cheesy disaster flick, with a lot of unintentional camp, then this one will fit the bill. Just be sure to have sea-sickness pills close at hand.
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Plot isn't bad
DaniKorkegi1 March 2006
While the plot of the movie wasn't bad and almost plausible, the camera work was extremely distracting and a bit annoying. The camera person seemed to zoom in and out and all over the place for no apparent reason. Saw something similar to that camera work during the 1989 earthquake of Northern California while attempting to film the World Series. Enough to make one motion-sick. Too bad since the acting was okay and the general theme wasn't bad. Special effects were acceptable. The movie was entertaining as far as disaster movies go. Probably wouldn't see it again but worth a peek if you can get past the camera work.
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Unrelenting camera jiggle, unending underscore, dead-ear dialog...DZ:ViNW has it ALL!
Mr. OpEd3 March 2006
Someone should write a book on how to make a Sci-Fi original movie. And Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York could be chapter one.

First question to the film makers: there were two fairly good Hollywood volcano movies in the 1990s. They weren't classic suspense / disaster films, but they had some ripping moments, good popcorn stuff. Did you really decide to make DZ:ViNW inferior to those films in every category? I mean, it must have been a conscious decision because that is the end product. It succeeds on not a single level.

Second question: since you have no inkling of how to build suspense, can't you admit that to yourself and give yourself an education; couldn't you at least hunker down with a dozen Hitchcock films and study how a master does it? He doesn't hit you over the head with LOTS of shouting of inanities ("It's going to blow," "We've got to get out of here," etc.) or have music hitting EVERY SINGLE MOMENT with some scene-to-scene scoring? Music is a spice, not the whole meal. DZ:ViNW's use of music is like chewing gritty pepper.

Did I mention "hitting"? My eyeballs were hit and hit and hit again with the most "look at me" use of photographic annoyances extant. Jiggle zoom in. Jiggle zoom out. Jiggle pan. Jiggle. Jiggle. Jiggle. And do it all every single second. It doesn't look like hand-held, either. It looks like the camera was attached to a rock polisher, a cake mixer, a pile driver – whatever was handy that could make the viewer queasy, annoyed, and distracted. So much for mounting tension.

And the poor actors (actually some pretty good actors). This brings me to question three: why not make it a silent picture since you have no ear for dialogue or how people actually speak and act in dramatic situations? Seriously, the best actors in the world can't make lead look like diamonds. Of course, caring about these actors in their roles is a joke. No matter how close they are to searing death, no matter how precarious their emotional circumstances, I could only chuckle.

To summarize: DZ:VINW is really no worse, no better than the other under-shoe feculence of the Sci-Fi Channel (not counting it's rather good series, Stargate and Battlestar).

I'm sure the film makers are nice people and will do good work elsewhere. But there's something about the Sci-Fi Channel that contractually forces talent to make dreck.
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OK, I've never even written a screenplay....
innocuous28 January 2007
I've got to give Sarah Watson credit. She wrote a screenplay and somebody apparently paid good money for it. With that aside, let me say that this isn't a B-movie. It isn't even a C-movie. It may be the world's first D-movie.

Absolutely every character in this movie is an idiot. All the women act like little girls. One of the characters (a man, of course) is shot in the arm. After climbing a long ladder, he comes to a short ladder and says, "I can't climb it with my injured arm." Really? You did a pretty good job a few steps back. I've climbed ladders with a full bucket in one hand.

No use going into all the stupid, idiotic, irrational, unsafe, self-serving...did I say idiotic yet?...things the characters do.

Avoid this movie. It has no redeeming value and Ms. Watson ought to be ashamed of herself...all the way to the bank to cash her check.
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A movie for time well wasted...
wowhelp20 November 2006
This is the worst type of filming I have ever seen in my entire life. The person who filmed it kept zooming the camera in and out like they were investigative reporters. If you feel you wish to watch this movie, I would strongly suggest saving yourself the 97mins of your life and do something more productive. My personal rating for terrible acting and garbage filming: one(1) out of ten(10).

I had to sign up just to make a comment regarding this movie because I definitely wasted my money and my time on it and here I am doing what I can to save others the time and grief. Good luck! sorry if you feel in any way this is spam but I don't feel to write anymore things in relation to this crap movie. If I get banned/blacklisted, at least it will be for a good cause to warn others before hand!
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Is it intentional?
CelluloiDiva27 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Such was the question occurring to me as I struggled through yet another disastrously ridiculous SciFi Channel disaster movie. Do they intend for their homegrown movies to be so cheap, so silly, so patently obvious in what passes for plot? I have watched half a dozen of these "SciFi Channel World Premiere Event" movies in the past year and each is uniquely, achingly bad in its own right. Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York, however, brings bad into a new light.

Every hackneyed device of disaster movie development is employed to predictable, hackneyed affect: the hero, a burly tunnel digger, leads his crew of rough-but-capable misfits (Local 147 "Sand Hogs") in a daring race against the volcano to save New York City from certain incineration by lava. Along the way, he encounters his bitter ex-wife, a USGS PhD who, apparently, is woefully unfamiliar with the indications of volcanic activity and must be convinced by Mr. Sand Hog that what has been happening across the city is not actually terrorism. Throw in some incompetent DHS and FBI investigators; an incredulous mayor and his scheming, corrupt deputy; a female Sand Hog whose daddy was a legend among Sand Hogs; a foreman who is overly safety-conscious, except when he's not; and the unfortunate but gruesome deaths of several supporting "color" characters and you've got your standard disaster movie fare, all dressed up with nowhere to go except straight down the tubes.

As seems to be the new standard, the volcano is not itself the "enemy," typically the case in classic disaster movies; no, the volcano is the unfortunate result spawned by a greedy (read: evil) scientist of the "mad" persuasion who has drilled a 7-mile deep hole beneath Manhattan into the Earth's molten core so as to capture the thermal energy and make bazillions of dollars. Really. Greedy, Evil Scientist guy has been able to pull this off with the help of the Deputy Mayor, who has greased palms all over the city in order to keep the drilling secret until such time as the thermal energy could be captured and the resulting power plant used to "open franchises" the world over. Oh, and make Greedy, Evil Scientist guy and Deputy Mayor filthy, stinking rich.

Once Mr. Sand Hog has convinced Dr. USGS that there really is a volcano developing beneath Manhattan, it is up to Local 147 to stop it. Of course. With just 5 guys, two of whom die in the process. C'mon, you know how this goes: the greedy, evil scientist guy dies, the safety-waffling foreman dies, the homeless guy dies, the black guy dies, the Hispanic pyromaniac dies in a column of lava, the female Sand Hog survives and Mr. Sand Hog and Dr. USGS get back together and suck face as the credits roll.

In the 50s and 60s, we were subjected to horror movies populated with monsters created from nuclear testing. In the 70s, disaster movies became an art form, with man struggling - often in futility - against the ravages of nature: no way did George Kennedy try to stop that 1975 earthquake, but he sure managed the aftermath really, really well. We would see disaster as the result of man's folly - think "The Towering Inferno" for example - but also as the quirky acts of nature they are. There is no moral imperative in an avalanche: the best one could be accused of is getting what's coming to them for being in the wrong place, against instructions.

In these modern disaster movies, we are treated to scenarios in which garden variety pests (bees, bats, locusts and the like) become monsters created out of genetic engineering or toxic waste dumping, or the very planet itself rebels against its victimization at the hands of mankind, specifically, Greedy Evil Scientist guys and their investors. That the Department of Homeland Security plays so prominently in this story is, I think, indicative of the scare level living just below the surface of the American consciousness. Perhaps we can console ourselves with thinking that we can have some control over terrorism when faced with the towering realities of volcanic activity. How much more helpless can a person be than in the face of a volcano? Instead, as the FBI and DHS chase their tails around looking for bogeyman "terrorists," science and tunnel workers overtake and control nature. One wonders if the SciFi Channel folks intended for this to be the moral of the story: terrorists, we can't catch 'em but, boy howdy, we can put a hurt on a natural disaster! One doubts that such a "lesson" is the purpose here, as it seems very little in this TV movie is planned out that well. The clichés are working overtime, the special effects aren't, and you and your sweetie can project the plot line almost to a certainty. There are no surprises in Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York, except perhaps your own surprise at your willingness to waste two hours of your life on such dreck. Not a bad way to snozzle away two hours on a bitterly cold Saturday night, but those are two hours of your life you will never get back. If you must watch this movie, invite some friends over and make it a party.
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Just Plain Awful
Moe2326 February 2006
Its kind of a cross between "Volcano" and "Armageddeon". A volcano erupts in a major city and the fate of millions lies in the hands of a team of ditch-diggers. This movie was just plain awful, even for a Sci-Fi movie. The special effects were pathetic and the acting was even worse. The very plot of the movie is lost on me and the movie is just impossible. I am a huge fan of B-movies and I am very entertained by some of the worst movies of all time. This movie, however, is just plain stupid. I expected more out of Michal Ironsides (Starship Troopers) and Alexandria Paul. The cast was decent, but the plot, special FX and acting were terrible.
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My poor eyes and ears!
TheLittleSongbird11 March 2012
Have I seen worse than Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York? Yes I have. Is it good? No, in fact it is really bad, at least in my opinion. The only reason why I haven't rated it any lower is that the acting is a little above average, though nothing great, especially from Michael Ironside. Everything else however was a mess, I was shocked at how bad the camera work and music were. The camera work was very distracting, almost as though it was trying to show off how many camera techniques it could do rather than compliment everything else, and I felt very dizzy watching it. The music isn't much better, very overbearing, in-your-face and completely devoid of any subtlety. The script is cheesy and forced more times than not, the story was decent enough in concept was very predictable and suspense-less in execution and the characters are no more different than the stereotypes that are here, there and everywhere in SyFy's movies. All in all, a near-disaster of a movie, where both my eyes and ears were feeling sensitive by the end. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Laughable Waste of Time
comquest29 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film has no redeeming value. It's just plain awful in every respect: story, screenplay, direction, acting, jiggly camera work, annoying score, common sense, etc., etc., etc. The Disaster Zone IS this movie!

There's really nothing I could do to spoil this flick. It reeks. But here's just one "spoiler" to illustrate the inanity and nonsense that awaits those dumb enough to watch it:

* 100 homeless people are found dead in Central Park. They died from inhaling poisonous gases generated by the underground volcano.

* Workers and scientists travel through subway tunnels and other confined spaces - within sight of flowing lava!! - with NO breathing apparatus whatsoever. They chatter amongst themselves and rarely even cough. In real life, they would all be DEAD within minutes.
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Warning Volcanoes in NYC can be dangerous to your health
hegan195625 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie isn't as bad as it first seems. This movie has all the elements of a fine disaster movie; inept Government officials, unjustly ridiculed hero, the evil psychologically challenged scientist and the sniveling bureaucrat trying to cover it all up to save his own butt. It goes through the predicted path of catastrophe that gets our hero fired and ridiculed by the people that should be the ones to listen. Amazing that no one actually investigates the deaths by inspecting the death scene. When confronted with an explanation the mayor turns to the sniveling underling who happens to be in league with a complete nut of a scientist intent on bringing Geothermal Energy to New York City, a good cause but a bad concept by doing it in the heart of the city. The science if very fuzzy so don't expect any "A" from a Geology teacher as the vulcanology is about as good in this one as in other volcano movies. The threat of terrorist is also the great concern and the official is a complete clown seeing terrorist under every bed which is completely unreal and stupid. It added nothing to the story at all and only seems added to create the typical hate Bush Hollywood mania. When our hero goes to confront the investigators from the United States Geological Service about lava in the tunnels he was working in, who does he find, non other but his former wife. Actually this is the best parts of the show because Matt (Costas Mandylor) and Susan (Alexandra Paul) actually works well together and has very good chemistry. At least they are of the same age group and not 20 yrs in age difference as has been done recently in Sci-Fi Channel movies. The supporting cast is good and it has one always impeccable gem in Michael Ironside that plays the demented scientist Doctor Levering. Ironside has played so many great roles as the bad guy. This particular role is one of a scientist that has finally gone over the edge after he observes his project literally blow up in his face. The predictable Mayor that when confronted by reality wants to see the geologist that warned of the disaster (A. Paul) and has the sniveling underling arrested. There is a final attempt to stay the disaster by the sandhogs by diverting the lava into the underground tunnels of NYC which saves the city. Of course there are also the predictable losses of hero support lives in the final battle with the lava. Also there is the inevitable fight between our hero and the crazed scientist in the tunnel. Overall even with the predictable ingredients, characters and crummy science I enjoyed the movie. It wasn't a riveting epic by any means, but it wasn't a complete waste of time either.
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9/11 footage? Movie should be banned
snaux28 January 2007
This movie should be banned and the editors/producers blacklisted; the use of 9/11 footage to represent the volcano is both offensive and unprofessional. I love the "no animals were harmed" line at the end; apparently it's okay to show 3700 people, some of whom I knew, dying, apparently.

There are at least three scenes I saw where 9/11 footage was used; if the special effects look fake, they're made for the movie; if they look real, well, that's our friends and family members dying.

BUT that's not why it should be banned. It should be banned because it's actually **lamer** than the usual schlock Sci-Fi puts out... not quite down to the level of "the Langoliers" or "Dragon King" but darn close. Somebody clearly watched "Volcano" and "24" while writing, filming, and editing this movie, since its obviously trying to emulate them. I can forgive the bad circa-1985 special effects; everything else is so bad it's not even funny to laugh at.
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What a stinker!
timcrawford26 February 2006
and I don't mean the sulfur coming up through the vents.

The plot is as thin as the earth's crust after these dweebs drilled. Any death in this movie is deserved due to the bad acting.

The CG effects look cheap and cartoonish, the lame tie-in and obvious shot at the anti-terror task forces are ridiculous.

Other than the fact that the city of New York is facing total destruction, I found little of any redeeming value is this laugher.

Michael Ironside must really be desperate for money. The dude from Galactica needs to rethink his career choices after being pitched as an overzealous government type.
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Silly but something to watch
tkmrd28 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The other post forgot about the obligatory Hispanic veteran (a Don Juan type at that... and the best performance in the movie,) and the hateful footage from 911.

I really disliked the way the "heros" managed to get away in a GM truck. I'm surprised it wasn't "built Ford Tough"

My gosh, then we have the Mad Scientist staggering through the tunnels with a gun. The new girl from Brooklyn suddenly is a gymnast! Oh, by the way, lets drill in the hottest place.

My gosh, a BULLET unleashes the end of Manhattan?

Ouch,this movie hurts!
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Disaster Zone....well....they got that bit right!
Rob_Taylor26 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's a pseudo-science movie airing on the SciFi Channel. Do I really need to say anymore? Oh, I do! OK then.

First off, don't just check your disbelief at the door, check everything....taste, common sense, hat, coat the whole nine yards. Volcano in New York is just abysmally bad. It has every cliché character (and I mean every one) that you'd expect in a disaster movie. Plucky hero, mad scientist, corrupt city official, smart lady scientist that no one listens to, comedy sidekick that ultimately meets a grisly end, oafish law enforcement officer, etc. etc. They're all here.

Add in the stereotypical science project goes wrong plot and "band of everyday heroes" that save the day and you've got a film that you could do yourself the favour and just NOT watch and still know what will happen at the end.

Of course, from the SciFi Channel, you already know that the script will be dire, the dialogue inane and ludicrous and the characters annoying as hell. But the real star of the show are the priceless special effects. Intersperse real-world eruption footage, cheesy "Youtube" quality lava CGI and what looked jarringly like 9/11 footage (I kid you not) and you have an awful mish-mash of effects that fails dismally.

And whilst I mention the 9/11 footage, am I the only one to think that using such footage was just plain wrong? It seems particularly tasteless to me and potentially horrifying for someone who actually went through the trauma of that day, let alone lost someone in the event. To use such footage to "jazz" up a movie seems beyond callousness. What next? A shuttle movie with actual Challenger footage in it? The least they could have done was cut out the three or four scenes from the movie.

So then, rubbish plot, rubbish effects, awful dialogue and questionable stock footage. Anything I missed? Oh yeah. Dire acting. I forgot to mention that, but by now you probably assumed that as a given.

Don't watch this. It's junk.
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If you have nothing better to do...
oldmoo3 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I give it 5 stars for being such a hoot. This movie has every, I repeat every, cliché in disaster films. It is like a textbook on the prototype. I must admit that there are touches I haven't seen in my favorite volcano movie "Dante's Peak", like the rubber duckie. And having lava come out of your front door! Otherwise, it's all there--the politicians who don't want panic in the streets, like "Jaws". The overbearing FBI agent who won't listen to anyone, the hands- on experts who were once married ("Twister"), the crook trying to make money on a hazardous scheme...

Watch it for the laughs, but don't spend money for it.
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Rather violent sci-fi; has some good concepts but so-so delivery
inkblot1125 August 2011
Matt (Costas Mandylor) works in the underground pipelines of New York City, with a lot of other brave men and women. Usually, when the ground trembles, it means that the subway is passing overhead. But, one day, disaster strikes. Hot steam shoots out of some pipes and kills three of his co-workers. What is going on? Unfortunately, a misguided scientist, Dr. Levering (Michael Ironside) has been working on a geothermal experiment, at a local politician's urging. Although Levering thinks he has his bases covered, the deep drilling breaks into a magma layer, complete with fire and steam. Soon, a gentleman in Queens, who is working on his lawn, gets incinerated with a blast of flames from a sewer hole. Into the mess comes Dr. Susan (Alexandra Paul). She is a geologist and Matt's ex-wife. The mayor has asked her to look into the strange goings on beneath the earth. Natually, the two former spouses butt heads a few times, although Matt respects Susan's opinion. Will they save the city from more disaster? This film has some intriguing concepts but just a so-so delivery. Also, it has some rather violent scenes of death and destruction and may not be for everyone. However, the acting is rather good and so are the effects. But, the story is sometimes hard to follow, the lines are typical and the direction a wee bit above average. If you are a fan of disaster or science fiction films, by all means, seek this one out. Despite its weaknesses, it beats reruns every time.
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It's the movie Volcano ala Sci-Fi Channel
sevenofnine-125 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If it's got Michael Ironside in it, it's definitely going to be bad. He plays a scientist who is drilling a hole 7 miles deep in Manhattan to tap into an underground magma flow for an energy source. On the other side, you've got a tunnel digger and a geologist who just happens to be the tunnel digger's ex-wife and when they meet in the movie for the first time, you've got the sappy music for them. It's got the usual bureaucrats who won't listen to the scientists who are trying to warn of a impending disaster, FBI agents who get all ultra paranoid thinking it's all terrorism and the mandatory love interest. If you're a fan of the show Mystery Science Theater 3000, then this bad movie is for you.
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OK take off on the la film
wrlang10 November 2006
Disaster Zone Volcano in NY is about a mad geologist that tries to harness geothermal power under NY to provide unlimited power. He does it under the disguise of a water tunnel and almost makes it. Instead, he unleashes the lava that starts destroying NY. Just like the original Volcano in LA, they find a way to deal with it. The acting just didn't quite make it for me, always a little too much or too little emotion. The characters just never became real to me. The effects were cheap, but adequate. Over all its not too much of a waste of time so I would watch it once just to say I did. Hopefully they will come out with one that's a little more original.
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Like a Bad Accident
Patrick_F26 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
You want to look away, but you can't. It was horrible- absolutely Unbelievable FX (um, yeah, intestines DON'T glow in the dark!).

The CGI could've been better done by a junior high schooler with too much time on his hands!

The ending was straight out of "Volcano" (1997).

It's so clichéd:

people with histories being thrown back together; gov't involved conspiracies; a small group of people saving the day, with a villain trying to thwart the heroes.

And of course, copy-catting a bigger film.

You don't have to have a big budget to create a decent film. Tornado! which aired on Fox several years ago was a Twister copy-cat, but was still half-way decent. At least I didn't laugh my way through that one.
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Best Disaster comedy since "Volcano"
kidanubis30 March 2006
Is there going to be a series of these now, like "Disaster Zone: Tidal Wave in Detroit" or "Disaster Zone: Earthquake in Indiana" or "Disaster Zone: NC State Basketball in the NCAA Tournament"?

Anyway, I hope so, because this was the best "Disaster" comedy I've seen since Volcano with Tommy Lee Jones (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120461/) and TV's 10.5 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364146/).

If you're looking for thrills and science, go rent a documentary. But if you are looking for laughs and "Science!", you've got the right movie.

Verdict: 6.0 on a rictor scale of 10 for sheer comedic value

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campy B-movie complete with evil villain
pharout42027 February 2006
This made for sci-fi channel movie was so bad it was funny! Only watched it for Costas...and thank the Lord for Tivo allowing me to rush thru this campy B-Movie wanna be. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes had a better sub-plot than this laugh riot.

This movie used a lot of stock footage. What was disturbing was the shot of lower manhattan smoking....I am just SURE they used some 9-11 footage...and I HOPE they didn't...because that would be wrong!

The special effects were tolerable for a TV movie. Standard overacting by the extras in all the "disaster" scenes made this a watchable laugh...

Bet it's not what they intended though... (generous 3 out of 10)
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About normal for most TV movies
rnorman4-127 February 2006
About what you expect of a TV disaster movie. Low budget effects, lots of flex hose and typical, ordinary dialog.

Best watched for killing time and mental floss. At least it is not aggressively bad so that you feel cheated if you watched it.

Characters are pretty standard, evil scientists taking short cuts, ex-lovers at odds with each other that must work together to save the world and so forth and so on.

Disaster warnings start small and build slowly so that the "man" is not aware of the problem until almost too late and then must turn to the "rebels" they have been trying to suppress because they don't want a panic or interrupt the annual picnic or whatever. Fill in the blank type plot. Only the details change like character names, actual source of the disaster, etc. but the plot is pretty much a routine formula you have seen over and over and over again.

Still for what it is, it is OK for a time filler and Paul is never hard to look at.
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So bad it's funny
rshirk27 February 2006
Over Actors Theater can be so entertaining. Every possible cliché for a disaster movie, you would think that someone would say "But wait, that's been done." But no, they just went right ahead. I just had to finish it to see how bad it could get, Good for mocking and a good laugh. The actors tried to do the best they could, the girl scientist was very earnest and sincere. Michael Ironsides has never overacted so enthusiastically. He committed to the part and just went for it. I know he must have been rolling his eyes but it was never in the shot. That says a lot for this talented veteran actor. The special effects were low budget but one could certainly tell what it was they were going for. Watch this movie with friends and have comment contests. It will be a hoot.
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'You people are killing the future of energy!'
Muldwych17 December 2009
It's a normal day of hard hats and hazards for New York's finest tunnel workers until a group of them are assaulted by acid, sulphur and...lava? Nearby meanwhile, a determined scientist works against the clock to drill through the earth's crust and bring forth what he claims will be a fabulous new source of energy for all mankind. Are the two events related?

The purpose of 'Disaster Zone: Volcano In New York', apart from having an unnecessarily long title, seems to be to convince the viewer that 1997's 'Volcano' with Tommy Lee Jones was a cinematic masterpiece by showing what it might have been if it had been produced by the Sci Fi Channel. This was not a thought experiment that needed to be conducted. This is very much the same film on a budget and economising is evident everywhere, from dodgy cgi to a workmanlike script, two-dimensional characters, plot clichés and badly-matched documentary stock footage. What it doesn't steal from 'Volcano', it cribs liberally from 'Inferno', a classic 1970 Doctor Who serial all about a determined scientist drilling through the earth's crust in search of a revolutionary new energy source. Yes, it was an interesting idea, and it was done better elsewhere.

Nonetheless, you might be tempted to give 'Disaster Zone' a look if like me, you're a fan of both disaster flicks and indeed volcano disaster flicks. Such temptation should be firmly resisted, especially when the worthy name 'Michael Ironside', whose character utters the immortal line in the title of this comment, appears in the credits. That outburst is about as unintentionally funny as it gets. The fact that even his performance is ridiculous suggests that the rest of the cast, themselves largely unknown, might actually be decent actors in another time and place. Therefore, being neither especially good nor especially bad enough to be entertaining, 'Volcano In New York' will recreate a disaster zone in your living room should you choose to follow in my footsteps and be mad enough to watch it.
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