Tourgasm (TV Series 2006) Poster


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Tourgasm accomplishes its mission...
echizen112122 July 2006
Tourgasm takes a voyeuristic approach into the world of stand-up, focusing on four comedians on tour in the Unitied States. The show is like the "love-child" of the reality series Big Brother and Road Rules. As the four comedians live together in a crowded bus, they try to escape their boredom between performances by doing competitive activities or arguing. The show is then punctuated by the occasional stand-up highlights from their shows. I enjoy watching Robert Kelly on the show. His comedy is funny and his personality is funnier. It is a documentary, not a Dane Cook stand-up special, which is why Tourgasm accomplishes its mission: To document the 9-part video diary of Robert Kelly, Dane Cook, Jay Davis, and Gary Gulman.
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Sorry, No Comedy Here
yakmanyhad9 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I love stand-up comedy. I love watching it, I love listening to it. If I didn't have a fear of public speaking, I would love to do it. So I think I should warn the next person who rents or buys Tourgasm thinking it's going to be about comedy.

The premise for Tourgasm is actually quite good; stick a gang of stand-up comics on a bus for 30 days and see what happens. Admittedly, there are a few genuinely funny moments in Tourgasm. Are there enough to justify its pretentiousness? No.

There are many reasons why I wish I had never shelled out the money to watch this gawd-awful series. Reason one: the lack of actual stand-up comedy. A show about comics, and you'd think that there would be a fair amount of comedy involved, right? The footage of actual comedy, taken together out of all the episodes of this monstrosity, would not add up to a single stand-up act. That's just pathetic. Tourgasm might have been tolerable if there had actually been a fair amount of comedy in it.

Which leads me to the reason why I loathe Tourgasm. Dane Cook. I never heard his name before watching the series, never saw one of his acts. He seems like a pretty funny guy, but if all I have to judge his character by is this series, my assessment would be that he is a narcissistic prig who really likes hearing himself talk, and does a LOT of talking on these DVDs. Tourgasm should not be in the stand-up comedy section of your local video store, it should be in documentary. And even then, it is a bad documentary. Ninety percent of the series is Cook languishing on about himself and the secrets of his success. It was so boring I started to do other things while the DVDs were playing, make food, take out the trash, dust. Every now and then a juicy little comedy tidbit would come up and I would have a little chuckle, but then it would just dive back into the same self-obsessed introspective. Even the special features were mostly Dane Cook talking about his wonderful self. (And, by the way, you can also replay the episodes with commentary - with commentary! - so you can hear Cook talking about talking about himself). The only people who could enjoy this series would have to be super-devoted fans of Cook's, and I mean their heads need to be way up his ass. He even had the gall to think that he was pretty much the first person to make rock-star status out of stand-up comedy. Hmmm. Are we forgetting about Carlin, Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Denis Leary, even the most recent Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle?

Though truthfully, after watching this show, he strikes me as kind-of a dirt bag. I mean, his "friend" Jay Davis gets him his first major stage work, and how does Cook repay him? Invites him to tag along for Danefest while making him look like a complete stand-up comedy failure. Yeah, I'm sure that Davis will get plenty of work now that he's been portrayed as a comic hack. What a friend!

The only breath of fresh air comes with level-headed Gary Gulman, who seems reluctant to jump on the "Dane train" (i.e. he doesn't worship the ground Cook stands upon). It was good to see him in something big after his top-notch performance in Last Comic Standing (which had PLENTY of comedy in it, by the way).

When Cook reads this (and he will, because I'm sure he Googles his own name at least 100 times per day) he should take some good advice and leave directing a series to the people who know how to do it, and just do what it is he's good at; talking about himself in ways that people actually find funny.
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Just another reality show, not stand-up
decrot14 June 2006
To anyone who is a fan of Dane Cook, beware of this show. If you expect to be laughing your a$$ off, well then go to comedy central and maybe you can catch his stand-up. This isn't a comedy at all but more like a drama. This show mostly consists of the bus ride to every venue instead of the act themselves. This is an early critique of the show, so they may show more stand-up once you get further into the season. Also, there is this one comedian name Jay Davis. He is probably the biggest wuss of a comedian that has ever lived. He gets heckled on the show then he goes to hide and cry in his bed. I mean come on, how did this guy get to be a comedian in the first place. There is more drama between him and this other comedian named Robert Kelly than there is comedy. So stay away from this show. This isn't a comedy at all, but just more of the same reality crap that has flooded TV.
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Tourgasm = Comedians of Comedy - funny
jeffkeyz14 June 2006
This show is an unfunny ripoff of the hilarious Comedians of Comedy. The comedians (aside from Gary Gulman, who is actually pretty funny) are bland, boring and not funny. Comedians of comedy, a tour featuring Patton Oswalt, Brian Poshen, Maria Bramford and Zach Galefanakis was entirely more funny, more interesting and more entertaining. Even the parts of the show where the comedians weren't on stage doing their acts were funny. On Tourgasm off stage as well as on the comedians are NOT funny. The 'on the bus' antics on CoC were hilarious where as the bus antics on Tourgasm, aside from not being funny were just painful to watch. Poor Unfunny Jay Davis, getting picked on by the Mean and Unfunny Robert Kelly. I know comedians, in general, when offstage aren't always "on" but even when these losers are "on" they are off.
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You can't expect them to be funny 24/7
shorteze11 July 2006
"Tourgasm" is a behind the scenes look of the tour of the same name. Headed by Dane Cook,the crew travels the country from university to university doing shows.Along the way, we see the stress that unfolds when they're off stage.

Don't expect this show to be a comedy show; only about 5 minutes of it is the stand up parts. Its a reality show and as such,follows what its like to be a comedian. A previous comment said that a friend of the writer disliked Dane because he wasn't funny off stage. Well,hes human not a show monkey. While there are some funny moments off stage,this is more centered towards the drama.

If you're looking for comedy,watch their stand up.If you're looking for what its like to be Dane for a month,watch this.
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comedy tour minus the comedy.
very314 June 2006
how did they screw this up? in theory the idea was great. a really good comedian invites some up and coming comedians to go across country with a video crew.

it should have been like a real "entourage". instead I found myself watching 4 surprisingly unlikeable people.

you know how in every survival movie where a bunch of people are thrown together and try to survive a tragedy there always is like 1 obnoxious Person in the bunch that ends up getting people on edge and killed? well imagine a whole bus of that person on the road. they just aren't likable or funny to watch. and I wanted to like this. I just couldn't figure out how it could go so wrong seeing as Dane's act is so funny.
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You've got to be expecting it.
pugovitz7 July 2006
The problem is, most people are expecting Dane Cook to be jumping around all the time and all his friends to be just like him, so to see anything different is a let down; I guess HBO just marketed it wrong or something. What the show's trying to do is show what life is like on the road for a comic. There is some funny stuff and they do show some of their stand-up, but there's also some drama because that'll happen when a bunch of guys are stuck on a bus together for a month. Just don't expect the entire episode to be a Dane Cook stand-up act and you won't be too let down.

We have to have 10 lines of text for a comment? I didn't know that, this was my first review.

Uh..... of the two Dane Cook CDs it's tough to say which one is better. Retaliation is good if you plan on listening to it more because it has two CDs in the case. IMO, Harmful If Swallowed has a better DVD simply because it has the full Comedy Central thing which is a must own. But hey, why not get both?
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Better than I expected.
iamcalledjay27 January 2007
I rented this from the video store I work at expecting a line-up of comedians on a show. I didn't read the box and I'd never heard of the show. I love Dane Cook and I'm just a big fan of stand-up comedy in general.

Well, I was pleasantly surprised. This show is more than just random comedy - it's similar to the documentary from a few years ago starring Jerry Seinfeld called "Comedian." I've only watched the first six episodes (it's on three separate discs, the third being a 'bonus' disc) and I've been really happy with the fact that, as a reality show, it's doing very well at following these four guys around and explaining what it's like for the guys at this stage in their careers.

It's not wall-to-wall comedy at all - but if you're a fan of Dane Cook, you'll be very happy to have this glimpse into his off-stage personality and see that he is really just a nice guy who is really funny. I'd never heard of the other three (Robert 'Bobby' Kelly, Jay Davis, and Gary Gulman), but I've enjoyed their comedy and their presences as well.

Definitely check this out - even if you're not a Dane Cook fan but enjoy stand-up comedy, it's worth checking out.
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Rogue-3228 June 2006
I like Dane, I liked Gary G on Last Comic Standing, and I thought the premise of this had a great title, along with possibilities to spare. I've watched all the available episodes thus far (won't be watching any more, though), and I have to say that the great title is where it ends, folks.

The thing that's the most annoying is how the four of them keep fighting over the most petty things - that scene in the restaurant, for instance, when Gary was a little late and it was turned into some huge ridiculous power-play ego trip by the other 3. We could've done without that, and there have been other equally pathetic scenes that also should have been left out; the show is shamelessly self indulgent, and not in an endearing or creative way either.

The pacing is off, too - it just doesn't have the edge it should have. Instead it feels tired and tedious, with a gigantic 'so what?' factor, and we're not even rooting for them to kill onstage - at least I wasn't. Back to the drawing board on this one, guys.
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For Dane Cook Lovers!
leticia-1518 July 2006
I have to say that I did not know what to expect with Tourgasm. I only started watching it because I am a huge Dane Cook fan. This show is a behind the scenes take on comic tour life on the road. If you're expecting side-splitting gut-busting funny, you will probably be disappointed. But I personally find the show fun and fast paced. You also get to see the progression each comedian makes with his routine and with the relationships forged around him... Some of the "he said, he said" stuff does become tedious but overall it is fun to watch and a great way to take in some of Dane's comic wisdom. If you have the on-demand cable feature, it is also fun to play your favorites over and over in the background while playing card games, etc...

But I would also like to emphasize that if you are not already a Dane Cook fan, this series will probably not turn you into one overnight... For Dane Cook Lovers only!
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Astoundingly unfunny
dcreed15 June 2006
One would expect that HBO would want to put their best foot forward in the premiere episode in order to hook people. Well, if Episode 1 was as good as they could get, they've got a real problem.

First of all, the four comedians are really only two comedians: Dane Cook and Gary Gulman. Bobby Kelly and Jay Davis are evidently there just to make the other two look good by comparison. Not that you'll get a lot of looking at their stand-up abilities since the show isn't about that. Actual stand-up makes up mere moments in the half hour. Unfortunately. What you get is a reality show of four jerks on a bus together.

There are evidently 9 episodes, so HBO probably won't cancel it. But if Jay Davis isn't tied to the back of the bus and dragged through, say, Colorado in the first few minutes of Episode 2, I can't see much reason to continue watching.
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Okay, so if your planning on seeing this movie, don't...
pink_princess_5530 June 2007
The only real comedy you see is in the first episode. I must admit it is pretty funny, and is a great start to the movie, but then it goes downhill from there...the rest of the DVD was them bitching like girls, talking about their feelings, and being gay with each other. It would have been better if it had more comedy! Finally at some point during the DVD they finally show another one of their shows. However they don't even show the whole skit, they show the last line of the joke and show the audience laughing. Meanwhile your sitting on the couch wondering if the movie is going to get better, and are contemplating whether or not to turn it off. I must say, I wish I would have made I sat through which seemed like eternity the two discs, completely bored out of my mind. If you like Dane Cook, rent a vicious circle, it is hilarious, or even Employee of the month, but do not rent and especially do not buy this movie. It will be a complete waste of your money.
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Steer clear of 'Tourgasm'
mikecarr_194 December 2006
Someone else best characterized 'Tourgasm', saying it 'suffers from comedy's oldest problem: it isn't funny.' (To be fair, its only possible defense would be that it isn't comedy at all.)

Unlike a train wreck, you really can turn away. Compounding the real-time agony are numerous offenses. First, were it far funnier, it would simply be a ripoff of 'The Comedians of Comedy.' Second, the title is prosecutable false advertising. 'Tourgasm' is utterly unpleasant, anti-climactic, unsatisfying, and prolonged. Third, as shown, the whole cast is largely unlikable, and they spend their time punctuating extended periods of unlikability with moments of trying too hard.

Perhaps Cook and Gulman are actually funny in real life. But if so, the show does its level best to hide this through clever editing. If there is any value here at all, it is in the inadvertent and uncomfortable but altogether real portrayal of failure and the resultant depression. The warmest feeling one can summon up for the principals is a form of pity for their whole effort.

Other than all that, it's a plum. One hopes that perseverance will lead them all to something better.
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On the road
KeenanRodarte11 June 2006
Tourgasm is HBO's new reality type show starring Dane Cook. 20 Shows, 30 days, 28 States. Dane, Robert Kelly, Jay Davis and Gary Gulman take to the road in a rock star tour bus performing sold out crowds across the United States. Although some jokes are reminiscent of RETALIATION, I still crack up at Dane's delivery.

The shows demographics hits a younger audience, But if you think seeing four comedians cohabitate for a month in a cramped bus driving cross country sounds amusing, just watch the first episode.

The first three days of the tour the men have an argument over porn, a scooter accident, you get to see Dane's freshly waxed back, Gary getting smacked by a fish causing him to bleed, spooning in bed and quarreling leading to one of the men crying.

I think the show is promising and the men are extremely talented. In todays excessive market of reality shows featuring stale talent it is refreshing to see new blood, hear new material and see how comedians live on the road. I hope we find out in future episodes how Dane met and chose these comedians to tour with him. I have yet to be disappointed by Dane Cook or HBO.
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"Tourgasm" was awesome
m_venuti-127 December 2006
Number 1, Dane Cook is awesome and if you are a true Dane Train Fan this HBO special is for you.

It is not what you would first expect. Your just waiting for gut busting jokes and there is, but the show steps inside the true feelings and hard ships of the life of a comedian. There is a lot of fights, jackass moments and jokes that make this show worth the watch. "Tourgasm" helps you to really respect all comedians just on the fact of what they go through.

I have to say that Cook did a good thing here. I really respect him and the others for doing what they did. Rock on Tourgasm.
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Great, shows the true life of a comic
rdude1022 July 2006
I thought Tourgasm is a good show. I know some of it may be boring to some people, but I, and all other true Dane fans love it. I, wanting to be a comedian myself, like to see the true life and all the things comedians have to go through on tour, its good to see their life backstage, as well as their sets on stage.

I personally like this show and this that if you don't, just don't watch it. Don't come on here purposely to put it down. I mean, a lot of people like this show. Its a good show and i think that Dane, Jay, Gary, and Robert did a good job on stage during their sets, and Dane did a good thing with putting this together.

Also, to those who say this is a take off on the comedians on comedy, those who are real Dane fans no this isn't true. You can even go to Dane's website ( and see in his news (check back at past stuff) and you will see that he talks about this and has had this for a while now, and had the idea to do this 5 years ago.
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For old Dane fans
HomeRunMiggy25 September 2023
If you've been a fan of Dane cook fan for a while and remember when he hit his peak career point, you'll enjoy this. I've been a fan of Danes ever since I first heard one of his albums back in the early 2000's when I was a teenager. Now going back and watching this is awesome because if you really enjoy Dane you kinda get to see the going's on behind the scenes of how it was for him. It's also a huge trip down a nostialgic memory lane for any of us who were in the era. It's Dane going out living his dream and doing it with his buddy's. It's like an all out bro road trip and reminds me of road trips I took during that time with friends. Don't go into this expecting to see a ton of there sets it's a documentary not a stand up special. But it's great. I hope Danes career gets back to this point because I feel like he has so much more to offer us.
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You've got to be kidding if you didn't think this was great!
ArmyAngel7529 January 2007
Okay, people, I'm sitting here in Iraq with a good number of my friends, and after my best friend still in the States sent me "Vicious Circle" and my troops practically burned out the DVD watching it so many times, by the time I got "TOURGASM" sent to me, I was ready for typical, great, innovative Dane Cook comedy, and that's exactly what we opened up! The tour shows the pressure, stress, joy and camaraderie that goes into being a stand-up comedian -- much better than that p.o.s. that Jerry Seinfeld did, the "documentary" dribble that I really Was expecting to be good! We couldn't stop laughing at Dane, Bobby, Jay and Gary, and the Tour carried us away from the mortars and bulls*** we deal with every day, and gave us SOMETHING to smile and laugh about! It's not a 100% roller-coaster of laughs, but it's still fantastic, and no, I DON'T think you need to go surfing Comedy Central if you want something funnier! Give it a chance...Dane Did!
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