Trinity Blood (TV Series 2005) Poster


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Intricate and intriguing, but tragically incomplete
q_leo_rahman21 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Two races form in the fallout of a world war – humans and vampires (humans who evolved from colonies on Mars) – and maintain a fragile truce. However, both sides have enemies who would break the truce and enable their respective race subjugate or annihilate the other. It takes the intervention of Abel Nightroad, a super-vampire far beyond either race, to ensure peace between both races.

This show stands out from the standard vampire anime for being a space opera. The story is a grand and epic tale, combining elements of sci-fi, horror, political intrigue, drama and even a touch of humour. The use of religious terms/themes makes this an intriguing and intricate story to explore. The characters are well-written and have interesting background and characterization to explore, and their voice actors are well-chosen (Troy Baker in particular is wonderful as the complex protagonist Abel). And the art is magnificently ornate and expressive, capturing the baroque world and its engaging characters in a stunning format.

The story lasted only one season, though. It was dealt a heavy blow by the untimely passing of writer Sunao Yoshida, and though the comic continued the story it didn't really feel right; the anime had to end where it did. It's a tragically underrated and incomplete anime. Also the show tends to draw influence from other shows (TRIGUN, TO TERRA, HELLSING, VAMPIRE HUNTER D); it's only a side- effect of the incredibly abundant anime industry, but these inevitable comparisons can take away from how unique and wonderful the show is.

On the whole, it's a very intricate and ornate anime that would have turned out to be one of the greatest vampire stories ever told, had fate been kinder to it.
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Definately deserves a reboot
Rectangular_businessman30 September 2020
If you liked Hellsing and want to see another vampire-centered anime, maybe you should give this series a try.

Personality wise, the main character is like a mixture of Alucard and Vash the Stampede, and while I overall prefer Hellsing, the setting and several plot elements from this anime were quite interesting and it would be nice see another Trinity Blood series in the future.
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Beautiful anime that is not finished
chrichtonsworld10 June 2007
This anime contains 24 episodes! And sadly I have to report it has an open ending! Some matters don't get explained! My guess is that there was going to be a sequel but because of low ratings never got made! After reading some articles on the net it seems that only a small Japanese audience are interested in a dark,Gothic series like this! Well to be honest I don't know what they mean by that because "Trinity Blood" isn't dark and certainly not in comparison with other anime about vampires! I suspect that it has something to do with the biblical references and the catholic church that have a prominent role in the series! But don't let these references put you off! They are not trying to convert you! And the reason why the Vatican are in charge of the human world will be explained! The story is not that difficult to follow! Mostly the story is about the battle between good and evil!(The action scenes depicting these battles are quite impressive and effective!) Very predictable at times! That doesn't mean that you won't be surprised by the events! Because you will! There are a few twists and turns that made the story more interesting! The story works thanks to the drama the characters endure! The main characters are very likable and that is why you will care for them! I could go describing the different characters! But I am not going to! Part of the fun for this anime is discovering who these characters are! "Trinity Blood" is beautifully animated (good mix of animation and cgi)and very stylish! The musical score is superb! (There is this exciting battle theme! When you hear this theme you know that something spectacular will happen.) In comparison with other anime about vampires "Trinity Blood" isn't entirely original! But it does add some new ideas and elements that makes it worth watching!
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Stylish, Dark, Serious, Awesome.
CrassActionHero1 October 2006
Trinity Blood is the next best thing in Anime. We start with our hero Father Abel Nightrode. A part of a special forces lead by Cardinal Catherina known as "Ax". Father Nightrode is a special type of being himself. His past is shrouded in mystery. He wants peace between humans and vampires but other Vampires are not so kind.

The animation is terrific. Stylish and beautiful. The voice acting is also great. Character development shows itself later on and we begin to gain more interest into the them. The story is very interesting. One of the characters is also an android. With precise aiming and accuracy, it is a force to be reckoned with, and cool too. Also lookout for a really cool assassin named Sword Dancer. A fitting title indeed.

The Last Word: Awesome. A mix of action, drama, and intrigue. Trinty Blood is overall a fun show. Recommended.
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The Vatican vs The Vampires
Tweekums4 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In the far future there was a war between humanity and a race known as Methuselah… also called 'vampires' as the feed on human blood. Nine hundred years later there is a fragile peace between the two sides; humanity is led by the Vatican and the Methuselah's have an empire based in what was Istanbul. A third group, the mysterious 'Rosen Kreuz Order' intends to end the peace for reasons which aren't immediately apparent. The protagonists are part of the Vatican's struggle for peace and include Abel Nightroad, an apparently clumsy priest who is in fact a 'Crusnik' a powerful creature that even vampires fear and Sister Esther Blanchett. Over the course of the series they must deal with both Methusulans, not all of whom are bad, and intrigue within the Vatican.

This is an enjoyable series with interesting stories and some good, but not overly gory, action. There is a good cast of characters who are for the most part likable, they are also well designed and distinctive so you are unlikely to be left wondering who is who. I liked the fact that there are good and bad characters on both sides; peace is clearly the objective not outright victory for the 'good guys'. The series is broken down into a number of distinct plot arcs, each of which is interesting although it can seem a little disjointed when we begin a new arc. While the series has a fairly serious tone there is some humour; much of it provided by the incredibly shy young Pope! Overall this is a pretty good series; it might not be a classic but it is worth checking out.

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
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Anime Misunderstood
BlueFire-24 September 2007
The level of perfection Trinity Blood evokes can only be described as breathless. I have watched many different anime and this show has reached a pinnacle of beauty which I have not seen in others. It is much like a moving painting, so rich with color and vibrancy, and the seamless integration of both CGI and single-cell animation makes it a technological tour worth taking.

What fascinates me the most by Japanese animation is the reoccurring motif of machine vs. human and spirituality vs. society. Both of these conflicts are seriously considered in Trinity Blood without the actual plot and characters being bogged down. Also, one must consider the various aesthetic differences between U.S. culture and Japan. I don't think finality is considered an important aspect for completion in Japanese culture. The story must go on, and nothing really ends. (Although it appears the author of the manga died before the completion of the story, which explains why their is a wanting for more closure.)

I personally don't like to be patronized when I watch a film. There is something much more mysterious and fascinating to be able to watch the characters develop without a whole lot of unnecessary exposition. I think Trinity Blood deserves repeated viewings in order to truly appreciate the plot it weaves. Even the smallest characters are treated with the utmost importance, and yes, even I want to see more. But is that really a bad thing?
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Very interesting and amazing story which is even bigger in the novels.
ESPAlexi60012 April 2009
This show exceeded my expectations. People on here say the story is a bit cliché....ehhhhh, not really. It did have some cliché themes in anime such as brother hating brother and stuff which i thought at first was just stupid until the story progressed and I found out they actually have a REASON to hate one another. Over all the story seriously dropped my jaw.

Characters: The character development in the show is VERY well done. I was amazed at the differences and mysteries surrounding each and every character. Abel Nightroad seems like a goofy idiot(which is entertaining) yet when he transforms becomes Serious,brutal, vicious, yet warm in it's own way. Esther's character i have to say was better developed in the novels but I'm not complaining since I like her story in both. The other characters.... you'll just have to see for your self.

Art/Animation: The Art and animation is incredible. The detailed landscapes and settings are eye candy and so pretty to look at. The character designs are amazing as well and have fine little details that truly amaze me. The Crusniks' designs are truly beautiful and creepy in it's own way.

Story/plot: I remember when I first heard of the show being about Vampires (methuselas) I was afraid it was going to turn out like a Twilight rip off in anime form. I was sorely mistaken. This story reinvents the entire concept of Vampires. The political turmoil and cold war that takes place in the series is amazing but the real mystery is the back story of the main character Ax Agent Abel Nightroad Code Name Crusnik. If you watch the story. The main question you will ask your self is "What is a Crusnik." Well you'll find out soon enough if you watch it.

Action: This is a show that doesn't rely on over the top gore and massacres to be scary. The action it self is rather tame compared to other animes. Don't be fooled. Just because the action is tamer doesn't mean it's not as good or creepy. Whenever the Crusnik appears it keeps you on the edge of your seat. The first time he appears will leave you saying "What the hell just happened?!"

overall: I love this show.. It's amazing. Check it out it's really worth the watch. It's short yeah but good news. If you watch the entire show and still wanna learn more about it skip the manga(it's not really that interesting) and Go read the Novels. They're sold in normal bookstores. One more thing. Those who only watch the anime only know half the story ;)
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black_blizzzzard2 June 2007
I'm sorry to say this but, for me, Trinity Blood was a disappointment. It could've been so much better.

* The art is quite good (really good sometimes). I wish they had gone for a darker style, though, there were too many huge-eyed girls and sunny scenarios (with birds singing and all) for my liking. On the bright side, you have to love the main Crusnik's design, and Gunslinger and the Sword Dancer look really good too.

* The characters... Well, this is one of the downsides of the series. Abel, the main character, was really annoying most of the time. The heroine was the stereotypical big-eyed, cute and good-hearted, not-particularly-interesting-or-intelligent anime heroine. The pope invariably made me want to get into the TV and slap the "whiny-ness" out of him. Ion was the typical character who acts without thinking all the time and, although they try to present it as "noble", I just found it stupid. There were some potentially interesting characters, though, but, of course, they weren't developed further than the first short introduction. *sigh*.

* The direction was poor, at least in my opinion: they alternated fast (and quite well directed, yes, I have to give them that) action scenes with slow-paced, serene scenes --without any kind of transition, sometimes--, which kept me wondering about the director's sense of rhythm instead of letting me enjoy the series. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against slow-paced scenes. But you have to know how to use them, and how to fit them into the episode.

* The story was promising (not particularly original, but it had potential). But in my opinion 24 episodes are too few for the complexity they seemed to be aiming for, and in the end you're left wondering why did they include this and that character or storyline if they didn't plan to develop them at all. The ending made me feel frustrated. In case you don't know, the original writer died before he could finish the story, and it shows. The series keeps building up to something and when it ends... well, it doesn't live up to what you expected.

And just another point: I've heard people describe this series as "dark", and I keep wondering why. If you're looking for a dark series, I wouldn't recommend this one at all. You've been warned.

OK, after re-reading this it makes me wonder why I even gave it a 5 out of 10. OK... the series isn't *awful*. I guess you can enjoy it on some level. But it certainly didn't work for me. I kept watching it expecting it would get better, but it actually ended up worse.

Hope it helped.
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A Humble Terran's Opinion.
Djc01-129 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After finishing the series Trinity Blood (On my recent Vampire Anime Hunt) I can say but one thing on the matter.

Sign Me Up For the Vatican!! The Bacic story consists around a Post-Apocolyptic struggle between two similar races, Methusalah (Unsure of Spelling), a race of Alien vampires. And Terrans, our very own traditional Human race.

The anime basically revolves around Abel Nightroad, An ancient Vatican Priest, en fused with alien technology, making him a hideous Being. Abel is not a run-of-the mill Vatican priest however, he belongs to an Inside organisation of "Gods Gun Weilders", as I like to call them. Otherwise known as the AX.

However, as not to go on too much story wise (I do get carried away), I must give this Anime a simple summary of Rating..

Visuals: 9/10 - This IS how a Modern Anime should look. Nothing Cheap Here. Sound: 7/10 - Amazing Ending and Opening tunes, yet alone sound effects. But often Background Music covers the Amazing Dubbing. Story - 10/10- Not Too Unique, But with the details, who cares!?
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I feel like I'm watching Trigun all over again and this time I hate it.
jmcginn17416 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The one thing I hate about anime is that the keep recycling shows over and over again. Gundam copies from the previous series over and over again. All romance anime copy from each other. I know, I know most people who've watched enough anime already know this. I don't always have a problem with it.

For example Gundam Seed, it copies the almost exact story line from the original Mobile Suit Gundam ...which came out over 20 years ago. I gave it a 8, it gave me a couple of new things to keep me watching. That's what I want from a show that almost copies everything from a different anime. Now to a show that doesn't. For example Gundam Seed Destiny. It copies everything from Moble Suit Gundam and Gundam Seed, and does the same thing in every episode with nothing new to the story. It also goes on for another 50 episodes, I mean come on. This show was a complete waste of time. That's why I gave it a 1.

I just need to explain one of the reasons why I am giving Trinity Blood a 1. Trinity Blood is a rip off of Trigun. When Trigun came out in 1998 it was original anime. I've never seen anything like it before then. I gave it a 10, and even now it's one of the best anime I've seen, I still watch it at least once a year. Trinity Blood is just Trigun recycled eight years later. Able Nightroad is a exact copy of Vash. He acts the same and has the same past. I truly like the story of a kingdom of Vampires and humans living right beside each other. If they made a anime about that it could have been great, but instead they made it about Able aka Vash, and it turned into crap. I would recommend you skip this show and instead see what Trinity Blood copied from a classic in Trigun.
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I applaud this great work, and I wish I had thought of it myself.
Sanguine-et-Virtute27 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Trinity Blood does not only have interesting characters and a twisted and spectacular plot, but it is probably one of my favorite anime shows ever. The only thing that I dislike is that the series was rather short and the ending unsatisfying, but despite this it is worth watching.

Of course the show is confusing, and you have to pay close attention, but it helps if you read the manga and novels.

The show is not just about vampires and religion, though the story line has a great supply of it, but it's also about revenge, angst, and coexistence, with action I assure you. I applaud this great work, and I wish I had thought of it myself.

So if your looking for an anime with vampire and gun action, look no further!
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A perfectly normal anime assassinated by critics
langaer14 August 2007
The movie is great and is definitely worth watching, if you are not obsessed with idealistic stuff. If you're expecting perfection, then don't watch it; don't watch anything at all – it will only add to your feeling of frustration. But if you simply like anime, then it is a good film.

Actually, the basic rule of any movie-lover is to watch movies before reading any comments or reviews on them. Comments and reviews are actually useless; they make you biased, since they present only personal opinions of people who are complete strangers to you. So why should you listen to them if you are clever enough to form an opinion of your own? I was lucky to watch this series without this extra "educational baggage", and I liked it. If I had read the comments or reviews before, I probably wouldn't have watched it, and I personally think I'd have lost a lot. The plot seemed to me good enough; the characters (all of them taken together) were quite balanced; enough action, enough saliva; some very hard to find values, a lot of big words and actions, and some characters developing through the movie, which is on the whole a rare thing in anime and sure, interesting to watch. Some moments were fantastic, some were so-so, some seemed too short, some felt too long. Just like in any other anime film you care to name.

The basic problem of people who hate this movie (I can't even think how anyone can HATE a movie) is misunderstanding of the plot, or rather, not understanding it at all. And instead of trying to make it out, these people flood forums with negative reviews saying that the plot is awful. I actually never read the novel, and I never saw the manga, but still I had no problems with understanding the plot, the characters, their backgrounds and their complexes. I think anyone with some common sense and a tiny bit of imagination can grasp what is going on in there. 8-) And then again, there are dozens of sources that can help clarify some places.

I'm not arguing with people who dislike the director's work, drawing style, color schemes, or scene arrangement – those are sensei, they probably know better, they're the experts. I'm just a humble TV-rat, these things are beyond me, I never notice them.

And there are people who just were not touched by what they saw. Ye gods, that does not make it a bad movie, guys. There are a lot of films that raise problems we are not interested in – can we call these movies bad and advise others against watching them? This film is not a masterpiece (though I'm sure the criteria are different with each individual person among the audience), but it surely does not deserve to be labeled a failure (though the criteria are different again). The ending did seem a bit abrupt, and I can say I wanted more, looks like it ended two or three episodes earlier than it should. But, considering the circumstances, what can I do about it? Just accept it the way it is. There will be nothing more, alas.

My point is: watch the film, if you feel like doing it. If you're not biased, if you're not taught how to think of the movie, you will most likely find something that will compensate for the time you spend watching it.

P.S. (About people who write reviews) In one of the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children reviews (not on IMDb) some guy wrote that it was so stupid when Cloud jumped with that big sword of his; considering the size of the sword and Cloud's constitution, Cloud shouldn't be able to even raise the sword, let alone jump with it so high in the air… (8-(
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I always come back time and time again.
DoctorChurchie12 March 2018
I've honestly been a fan of this series since it first aired on Adult Swim way back in the day. The first episode I ever caught was episode 5 "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" and trust me...I've never looked back. If you still haven't seen this series and you're reading this review then please...stop reading. Just stop. Leave this page, go watch the series on YouTube (Funimation has all 24 episodes free to watch) and when you've finished all of the episodes, then you can come back and tell the world the same thing that I just told you. Please don't look anything else up, just experience the magic as it unfolds.
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A dumb blurry show about dumb blurry vampires.
glowmanizer21 November 2006
Trinity blood is a dumb show. For some reason or another Tokyopop said the Trinity Blood manga was "a must have manga" and the anime apparently has a 7.5 rating here. Now, don't let any of that fool you. I saw this anime a couple times and somehow I couldn't care about what was going on. In fact, I barley knew WHAT was going on. There is no coherent plot yet. All they do is talk about religion and stuff, and there is barley any action or instant gratification. Maybe I will know after a little filler passes by, but by then, I would have long since stopped caring. The art style is awful, it is just so blurry. They will tell you that its just some lighting effect. Don't believe any of that. I figure the only people who could like this are goth kids who are obsessed with vampires.
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An excellent anime action/horror series set in the apocolyptic future
ja_kitty_7119 June 2008
This is an excellent anime action/horror series set in the apocalyptic future. The series is also great for October (close to Halloween) or any month.

Like I said before, I have an interest in ghosts, werewolves, and vampires, the key monsters for the show. And you know, to me, both Father Havel look like Viggo Mortensen's Aragorn, and Father Leon looks like Hugh Jackman's Van Helsing. In the series, I was surprised the Vatican had survived for over 900 years. When I saw that the Lady Caterina is a cardinal and Esther's (the heroine's) mother-figure Laura Vitez is a bishop, I thought, "Can a woman be a cardinal or a bishop?" I had gotten confused, so I had asked my grandmother, because she knows such things about the church.

My favorite episode from the show is episode two, where Father Abel and Tres meet a little girl named Elise Wasmeyer, who has telepathic powers and the ability to take over people's minds. So anyway, I really love this series.
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Such a rip off
chetler-0479729 December 2015
I started to watch Trinity Blood and after 2 ep I was think to my self this is such a rip off.I watch all the to the end and though that it was such a waste of time. If you are like me and has watched Hellsing youcan relate to me. The main character father father Nightroad if a copy and pasted version of Alucard a vampire that serves humans to kill other vampires if was already done back in 2003 when Hellsing TV series was realised. This is just a fraud and a pile of crap. If you wont vampires and action go watch Hellsing its so much better. There are some good things about Trinity blood in a way. The visuals are alright but I find there thrown away because of all the god damn talking there is. Its like watch the Star Wars Prequels again. Secondly the main character Father Nightroad is a very nice and funny character and you do begin to like him in his own little way but there is just not enough of him and you just lose track on what is going on. All in All, Trinity Blood I do not recommend to watch it. If you wont more vampires, blood and action go watch Hellsing. Because Trinity Blood is just rip off of it.
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vadtemer19 November 2022
Once upon a time, fanservice was not needed for a good anime! Once upon a time, we needed a stylish character design, an interesting story, great situations where our heroes get into, politicians, of course, not like in Hellsing, but also not bad. Reviewing the second time, I did not regret it, as it looks at the level even in 2022, as it is a beautiful drawing. It's a pity that not everything is clear along the way, and people advise reading manga.

And what surprised me, how many main and secondary characters, and they are trying to reveal, here it was necessary to do not 24 but 48 episodes, and the ending is straight, well, how to say, you yourself understand) A wonderful anime that combines a whole bunch of genres of fantasy, mysticism, adventure, post-apocalyptic, action and a little romance.

I advise you to watch, you can think, but you can not think.
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Underrated anime that more people need to see
bradleygranz-6512826 January 2020
Trinity blood was pretty cool anime it had amazing vampire special effects I like the storyline it was going for and there a lot of cool vampire fight and it's in dub and sub I recommend watching it dub there only one episode I didn't like and that episode 6 but I still recommend watching this anime
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Pretty good
Irishchatter30 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was interesting that its about a jolly young priest who is actually a vampire and works for Cardinal Catherina. Yknow this kind of anime does have sorta the same concept as 'Hellsing'. The character Alucard is a vampire prince who works for Hellsing who is also considered a girl. Seriously I really like how some anime replace male dominated roles to women because it just works so well. I wish there was at least some equality in real life!

Although I do wish Catherina was the pope tbh, the pope was really a rather clueless teenager that'll make you irritated by him lol!

Sister Ester was not bad of a character like she did the good of the world by being a sister and not realising that she was born in royalty. I have to say in the last episode when she finally became queen, she was so kawaii! Honestly I wish someone in this world was like her and not care about their status lol

This is a pretty good anime, it's grand that its different but I wouldn't be over the top about it as much Hellsing did for me. I'll let you be the judge of that and honestly I definitely would recommend anyone who likes vampires to watch this!
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Brand like a block of Tofu.
Lukasmj6 July 2023
Take Vash Stampede's traits and Alucard's abilities and you have Abel Nightroad - the main character of Trinity Blood.

I didn't like "Trinity Blood" at all. I fought my way through 6 episodes hoping that the anime would still grab me somehow because the description sounded really interesting, but it just got boring as time went on.

The only highlights I remember are the moments when Abel Nightroad uses his abilities and leaves his opponents frozen in fear - but even for those moments it's not worth watching this bland anime any longer.

This anime has aged really badly in comparison with other older Animes.
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WeAreLive30 November 2023
The background is in the distant future after the destruction brought about by Armageddon. The war between the vampires and the humans continue to persist. In order to protect the humans from the vampires, Vatican has to rely on other allies to counter the situation. The protagonist, a priest called Peter Abel Nightroad, travels through the countries as a representative for the Vaticans. However, he is also part of "Ax", a special operations group controlled by the Cardinal Catherina. His encounter with a young girl called Esther will determine the struggle and survival between the human race and the vampires.

The plot was good

The dub was excellent major props to Troy Baker, Aaron Dismuke and Colleen.

If you like a vampire genre in anime you will enjoy this.
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From the ashes....
jmworacle-990255 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After the devastation of the Armageddon three world powers emerge the Vatican ruled by a teenage pope Alessandro XVIII with his close advisers Francesco di Medici his half-brother and his sister Caterina Sforza. The other powers are the Empire run by Methuselahs or Vampires. During Armageddon war broke out and finally an uneasy truce broke out but on both sides there were zealots on both sides that a peaceful co-existence cannot exist. The Order of Rosenkreuz is in the shadows to do everything to stir the pot in order to shape the world as they see it. Then there is the mysterious Kingdom of Albion noted for their technological achievements. They're sort like the Babylon 5's version of the Vorlons. Finally there are the Crusnik's Vampires who feed on the blood of Vampires. They are Cain Nightroad, Able Nightroad, and Seth Knightroad. A fourth Crusnik Lilith is betrayed and murdered by Cain causing the two siblings to take action in dealing with the betrayal. With the death of the Queen of Albion without an heir the kingdom decides to open communication with the Vatican while looking for the rightful heir to the throne. Events lead to the Pope seeing that the Methuselah are not all evil and the need to open communication while gives him the confidence to put on his big boy pants. The "Star" is located ad is able to lead her country during a time of crisis. Sadly the series ended with a resolution.
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