"The 100" The Last War (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Could have ended better
Bluevettes2 October 2020
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I actually really enjoyed the season, but was kind of disappointed with this episode Things I didn't like: -The entire season was spent building up this transcendence thing, but when it actually happened...it felt extremely dull. -Clarke should have definitely been the one to kill Cadogan, but the way that it happened felt rushed, out of place, and had no impact. -The beings who were giving the last test should have been introduced in a previous episode because they had no depth. Who are they (gods, an alien race, something else)? Where did they come from? Why do they judge entire civilizations based on the actions of only one person then wipe out the civilization if that person fails? What is transcendence exactly and what happens to people when they transcend? All of this should have been explained, but it wasn't -The way that Clarke didn't transcend with the rest of humanity just because of her killing Cadogan felt weird and I wasn't sure what to think of that. -Bellamy was right all along and died for no reason. He should have been on the beach at the end with everyone else.

Things I liked: -The way that Murphy (a man who would screw over everyone else to save his own ass) basically sacrificed his life to be with Emori. -All of the main cast getting to finally live a happy life on Earth is a great ending.
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Great show, flat ending.
brandonmckay812 October 2020
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I loved this show a lot, especially the first 5 seasons. Season 6 was decent in parts, same as 7 but they didn't really hit like the rest. This finale was overall pretty disappointing & pointless. I never took this show as being why not to live. I took it as reasons to fight to survive yet in the end only 15 or so people choose to live? Everyone else just transcends. I questioned the decision at the time but Clarke killing Bellamy added nothing to the story because it didn't protect Madi & Madi transcended anyway. I guess the 'Trust Bellamy' in Hope's arm was right but no one did that anyway so again, a pointless storyline. Credit to the acting though which was still incredible, especially Lindsey, Eliza & Marie. Marie's speech in this episode was brilliant. I personally feel like, for what I got out of the show, season 6 is a better ending (before the final couple minutes) because there was still promise, hope & the desire to learn, love & live.
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We are now, one crew. Our fight is over?
jlbgame2 October 2020
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My girlfriend introduced me to this show as season 6 aired, she herself being a show veteran. In our full watch-through together, I thoroughly enjoyed the first several seasons. Sure it wasn't Game of Thrones in terms of quality (though their final seasons are comparable, which I'll get to), but it was fun, intense, character-driven, and thematically enriching. After season 5's introduction of the Eligius crew, and the subsequent introductions of Sanctum and Bardo in the next two seasons-giving us entirely new threats and even new planets-I knew the show was in trouble. While elements of seasons 5 and 6 were interesting (Octavia's arc, Diyoza, the mind drives, etc.), the show had become a completely different one than what came before. Which leaves us with this mess of a season and its finale.

My main issues with it are as follows: 1) Bellamy died for nothing. Like Jaime Lannister in GoT, Bellamy got the character betrayal treatment, going from a loyal big brother willing to do anything for his family to becoming a religious zealot dead set on appeasing his new savior after having an out-of-body experience. He died for a dumb reason, killed by his best friend like Jon Snow killed Daenerys, and doesn't even get a redemption after everyone transcends, because "the dead don't transcend" (see reason 3). Maybe his death allowed for Octavia to have her big moment in this episode, but the fact that he died the way he did, without the possibility of transcendence, is unsatisfying. 2) The test. So these all supreme, higher beings designed a test for one human to decide the fate of the ENTIRE race. Sure... Mass Effect 3 called and wants its own deus ex ending back. If the beings designed the test for one person, why would they allow another person in at the same time? And why would they still be vulnerable, hence allowing Clarke to murder Cadogan? Makes little sense to me from a design standpoint. 3) Transcendence. So you mean to tell me these beings have been around for millennia, judging species on whether or not they are worthy to join a collective consciousness. An interesting concept on paper, but it falls apart when you dig deeper. Who else did the humans join with in the consciousness? It wasn't the Bardoans since they became extinct, but god Lexa said "no one else chose to return" before Clarke's friends did, implying that there were other species. Dinosaurs? Cave people? Other aliens? Clearly not dogs since Picasso didn't become a glowing, orange, arms-outraised Groot. Who's next now that the last humans can't procreate? And what about all the people throughout history who came before and died-they don't get to transcend? Where do they go when they die? 4) Other plot holes, like how did another anomaly stone get buried in the bunker, the greater significance of the spiral symbol (I guess it just references the stone?), how the time dilation between planets works (is it just between Skyring and Sanctum?), etc.

I'm really not sure what the message is here, if there is one. Don't love too much? Don't love too little? Don't war among yourselves? I don't know what to take away from the supreme beings and their message on intelligent life's worthiness to transcend. It feels empty and fatalistic. After Clarke and her friends die, there are no humans or intelligent life left until the next one comes along for the god Lexas to screw with to see if they're worthy, too.

All things said, I did like the fact that Clarke's friends came back for her, a beautiful thing to think about given all the sacrifices they've made for each other, this being the last one. I liked seeing Alycia and Paige back. I'm glad Octavia and Raven both had equal moments of importance to saving the human race. I LOVED the acting, especially from Eliza and Richard (the unsung hero of the series). The last scene itself was filled with emotion and gave a satisfying ending to the characters, but did nothing for the sense of the story. I can't give the finale a higher rating than 6. Thanks for the memories, The 100.
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Not a fan of the new age ending
PoppySeed162 October 2020
I honestly really thought it was going to end where they used the device properly to go back to the time before the world was destroyed. Before the nuclear bombs hit. That they stopped it and then it skipped to 100 years later where all of them were born on an earth that never ended with some form of knowledge that they knew each other... idk that's how I would of ended it at least.
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zocky-292921 October 2020
This episode was beautiful, emotional and meaningful, just what the last episode should be. This is my favorite episode of The 100 and favorite ending of any TV show I've watched so far.
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7 years of perfection
jimmyishere-3774830 September 2020
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This show will remain in my heart forever. May we meet again!

Edit: I watched the episode again a few months ago. The Season is very good to people who are keen on space sci-fi series. To be honest, Season 7 doesn't belong to the dystopian post-apocalyptic series
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Overall extremely satisfying but still wanting more
acohen2031 October 2020
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I have to say it was a great finale. A lot of amazing cameos and a lot of twists. Though I sort of wish they had time to expand on these transcendence beings and sort of fleshed them out more instead of just pushing them in the last hour. Also would have loved to see a Bellamy one last time. Js. But still a great finale. Gonna remember this one!
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Well, at least it had a somewhat happy ending
greenmangreat16 October 2020
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Bellamy's death absolutely infuriated me. He survived 7 seasons only to die in the most pointless way possible. Clarke literally had zero reason to shoot him if she knew she wasn't going to be able to retrieve the notebook. And so I was hoping Bellamy would get some sort of redemption in the last epsiode to make sense of it all, but... nope.

I mean, come on. There were 16 episodes to bring this story to a satisying ending., but the writers clearly couldn't decide between making choosing Sheidheda or Cadogan to be the main antagonist. In the end, both antagonists came to rather unsatisfying ends. And my god, imagine wasting all that money making that Nakara episode; an episode that contributed basically zilch to the story.

And then of course we have what everyone has been talking about: what were the writers thinking with this whole transcendence nonsense? Why are the survivors now suddenly viewing transendence as a positive thing, when it's basically just the city of light?

Ah well, at least Clarke and friends got the entire planet to themselves before humanity is gone forever.
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It's good but it's not but it's very good.
rfhpcwebi1 October 2020
It was a perfect ending, I loved it. But I'm lost, it made sense but I'm still lost. I feel like something was missing. They explained everything yet still something was missing. It was good tho
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Sad to see it end..... this way
rkrispy421 October 2020
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Loved this show from the start and had high hopes for a kickass series ending, BUT with the way season 7 was turning out all that hope Floated away. This final season felt rushed and all over the place. The writers tried their hardest to tie everything together at the end but fall short.

ALSO killing off Bellamy (the way they did) and not having him in the final episode in some way or form is total CAP!!!! Like come on Jason... other than that the ending with the "gang" all together ready to live the rest of their lives in peace was slight cringe but satisfying.
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We won't be meeting again
mauid2 October 2020
I've seen this ending before in other shows, and was just as let down then. Season 7 storyline was bonkers. The writers had 16 episodes to work with, and decided to piddlefart around for half of them. They focused on dumb filler situations like the planet Nakara and the whole Sheidheda plot when they had some really interesting ideas they could have been exploring. Instead we are left with many... MANY plot holes, with a rushed faux happy ending that loses it's charm the more you think about.

The HEART of the show was really missing this season, especially in this episode. The show used to be great, but like GOT & Lost I'm left with no desire to rewatch after seeing how it ends.
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Deus Ex Machina
danguercio2 October 2020
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First off, it's hard to end a series like this. Especially with the direction it took in the recent seasons. The show has changed from what it first set out to be. With the genesis of the sixth season and the discovery of the anomoly stones, the story changed from simple survival in a post apocalyptic world to a purely hypothetical science fiction show. There was a direct change in the sixth season that moved the show away from its roots. Many may see this as a hard left turn and I would be inclined to believe them, but if you don't mind hard-to-comprehend philosophical thoughts about the purpose of human existence and the meaning of the entire universe that will make your head spin presented in a straight-foward, more or less, entertainment medium, then you may have stuck with it. To be clear, the show was not the same after season six. It made quite a big change. It's all about personal preference. If you still enjoyed the show post-shift then you will enjoy this finale. If you prefered the version of the survival show with tribal, gladiator-esque world building presented in the first few seasons, you were probably turned off more early on, but maybe a blind loyalty kept you going. That's what the bottom line is. If your interested in the meaning of existence and and life as humans then the show still works. If not, you won't like it. The 100 has become polarizing for this reason alone. Was the show right to veer off into this direction? Maybe not, or maybe yes. What I'm saying is that it really depends on the viewer. It depends on what you want from the show. They may have lost their base by this change, but if you're like me, the change was fresh and exciting. To get back to the title of this review, "deus ex machina" is a term that derived from ancient greek plays where a "God" of some sort would decide the gate of the characters. I, for one, enjoyed this being deployed in the finale of the 100. It's not for everyone but the effect is well received in an ambiguous storyline. I find it refreshing, ironically, to see the tactic employed in a modern show. What could you really hope for? In the incomprehensible landscape of what the show has become, the ending was fitting. On a technical aspects, it did seem a bit rushed and there were a few aspects left unanswered. At the same time, the direction that the show took in its final seasons, it was difficult to fill in the holes and they did the best they could in my opinion. In conclusion, if the show had stuck to the same theme it developed in the first five seasons we would have inevitably seen a very different ending. They didn't and I personally applaud them for pushing the boundaries of the narrative. It's not the perfect ending, but in a show that has become fraught with incomprehensible, philosophical ideas of universal existence, they didn't do a bad job. Given the direction, I personally think they have done the best they could. It really depends on the person watching. You may like it, you may hate it, but it is undoubtably not the worst finale I have seen for an incredible show that I have loved for years. This concludes my thesis on the 100. May we meet again :)
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Middle of the road ending
kathryn-linton722 October 2020
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It was a silly ending to the series as a whole. I know that obviously the show has to keep evolving, and have fresh drama, but this just went too far out there. I felt like they were trying to placate fans by doing dumb loopholes. If you're dead you're dead, but hey SO lucky Madi is only brain dead, and Emori has a mind drive. Not that I wished either of them to die, but it felt like they were throwing us this bone when they really gave us a dumb ending. It got a little too Christian rapture to me, when they made these beings seem so much more. It was a let down. When Raven and Octavia convinced them to give the human race more time to evolve THAT would have been a good ending. Them starting over just like they did at the beginning of the series. Instead, the human race "transcends" and they return to Earth to be with Clarke and die off. As the celestial beings allowed humans to transcend, the race can no longer procreate. So the whole point of survival of the human race (the entire plot of the series) ended with people becoming light.
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What an anticlimactic ending
abhinav-s1 October 2020
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So much was left unexplained. This entity which judges the human race has no background whatsoever. They were built up to be some terrifying power from the way Becca had described them but the reality was so much different. What was the point of Becca being so afraid if all it took was a pep talk from Octavio to stop a fight?

And what was the point of killing Bellamy if Mady still ended up being brain dead? Felt like his death was just supposed to pull some emotional strings, which it failed to do as well.
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A message
MarQuilly27 October 2020
I was afraid that my favorite show will crash-land in the final episode, because the whole season was a somewhat weird. It stranded in the previous episodes a lot from surviving and unbreakable human spirit from the earliest seasons. But the final episode swept me off my feet, and left me in tears.

A great finale, a bitter-sweet ending, where not every piece sits in the spot, but it shows excellently overall human spirit that conquers death, as it is composed from love, friendship, devotion and faith in the humanity itself, not the higher beings.

It is also a realistic ending. Some of us will find our well deserved heaven, some of us will choose to live in the limbo, and some of us won't make it, and will continue to live only in the memories of our dearest. Either of the ways, it is natural and very much human. This may seem unfair for some, but this is - a life, in its essence.

I couldn't wish for more, this is the best message one entertainment show can deliver.
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Life is about more than just surviving
segundoarchain1 October 2020
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Our characters finally are able to trancend but decide to be able to live, after all the suffering and pain that survival has cost them they can finally rest now as gheir fights are officialy over.
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bestford26 July 2021
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I loved the ending to me It was perfect. We lost the test then we passed the test. We ascended then changed our mind and came back for our friend. To me It doesn't get anymore human than that.
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A befitting finale considering the circumstances
Abdulxoxo1 October 2020
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After the abysmal last few episodes,I thought we wouldn't get a befitting finale. I'm so glad this finale proved me wrong.

Well-acted, intensely shot, good direction, spectacular scenes, features manic action, good VFX, the music and the lyrics support the plot.

the positives this season;

° Murphy, love his character this season, and the fact that he actually helped other people other than Emori and himself really shows how his character grows for the better.

° The intro; it's very snazzy this season, unlike the earlier seasons' intro. a big thumbs up for the team behind it.

° Hope; she carried the show in the earlier episodes but totally pushed aside in the later episodes.

° Russel/Sheidheda; the actor is very good, and I think he was underutilized. Sheidheda deserved to be the main baddie in a whole season, not in a we-will-use-you-when-we-need-you type of way, he's too important for that.

the negatives;

° Main characters are sidelined and the characters that were in front in the earlier episodes were disposed in the later episodes

°Killing off Bellamy without no tangible reason

° Disjointed and a bit confusing storylines

° Clarke's obsession which Madi, which is understandable but it's a bit too much.

° Echo

A very emotional finale that ends the show in a convincing, powerful way. One of the most surprising moments in the film occurs when Lexa showed up during the Transcendence test, it was so good to her and other old characters like Abby. The main characters are back on Earth with peace of mind that they deserved for a very long time, tho it's a shame Bellamy isn't there by their side.
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7 Seasons For a Nonsense
fivefortyslaps3 October 2020
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I thought The 100 was all about humanity, fighting against people manipulating their technologies to be false gods giving false hopes. Remember when they were trying to end sadistic acts in Mountweather,when they stopped ALLIE from taking everyone to a false paradise, when they ended Russel and his companies because of their misuse of technology to be viewed as gods, and remember everytime they tried to prove that commanders aren't gods.

For the first half of this season, they are on their way to prove that disciples are just a cult made for the wrong purpose. And then Bellamy joined them because he sees something beyond explanations, then he just dies the second stupidest death for a major character after Lexa's, with no point proven. And then came the finale, the very last episode, proving all the nonsense they're always fighting for 6 freaking seasons right, and it ends with the good ol city of light.

I wish they had ended the show in season 3 then. It gets worse thereafter anyways.
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So sad to see you go!
lclubb1 October 2020
I've been hooked from episode 1!! So sad to see you go but such a satisfying ending! Which doesn't come along very often.
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vadimmars2 October 2020
The end was too simple,i expected something WOW about that puzzle.
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My goodness
hottasha1244 October 2020
Just when I thought 2020 couldn't get any worse. This finale happened.
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igtudo1 October 2020
I loved this finale, it was beautiful, it was poetic
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plot holes but a decent ending
kitamariestenner1 October 2020
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So, overall this season has not been the best, I didn't have very high hopes for the finale especially with no Bellamy. I feel like this season should have gone in a whole different direction. this whole alien higher being thing is just crazy, and unrealistic to the show, there are still a lot of plot holes left, things haven't been wrapped up as much as they should have been and I am still left wondering and questioning things from this season. A lot of things adding up to this finale have seemed pointless therefore it is hard to accept much closure. the whole Murphy & Emori scene was heart breaking to watch, but very clever using the mind drives. i think those who have died such as bellamy should have got to transcend to, after all that's what he died for and they got to do it without hi, which was very sad and disappointing he would have made the whole episode better. All this being said I do appreciate the bittersweet ending, the music in the background playing as they were all together where they should be. the only thing that would have made it better and that would have gotten the 10 star rating would have been for bellamy to be there experiencing it with them. I don't understand the 'lexa being' having to tell her there would be no offspring and no transcending when they died. it just felt unnecessary.

i would give a rating of 6/10 wasn't the worse possible ending. but could have been far better. in future i would only enjoy until season 6. but have njoyed the whole series overall and there is no other like it!

without season 7 season 1-6 i would happily give a 10/10
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I'm happy it ended.
akhil02718 October 2020
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Usually people feels the opposite when the series ends. We won't know what to do anymore for some time. The 100 used to be one of the underdogs in the world of TV shows. But it has been running on fumes since Lexa's death. Whole final season felt both rushed and dragged at the same time. They dragged through the major part and rushed the ending. It couldn't give any satisfaction at all. There's no info about the higher beings. Bellamy's death was pointless. It was disappointing.
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