"The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" Adar (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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The best episode so far, but still missing something
Dannyboi949 September 2022
Episode 3 of Rings of Power is a vast improvement over the previous episodes. I know the bar for that is pretty low, but ep3:Adar is actually pretty decent. It's not amazing, there are plenty of problems here like the usual bad dialogue the average acting and poorly paced story - of which is finally progressing. In the first episode and we are finally moving forwards with the plot, that is a major issue.

The characters are all still stiff and only few of them stand out. Halbrand is the stand out here, he plays a street smart rogue and the actor does a pretty good job. Everyone else.... not so much. Galadriel is still dull main character as is Arondir. Although the parts with the orcs were good moments. I was glad to see the orcs in full make-up and costume.

I'm not fully knowledgeable of Tolkien's works, but I know some of it and a lot of the story and characters don't add up, which is my biggest issue with this series as a whole. I know you can't critise the series without being named all sorts of insults, but the Elves are the weakest part about this episode and the series. They just don't work at all. The elves are supposed to be elegant and stunning and should never look old. There are several old looking elves and it is just weird.

That aside for the bad, the best thing about this episode were the scenes in Númenor. The visuals and sets built for this place were astounding, even if it didn't make a lot of sense.

Ep3 was a better episode but it still isn't great. The story is still poor, the characters bland and is carried mainly by it's visuals (apart from that warg, that looked horrific).
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Entertaining but Lacking In Many Areas
jjmorrison-154-1772359 September 2022
The cinematics, visuals, and similar elements of this show continue to be fantastic. It's also at a point in the story where it's expanding into other realms and cultures (Numenor, Orcs, etc.), so this is also an exciting part of the series.

The thing that sticks out and, in my opinion, is lacking is the writing and storytelling. There's a lot of (for lack of a better word) lazy dialogue that's added to explain the deeper lore or character history. For example, Muriel asking Pharazon who the captain (Elendil) is not only doesn't make sense for the greater lore, but I think it's also a device the writers use to quickly tell the audience who the character is. There's a similar moment when Halbrand doesn't seem to know what Numenor is so Galadriel just tells him the quick backstory. Just my opinion but this feels like lazy world-building. Strangely enough, mainly because she's such an important character to both the show and in Tolkien's universe, Galadriel's storyline is the only storyline that I've completely lost interest in. I do like Morfydd Clark and think she's doing as good a job as she can, but I'm just not interested in Galadriel's storyline.

Overall, I did enjoy the episode and think there are some interesting storylines developing, but I think it fell short when it came to writing and world building.
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Not as bad as you may hear
aodhanmulholland149 September 2022
This episode is a slow one but it is setting up different story lines. The harfoot storyline is quite boring, I hope it fizzles out abit as the show goes on. The new island of men introduced us absolutely stunning. Listen, I haven't read the books but I am a diehard lord of the rings movie fan. The show is quite slow but you can tell it's building up and I believe it will payoff. If you ignore the hate around this show you will find a decent show which is only going to get better. The special effects are absolutely fantastic. The orcs don't look half bad either. I know this isn't the world Tolkien envisaged, but it is an interesting one.
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Sometimes feels like an advert for middle-earth
bluenine-29 September 2022
There are a lot of slow motion shots exploring the beauty of middle earth or the sets that have been built or just Galadriel horse riding. It feels like the show runners think they are selling holiday packages to middle earth. Almost every scene starts with a beauty shot, and the visual are stunning. So I guess I will take the deluxe package please.

This episode was better. The story has finally started moving. Loved the scenes of Numenor, that story arc was awesome. Must admit, every time they cut to the harfoots, it was annoying. I'm not enjoying watching these ancestors of hobbits.

Its been a long, slow buildup for almost 3 episodes. Please, please let there be some payoffs soon. If they have a great action packed Episode 8, my rating will jump from 7 to 8 or even 9. I am hopeful.
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Immersive Unveilings - E03 Review
JoshuaMercott9 September 2022
"The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" had, in just two debut episodes, proven it could survive under the beloved banner of Peter Jackson's original trilogy, of which I am one of millions of diehard fans.

The series - whose first two episodes I previously reviewed in detail - has also proven that it can take calculated and well-read detours from J. R. R. Tolkien's original books that inspired it. Such manipulations may not have sat well with some fans, but I for one believe that scripting such an ambitious story in the 2k era demands some change for two core reasons:

a. The intricate and irreplaceable prose of Tolkien's work cannot in all fairness be fully adapted to the screen. In this regard, the imaginations of fans are superior even to Amazon Studios' resources.

B. Curtailing such a lengthy and almost divinely detailed story required clever detours, which I believe is what the writers, directors, and producers of this show did. And they managed to do it better than expected.

That said, we delve right into the character of Adar, who does not feature in Tolkien's original stories but which the team saw fit to make the cynosure of episode 3 "Rings of Power". This was yet another interesting deviation from canon, as mentioned earlier.

To understand the significance of Adar's entry into the plot - though only near episode's end, and that too barely - we need to consider the story of the Orcs after they dispersed en masse following the defeat of Morgoth. A new power was indeed rising, namely Sauron, and it prompted the disbanded orcs to unite under the sorcerous shadow of their former Lord's pupil and successor.

The orcs were considered fallen Elves in Tolkien's book "The Silmarillion" in which numerous plot-revisions were yet incomplete. Tolkien's son Christopher did his best to fill in the blanks and gave fans a version of the tale that came as close as it possibly could to what Tolkien may have envisioned, in this case for the orcs.

The word/name Adar means 'father', which now points to a clever possibility as to how the orcs came to be, not to mention their racial hierarchy. In my opinion, Adar has little to do with Sauron except that he may play an integral role in gathering the orcs to his cause. Adar may well be Sauron's number-one intermediary.

The "Rings of Power" thus started to peel off another important layer that revealed the show's trajectory. Galadriel previously learned of the orcs' presence in the Southlands, an area which would much later become the dreaded Mordor, i.e., Sauron's HQ. Adar may also lead Sauron's forces in his expansionist campaign to take over the Southlands and remake it into Mordor. Galadriel's discovery in the far North about dark and sorcerous experimentations on orcs also tied in well with Adar's entry.

Now, there is the off-chance that Adar is indeed Sauron. I say this because the Dark Lord has been known to shape-shift in Tolkien's stories, and do so rather convincingly. It was how Sauron even took on the guise of the fair Elf Annatar in whose skin he was able to glean the precise techniques he needed from Celebrimbor when the master-smith created the original rings of power. Sauron later made his One Ring in secret and made sure that it had the power to control and corrupt all the other rings given to the Elves, Humans, and Dwarves.

Only time will tell more, but I personally feel that the "Rings of Power" showrunners may have decided to let Adar be the 'red herring' fans will assume was Sauron. Until future episodes reveal the Dark Lord's full diabolical plans, of course. I also feel Adar is his own character, because to make him Sauron in disguise would be to once again meddle with Tolkien's lore, especially what he wrote about this iconic villain. Such a task may prove too risky in the long run for screenplay writers, even those as talented as the ones who scripted "Rings of Power" for Amazon Prime Video.

Director Wayne Che Yip did excellent work on episode 3. Writers Jason Cahill and Justin Doble typed up a great screenplay. S01E03 "Rings of Power: Adar" also boasted excellent production design, great music by Bear McCreary, and notable VFX - what they did with Númenor was *chef's kiss*. Editing and sound effects were quite good. Hair-makeup and costume were exemplary - the looks they created for the orcs were credible and brilliant, to say nothing of their attention to sundry Númenorean nuances.

I covered more crew and cast-related details in my dual-episode review, so I shall stick to the bare minimum in this one.

Galadriel, played by Morfydd Clark, continued to impress. Halbrand (non-canonical character), played by Charlie Vickers, was notable. Queen Regent Míriel, played by Cynthia Addai-Robinson, was outstanding. Arondir (non-canonical character), played by Ismael Cruz Cordova, was superb. Watchwarden Revion (non-canonical character), played by Simon Merrells, was good. Captain Elendil, played by Lloyd Owen, was great. Pharazôn (who will later canonically become the last king of Númenor), played by Trystan Gravelle, was memorable. Isildur, played by Maxim Baldry, was great. Eärien (non-canonical character), played by Ema Horvath, was interesting. Nory Brandyfoot, played by Markella Kavenagh, was good. Marigold Brandyfoot, played by Sara Zwangobani, was notable. Largo Brandyfoot, played by Dylan Smith, was quite good. Poppy Proudfellow, played by Megan Richards, was great. Sadoc Burrows (non-canonical character), played by Lenny Henry, was memorable.

The so-far-secret presence and work of the orcs - including kidnapping, enslavement, and forced labour - were revealed in this episode. Mysteries gradually came to light and added to the rich lore, both traditional and modified, that has come to define "Rings of Power" in recent days.

The great port-city and island-kingdom of Númenor (aka Elenna-nórë or Westernesse) was at last revealed in glorious detail. It was absolutely stunning! Much of the architecture was so evocative of Gondor's Gates of Argonath (or Pillars of Kings) and of course Minas Tirith (or the Tower of Guard). They also had a large beacon tower that reminded me of the warning beacons of Gondor, and a tree that called to mind the great White Tree of Gondor (the one in E03 hailed from the same legendary species). The Númenorean ships were also designed to perfection. I was riddled with goosebumps watching Númenor's reveal sequence unfold.

The coming of Elendil was also superb. He will later (in Tolkien canon) become one of the greatest warriors of the Dúnedain, not to forget the first King of both exiled realms Arnor and Gondor. He will also later die alongside Gil-galad (the Elven King) during the Siege of Barad-dûr (War of the Last Alliance, late Second Age) perpetrated by Sauron.

Remember that guy at the fiery pit in Mount Doom, Mordor? The one who inspired all those memes? The one who refused to listen to Elrond - in Jackson's original trilogy - when he was asked to cast the One Ring into the fire? That man is Isildur, and we see his younger version making a memorable entry in this episode. Along with his brother Anárion, Isildur will (in Tolkien canon) later go on to rule Gondor in the south. He will also become the one to cut off the finger that held Sauron's One Ring - this will happen much later in War of the Last Alliance after he "picks up his father's sword". Many ages later, his heir Aragorn will come to reclaim his rightful place, as witnessed in Jackson's original trilogy. Isildur's character-entry thus added something momentous to "Rings of Power".

The (low-key) Harfoot harvest festival was showcased this episode. While it brought distinct 'Bilbo Baggins on his eleventy-first birthday' vibes, it more importantly held deeply emotional elements worth watching. One could tell from where the Hobbits later derived some of their traditions.

Every design of the orcs, including performances and voiceovers, made me feel nostalgia for Peter Jackson's original trilogy. The orcs in "Rings of Power" were familiar yet fresh, in a manner of speaking, which only added to the thrills contained in episode 3, and promised plenty of action and intrigue in future episodes to come.
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Improvements, but not really improved
luca-lindhorst9 September 2022
Well there are less plot holes in this episode, but still enough. Acting got worse not better. Dialogs aren't better either. And so much weirdness like the extremely weird riding slow mo. They try to reveal stuff which is already obvious, they try to setup mysteries which are obvious and/or uninteresting.

The Hobbits just get worse every Episode, now they are heartless little lemmings I guess, I thought their hearts are even bigger than their feet?

Galadriel is acting weird, hostile, angry even more than before. The actress cannot even transport gratitude over the screen.

I think it is unnecessary to point that out by now, but nothing about this show is Tolkien.

Still much more to complain about, but I don't seems this show bothers so whatever. And btw I cannot think about a single positive thing in the whole episode.
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Solid Third Episode
BadurBey9 September 2022

Overall solid third episode. With some breathtaking cinematography, beautiful soundtracks, and an interesting plot.

I really enjoyed this episode. It started off strong with Galadriel and Halbrand arriving at the Kingdom of Númenor. That arc was the best part of the episode for me. Halbrands attempt to fit in and make a new life for himself doesn't work out since the natives are not welcoming. Galadriel travels with Elendil and finds interesting information about the Southern Lands and Sauron.

Arondir and a group of men from his company get captured and are forced to work as slaves by what I assume are Orcs. Throughly enjoyed this arc as well.

The only part of the episode that somewhat dragged is the harefoot storyline with the mysterious man. It was the weakest part of the episode for me but wasn't enough for me to dislike it. I'll want to see what they do with these characters later on.
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Unfortunately the show is just boring.
lachezaryakov9 September 2022
You have Middle Earth and you don't know what to do with it. You have unbelievably high budget and you give me this CGI. Also the main character is just unlikeable and not because she is a woman but because she is so arrogant and she treats everyone with disrespect. And the harfoots are so out of place and forced in to the show just so you can have something that reminded us of the hobbits.

People already figured out who is gone be Sauron.

All the plot lines are just slow and boring i am sorry but that is the true.

Here's something positive the orcs look cool and there are some very beautiful shots. But omg that's not enough for such a big and expensive series.

If this show was not attached to the great fantasy world of Tolkin nobody would care about it.

I guess you can buy everything with so much money: reviews, influencers, critics. But you can not buy the love of the fans.

And the fact that you blame them when they give you a faire criticism is the worst thing you can do.
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Still no vibes
moviesknight9 September 2022
Some good visuals have started coming, slow motion used nicely. The buildup is still slow. Maybe they wont live upto the standard set by The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Still feels disconnected. The story is getting a bit interesting and this may keep the series in talks for some time but they better start delivering. Orcs were better. The enemy has moved slowly but steadily all this time. For men, it is more to the eyes that we see. Kindness never goes out of way. Nori steals every shot she is in. One of the interesting characters of the series. Die is cast. 2 more episodes will decide the fate. But we will se about that.
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After the first two episodes, the show slowed down...
dandi-907509 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had problems with the first 2 episodes - but despite them, I could still enjoy them.

I was bored during watching this episode.

The good parts:

The CGI and costumes are good. Most of the costumes doesn't even remind me to anythig what is LOTR, but at least they look good. The orcs looked good as well, their movements, voices, the way they talk, their clothes were spot on. Númenor felt alive and massive. Aaand, that's it.

The bad parts for me:

I didn't like Númenor at all. Always wanted to see it and i was excited about it... but damn, it looks like as if someone would mix ancient greece and arabic styles together. At the first 2 episodes I could feel some middle earth vibes. When we saw Númenor and watched Galadriel and Halbrand's scenes there, I completely forgot that this is something LOTR related. This "ancient-real-life" style is just very very far from Tolkien's world at least for me. I felt like i'm watching something else, an episode of Vikings or the Wheel of time at a mediterranian part of the world... Don't get me wrong, the design wouldn't be bad. The city was massive, we saw a lot of people duing stuff, it wasn't empty... but it's not Númenor for me.

Also, ISILDUR DIDN'T HAVE A SISTER. Her character is totally pointless at this point: she literally did nothing what would make me like her or would made me insterested in her.

Halbrand and Galadriel's story is just mixed with Bard's stroy from the Hobbit: - the guy just wants to restore his name because his family made a mistake, just like Bard with the dragon.

On the other hand, it also similiar to Aragorn's case: his people needs a king, so he has to be that, but he isn't sure about his own quality. It felt forced, boring, and looked like a obvious attempt to try make fans love the show, because sometimes it's similiar to Peter Jackson's works...

The slave-pit scene... ah, MORE average looking elves - if it wouldn't be the pointy ears, I'd simply say that they are average humans. One of them was even looking 50 years old. Come on writers, elves look young, ethereal, angelic, was it hard to cast people like these? These guys barely lived 2 minutes on screen, their "acting" quality wouldn't even matter anyways.

At this point the harfoots can't interest me anymore. They became boring, annoying even: they argue about pointless things, they'd leave behind someone when there are clearly enough people to help them pulling the cart, and they don't even have actual reasons to leave as soon as they can -.- Their looks is annoying as well. Why are they always dirty like hell and , and every single one of them is unsyphatic, except Nori and her friend?

The "istari" storyline is too slow and at this point they didn't add more to the "mystery". People will lose interest like this.

And I guess the orc's big bad boss will be the "evil elf"... what's not a thing in the books. There is no elf who would serve or work with orcs at all.

I just started to get into the show, but now i'm starting to lose hope again... and I can only hope that I'm wrong.

Also, It's funny that the episode's title was Adar. And we didn't see the person, and he was barely mentioned anways...
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Another Solid Entry.
alasdairboswell9 September 2022
I hope this episode wins more over to the show, as I felt it really got things moving story wise. The visuals and music really whisk you away and immerse the viewer in this vibrant world. That is something to behold, even if you don't like the story.

I enjoyed seeing Númenor, as well as other familiar characters from the history of Middle-Earth. The episode does a good job switching between storylines, and while there are a few moments where I thought it lagged or wasn't the best, it just delivers with each new scene.

The Harfoot's continue to be the heart of the story, and they very much have won me over with the character of Nori Brandyfoot. She's a kind, sweet, and curious person who wants to do the right thing.

There are some Orcs in this one, and I won't get into spoilers, but the scenes surrounding them were great. I loved seeing practical Orcs again, and not the terrible CGI ones from the Hobbit films. Bravo to The entire makeup and costume department. They most certainly will wins some awards for this.

Overall, and exciting episode with some more great word-building and some tender heartfelt moments that really shine out and remind me why I love Tolkien and his world.
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better than 1 and 2?
carlstar-876269 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Better than 1 and 2 but that isn't saying much at all and the bad is even worse.

The hobbits are even worse than before and I thought maybe they might be Okay. Oh how wrong I was. I love how they just let people die in their travels. They picked that idea up from Galadriel. Why do you write people to just leave the weak to die.

Speaking of Galadriel, how can she be more awful? Here is episode 3 and she is more awful. The great leader and she treats leaders of a city with disdain and threatens to kill them? In front of hundreds? Wearing only a night gown? I know she can kill trolls in one swipe but hundreds of people might be an ask, even for the greatest of all time. Oh and now the man is the King of Men. So we have the LOTRs story arc there.

To juxtapose this destroyer of all, we have the other elves. Captured and when they try to escape, a worg immediately tears one apart. The elves clearly spent all their time training only one elf and decided to let the others sit around and clap while Galadriel did so.

No dwarfs. Probably a good thing as you don't need to constantly change areas, especially when telling any sort of story in 'normal' time restraints, is beyond the writers.

It will only be a matter of time before we get a tortured soul that wants something real bad, like something precious.
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Good Until The Warg Sequence
Backwards7109 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was good overall but I have to talk about that warg sequence.

First, terrible CGI on it... I mean there's stuff from 10 years ago that's better CGI.

The chain.... it's all over the place. It's taut, then there's 10 feet of slack that's somehow in front of the warg and then it disappears and is taut again, and back behind the warg, as the warg charges into the(apparently brittle roots of a tree that's still living) and crashes through the tree roots shattering them. Then there's this magical amount of slack on the chain again that can be wrapped around the roots several times. There's just so much wrong with the physics of that chain.

Finally, the last elf trying to escape gets shot in the chest, from behind(with a boomerang arrow?) ... I guess so he can turn around all "dramatically" to be shot in the chest again.

I really hope the action sequences are handled/presented better than this in the rest of the series.
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Getting more & more enjoyable, give it time!
da-brioschi9 September 2022
ROP is on top of the game visually & musically speaking (it is at least expected given the $ behind it). Each & every single shot does not waste anything, you can tell the huge mgmt behind it. The pace so far has been very slow, with many conversation filler scenes; the story within the series is still on the making yet there are many interesting hints that need be developed. This episode is okay, maybe it was just us expecting it to be very much lotr-recalling, but if we detach from this perspective we'd enjoy it more. The characters are well written, I really like the development of Galadriel & Arondir; on the other hand acting-wise...not so good.

The 5 arcs story goes on peacefully & coherently, some are more boring than others yet. Lets see how it continues!
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Strongest episode so far
austineusd9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of intensity and Numenor is absolutely fantastic. As a Tolkien super nerd this episode was full of references and fan service. Loved every second.

Elendil was very good and I'm so glad they name dropped Anarion instead of pretending he doesn't exist. The family dynamic between him and his kids is very good. I'm very invested in the goings-on of Numenor.

As always the cinematography was amazing but definitely wasn't the focus of this episode in comparison to 1 and 2. Consider this to be a more focused episode with the lens on the ground level and focused on the characters more than their environment.
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Is it good or bad? I don't know yet but I think it's at least better than the previous
noahlietzau9 September 2022
I think this episodes has some improvement from the last two. Keeping the episode focused on only three different stories is much nicer than the back and forth of 4-6 stories in the last two episodes. So far in the series I haven't really been interested in any of the characters or story lines however the Númenóreans has so far been the most interesting setting and characters so far and this episode managed to make me more interested in Arondir. The Halfoots were much of the same, I didn't really care for it but it you liked them in the first two episodes you'll probably like them here. On episode 3 and it's still feels like there's a lot to set up, and I'm nervous the whole season will end up feeling like set up however it does seem to start to get its footing.

The introduction to Númenór as it was slowly revealed was great.

The writing and dialogue is a still not anything great however my issues seemed reduced in this episode and contains a couple stronger written scenes. The action and cgi wasn't great in its direction and I really hope they'll change the style of action in the future.

If you liked the first two episodes I think you'll like this one even more though if your like me with some criticism and skepticism I think this episode is at least an improvement from the last.
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The Mediocrity continues..
alexrheney9 September 2022
Previous episodes have all been flawed but intriguing and the trend continues.

Its beautiful, the show definitely has a budget, and it makes me sad that even the visuals can't save the story.

Three episodes in and I think its fair to say this isn't a good show.

Galadriel is the star of the show, there's been a ridiculous amount of characters introduced in such a short amount of time and most of them aren't in this episode.

Galadriel is trying to mend broken friendships, her ship wrecked buddy is ready to become the king of the north, and the Harfoots are as annoying as ever.

Overall it's a tv show, the issue is that it named itself the LOTR. HBO has a show named HOD which has worse CGI, a smaller budget and yet somehow a better show. I Want to finish this by saying HOD isn't great, LOTR is just seriously dropping the ball...
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Mixed bag but showing promise
thomasbuckle-119649 September 2022
Whilst it was enjoyable to see Numenor, this storyline feels slow and laborious, with the scenes of Isildor feeling like they were more bothered about name dropping than anything of substance. Although this part of this episode underwhelmed me, I do think this storyline is the one with most potential, and I'm very excited to watch it play out.

The Harfoot storyline is dull, I feel no affinity to any of the characters or the plot that they will ultimately be pushing along. I don't think I'd have such issue if there wasn't such screen time taken up. If they had been given no screen time and you now saw them migrating with some stranger, then I don't think anything would be different. Waste of screen time.

For me the Arondir portion of this episode was great (minus the killing off of unimportant characters trying to evoke emotion from the watcher). It provided actual world building and gives a better picture of what is going on in the Southlands.

Overall I think the episode was a step in the right direction. Hopefully as the world develops, we will spend more time with the more significant and interesting storylines.

Lord of the Rings was plot heavy, and the main difference I see with that and Rings of Power is that it feels aimless. We're 3 episodes in and I still feel like it's lacking in overall direction.

What has happened so far could easily be condensed into 1 episode, and I'm sure the watcher would still have the same affinity with the characters.
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Getting better
ahmadisina-897339 September 2022
A lot of people judged this series just for its two first episodes which were not bad actually for begining and i think it was not right to judge it quickly.

Because this is the most expensive series of all time and we should wait to see what's coming and i think it is going to be really interesting .

It's getting interested at least for me and i think most of you are in my side and the are chosen really good.

And also I'm not the one who should rate series and films, and these are just my opinions.

But, i just have one question: can you tell me why we didn't see anything about humans who traveled to the Elves lands?
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Getting better, yet a bit too heavy on the Harfoots
meelkliko9 September 2022
This show gives me mixed feelings, the CGI and vistas are breathtaking as in the lighting and overall acting. The music is very LotR like, what weight on the show is the Harfoot element, thought its cute at times , are not really a thing in this Era in the history of MIddle Earth, they are/wer insignificat and the series highlights their presence and story line too much in my opinion. Actualy I dont know why they are in the show at all, beside perhaps, the hint at the early ancestors of the Hobbits. If I were one of the producers I would tone the Harfoot element in the next season significantly down and focus on the big events that span something like 3 millennia in the original legends and HUman Elves and Dwarves are the protagonist and Orgs Goblins and ofcourse Saurons other minions the antagonist. Storyline enough there I would say. In any case I am still enjoying the show inmensely, primarily based on the visual audio candy and the developing (minus the Harfoots) storyline.
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Steady pace but too steady
nateoak109 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think what was done well in the first two episodes continues to be done well. I appreciate the deeper lore aspects they talk about even if the average viewer doesn't get it, it's still gorgeous to look at, the actors continue to be quality.

However I think the plot needs to start moving along more. For a die hard fan they'll hang onto the world building. For a casual viewer they'll get bored. The stranger plot is moving at a snails pace and doesn't seem connected to the greater plot. That time would've been better spent with Celebrimbor as he directly is tied to the titular theme of the show. The Harfoots are well done and entertaining in their own right, but it's just too early in the show to get bogged down in a slow moving plot when the audience still hasn't been introduced to any threat beyond Sauron existing *somewhere* . Without that plot moving faster, it seems as if their inclusion in the show is more of a weight than a wing. It's not their acting or dialogue , it's just too unconnected and slow at this point.

There's also some very , let's say awkward, creative choices. The first being Galadriel's slow motion scene on the horse. I hated that. Unflattering angle, scene went too long. If you want a hero rides horse across landscape scene watch Two Towers on the way to Edoras. The director really dropped the ball there. The second is the Warg , it's not wrong per say just wasn't the type of design I'd have picked. Lastly, too much slow mo in combat scenes. Let the fight play out, it's reminding me of Michael Bay. The editor also needs to let the panning shots of the vistas last a little longer. No WCS use for a quick cut of a gorgeous shot then an elongated view of Galadriel on the horse.

But ending on a good note : The Numenor plot with the humans and Halbrand is great. Halbrand 100% is sketchy and done well. Elendil might be the best actor of the series so far as well and I can buy him as a future king. The city itself looks the part as well. Arondir's plot , now being revealed as Mordor, takes on a whole new meaning.

All in all, on it's own the episode was satisfactory but not outstanding. The director and editor probably shouldn't be brought back and was carried by the material they're working with. And the reveal of Adar next episode or so needs to be worth this long wait because even as a die hard fan I find myself wanting the plot to move more quickly and not spend so much time watching Harfoots hold a festival.
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episode 3
riyadmustafa-532399 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't compare between the book and a series because there always a different between them so please don't anyone compare with them i hope the series ending in beautiful way.

So i want you just watch it until the end and than you can judgement the series

And how you rating the episode 1 it's so unfair

This episode It's a magically like the others episodes and the sotry it's become more beautiful and this episode it's beast than before episodes I feel the ending was be the best ending on the TV I'm so exciting now because this episode 3 the end was beautiful And the dialogues was amazing i love it so much and so dramatically and the acting was very beautiful.
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Enjoyed the first two episodes better
mcemerden9 September 2022
Did not enjoy this episode much, personally prefer the first 2. I thought the writing in the first half of the episode was alarming but the second half was good. I don't mind the slow pace. Curious to how these shades of GoT of people with hidden motives will play out. I'm pretty sure Miriel is loyal to the elves but acting otherwise to remain in a position of authority.

I really like the depiction of orcs so far, they are definitely among the highlights of the show. I liked how they put an emphasis on their hatred of the Sun and light.

Felt there were some scenes that looked out of place, I thought it was obvious the director of this episode was different.
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Didn't feel very Tolkien like
shawnmdunseith9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So much of the writing in this episode didn't feel like something you'd find in world of Tolkien.

For instance, i found that the squabbling the we see between the Númenóreans and Halbrand felt totally forced and doesn't make much sense, and the parts of Nori getting in trouble from all of the rule breaking felt like something from an after school special or a 90s teen drama. I was half expecting Zach Morris to pause time and comment on the drama at hand.

The Elves and Orcs scenes were the most compelling parts of the episode but the Warg didn't feel like it would be all that formidable and should've been more easily handled by the elves.

Wasn't the worst writing I've ever seen from a fantasy series but didn't feel worthy of the world of Tolkien.
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wrong Galadriel!
hoomer989 September 2022
Galadriel is the star of the show!

The character that the books describe is a sorcerer, who not only has lots of power but acts very wise.

Moreover, she has this Fe extroverted and Ni introverted Intuition in the books and the peter jackson series. On this series she look like an elf yes! She does have golden hair and a fair skin, like cate blanchet! But she is more like an INFP than a INFJ ! She acts immature, and is passive aggressive !

I think she should have been chosen as another elf and not Galadriel!

Finally I am not satisfied with the way, elves and harfoots look on this show! But Orcs and Dwarves are pretty awesome!

Bad decisions have been made!
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