"New Amsterdam" Sabbath (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Glitterykittywitch6 April 2022
Oh my goodness

For the reviewer complaining about continuity .... That's not Reynolds... its Dr. Myron Ayton played by the lovely Eric Payne but I kind of think that your mistake might underscore the episode a little bit.
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Another great episode
trudjoh19 February 2020
Again a good episode. Lots of good discussion on budget issues, none of which has easy decisions. Just like real world.
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A little far-fetched, but well-meant
drnikic8 March 2021
Wow, this ep seems to have upset a lot of people. I keep hearing "check your privilege" in my head whilst reading some reviews. OK, the premise was a bit hard to swallow, but I've witnessed subtle examples of the sort of "micro aggression" they're talking about. If that makes me one of those "woke liberals" then good. I'm white and cis, but I can still imagine how that stuff can chip away at someone, but they internalise it. Overall I found the episode a little disjointed compared to some, but I have no problem with its message.
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A really, really flat note.
Tommetfactory2827 April 2020
This episode is agonising. The writer is clearly politically charged to the point of absurdity. Cancer because of racism? Micro aggressions because of a librarians unconscious, assumed racial bias? A program in a hospital for undocumented mothers?! Utterly awful! This could be a really great hospital drama and just when I think I'm coming around, some rears their ugly head to force feed their nonsense message. Get in the bin!
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Quickly losing interest in this show.
jnyost20 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The show is really becoming a political show piece. It's full of BS like getting a bill code for racism and offering prenatal care for undocumented mothers. Come on. Let a show be a show without trying to shove politics down our throats. If I want politics I'll watch the news.
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One of my favorite shows but, this is all getting silly
CountessNatalya19 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Two million dollars of an already struggling hospital's budget for "Postnatal care for undocumented mothers"? Wanting a new code to bill insurance companies on claims that racism is causing tumors? *Sighs*
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Just-A-Girl-1415 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The stupidest episode in the entire show (and there's competition). Tumors caused by racism?? Seriously?! If you want to shove your political agenda down our throats at least do it in a way that makes SOME sense. Seriously! The kid is sick because the librarian doesn't let him check out some books. First, how weak and spoiled are kids these days?! Here's a thought: figure out a way to solve the problem instead of sit and whine about it. Second, that doesn't even mean she is racist. Maybe he is not on the list of students who have permission to do that. Maybe she's just doing her job (yes, I know, it's a crime). Why assume racism? And even if it's true, racism didn't cause the tumors, it's the stress that caused them. If I'm scared of spiders and the stress of it causes me to be ill, the problem isn't with the spiders. It's with me. Iggy was one of my favorite characters at the begging of the show but the writers turned him to such an idiot. Instead of running around trying to change the world maybe as a psychiatrist he could... hmm... I don't know... do his job and give the kid some tools to manage his stress and anxiety?! Ridiculous!!!
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I Had To Ask Myself If This Show Jumped The Shark Today
canesfan-2168626 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was a low point in the series and one of the worst episodes of television I've seen since I quit watching Manifest. Look, I get that this show has a very liberal lean to it (I'm conservative) but I've never found that to be an issue because the show is compelling and has great characters. This episode was totally off the rails though. Tumors caused by racism! Cuts to fund postnatal care for undocumented moms at a struggling hospital! Cutting edge Mexican medical facilities! Even got a jab in at the Bernie Bros (super forced and strange). I'm not out yet, I hope this was an anomaly and I'll give them a few episodes to right the ship, but this boat is taking on water and it's sinking fast. Now would be a good time for the old Max to show up and ask, "How can I help?"
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Too much woke
grakky19 February 2020
There was some in the series already but it ramped up too much in this episode.
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The diagnosis is sickening, in more ways than one.
Auntie_Inflammatory26 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show was always silly but it's getting progressively (pun intended) worse.

In this episode, a 13 year-old Hispanic boy is admitted to the hospital with a stomach tumor. Iggy, the therapist (not an oncologist, not a surgeon) on duty, makes a diagnosis as to what caused the tumor... Was it a hereditary predisposition to cancer? Was it radiation from the kid's cell phone? Was it his diet? Was it due to power lines or pollutants in the area where he lives? No, the amazingly brilliant therapist has decided that the tumor was caused by.... Racism! Seriously, I kid you not...

Iggy makes this amazing deduction based on the kid being annoyed that he wasn't allowed to check out books that had been reserved for gifted students from the school library and on answers that the kid gives to a questionnaire with statements, like; "What you think doesn't count very much," and, "The rich get richer while the poor get poorer."

He actually TELLS the child that his illness was caused by racism! He encourages the boy to embrace victimhood. The guy should lose his license immediately and NEVER be allowed to work with children again!

As if that wasn't enough libtardedness for one episode, Max is also bummed that budget cuts are forcing him to cut pre-natal care for illegal alien (as in people who committed a CRIME by coming here illegally and continue to commit a crime as long as they stay) mothers. Oh, no, American tax-payers will no longer be able to pay for criminals to get free health care!

Of course the all-wise, all-knowing Max saves the day by proposing that N.A., instead, generate revenue by out-sourcing their doctors to other hospitals (I'm not a hospital administrator but does this actually sound feasible?!). Hooray, illegals will continue to pop out healthy anchor babies while Americans die on the streets!

It's as if the writers are having a contest to see how many "woke" issues they can cram into a single episode. Why focus on writing good, compelling, ORIGINAL stories when you can just push an agenda? It's so lazy and hacky to be sitting there in the writer's room and decide to go with the tired, old cliché, guaranteed to manipulate the emotions of the liberals in the audience, instead of making the effort to come up with something new and interesting.

The kid with the tumor isn't the only one sick to their stomach after making it through this episode.
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Racism? Really?
sport_killen31 March 2020
Silly stupid about racism get cancer. 1 of 10. Deserve 0 of 10. Good doctor is much better show.
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Weak predictable story pandering to delicate sensibilities
boba_fettforever25 February 2020
Weak predictable story pandering to delicate sensibilities. A low point for the season.
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Getting too liberal for me.
cindyrooney23 February 2020
I agree with the previous reviews. Too much being crammed down our throats. I am about to give this show up.
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Vomits up liberal swj talking points ad nauseum
rizk-4469622 February 2020
There has always been the hollywood elitist talking points woven in This series, but this episode beats the viewer over the head continuously. Can no longer take it. No linger watching.
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What happened?
rayholland-9347628 March 2021
This show is great, but this episode? What has happened? It took a screeching left turn all out of nowhere. Sure this show had an underlying leftist bias, but it was not smacking you in the face the entire time. This episode is not a smack, it's a full Normandy assault on steroids. I seriously hope it's also the only one. I won't be touching it with a 10-foot pole otherwise.
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Tumors caused by racism?
jemarval5 April 2021
This is shows a joke. Good acting and great characters spoilt by a terrible writing and hard left politics.
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Cancer caused by...racism?!
maddy_ro_0015 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is the dumbest one yet. I did detect a lot of "woke" stuff going on in New Amsterdam but it was just here and there and easily ignored, but to make a full episode in this spirit, it's too much. Instead of cutting a program for people with no documents Max chooses to cut the budget of all the departments and the storyline with the kid that gets cancer from not being able to check out books from the library is the worst ever.
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DeckardTrinity21 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dr. Reynolds travels to a clinic in Mexico, and then two scenes later he's magically back at New Amsterdam performing open heart surgery on a 13-yo patient on presumably the same day... then right back to Mexico performing yet another surgery. A miracle man indeed!
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notar0b0t13 March 2023
Let me preface this by saying I'm as liberal as they come, but could this episode have been any more heavy-handed? Tumors caused by racism? I don't mind shows wagging their finger at me, telling me everything that's wrong in the world. Heck, most shows I watch have some sort of activism/"woke" thing going on. New Amsterdam usually does it well: racial profiling, medical bias, uninsured patients... I'm sure I'm forgetting some topics they already covered. But this? Too much. You wanna change people's minds? Show, not tell. Show us how racism is affecting the characters we're watching. Frankly, this whole "racism caused tumors in this patient" is diminishing the real impact racism has on people. It's silly, it's almost a mockery. Within the last few years, plenty of shows have portrayed racism, and other serious and important subjects (rape, inequality, homelessness, etc) much better than this episode did.

Also the writers should tone down Iggy's savior complex a little bit, he can't fix the world in one fell swoop. Same with Max. Two pretty bad episodes in a row. Hope it's not a clue for what's coming for the remainder of this show.
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