Curse of Aurore (2020) Poster

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It deserves a better rating
mjsreg12 January 2021
Considering the quality of the usual 'found footage' offering (usually people - teenagers - running around screaming for no real reason), this is far better than many.

It has a solid storyline and (apart from a few moments) the acting is superb by all of the cast - quite impressive considering the limited experience of most of them.

The one thing I would have liked to see is more of a build-up to the ending - exploring the reasons for it a bit more.

Otherwise, quite a good watch for a small budget indie.
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short review from a real Found Footage fan...
jeffdivinsky3 September 2021
Great base story but ends up being like most FF flicks...boring with a dumb ending.
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Okay found footage horror but nothing special
CURSE OF AURORE is based on the real-life of tragedy Aurore Gagnon, a Canadian child who died in 1920 at the age of 10 due to severe child abuse by her stepmother and father.

Incidentally, according to Wikipedia, a younger sibling died before her but after the stepmother, a widow, moved in with the family. This all seems suspicious to me at least, but those deaths were evidently declared to be "natural". The whole affair would seem to make a good story, but the movie only focuses on Aurore. After her death, she became a cultural icon of Quebec, being the inspiration for several books and media works. The movie exploits a legend of her haunting the locale.

As a device to further enhance the realism, the movie is bookended by an episode of MindseedTV, a real-life Youtube show which deals with the paranormal. The host describes the contents of a mystery box he obtained from the dark web and which contains a USB stick with the following found footage:

three film-makers come to the tiny town where Aurore died and decide to make a horror film based on her. One of them is apparently a kleptomaniac and ends up unwittingly inviting danger of the supernatural kind for all three of them.

This is a very slightly above average found-footage horror movie presenting yet another variation on a common theme of film-makers bringing supernatural trouble upon themselves. The kleptomaniac idea is novel, and I had prior to this movie not heard of Aurore Gagnon, so there are new elements.

However, the basic structure of presenting fragments of the solution to a slow-burn mystery while providing character exposition which takes up most of the movie until in the last few minutes suddenly the danger and horror are ramped up to 11 is familiar from countless prior movies in the subgenre.

I think most found footage horror movie fans will like this, while those who don't like the subgenre won't like this movie, either.

A couple things that may turn off some people who might otherwise like this is that the residents of an actual town are all painted with the same religious nut brush, and that the movie goes to the real-life locale and uses Aurore's and her family's actual graves (I am not sure about the house which is purported to be where she died). I can see that some might find this xenophobic and exploitative, respectively. You have to decide for yourself whether that bothers you enough not to want to watch this movie.
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Rewind movie
goodalan-8219120 January 2021
Very surprised about this movie as I did not expect to be rewinding back and forth. The idea was good and the scares were chilling. For a low budget movie it was okay.
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Exploitative, lazy, and boring
kbtoys1003 September 2021
First off, all the 8 to 10 star reviews are fake.

Curse of Aurore started off on two bad feet between the fake reviews (seriously, does anyone actually believe these?) and next is the fact they are basing a paranormal horror film about the real life murder of Aurore Gagnon, a 10 year old girl so severely abused by her parents she died.

There have been several plays, books, and films based on her story, and now this piece of trash.

The plot is this: three annoying filmmakers decide to plan a movie about Aurore and for some dumb reason they film this process. Meanwhile people in town act strange and hostile to them and they begin to notice strange things in their footage (mostly terribly cut and pasted faces for a few frames).

Little of substance happens until the final 15 minutes, and most scare scenes are lifted from other found footage films.

The movie makes the reprehensible choice to go where the real tragedy occurred, including filming her grave and overlaying a ghost against the tombstone.

In terms of overal found footage films, Curse of Aurore is slightly better than bottom of the barrel, there is at least some attempt, the camerawork is decent, it would have gotten a 3/10, but to try and capitalize and exploit a young girls Murder for your own film is pathetic. Combine that with the pompous fake reviews and downvoting any poor rating makes this the lowest of the low.
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Curse of director being the writer
takato052429 July 2021
It just doesn't work. And it certainly didn't do this dumpster fire any favors. I'll keep it short and sweet: nothing significant happens until the last 15 minutes, and even that makes you annoyed you sat thru the whole thing.
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Tries but fails, so stay away from it.
jmbovan-47-16017313 September 2021
Standard found footage film, but without any scares. Annoying characters, barely there plot, and then strange townfolks. But all poorly done. Waste of time.
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A fun little thriller
aidathan29 July 2020
Parrish, The Curse of Aurore Gagnon, may not vastly differentiate from other found footage horror movies, but this somewhat uneven horror film adds enough of it's own unique twists and turns to make a fun and thrilling ride.
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Bad! Just ... Bad!
dpr447328 August 2021
Hands down one of the most boring, uneventful found footage films I've watched. Three instances in the entire movie of a bad cgi ghost woman ominously lurking in the background; once in a doorway, once in a small mirror on the other side of the room, and once in the reflection of a headstone at the local cemetery. Aside from a couple panicked swerves of the car to avoid a ghost girl standing in the middle of the road, that's pretty much it for the scares. Don't waste your time with this one. All these reviews rating this 8, 9, or 10 out of 10 stars are not legit. This movie is a 3 at best.
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If you love Found Footage, you'll enjoy it.
crystaljoycarbiener7 February 2021
Ever since I delved down the rabbit hole of FF films, its becoming harder and harder to find a decent one. I was pleasantly surprised by this one! It did a good job of getting to the point of the story right away and keeping things interesting. I really enjoyed the ending! Would definitely recommend to a FF film-lover.
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These Characters Deserved to be Cursed
soulcrisis2813 September 2021
Ok so, this movie potentially maybe could've been promising and good, but the three mains are so unlikable and despicable you just end up hating yourself for watching the movie and them even more for ruining it. That being said, there's 2 guys and a gal btw, the girl is tolerable for awhile but eventually falls in line with being disliked like the other two. In fact if anything, you feel bad for her being stuck with these two loser wastes of human excrement.

So for starters, this a found footage so automatically that means shaky garbage camera work and stupid tired excuses for why they have it on 24/7. This genre of horror is cheap to make so it gets abused severely by wanna be horror movie makers. These movies could be tolerable if the characters and scripts weren't so awful to go along with the cheap garbage camera work.

Onto the crappy characters. Kevin, long hair and beard stereotype stoner, just also happens to be a kleptomaniac. So, not only does he steal stuff throughout the entire movie, he then has the nerve to try and justify why he did it when he gets caught, which isn't hard because he shows off his stolen items each and every time. He sadly doesn't die fast enough.

Now Aaron, if you ever needed an example of the most two faced, pessimistic, whiney cry baby, then look no further than this guy. He complains about everything! Then pouts about it, then complains some more, then talks trash, then when he's actually talking to your face directly, says the opposite. I'm sure we all have met or know someone like this and avoid them as much as possible. Sadly, can't avoid this guy, he's a main character and always present in the movie.

Last, Lena, ever optimistic and sort of naive you feel sorry for her but at some point, you're waiting for her to wake up and get a clue, but she never really does, which is annoying.

It's just a sad, pathetic attempt at a movie which sadly is based on a true story yet, does the story no justice and completely ignores why the true story is well known in this area of Canada and remembered so long after it happened.
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The suspense!!!
tpourdavarani20 January 2021
Loved the writing in this film. Truly felt on edge of my seat to figure out how this was going to end. I would recommend this to anyone that loves mystery and horror!
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Better then expected
birdlaw-2827718 February 2021
Solid 7 from me. I just finished watching the movie and I have to was pretty good. I liked the begining a lot, the mystery box was a great idea for a found footage. Setting was great, house was super creepy. I just wish maybe the movie was longer? I feel like the build up was great throughout the movie but the last few min got rushed? I don't know. But I definitely enjoyed the movie. Wish there was more though.. I'm not bashing the movie or the actors. They were all pretty good and belivable. maybe a prequel or sequel....Lol. good job though I will recommend watching it. I don't understand the low rating on here.
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Can't call it overacting if it isn't acting.
benzed6 August 2021
Knew I was in for an annoying time when straight off the bat I was very aware of actors going overboard attempting to ACT/BE nonchalant.

It wasn't convincing at all.

They also had issue trying to appear terrified.

God awful movie imo.

See for yourself.
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A CURSE well worth its consequences
hrkce9 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To say that I was pleasantly surprised by Curse of Aurore would be an understatement. I was blown away by its intriguing story, genuine scares and even the character development. You're along for the ride with Lena, Aaron and Kevin, and you really get to know these three characters, ultimately caring for their well being. And when the crucifix-turning and 'ghostly-sightings' scares begin, they don't let up, leading to a truly horrific final five minutes that stays with you long after the film is over. There's found footage flicks. And then there are FOUND FOOTAGE flicks. Superior Found Footage, the elite 'Hall of Fame' Found Footage, like Paranormal Activity, Hell House... and now... Curse of Aurore. Catch this gem ASAP!
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Did somebody step in dog mess? Because it stinks
donkey_dick20 August 2021
As soon as you see anyone from Mindseed TV you know what you're watching is gonna stink. If you aren't familiar with them, they are outdated hipster / tough guys who go all their tattooes in one month that make fake paranormal videos on YouTube that idiotic fans think are real. They appeal to youngsters who think creepypasta, lame ass fake dybuuk boxes and haunted dolls are cool. Totally new school and totally sucks. Just like this movie. Avoid it like the plague.
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Fantastic Found Footage Film!!!
tmccull5221 March 2021
Hmmm. Now, why would a movie that merits the title "Fantastic Found Footage Film!!!" only merit a one star rating, you may be wondering.

Pray, allow me to elucidate. I tried watching this movie twice. I fell asleep both times waiting for something scary or suspenseful to happen. So, if you're an insomniac, this is a fantastic found footage film if you want to pass out and actually get some sleep. If you're looking for a compelling, scary, suspenseful found footage horror movie, this film SUCKS!

And that's how a movie that merits the title of "Fantastic Found Footage Film" also merits a one star rating.
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22 minutes in...
ranwulfs30 May 2021
...and I've already seen a handful of über cheesy effects! I mean - "hit me over the head" effects you'd have to be either blind or playing on your phone to miss! Strangely though, I still want to keep watching!

*edit* Well, I kept watching, and it made no sense and went nowhere. Overacting and a confused plot. Meh.
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Obviously the "reviewers" don't know who these people are.
razorsedgesound-2725116 October 2022
These guys are actual paranormal investigators, so the references to this being. A "found Footage" are not entirely true. You should watch their series on You tube before critiquing their. Work. You can find their channel on you tube under mindseed tv. Go watch their investigations before you assume that they made this up, or scripted the documentary. They have several other investigations that they incorporated into full length features. Non believers need not add your 2 cents, we know how you feel because you've never had an experience with the paranormal. Their documentary's are meant to be informative, as well as entertaining.
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Just Another Silly Horror Film
dnw-9847918 September 2021
It had its creepy moments and they did well with setting the scene but otherwise this was ridiculous at best.

The characters spend most of the movie driving around this snowy Canadian village having a strange encounter here and there while being completely obnoxious. Things didn't start to happen until the last 10-15 minutes of the movie and by that point I was over it. It might've actually held up as a descent movie if the characters weren't so annoying and stupid. Most of their actions were clearly contrived, making little sense and therefore was just there to move the plot along.
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Absolutely terrible
manuelasaez13 January 2021
A Youtuber buys a "mystery box" from the Dark Web, and receives a hand-made doll with a thumb-drive around its neck. He watches the contents of said drive and this is the set-up to the film. Original and unique. Promising beginning, right?


This has got to be one of the worst Found-Footage films I have ever seen. There are absolutely no redeemable qualities about this movie save for the premise, and every single facet of this film fails so miserably, I felt sorry for the people responsible for this mess. Did no one you showed this film to tell them the truth? Not a family member, not a friend, not a third party viewer? No one came out and flatly said, "That was bad." Because truly, it was. It was bad. Worse than bad, in fact. It was a colossal waste of time.

The acting was horrible, the "special effects" were amateurish and shoddy, it's not scary and not much goes on. The constant movement of the camera made me nauseous, and I struggled to finish it. But I feel like I wasted my time. When a movie wastes my time and all I take from it are negatives, it is a monumental failure.

Seriously, this movie was just bad in every conceivable way. Please avoid it. Don't waste your time like I did.
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Dope flick
mgschembari14 January 2021
Super cool indie film. Loved the story & really eerie setting. Looking forward to more content from this group of creative folks!
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Llana Baron is a terrible actress.
frankblack-7996128 September 2021
If it weren't for Llana Baron, this wouldn't have been too bad. Sure its got some cliche stuff and the ghost effects aren't the best. Decent try though. Better casting would have gone a long way.
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Don't believe the reviews that say it's the best found footage movie around.
nonada18 September 2021
Obviously when you watch this movie you will realize that the reviews here on the page are fakes, it bothered me so much that this is my first review here on the site. The movie is loaded with bad tropes. The glitches in the filming don't work and are simply distracting, they are beyond believable. The story takes a long time to unfold. Many of the reviews say that the film is scary, and I as a big aficionado of the genre say that there wasn't a single minute of tension or fear, yet the house and the town by themselves are creepy. The story doesn't work even as found footage much less with slow burn. Many clues that are established along the way are dropped. The three protagonists almost work well but the chemistry between them is not believable either. Nice try to influence the reviews.
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Not worth your time!
hrid-9238515 January 2021
Boring and dull.

Even if you are sick at home with Covid, this movie stinks.
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