"The Mandalorian" Chapter 15: The Believer (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Bill Burr as Bill Burr!
Jibbawow11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Loved Bill Burr having a good time with this one and while even having a pretty good story arc. Mando showing his face and the uneasy expression he had the whole time was gripping. His helmet hair didnt look too bad for 24/7 wearing a helmet lol. Loved the humanizing of the stormtroopers but it did feel a little weird how bill burr felt so much pain for his comrades that died, then the two of them just go back to killing stormtroopers by the dozens like they're nothin. I'm glad the cinematography is back and looking as gorgeous as ever (after last episode looking a little fan made for some reason). Wish Bill Burr didnt leave at the end :(. The set up to the finale did its job! Cant wait!
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"He means more to me than you will ever know"
rijuchaudhuri11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the definitive character development for Din! His willingness to save Grogu is spectacularly executed!
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Let's just say they might recognize my face...
arjunm-5783811 December 2020
Another great episode! Bill Burr was even better in this one than he was in Chapter 6 and it was a nice setup for the season 2 finale.
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Great episode
tristan21911 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed the cinematography in this episode. Loved the fresh paint boba armor and seeing slave I in action.
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The storm before the storm
maxglen11 December 2020
A pretty decent episode, brilliant to have Bill Burr back and we get some really great moments with Pedro Pascal this week, lots of action but also a very human and emotional episode at its core too. Overall very few complaints. 8/10
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The Dream Team
GomezAddams66611 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As it was foreshadowed in the last episode we got to see Mando's Dream Team consisting of Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Cara Dune and Mayfield. This episode was action packed to the brim.

But above all the action it was a very emotional episode as Mando had to make a tough choice in order to get to Grogu, a choice I don't know how he will ever het passed from.

Solid episode.
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Get those Seismic Charges ready!!!
suvechhabose11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a fantastic episode! I loved it! For the very first time i saw in live-action that empire gets a bad rap for their chaincodes , their moral set by their stereotypical fascist rulers.They believe but their vision is flawed And exact same thing for Din as he follows the Mandalorian chain code.Richard Brake was Magnificent,there were chills down my spine the entire time when he was on screen. Plus the retrospect of philosophy was a really interesting thing as it was never shown in any episode of star wars tv series.Excellent writing standard,and God bless Rick Fumuyiwa for using those seismic charges from Attack of the clones. This is why i love star wars .
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Pretty decent
ingra8811 December 2020
Good episode!

A character has redeemed him self of his past! A character has to make a sacrifice not of death but of faith to get information! We now have two female strong characters and two Mando's A new direction many be?
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Great episode
prestonweb11 December 2020
Kind of a filler episode but it was easily the best one. I actually liked Mayfield in this episode. The bomb from the Attack of the Clones was a nice touch. The ending gave me CHILLS. I am super excited for the finale!
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Redfish Review: A Shining Standard
christensenofficial11 December 2020
Going in to Chapter 15, I was hesitant that Disney would take Baby Yoda's separation as an excuse to conduct a season wide scavenger hunt, which at the highest surface level, this episode may seem to become, however through some of the most well shot action sequences in modern history, an immaculate attention to character development, and a genuine purpose for each character to fulfill, Episode 15: The Believer, is one of the best pieces of Star Wars content in recent memory, period. From the start, character motivations are clear and concise, with no actions seeming out of place or unjustified in relation to the plot, of which occurs much more than I prefer on this show due to story holes and an unwillingness to allow the series to be carried by it's characters as opposed to its cameos. For instance, Boba Fett is not portrayed as a mythic figure here, but is given a believable reason for assisting the team, and is competent without feeling invincible because of it. Bill Burr's character is given some fantastic subtle backstory as well, that ends up showing actual impact on the narrative as a whole. The Empire also sees itself as very subjective in terms of how pure or evil they really may be. Characters are glad to see them in situations that benefit them, yet show an intense hatred toward those very personnel when their true colors are shown. This is screenwriting as it was always meant to be. Plot facilitated by character with both given equal attention to affect one another. Rick Famuyiwa marvels in his ability to balance solid coverage of a scene so the audience is aware of the geography, but allows for tight shots and action beats to carry a scene, creating noticeable tension and elimination the possibility of a easy out. Morals are questioned, the sides between right and wrong blur, and The Mandalorian is truly depicted and determined to save his child, no matter how many bodies will be spilled along the way. Cinema at its best is able to immerse an audience through intelligent cinematography and plot beats, while allowing them to connect with character's whose motives genuinely challenge their own beliefs. I hereby give this episode my full stamp of approval, and simply hope that Disney understands just how vital this progression and weight truly is. As the most professionally written and directed episode in the series thus far, I can now go to sleep at night.
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Loved this one. Bill Burr great!😃👍
ragnarhannes12 December 2020
Even the Stormtroopers semi-functioned. Less pathetic than usual. Big mistake in TV series to make them so bad shots and soldiers. See prior episode, cringeworthy Stormtroopers.
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Fill out TPS Reports...classic reference!
Landofree11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why did Mandalorian have to wait until the last two episodes to make a decent episode? Well, I'm glad they finally put forth the effort.

This was a decent episode. I wish Boba had more to do, but it was great to see his armor painted again.

If you look at the concept art at the end of this episode it looks as though Mando was supposed to have taken Boba's jet pack, because you can see it on his back as he's hanging off the transport vehicle.

It was nice to see the Imperials finally destroy some people instead of simply being the targets for Mando et al. When the Stormtroopers took out those bandits, and then the Tie Fighters came in, I stood up and cheered. Those are how good the Imperials should be, not just mindless targets.

The writing wasn't 100%, but it was a lot better. There are some weak moments, and lapses in story logic, but it was still way better than it has been for the first 6-ish episodes.

The TPS Reports reference to Office Space was unexpected, but awesome! I'm glad they referenced that generation, because we are the original fans.

That's it for now.
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BILL burr great ! Pirates stupid
mxaustralia14 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great convo between Bill Burr and Mandolorian!, the acting was great. The only things stupid about this episode were the pirates. Somehow these pirates could get thermal detonators but could not get there hands on laser guns. It looked ridiculous when the pirates with sticks would charge someone with a laser gun. Why didn't the convey have an armed escort or have tie fighters running up along side. How did the storm troopers not recognise a new face when they fi nally got into the base there wasn't that many of them in there to be able to be unidentifiable. Other than that this episode was still good.
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A contrived plot
Imaculata14 December 2020
The Believer is easily the episode with the weakest writing in the entire season. It feels as if the writers had just an idea for one cool action scene, and failed to write a cohesive plot around it. There are a lot of loose elements in this episode that never really come together in a satisfying manner, and certain plot points feel horribly contrived. This episode highlights one of the main weaknesses of the show as a whole (the weak writing), and puts it under a microscope for all to see.

Even more odd is that the episode leaves the main characters exactly where they were at the start of the episode, making this whole episode feel like a redundant fetch-quest. It feels like such a waste of time, considering we are one episode away from the season finale. They could be setting up the villain, but instead the writers waste time with more planet hopping. Can someone punch up these scripts for a change?
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Great episode
hugomerckx11 December 2020
Overall great episode. I really like the character development we got on Mayfield. Now it's waiting for next week.
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Another great and sometimes hilarious episode.
TheFirst0111 December 2020
This episode since the opening scene was hilarious. It then took a dark turn near the end, and I love the fact that Mayfield got redeemed. If people don't like him after this episode, not sure what to tell you. In conclusion this was an action packed episode. I can't be the only one that thought about Mad Max Fury Road in the pirates scene. Minor complaint- stormtroopers hit everything all of a sudden after Mayfield and Mando arrive, but they historically have bad aiming (even near the ending of this episode). Not gonna lie it felt a little underwhelming compared to the previous two episodes, but still mangages to be action packed and with a cliffhanger that will have you rallying for the season finale.
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Filler episode, but I couldn't care less as it's still peak level Star War
victor-dadson11 December 2020
This is how I was hoping the Solo movie and the sequels would be. Every Star Wars fan's wet dream! Can't wait for the finale!
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This show is pure Star Wars magic
Ashitaka13711 December 2020
Can't believe episodes are this short yet so whole! Just give carte blanche to the people behind this show, regarding any future Star Wars movies and shows. Mayfeld is definitely my new favorite character for the moment; for his humor and sincerity in this episode; but their righteous rebel group are all badasses and likable. I believe the title of this episode is maybe a reference to how Mando now believes that there is nothing above saving Grogu's life. Make a Star Wars "Mayfield talks back and shoots back" show!
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Great Episode, need more Bill Burr
mtsioros12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off I'd like to say this was one of my favourite episodes of the season so far. Mayfield's monologue to Djin in the transport about everyone being the same was a perspective that we have rarely seen from the Star Wars franchise. They also tried to humanize the empire troops to an extent which was interesting to see. Officer Hess was incredibly entertaining, his accent was bang up. The tension in their conversation and the dichotomy of opinions was very real and relatable to any war. Djin's message to Gideon at the end was chilling. It was satisfying to see Gideon looking uneasy for once, he's usually so in control.
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BEST STAR WARS content I have seen since The Empire Strike Back !!!!
fred-6585611 December 2020
OH, MY, GOD !!!

How can I describe what I just saw ? This is... truly the best Star Wars content I have seen since the Empire Strike Back 40 years ago ! I just watched the episode and I still have chills, my emotions have peaked at a point I didnt even know were possible !! I cant even remember the last time I was that excited after watching any movie or TV show.

The only words that can respect the quality of episode 15 The Believer are : ABOVE PERFECT !!

I will keep it short, everything got me hooked to the end and when it finished I just wanted more and more ! Every moment watching this, I was blown away by how good and amazing it was. The best, simply the best Star Wars we had in decades. I have no Tattoos but if I had to get one, it would be : The Believer

Now I am gonna go watch it again. Happy episode everyone !!
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Sets up the finale perfectly!!
irfan_mehboob11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed this episode. We had a character redemption, we get to see Pedro Pascal again, and if I'm not wrong its the first episode of the Mandalorian where Grogu (or Baby Yoda) does not make an appearance:( Good job from Rick Famuyiwa and i cant wait for next week when hell will break loose for the FINALE!!!
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Why do we have to see his face?
pskurrie-2849619 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why is there nothing left sacred? Why must modern cinema spoon feed us like we're idiots. We DIDN'T NEED to see the Madalorians face. But they just pushed and pushed. So now we know who tbhe actor is (as if we didn't already!). The series is great, but this just appeased to the vocal minority. Another nail in the coffin for good story-telling.
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One of the worst episodes so far.
ivobg14 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Couldn't believe how naive this episode was. So many flaws..

So, in this episode Mando and a prisoner steal a truck full with highly explosive rhydonium which the Empire is mining. Some pirates are attacking the convoy and blowing up the trucks instead of stealing them.

Why I am talking about stealing? Well, because it seems that rhydonium is something very valuable for the Empire. Why is that? Because when Mando and the prisoner reached the refinery with the only survived truck - they've been welcomed as war heroes, as Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum after blowing up the aliens' mothership in "Independence Day". Our two "heroes" been applauded and congratulated by all the troopers in the hangar with words like "I can't believe they did it!", "Bringing glory to the Empire!", "I can't believe they pulled that off!"...... Instead of mourning their fallen fellow stormtroopers..

But lets get back to these transport trucks. So, the pirates are blowing up trucks every day, for who knows how long, but the Empire sends only two troopers, without taking any precautions at least with the panels - which can be opened by a wooden stick! And without putting any stormtroopers on top of the trucks to protect the cargo, and also without any other side support (as speeders) during the delivery! Despite there are hundreds of stormtroopers inside the refinery just hanging around doing nothing. Can it go more naive than this? Of course it can! Then followed those nonsensical "Independence Day" ovations which I already mentioned above.

Funny thing is also that, when they firstly observed the transportation - no trucks been blown up. Pirates appeared only when our heroes got involved. Ridiculous.

And the ridiculousness continues after that scene, it never stops. "In order to access the network, the terminal has to scan your face". So Mando brakes his code and removes his helmet! The terminal scans his face, and for some reason it gives him free access to Moff Gideon's ship location - despite Mando's face isn't registered in the Imperial database. How's that work?!?

In the next scene we see something really unusual for Disney Wars - they portrayed an Empire officer as a smart individual. He started to interrogate the two "heroes" in a manner unnatural for the "dumb" empire military. Which actually reminded to a scene off "Inglorious Basterds".

Then our heroes escaped (of course) and been followed by only two tie-fighters. That's all the protection the Empire can afford for all the priceless rhydonium. This is more hilarious that ridiculous.

Ridiculous from start to finish, typical childish and naive story writing. Only some nice sounds and costumes that remind of Star Wars - for which I am giving this episode 2 stars instead of 1.

Wait, this episode continues with the ridiculousness - after they succeeded with their primary task, Mando and the tough chick decided to just release an Imperial prisoner, and will pronounce him as "died in the refinery explosion on Morak", which is who knows how far away from his prison location planet... What was he doing on that planet and refinery location, who brought him there and for what reason................ all these things we should just ignore and pretend the story was well written. Right, Disney?

And at the end Mando sends a hologram message to Moff Gideon threatening him like he has an army of 10000 Mandalorians to fight beside him. And Gideon seemed scared as a child who sees a ghost, without even saying a word, or laugh at the threat like a villain.

Well I did, I bursted in laugh at the end of this episode. :)))

My rating for this episode: 2/10.
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3 great episodes in a row
grandomeur11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
But each with an inexplicable, glaring hole. After the jetpack fiasco, this one comes with a machine that scans your face for apparently no reason. Anyone can walk to it and access very sensitive information about the whereabouts of the highest ranking officers. Had Meyfeld been the one whose face was scanned, it would have still been ok as he's someone in the system. But how the hell did Din's face-scan grant him access to such info? Other than that, this episode was top-notch: amazing cinematography, 2 excellent combat scenes, and an unexpected turn of events with an imperial officer. Many people have reacted so positively towards the last scene, though I found it a tad cheesy. Still, a great prep for the season finale.
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Amazing new episode!
G33KEd11 December 2020
In this latest new episode of 'The Mandalorian', Migs Mayfield now teams up with The Mandalorian, Cara Dune, Fennec Shand, and Boba Fett to plan a mission to rescue Grogu from Moff Gideon and the Empire.

I must say, this episode is very much awesome!
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