"Batwoman" I'll Give You a Clue (TV Episode 2021) Poster

(TV Series)


Nicole Kang: Mary Hamilton


  • Ryan Wilder : Four targets.

    Mary Hamilton : Yeah.

    Sophie Moore : Four bullets.

    Ryan Wilder : That's how we get her out. Look. We hit each of those targets in this specific color order.

    Sophie Moore : Too easy. The blocks detach from the chain, which means they're probably not in order. Besides, those symbols have to mean something.

    Mary Hamilton : Okay. Alphabetical by animal, then?

    Ryan Wilder : Okay. So, uh, bird, bobcat, fly, and then spider.

    Sophie Moore : Bobcat? That's a puma, which means it comes after fly.

    Ryan Wilder : It's a bobcat, which means it comes before.

    Sophie Moore : You want to bet her life on it?

    Mary Hamilton : Hey! There's a girl dying in a box. Think. If they're not in the right order, why chain them together in the first place?

    Ryan Wilder : Food chain. They are in pecking order. Okay, so, bobcat/puma eats bird, bird eats spider, and spider eats fly.

    Sophie Moore : [taking aim]  Let's find out.

    Ryan Wilder : Whoa, whoa! Who said you were shooting?

    Sophie Moore : Pretty sure I just did.

    Ryan Wilder : Anyone want to discuss the five shots of tequila you downed tonight?

    Sophie Moore : Mary.

    Mary Hamilton : Yeah?

    Sophie Moore : Pick. Someone who probably holds a high score in Duck Hunt or a military marksman?

    [to Ryan] 

    Sophie Moore : Unless you have some sharpshooter skills you'd like to disclose.

    Ryan Wilder : Go for it.

    Sophie Moore : Thank you. Now back up.

  • Ryan Wilder : Why is there a Crow in our loft?

    Mary Hamilton : I thought you were working late.

    Ryan Wilder : I was, but then drama showed up and ruined my night, so I cut out early. Why is Crowphie here?

    Mary Hamilton : We were just hanging out. I didn't realize I had to run guests by you.

    Ryan Wilder : You don't. It's just... her?

    Sophie Moore : Okay, look. I'm not here to add to your drama. The guys at work sent me tequila for my five-year anniversary, and I wanted to share it with someone. You're welcome to join us.

    Mary Hamilton : And, honestly, based on the vibage that you just walked in here with, it kind of seems like you could use some ultra-expensive tequila right now.

    Ryan Wilder : So am I supposed to just act like I'm cool with her being here?

    Sophie Moore : As a lesbian who was married to a man for three years, I will say drinking is the key to denial.

    Ryan Wilder : I thought you were bi.

    Sophie Moore : Yeah. There's a lot we don't know about each other yet, Ryan.

  • Mary Hamilton : It's gonna be okay.

    Stephanie Brown : No, it's not.

    Mary Hamilton : What?

    Stephanie Brown : [taking off her coat, revealing numbers and letters drawn all over her chest, back, and arms]  I don't think he's done.

  • Mary Hamilton : Never have I ever kissed Batwoman.

    Sophie Moore : [drinking her shot]  Yeah. Never have I ever been saved by Batwoman.

    [they all drink a shot] 

    Sophie Moore : When did Batwoman save you?

    Ryan Wilder : Last Halloween.

    Sophie Moore : Oh! The O.G. Makes more sense.

    Ryan Wilder : Why does it make more sense?

    Sophie Moore : I don't know, Ryan. Why would it make absolutely no sense for the new Batwoman to have saved you?

    Ryan Wilder : [confused]  Huh?

    Sophie Moore : [dismissing it]  It's okay.

  • Sophie Moore : Never have I ever had sex on an airplane.

    [Mary drinks a shot] 

    Sophie Moore : Ooh.

    Mary Hamilton : Everyone, relax. It was private. Never have I ever sexted the wrong person. Ryan, drink.

    Sophie Moore : Ooh.

    Ryan Wilder : Wait, what?


    Ryan Wilder : Ohh! Oh, my bad! My bad.

    Mary Hamilton : Mmm. Yeah. Your bad. So whatever you have going on with Imani, just FYI, consider me an unwilling third.

    Sophie Moore : Ooh! Who is Imani?

    Ryan Wilder : I got one. Never have I ever compromised my values to support a white supremacist organization.

    Sophie Moore : Hmm.

    Ryan Wilder : [handing a shot to her]  Drink.

  • Mary Hamilton : Who the hell is Cluemaster, again?

    Sophie Moore : Ever watch "Quiz Bowl" back in the day?

    Mary Hamilton : Uh, is that the "Jeopardy!" rip-off? Not on purpose.

    Sophie Moore : The host, Arthur Brown, got fired and went on a murdering spree. Along the way, he laid out clues for law enforcement to figure out where his next kill would be. It stumped everyone for weeks. Called himself Cluemaster.

    Ryan Wilder : [on her phone]  Guys, Arthur Brown escaped Blackgate today.

    Mary Hamilton : Oh, fine. I'll call my dad, tell him we made contact.

    Sophie Moore : No, you can't. This is all a part of Cluemaster's game. If we involve the authorities, he's gonna see it as cheating. He's toying with me. Getting his revenge.

    Ryan Wilder : For what?

    Sophie Moore : He thinks he's the most brilliant mind in Gotham. He believes I'm the only person who's ever solved one of his puzzles, and it's driving him crazy.

    Ryan Wilder : Okay. Well, it's time to solve another one.

    Mary Hamilton : Yeah.

    [re-reading the clue] 

    Mary Hamilton : "A girl's been poisoned; not you, that's no fun. Can you save her before midnight? I'll give you a clue, hotshot: probably not." Thanks. That's not a clue.

    Sophie Moore : It's gotta be. He's very specific about the words he uses.

    Ryan Wilder : Has he ever called you hotshot before?

    Sophie Moore : Not that I know of. Why?

    [Ryan picks up the tequila bottle and holds a candle against it] 

    Sophie Moore : What are you doing?

    Ryan Wilder : I'm making hot shots.

    Mary Hamilton : [a logo appears in the wax]  Okay, that's kind of sexy.

  • Ryan Wilder : So, wait. Cluemaster knew you'd recognize some random-ass logo in the middle of nowhere?

    Mary Hamilton : [trying a padlock on the gate]  It's locked. Give me a boost.

    Sophie Moore : [helping Mary up over the fence]  After I put him away, he became obsessed with me; where I went to school, where I trained, what kind of tequila I drink. He couldn't figure out how some rookie Crow could solve a puzzle that no one else could.

    Ryan Wilder : [Sophie starts to climb the fence]  Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. What? I don't need a boost?

    Sophie Moore : You'll be fine.

    [Mary snickers; watching Ryan scale the fence with some effort] 

    Sophie Moore : First fence?

    Ryan Wilder : It'll come as a shock to you, but B&E doesn't come naturally.

  • Mary Hamilton : [something obviously not a worm falls out of Sophie's tequila bottle]  They say the worm is lucky.

    Sophie Moore : No. No, no, no. This... that ain't a worm.

    Ryan Wilder : This is why you don't drink hooch from the Crows.

    Mary Hamilton : [looking it up on her phone]  I think it's a puss caterpillar, the Southern Flannel Moth, genus megaloypyge. It's one of the most venomous caterpillars in the world.

    Ryan Wilder : Oh, no, no, no, no.

    Sophie Moore : No.

    Mary Hamilton : Okay, but according to the internet, a single caterpillar isn't lethal.

    Sophie Moore : So we're good, right?

    Ryan Wilder : [opening a card]  Wait. I don't think we're the target, and I don't think this bottle came from your boys.

    Sophie Moore : What?

    [taking it] 

    Sophie Moore : "A girl's been poisoned; not you. That's no fun. Can you save her before midnight? I'll give you a clue, hotshot: probably not. Love... Cluemaster."

  • Ryan Wilder : And your brilliant plan will be?

    Sophie Moore : We're at a firing range. We shoot it open.

    Ryan Wilder : With the girl inside?

    Mary Hamilton : Would you guys shut up?

    Ryan Wilder : What are those?

    Mary Hamilton : I found these under the railing chained to that gun.

    Sophie Moore : It's one of his puzzles.

    Mary Hamilton : Exactly. So if you two would just release each other's throats for two seconds, maybe we could actually figure this thing out.

  • Mary Hamilton : [finding Cluemaster's next clue]  Guys! "Just a nip should do the trick." It's an antihistamine. It'll counteract the...

    [as she picks it up, lights come up on a woman trapped in a plexiglass box] 

    Mary Hamilton : ...poison.

    Stephanie Brown : Help! Help! Help me! Help!

    Ryan Wilder : What did he do to her?

    Sophie Moore : Oh, my god. It's Stephanie Brown, Cluemaster's daughter.

  • Mary Hamilton : What was this puzzle about?

    Sophie Moore : "Quiz Bowl" was throwing a party to honor the game show's top winners. Arthur always thought the writers dumbed down the questions to appeal to a wider audience, so... he put a riddle in the Gazette, said he was gonna bomb the party.

    Ryan Wilder : So how did you solve it?

    Sophie Moore : The truth? I didn't. All rookies spend a year on the tip line, and on my very first day, a girl called in frantic, told me about the puzzle, then told me what it meant. I was promoted to field agent the very next day.

    Ryan Wilder : Because you lied and took credit for something you didn't do.

    Sophie Moore : You don't think it haunted me every time I strapped on a gun my first year that maybe I didn't deserve to be there?

    Ryan Wilder : So, whose glory did you steal?

    Sophie Moore : Someone who begged me to keep her identity a secret, so I did. This will come as a shock to you, but I can be trusted.

See also

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