Elfie Hopkins: Cannibal Hunter (2012) Poster

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Winston eventually wins me over.
BA_Harrison30 December 2014
Bored stoner Elfie Hopkins (Jaime Winston) tries to make village life a little more interesting by dabbling in amateur detective work, investigating the lives of other locals with a little help from fellow weed-toker Dylan (Aneurin Barnard). When a sophisticated city family, The Gammons, moves into the house next door, Elfie's investigative nature begins to tell her something isn't quite right with her new neighbours. Digging into their background, she uncovers a horrific secret that puts the lives of her nearest and dearest in mortal danger.

It took me a while to warm to Elfie Hopkins: at first I found the central character rather irritating, Jaime Winston's attempts at cool and quirky seeming just a little too calculated to appeal to the cult movie contingent (her lovable slacker routine reminding me a little of Simon Pegg in Shaun of the Dead). But as the story progressed, the film gradually started to grow on me, Winston's appeal winning through, the whimsical nature of the story and creepy antagonists slowly getting under the skin. By the time all becomes clear for the final act, I actually found myself enjoying proceedings. The finalé is a real crowd-pleaser, Elfie tooling up for a revenge-driven gore-fest that really gets the blood pumping.

To sum up: the film's offbeat and rather relaxed approach makes it hard to get involved, but perseverance pays off, with a particularly fun finish. A sequel with Elfie investigating even more outlandish situations wouldn't be entirely unwelcome. 6/10, although a repeat viewing might see me bump my rating up to 7.
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the last half hour is okay
trashgang15 April 2013
I came across this title in one of the horror magazines I read and having a child called Elfie I saw this laying for a dumping price at a sell out of one of the HMV stores in London. What I did know was that people hated it or loved it. In between didn't exist.

Elfie Hopkins (Jaime Winstone) lives in a boring village on the country side and the only thing she does is getting a fight with her step-mother and doing investigations with her friend Dylan Parker (Aneurin Barnard) throughout the town and getting stoned together. Suddenly new neighbours appear, the Gammons and people disappear in the town. Both they start to do their homework on the Gammons.

What the film delivers is a lot of blah blah. It's only at 1 hour that we see what the Gammons really are. It's also the moment that a bit of black humour comes in with the severed ear for example or the waving with the arm but for many it will be too late to save this slow moving flick. It takes maybe 3 minutes and we move further into a lot of blah blah because nobody believes Elfie.

You can easily spot that Dylan is in love with Elfie and that takes an important part too throughout Elfie Hopkins. There isn't any gore or nudity to spot. It's just about two friends involving into a story they couldn't see coming.

Did I like it or hate it. It's hard to tell because it isn't for everybody due the talking and it do has a severed head here and there. On the other hand it isn't like Twilight were nothing really happens except whispering towards each other. And it isn't also an arty horror. Just one of those flicks that stands alone, maybe forget the first hour, it's from that point that it turns into a nasty thing.

Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 1/5
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gavin694222 August 2013
An aspiring teen detective (Jaime Winstone) stumbles into her first real case, when investigating the mysterious new family in her neighborhood... are they cannibals?

I really have no review to put here because it just is not a film that captured my imagination. I do not want to say it was good or bad, because it never really amounted to much one way or the other. I felt like there was potential, but it just did not try hard enough.

To properly review this I would have to watch it again, which I have no intention of doing. I cannot recall ever being so apathetic concerning a title ever... which is pretty bad. Typically there is something that jumps out as great or terrible... I guess I really liked the music in the third act, but that is not saying much.
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Teen Horror Brit-Flick
zvlc01717 April 2012
If you love films with literally no redeeming features, then Elfie Hopkins is for you. If, on the other hand, you are like me, and you enjoy written, well shot and well acted cinema then avoid like the plague.

The film focuses on angsty teenager Elfie Hopkins, played by sour faced 26 year old Jaime Winstone, who lives in a sleepy village in the depths of Wales with her father and step-mother. Her days seem to be entirely comprised of bickering with the step-mother and then smoking weed with Elijah Wood look-a-like Aneurin Barnard. When the village welcomes some new arrivals, the peculiarly named Gammons, Elfie's curiosity is piqued - are they all that they seem? What goes on behind the door's of this seemingly charming and cosmopolitan foursome? And why are the village's inhabitants steadily going missing?

The more relevant question is, why should we care? The answer, revealed over the course of what felt like 2 and a half torturous hours, but what was in fact just 89 minutes, is: we shouldn't.

The film opens with the eponymous Elfie driving her beat-up old car down a leafy Welsh Lane. We know she's cool because she's wearing John Lennon glasses and a knitted woollen hat. She finds a tree branch blocking the road, so gets out to move it; finding the car won't restart, she mutters an expletive under her breath and lights a cigarette. I've already forgotten that this is a woman at least 8 years older than the character she's supposed to be playing because everything about this scene is so real. The Gammons swoop by in their expensive looking 4x4 - they are sinister because their car and hair is black.

You know when adults try to write dialogue for teenagers and it feels like all those times that you and a friend were in the car with your dad and he kept using the word 'cool' and doing Ali G impressions? This is like an hour and a half of that. We are asked to believe that Winstone and Wood are the best of friends, bonded by their mutual love of weed and claustrophobic existence in this Welsh backwater, but at no point does their relationship seem convincing, and their conversations make the film feel like one long episode of skins. The chemistry is non- existent, and their scenes together only serve to enable to writers to introduce clunky plot- devices into the narrative ("Cripes Dylan, I can't believe I found this letter of acceptance to London University of London City in plain view on your desk and you weren't going to tell me about it?!").

There is only a token effort at characterisation: the step-mother is a cardboard cut-out of a succubus; Elfie is haunted by the demons of her past (including her dead mother); Elijah Wood is a nerd with glasses and curly hair; the Gammon man is a suave city-type who does yoga and wears lots of black; one of the Gammon children also likes black and shooting wildlife, while the other is kooky and dresses like a doll. None of these characters are likable because none of them are fleshed out beyond two-dimensions. They exist only to be a part of badly written dialogue and a poorly conceived narrative.

What I particularly enjoyed was the way that stuff was routinely shoe- horned into the film in the most hideously awkward way. Example: When a party guest of the Gammons is seemingly haunted by disembodied voices on his walk home and comes dashing back down the road screaming, Elfie, apropos of LITERALLY NOTHING, decides she needs to begin one of her investigations into the Gammons. Oh right, yeah, Elfie's an amateur detective: apparently everyone except the audience already knew this. When the 'investigation' fails to turn up any meaningful leads, the Elijah Wood character just announces that he has hacked into the computer systems of police stations in villages where the Gammons have lived. Of course we should have realised that he had that capability; he has glasses and curly hair, and a Packard Bell PC from the mid 90s, so it's on us to make those kind of assumptions.

Ray Winstone also makes a cameo appearance as a butcher who can't decide whether he is from East London, the West country or North Yorkshire, and ends up sounding like a cross between Ronnie Kray and one of the Wurzels. Try as Ray might however, there's simply no saving this train- wreck.

The film is at least shot in a beautiful part of the world, and autumnal colours prevail throughout, but personally I think the opportunity to use those colours to make the film more stylised and ethereal was completely missed. An other-worldly quality would have enhanced the film no-end, and made the unoriginal and tiresome twist, (which is thrust into the story with all the subtlety and finesse of Ray Winstone in stiletto heels) entirely more appropriate. Moreover making a remote Welsh village seem oppressively small is surely like shooting fish in a barrel, but at no point in the film is that sense of claustrophobia adequately conveyed. Finally the final scenes are gory and unpleasant, and are accompanied by incredibly jarring and inappropriate violin chords.

Basically this film doesn't know what it wants to be; it's not a teen comedy, or teen horror nor is it a twee indie flick; in the end the makers seem to have settled on that genre affectionately known as 'straight to DVD'.
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Falsely advertised and boring movie
KineticSeoul18 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
From the DVD cover it seems like a gruesome slaughter fest of a movie. But that is far from it, in fact I needed to sit through a very slow paced mundane amateur detective plot to get to those scenes. And even when it got to it, there really isn't any shock factor. The cover for the DVD case for this movie is false marketing. It has two guys with shot guns next to the female protagonist and they aren't even pivotal to the plot. The nerdy sidekick in the movie is with the protagonist most of the way through, helping her with her own investigation and crap. But I guess they didn't put him on the cover cause they wanted the movie to appear all badass. The build up is just plain dull and bored me to tears and the protagonist Elfie is just not very likable. And I personally didn't care what happened to her. A character that is brash and smug can be somewhat likable but that isn't the case here. The story is basically about a mysterious family moving into the neighborhood and that family looks like they came off the set of "Twilight". With a husband that acts like a vampire, to a Gothic wife, to a vampire wannabe son that is into shooting and hunting, and a daughter that dresses up like a doll and collects Japanese stuff. And when Elfie sees couple of oddity inside the mysterious family she decides to stick her nose in. And goes about it in a very amateur way. Nothing is entertaining, clever or thrilling about this movie. There are no twist and you can literally predict how everything is going to play out for the most part. And the climax is just plain dumb. In fact a lot of stuff in this flick and scenarios doesn't make much sense. It was just almost unbearable to sit through the build up and the climax isn't even worth it. There is better mystery thrillers so pass on this one. Not even worth the rent. The movie is about a hour and a half long but felt way longer when it came to the running time. Oh the sidekick reminded me of Elijah Wood and he was alright but as for the main protagonist not so much.

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Odd little film
Leofwine_draca11 May 2015
I wanted to like ELFIE HOPKINS but wasn't really sure what to think. The film itself is a misguided little mystery mixed with horror and blackly comic overtones. The main problem it suffers from is that Jaime Winstone is a pretty poor and unlikeable lead actress and the supposed comedy double act of her and her pot-smoking friend doesn't come across very well, these characters feel desperately like they want to be an likable awkward hero a la SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD but they just feel irritating and self-centred.

Otherwise the small-town mystery is built up nicely and I particularly liked the kooky members of Gammon family, lead by the dastardly Rupert Evans (a guy well versed in playing baddies after this and his turn in the TV miniseries WORLD WITHOUT END). But ELFIE HOPKINS is better at building atmosphere than it is incident, and the action when it hits is very poorly handled and cheap-looking. This is particularly noticeable in the climax, which should be a large-scale and exciting set-piece but instead which comes across as completely lacklustre and disappointing thanks to indifferent direction. CGI blood effects don't really help either. This film is an interesting stab at doing something different but it's only semi-successful in my opinion.
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This was just a dud
therealkellz24 January 2023
I was bored and annoyed from start to finish because their was no real plot to this movie. She's supposed to be hunting cannibals, but for the majority of the film, it's just pointless conversation. Whoever wrote this script, had no idea what direction they were going because the characters were completely uninspired and dull. I can never get the time back that I spent watching this train wreck of a movie and for that, I am deeply resentful. I just wish I had jolly ranchers to throw at the screen because nobody should be subjected to this much stupidity in none session. Please don't make a sequel!!!
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Dark humor turns into horror
vchimpanzee27 July 2015
If you like the dark humor of the Seth MacFarlane animated sitcoms, perhaps you will like this. It was described as a horror movie in the TV listings I saw, but it's not really a horror movie. More of a creepy comedy/mystery. Toward the end it does become quite violent and the laughs stop. Not everyone is going to survive to the end, and as is often true with horror movies, even someone you care about is not safe.

Despite her "whatEVER" attitude toward everything, I had to like Elfie. I know nothing about Jamie Winstone but there's something adorable about her, despite her hate for the world and lack of concern for her looks, though somehow she looks sort of pretty.

Aneurin Barnard I have never heard of, but Dylan was very likable. I did find one thing strange: Dylan is a computer genius but this movie was made in 2012. If it was set at that time, why is Dylan using 1992 computer technology? He uses what is essentially the Internet but gets there the way geeks did when people in general started using PCs.

Rupert Evans as the mysterious neighbor shows quite a range, going from friendly to downright creepy in a humorous way.

Ray Winstone is memorable as a butcher who is also a creepy storyteller.

Either one actress is either really good at pretending to be still or someone really talented recreated her head. You might either love the scene for its humor or be totally repulsed by it.

Is it good? Well, I did enjoy it as long as it was funny. The ending is effective if not pleasant.
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Really really poor
snowman2k19 April 2012
Just been to a preview screening of this film, and i hate to say this but within 5 minutes into the film you can just sense its crap.

89 Min's later and i was proved right but hoping it would get better. Not sure were to start but Ray Winstone token performance was wasted. Accents by British actors were rubbish, you could moan more if it was Americans trying to do accents, but god forbid it was Brits doing it. The acting was wooden most of the time the plot was tired and predictable and i could carry on in this way but i can't be bothered :( Overall do not see this film even drunk it would look rubbish, but as i always say you have to see some turkeys to appreciate good stuff!
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Skin up, sit back and enjoy this bizarre oddity
erolsabadosh3 July 2012
The film follows a pair of detective-wannabe stoners who begin investigating a suspicious family who move into their sleepy hunting village in England. While billed as a horror film it's actually more of a quirky coming-of-age story that just so happens to feature cannibalism and gratuitous violence. The story is overshadowed by the vivid characterisation and splendid performances from the cast. Jamie Winstone and Aneurin Barnard are engaging and likable as the oddball pot-loving duo at the centre of the film while the bizarre family of Gammons provide comedy and terror in equal part.

Elfie Hopkins is a B-movie story with fully-fleshed and precisely portrayed characters that is entertaining, heartwarming and occasionally rather gruesome, with a hilarious cameo from Ray Winstone. It takes elements of cult cinema and mixes them with slick contemporary filmmaking to make the ideal midnight movie and a promising debut from a new young director. As Elfie would say, "skin up", sit back and enjoy.
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Not even worth a watch
dean-baldwin4 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Now before i start i must say that I bore no grudge towards anyone or anything to do with this film before I endured it! .So where do i begin i randomly choose a film to watch one night and unluckily the hand of fate fancied giving me a dry slap because it was a film called Elfie Hopkins. Elfie Hopkins is a black comedy, horror, thriller about a teenager and her male mate Parker getting stoned and wanting to be detectives. Elfies main desire to be a gum shoe is due to the accidental death of her mother when she was younger and Parkers desire to be a detective is just because he Fancy's Elfie YAWN. So anyway new family arrives people start disappearing and as you can imagine its all very predictable. Jaime Winstone is just plain annoying with all her face pulling and trying to copy her dads mannerisms in the main role and most of the acting is done with little to no enthusiasm or conviction its like the actors didn't even be-leave that this project was any good so did not bother to act. Ray Winstone turns up as the local butcher on two occasions making the film almost credible but as soon as his 4 minutes are over you remember that your watching a unimaginative piece of dry rot. The film plods on with the introduction of Elfies feuding posh neighbors and it all just seems so pointless it almost hurts, the ending is so transparent from the beginning I thought to myself well maybe the characters and twists are going to be good but I was wrong there are no twists and the characters are painfully stereotypical. With a running time of only 89 minutes I figured at least it will all be over soon but no it felt like I was watching it for 3 hours I have always prided myself on never giving up on a film and turning it off but I came very close with this one. I am sure the director Ryan Andrews may of thought he was making a quirky Black comedy with a great sense of teen angst combined with humor but this is not the case. The humor is near non existent the horror elements are dire the directing shows no charisma or personality at all. Its a paint by numbers story with poor direction from start to finish. SPOILER ALERT ha ha as if you can spoil this movie by revealing and plot twists because their is none the whole film is pointless crap made to keep Ray Winstones daughter in a job do yourself a favor don't watch this crap and if you are tempted don't say i did not warn you this film is drivel.
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This British Rollar Coaster Horror film ROCKS
stevepat10022 July 2013
This low budget movie succeeds as an entertaining horror film. I am giving it a 9 to counter other unreasonably low reviews. Casting was very good hence nice acting all around. While the story, new next door neighbors who have have deep dark and possibly deadly secrets, has been seen many times before that does not diminish the fun of this original re-telling. Elfie and her side-kick, who are about 18 years old, seem a bit beyond their teen years which makes for a more satisfying adult viewing. Characters are developed including Elfie's major baggage and the stoner angle plays well into the story line. The first half of the film's build-up leads to the FUN roller coaster ride of splashy, classic and 'tasteful' blood and gore finale. Clearly Elfie is a 21st century British version of Nancy Drew. Forget the thumbs down reviews, kick back and give Elsie a chance. Here's looking forward to Elfie's next case! Go Elfie Go.
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A perspective from someone who has almost seen them all in this genre.
Thrill_KillZ20 August 2012
This is the most underrated work I have ever reviewed. I didn't look it up first so I didn't know what I was going to get. Seeing that this film sits at 3.8/10 makes me never to decide whether or not to see a film on account of the IMDb & the user's collective "wisdom" alone. Although 95% of the time I do completely agree with them. This though was something different that carried a sort of a 60's-70's feel/dark beauty, with the scenery & sets, the wonderful colorful outfits & even the time they took to construct Elfie's room right down to the smallest of things. So the scenery & cinematography are 5/5 which definitely helped to even out some of the weak areas in the film.

Getting back to the story now, a lot of people may compare it to Twilight mainly because of the dark & mysterious neighbors moving in next door, with the girl that starts to investigate the truth behind the obvious facade that they put forth, but wait, don't drop it from my previous observation. If anything it's a Twilight spoof but not the Scary Movie kind at all. It is a well told tale that is quite interesting from beginning to end. The imagery & cool vibe make it worth a watch. For the most part, the film was well acted despite the mostly novice cast. I really liked the character of Elfie Hopkins played by the up & coming Jaime Winstone, yes she is the daughter of Ray Winstone, the talent does seem to be genetic, it's undeniable, well at least in some cases.

Ray Winstone only pops up for a few seconds once in the beginning & once in the end which was cool to see them appear together on screen for a bit. So why this sits at 3.8/10 when there is a unique little story with cute characters whose acting in my opinion didn't stick out a bit with good sound & cinematography that was spot on, is a mystery to me. It has a decent amount of dark humor in it, it's not meant to be a serious, gory, scare the heck out of you film. Although there is some moments of gore & suspense it isn't really that dark a film as its main mission is of a more lighthearted story telling.

In checking the history of 3 of the other reviewers that gave this a 1/10, it was their first review in each case(which sounds personal to me) but the top two users gave it fair reviews so stick to them. I give this a solid 7/10 & I've written plenty(sorta)other reviews on films in these type of genre's in the past year. So you know who to believe, the other review by Tony Bush sums it up a bit better than I, and the mention of the boy & Harry Potter was spot on, I was thinking that during the entire film. I recommend it to anyone, just don't expect a tense gory experience. Even people that hate gore may very well still enjoy the story, just close your eyes for a few seconds here or there...7/10
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Do not see this film
waltercraig27 April 2012
Do not waste your time and money on this film. I could act better than Jaime Winston, and I've never done any acting. All she does is say her lines in a flat monotone, while giving the impression that she would rather be somewhere else altogether. None of the other actors are much better, to be perfectly honest, including Ray Winstone. Everything about this film is entirely unconvincing, and you will know it in the first 2 minutes. I stuck it out for 30 minutes before I walked out, and that was only because I had paid £8 for a ticket. I figured that I would have a better time going home, doing some decorating and then watching the paint dry. It was a spur of the moment decision to go see this film - if only I had read the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes beforehand.
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Pretentious twaddle!
RatedVforVinny1 December 2019
I never thought such a standard horror could be this pretentious. Surely all that is needed are a few thrills, jumps and please stop pretending to be anything different! Job done!
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What's it all about, Elfie?
bushtony19 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
You've got a low-budget British flick that takes it's cues and inspirations from Hammer's B-grade psychological thrillers of the sixties, Pete Walker's grisly seventies output and hip indie nouveau noir 'tec stylings like Rian Johnson's BRICK.

What that combination gives you is a quirky, oddly engaging mid-level chiller with some nearly fulfilled aspirations towards being a cool, self-deprecating "cult" article with teen appeal. The problem with films that aspire to being cult items is they are mostly doomed to failure in that aim. Cult films are not intentionally made, not defined as such by their creators, rather they become that way after they are made and by what happens next in terms of public and fan responses.

Difficult to know who this film will satisfy. Hardcore splatter fans will be underwhelmed, whereas the gore in the last act might repel the more tender souls. It's not atmospherically creepy or unnerving to any great degree, like, THE WOMAN IN BLACK, and it's not a bombast-infused psycho-sledgehammer like THE SHINING. Although it features cannibalism as part of it's raison d'etre, it's not HANNIBAL or FEROX. It is a sort of oddity, but one I feel was designed to be that way. A forced approach, a deliberate attempt to make something eccentric, off-key, a manufactured curate's egg of a film

Bottom line, though, I enjoyed it in a way that lived up to my low expectations - maybe even a bit above and beyond them. I thought the characters were nicely observed and acted. Jaime Winstone's Elfie is a bottle-blonde brat with a chip on her shoulder and a sort of rainbow warrior/grunge fashion style thing going on. Her performance strikes the right balance between impulsivity, ego, stoner-confusion and vulnerability. As her sidekick, whose love for her is unrequited, Aneurin Barnard's Dylan is a nicely rendered foil. Looking and sounding like a Welsh pot-smoking version of Harry Potter once puberty has passed and the real world is trying to impose itself, he gives a very human and well-judged performance.

Jaime's dad - Ray - is on hand in a broad and hokey pantomime cameo, probably as a favour to his little girl who also co-produced, but it's nice to see the two interacting on screen together.

It's a fair effort with clear limitations and flaws, worth a look if you fancy something a bit different from the horror genre. I can see it being a moderate hit on DVD amongst the teen demographic, but it's not going to set the world alight or shake anything up significantly.

And that's about it, Elfie.
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How is this not a 6.0 or higher?
matdogx47 June 2013
This has to be the best horror/comedy I've ever seen since Shaun of the dead, although this is a B movie horror, it reminded me of a Nancy drew book mixed with a creepy horror story. the camera views are great, feels like your watching a perfect quality movie. and the actors are decent. especially the girl who plays Elfie, shes like the next sherlock homes. maybe I'm being biased, but this girl was very believable, and her best friend Dylan, hes very likable and i felt like the two had a real friendship. i don't think the film could have build better, the story burned slowly. and i found myself seriously creeped out considering its a comedy about stoner's. just sit back and enjoy, this is one of the films you will love because of its likable cast and storyline
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Relax and skin up...
FlashCallahan30 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The titular character is a wannabe detective and spends her days with her best friend, smoking marijuana and spying on her very eccentric neighbours.

The Gammons move in, and despite their eccentricities, are affable, and Elfie grows to like the man of the house.

Soon though, things start happening, and people start to go missing, and Elfie assumes that the Gammons have something to do with this....

It's a really strange movie this one, and you really have to be in the right frame of mind to see this, because it doesn't know what it wants to be, Horror, Comedy, Drama, even parody.

It's as if The League Of Gentlemen had written an episode of Midsomer Murders and injected an element of the seventies to it......and it works to an extent.

The cast are okay, and as usual Winstone is brilliant, she is one of those actresses you could watch anything in, she has a brilliant screen presence.

On the whole though, it really is an oddity, very eccentric to begin with, and the final third goes very sinister and leftfield.

Not for everyone, but a curioso piece nevertheless..
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Takes a while but gets interesting once it does
kannibalcorpsegrinder22 July 2015
Attempting to find meaning in her world, an amateur detective finds her new small-town neighbors are the perfect opportunity to refine her skills only to stumble upon an even deadlier secret that threatens her small-town home.

This one here didn't really turn out all that bad and had some decent stuff about it. What really tends to work here is the slow-broiling mystery throughout here which comes off rather nicely with the strange, odd family seeming like completely worthwhile avenue of study here that really makes for quite a nice time. The fanciful stories and traveling quips, the secretive glances and looks at each other and then the sudden slow-turn into being mysterious and somewhat intimidating lets this initiate the mystery into the fine later half here as this one manages to get that paid off in rather exciting form here as there's a lot of rather enjoyable encounters to come from how they manage to keep up their true nature in the face of the continually persecutions. That leads to plenty of fun here with the building evidence fully realized in the rather brutal encounter in the woods where the entire family is shown engaging in the stalking which is what makes for quite a fun time overall here as the night-time forest setting is put to great use here. Likewise, the family brawling in the final half is all kinds of fun with the stalking taking place on the multiple floors of the house, the brutality in the kills is appealing and it pays off the mystery quite well here. These here are enough to make this one worthwhile despite the fact that there's not much else in here. The film is more of a mystery film about her sleuthing their behavior for the majority of the film and that doesn't tend to offer very much in the way of interesting efforts here since these consist of her sitting in front of a computer piecing everything together or going off on accusations that don't really amount to much throughout here in terms of exciting sequences since nothing happens until the end. The mystery does work, but it's not how it goes about accomplishing it which is where this one falls. As well, the film also tends to run along a big side-plot about her friend and how he's carrying on in life without her, and despite this attempting to stir up a rather noticeable amount of teen-angst drama about it there's just nothing really interesting about them due to the low-key nature of their discussions really bringing anything about them. Otherwise, this here was pretty decent overall.

Rated R: Extreme Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Brief Full Nudity and rampant drug use and references.
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nogodnomasters9 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Elfie (Jaime Winstone)lives in the quiet town of Thorntree Valley. She plays detective along with her stoner friend Dylan Parker (Aneurin Barnard). When the Gammon family moves in next door, Elfie immediately becomes suspicious of them. What they are up to, she doesn't know, but along with the help of Dylan, she is going to find out. The family operates a specialty vacation agency, so the people they book, stay gone for a long time.

The audience is left in the dark as to what is going on, if anything, as things have an explanation outside of the Gammons.

This is a cult film which is a light dark comedy, pardon my oxymoron. Elfie operates in an amateur fashion using 1980's technology. She clearly plays her hand too soon. Just a fun cult popcorn film.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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Good, quirky horror-comedy
don-914-6867813 February 2014
This is much better than reviews would suggest. On a scale of 0-10 for flawed films where 0 = The Wicker Tree (flawed and bad), 5 = Ginger Snaps (flawed but good), 10 = Dellamorte Dellamore, aka Cemetery Man (flawed but brilliant), this rates 5 +/- 1, depending on what you think of the acting.

The film itself is well shot, well conceived and well executed. Compared to utter crud like Jeepers Creepers, this is in a different league when it comes to intention and execution. If Amicus produced Midsomer Murders, it could be something like this.

There are annoyances: poor dialogue, clichéd characterisation but also pleasant surprises: my heart sank a little when the film began with a girl (our heroine, a "final girl" right from the start: she just doesn't realise it) getting out of a car that won't start on a country lane. Nicely subverted when she walks a little distance and is home.

It is a first feature and has maybe a few too many references but, on the whole, its sly humour works well. I've watched an awful lot of crap horror in the so-bad-it's-good category: this is not one of those.

It's a proper film and is worth a look.
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Fun and Creepy
tclark552 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I do not understand the people who give this very low reviews. They must be charmed if this is one of the worst films they have ever seen. I saw this on Amazon Prime which has a large number of one star films, but this is not one of them.

This reminds me of an extended episode of a horror anthology series such as Hammer House of Horror or such. The tone is light for the most part, but it grows dark in the last 30 minutes. The plot is good. The beginning was a bit slow, but, what with the title of the film, it held my interest because I knew what to expect.

The acting is good despite what some reviewers write. I have come to believe that if someone on this site wants to give a poor review, they automatically cite the acting whether it is actually good or bad--it is just a convenient target.

As others wrote, the protagonist grows on you. I was rooting for her by the end. Yes, she does a few stupid things, such as when she is spying on the neighbors from her bedroom window and leaves her light on. I suppose as teenager she is supposed to make those mistakes.

There probably isn't enough gore for some (much of the violence is just off-screen), but it is still effective.

It is about a teenage amateur detective who suspects her new, too nice to be true, neighbors of having a secret (the title gives you a very subtle hint of their secret). It is supposed to be light and fun and creepy. Just relax and enjoy it!
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Loved it!
mike-516-335815 November 2016
Another movie which is very under rated! Elfie is a very interesting and different type of girl! I found her very refreshing! The movie left me thinking, "What a great heroine for a new series!" I am really surprised there are no books or anything else on Elfie Hopkins! It's such a catchy name and a wonderfully different character. I think a lot of girls who don't like fitting into the social norm would relate well to Elfie. It is a well done movie, like most British films. The acting is great! Definitely not in the B movie category. This is a movie I would have gladly paid to have seen! If I were a writer I would grab this Elfie Hopkins character and start my own series of books! Thanks to the producers and writers of this movie for a breath of fresh air!
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