Girls Gone Dead (2012) Poster

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Bottom of the barrel type of stuff.
Boba_Fett113827 July 2012
Watching bad horror movies is like my favorite pastime but some movies are just so bad that they aren't even fun to watch. And yes, this is one of those movies.

The problem is that this is a very self aware movie. It deliberately tries to be bad and like a B-movie, which often is an approach that doesn't work out too well for these type of movies and make them annoying, rather than fun and entertaining, as clearly also is being the case for this movie.

The movie definitely doesn't play out as a serious and straightforward slasher. It's taking more of a comedy approach, with as a problem that none of the comedy is very good or clever. The movie its most fun moments are its cameo's by cult figures, such as the awesome Beetlejuice, Ron Jeremy and Sal Governale. But of course cameos can't save a movie and I think I would had actually preferred this movie done as a straightforward slasher. That way the movie at least would had been something more entertaining and thrilling to watch and might had resulted in some better gore and killings as well. There is now far more nudity than gore or blood in this movie really.

Everything in this movie gets extremely exaggerated, which gets truly tiresome after a while. I got fed up with this movie, about halfway through and it did absolutely nothing to ever win me back.

The movie is also definitely lacking a good and likable main character in it. It's all over the place with its story and characters, as if the film-makers were having a bit too much of a good time shooting this movie, which went at the expensive of the quality and eventual end result. It's not really following a good and clear enough main storyline, which only makes the movie more annoying to watch.

Really, I can truly appreciate the passion craftsmanship that went into a bad horror production but I just can't respect or like a movie that deliberately tries to come across as a silly and bad B-movie flick. It just feels far too forced and desperate, making the movie a far from good or fun one to watch.

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Neither wild or killer
TheLittleSongbird25 May 2018
Part of me was semi-intrigued, being someone who is no stranger to slasher films and has liked quite a lot and the idea interested me somewhat despite being ridiculous. A large part of me was apprehensive though, having heard it was not good and that it looked like one of those cheap and overdone films with a muddled tone.

Which, when watching it, was what 'Girls Gone Dead' essentially was. It is not a complete waste of time. It is also a long way from a good film as well. 'Girls Gone Dead' may not have insulted my intelligence and there are certainly far worse films. However, if it was trying to entertain, scare or both, 'Girls Gone Dead' failed quite badly on both counts, making the film, despite a few decent things, a chore to sit through. Am not hating or trying to be malicious, it is just my genuine stance on a film that didn't do anything for me as well as many others.

'Girls Gone Dead' doesn't look too awful, the photography and editing are not award-worthy but neither are too amateurish in quality. Some of the music is catchy.

The best thing are a couple of the cameos. In particular Beetlejuice and Sal injecting a much needed trashy charm.

However, the rest of the acting, from particularly the leads, is both overplayed and stiff. In all fairness they were hindered by hammy direction, constantly awkward and limp dialogue and that the film has no interesting or likeable character whatsoever.

The script is childish, flabby and even improvisatory-sounding. The story is not much of one and takes forever to get going, when it finally does it is not for long and it is too late to care. 'Girls Gone Dead' seemed like a comedy mixed with slasher horror, and over-emphasises the comedy too much.

Sadly, the comedy is not even close to being strong enough to make this imbalance not matter, it is completely witless, childish and so overdone it gets exhausting. The more horror-like elements are a long way from tense or suspenseful, generating little interest even. The kills were not creative and would go as far to say they were too tame, while the things there to by the film's definition "spice things up" (especially the nudity) came over as gratuitous and abused.

Overall, weak with nothing wild or killer. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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purposely made B movie but plays with a grade of D-
Ashman71171124 July 2012
Is this the worst flick I've ever happened to view? no is it good? no. The very beginning seems promising enough(confusing shameful church sacrifice dream) there's some gore, but then we play into the rest of the movie.

What's good about it - the production value is pretty decent but only slightly better than some late night skinemax weekend movies. there's cameos by Ron Jeremy and beetlejuice(which even lowbrow his lines are funny) and Jerry the King Luller from WWE fame

Okay, so what's not good about it. Other than the opening sequence, it takes damn near half an hour for anything sinister to remotely happen. the girls' acting ranges from mediocre to subpar(even for a bmovie) I kept having to tell myself I'm too far in an need to just power through. this is even with gratuitous shots of breasts mixed in. No spoilers but the killer to me seemed easily identified to anyone who cared to wonder who's actually doing all the killing (I mean they didn't even throw in an obligatory red herring!) I want the last hour and a half of my life back.
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At least it lacks "3DD"
StevePulaski18 July 2012
When did rambunctious rock and roll music replace collective and subtle horror movie synth and serve as the main source of suspense when something is happening? And for that matter, when did it become hip and fun to show dozens upon dozens of bare breasts and buttocks mindlessly in a horror film? Girls Gone Dead takes both of these things and incorporates them into a rather ordinary, yet interesting horror film, almost as if there is a good, successful film struggling to overcome the weight of the lukewarm one on top of it.

The story concerns Rebecca (Katie Petersen). a young woman who has been kept tied down with harsh restrictions and a tight religious upbringing by her mother. Rebecca and many of her friends, all of whom ex-cheerleaders, plan to vacation in Manatee Creek, a place where one of the girl's daddies owns a beach-house. When the girls discover Manatee Creek is a retirement community and there is almost no fun to be had. They get the bright idea to drive down to Daytona, Florida where celebrity Beetlejuice (played by himself) is filming "Crazy Girls Unlimited," a series where girls flash every part of their body in exchange for fifteen minutes of fame. Alas, there is a stalker who is repeatedly turning up in a red cloak and an ancient weapon straight out of a grim reaper novel, and the body count begins to start.

It takes the film a good hour before even a sign of a climax appears, but in the mean time, we are bombarded with shot after shot of gratuitous nudity. It wasn't long ago I saw Piranha 3DD, a film that had me wincing at the lack of intensity, depth, and interest. All those things had been traded for gutter-minded idiocy and unnecessary female nudity. I return to my original question; when did this become a regular addition in horror films to the point where few people address it anymore? Is it just assumed from the start that audience members who will eventually pay a nice amount of money to see a horror film couldn't care less about depth and structure but more about shallow and pointless nudity? When we are finally met with consistent kills, everything happens so fast, lacks credible suspense, and becomes no different than a number of slashers that already exist. When the film does start to get mildly deep and interesting is when dialog starts to come into play during the last act, but again, the film prefers to go the way of many other low-budget horror films. That way is quick cuts, no build-up, and relentless monotony.

The characters we are supposed to sympathize with are flyweight mannequins who talk in a way that perfectly mimics stuck up girls; with a sarcastic tone in their voice and a pause between every three or four words. The dialog is solely crafted either off of redundant swear words or miserably contrived efforts to be hip in such childish insults, uttered, again, by the flyweight mannequin characters.

Girls Gone Dead could definitely be rendered as an effective piece of horror by those searching for some cheesy escapism. More power to them and I wish them a pleasant evening of viewing. The film is certainly more surprising and a tad more interesting than most straight-to-DVD titles, not to mention, the special effects work is fitfully satisfying in some parts. Its problems stem from how easily distracted it gets with scantily clad girls, its lack of suspense, how long the entire thing takes to get going, and the indifferent methods it takes to try and engage the viewer. And don't get me started on the abundance of credit cookies the film breathlessly throws at the audience after the show should be long over.

Starring: Katie Peterson, Caley Hayes, Shawn C. Phillips, Ron Jeremy, Beetlejuice, Sal the Stockbroker, and Jerry Lawler. Directed by: Michael Hoffman Jr. and Aaron T. Wells.
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Stupidly funny B flick horror with lots of nudity
theycallmerhino21 July 2012
I seen this movie had Jerry Lawler in it. Being that I am a huge wrestling fan, I felt it my duty to check this out. I'm just going to start by rating this movie in several categories.

Gore 5/10 (effects weren't overly realistic, but still okay for the budget) Storyline 4/10 (The revelation of the killer at the end, although not a surprise was still okay.) Cinematography 8/10 (Camera work was actually pretty good) Nudity 10/10 Overall, I'd give this one a 5/10. The killer's costume and persona was not only corny and stupid but the costume itself was unbelievably stupid. It is a B movie but actually contains some great camera work. There quite a few TV commercials/cut scenes that are so stupid they are funny.

It seems most of the budget went into paying the broads to get naked, paying Jerry Lawler, and what was left went into the camera work and the cut scenes. Character "Missy" has the best set of breasts and the anticipation for when/if she was going topless was killing me more than learning where the plot of the movie was going. This is a B flick that follows loosely in the footsteps of movies like "Broken Lizard's Club Dread". I'd say if nothing more it's worth the watch simply for the nudity and the laughs. Ron Jeremy and Beetlejuice (Howard Stern) are in it as well, although it's obvious they were just there for comedic relief. Enjoy!
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porn stars not doing porn
YouPregnant26 June 2013
As a life long howard stern fan i had to watch this movie after spotting beetlejuice on the cover. for those of you that don't know he is the black midget with the tiny head on the cover and he is a beyond retarded person.

So right off the bat i am gonna tell you this movie blows big time. i am sure you already suspected that but you are reading the reviews to find out just how much it sucks and if it is so bad it ends up being good. sorry that is not the case.

the movie is about an hour and 45 mins but it feels like 4 hours of torture. honestly i didn't see the whole movie because at 1 point i started reading a magazine then later i was browsing the internet. it was all i could do to get through the movie.

im gonna list a few things that weren't bad because that's easier. the soundtrack, although it had no recognizable songs (except shack your ass bitch, from the stern show) the ones i heard were good. jerry lawler's performance was passable. not great but much better then everyone else. lots and lots of titties but they are porn stars so who really cares? the special effects aka the blood and guts were the only thing done right in this movie considering what it cost to make.

now the really bad. the sheer amount of head shaking in this movie makes me want to shake my head. and there is a part at the end (if you make it that far) where the girls are squatting repeatedly in fear, i am not sure anybody really directed this movie. the background or ambient music is stock or public domain because i know I've heard it in other bad low budget movies. horns and flutes and so on. there is nothing original or special about this movie.

i say skip it unless you got some buddies over and you want to play a drinking game involving drinking when you see head shakes or boobs.
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Somewhere between Slumber Party Massacre and Club Dread... WITH BEETLEJUICE!
warsystem0419 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit that I originally decided to watch "Girls Gone Dead" because Sal and Beetlejuice of The Howard Stern Show fame are in it, and I've been BIG FAN of the show and especially Beet since adolescence. For what it is, this movie is actually pretty well done, and of course, entertaining. The cast is outrageous, and in addition to the Stern favorites mentioned above, professional wrestler Jerry Lawler and the legendary Ron Jeremey are both in it as well.

A group of girls get together to spend spring break at one of their parents' summer home, and proceed to get wasted, meet a group of guys, run into a stalker ex, and get killed off one by one. The gore is plentiful, with the slayings at the mansion where the massive spring break filming party is taking place being among the best. The movie is also propelled along by the massive amount of eye candy, with almost every scene featuring girls in swimwear or topless. The reveal of the killer, the motive, and the overall blatant anti-religious message is pretty humorous as well.

Of course, this is no masterpiece of cinema, but it isn't trying to be. I like that while never taking itself seriously, it still comes off as a watchable homage to the golden age of slasher flicks. Throw this one on with a group of friends, it's a lot of fun.
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Made for teenage boys....JUST BAD!
drama5925 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK..the fact that I finished this movie is a miracle. BOOBS gone wild is basically what is going on here. I am a woman...but if I had the boobs that they show in this movie I would make an appointment with a DR. ASAP! Pancake central...There are "Carrie" undertones that could have been explored much much more. I wonder when people write these scripts do they think that we are all just stupid?? OK ..let's just show T and A...that is all we need to do............sigh... We need more Stephen King's on this planet to give us all something to watch. This was just DUMB! There was some promise from the lead actress for the future but READ THE SCRIPT! OK Calgon ...TAKE ME AWAY!! SIGH!!
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Worst film ever made?
DustinRahksi27 June 2013
I watched this to see how immoral and degrading it would make me feel. Just so I could write a review on how awe full it was. I've seen garbage pale kids, I've seen baby geniuses, I've seen the room, but this may be the worst film I have ever seen. Let's take a look at it.

The moral of the film is, women are whores and will do anything for money, that's what the film tells you. Films like this make me question if I ever would even want a girlfriend. This is like the piranha films, it's just girls gone wild with a little violence thrown in. All the women are portrayed as dumb and loose, it makes me sick. The nudity is on par with the piranha films, every women in the film gets naked sort of thing. The acting is just awe full, the characters are something you'd see in a GGW video. The guys are douche bags, it's just a sick movie. This is the SH-t drizzling out of cinemas rear. I feel like garbage right now, I need to go watch Predator to make my self feel better. My morality was raped by this film. Teenage boys will like this film, even though I am a teenager but feel like I am 30, I hate this trash with all of my soul.

So at the end of the day, this film is the worst I have ever seen, mainly because of....well everything. Only degenerate men would like this.
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fluffchop30 March 2021
Horror movies should have tits and ass, and this one has them everywhere. The story is funny with the dive bar and the pool party. Add one maniac for laughs and it's all good fun entertainment.
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Girls Gone Campy...
joshmorgan23 April 2013
Caught this one on Netflix and was more than pleasantly surprised. However - based upon the divided love-it-or-hate-it comments on there and the low rating on here - it's a shame to see today's generation can't seem to have fun with the type of movies I grew up on. This is a nice throwback to stuff like the "Sorority House Massacre" series - with lots of in-jokes (check out the names from "Saved By the Bell" - or a direct reference to "Halloween" in the first pool scene - or even Linnea Quigley applying make-up ala "Night of the Demons"). This movie delivers lots of cheesy gore effects (I mean that in the best possible way) - and has a great B movie cast full of horror veterans (B and C grade); washed up celebrities and up-and coming names from bigger flicks (I knew I recognized the dumb girl of the group - she had a substantial role in "Sex Drive"). Even the drummer from Iron Maiden shows up to sing country (stay through the closing credits).

Scrolling through reviews on here - I saw one person complain this movie was intentionally bad - and would have been better played straight. I couldn't agree less. Most of the films this is throwing back to did the same thing; so this keeps the general tone to that of other camp classics. Good news is - the production team actually worked on making a nice looking movie - with a moving camera and solid sound mix - so; unlike most low-budget dreck I weed through - the production values add as opposed to detract from the end product.

If you like stuff with campy dialog; exploitive nudity and buckets of over-the-top gore - definitely check this out. If you don't - move on.

On a side note - the reason for such a high rating are for three scenes in particular. One involves the midget from Howard Stern - the other is a nice joke on MC Hammer during the bar sequence - and the biggest of all is how the killer is taken down. These moments alone are B movie gold and worthy of a replay.

The biggest negative is the film sinks a bit under it's own length - showing that sometimes there is too much of a good thing - but aside from this little caveat - here's a B movie treasure that delivers.
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Puerile fun.
BA_Harrison2 November 2012
Hands up if you like hot women. And hands up if you enjoy excessive violence. If you haven't got both hands high in the air, then you've got the wrong film, because babes and blood is what Girls Gone Dead is all about. Although described as a comedy/horror, decent laughs and scares are in short supply, while T&A and gore fill almost every frame.

The film sees six sexy girlfriends spending spring break together being targeted by a killer brandishing a massive warhammer (a cool weapon—part axe, part hammer). That's pretty much it as far as plot is concerned, at least until the unmasking of the maniac and we get a typical slasher explanation for their killing spree.

During the course of the film we get lots of skin from some very curvaceous cuties (blonde lead Katie Peterson and brunette Brandy Whitford are smokin'!), oodles of cool blood and guts courtesy of Marcus Koch, and fun cameos from cult icons such as ex-pornstar Ron Jeremy, scream queen Linnea Quigley, and teeny-tiny bug-eyed Howard Stern regular Beetlejuice (who gets his head chopped off!).

Obviously, it's all very puerile, but since when did a film have to be sophisticated to be fun?
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a lot of boobs doesn't make a horror looking good
trashgang28 May 2014
Ho-ho, what a great opening for this flick, A girl entering a church were everything seems normal suddenly changes into a black mass and one girl has to die, full frontal gratuitous nudity combined with gore so it surely had my attention. But then the girl that entered the church wakes up, it was a nightmare.

From there on we got all clichés. The virgin looking girl becoming the hot chick. being warned not to go to a place because it's weird. Scantily clad girls....cell phones placed in cleavage, swimming pool swim turns into breast showing, you know what I mean, it's one for the boys because boobs do act better than the girls but they do forget it has to be a horror as stated on the DVD. I never watched it for the comedy because by now we all know that horror and comedy mostly doesn't work out that good.

When the killer enters it do has a few nasty moments and it all looks good but it's the acting that tears this down and the slowness of the flick itself. What attracted me more were the well known faces, Ron Jeremy, Beetlejuice, Linnea Quigley and I can go on and on.

At the end of the day, no horror, bad acting, when the killing comes in it's okay and bloody, but overall its watching girls showing their tits from A till C cup and walking around in bikini's. Not that much blood running but i'm sure that some guys watching this will their blood have running to one place....

Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 1,5/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5
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Faaaarking Awful
damianphelps3 September 2020
The best one in this is the Gorilla.

As for the cannot be that desperate in this day and age!!!
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Girls gone BOOBS
theromanempire-14 December 2020
While this slasher parody has tons of serious flaws it can entertain you if u don't take it seriously as it's in the so bad it's good slasher genre and it's as funny as hell. if u like hot women with....boobs getting killed then u should check this out. hell.....even ron Jeremy is in......(that guy knows where the boob stuff is....he he) once more....don't expect much but if u want to relax in the quarantine having a good time just order a pitsa get a cold beer and put that beep dvd in your home theater and enjoy boobs.....BOOBS.......MORE BOOBS........LOL
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Not saved by the bell
McQualude5 October 2013
Were this made in the 80's during the height of the slasher craze it might have been considered mediocre; 30 years later we've had Scream, Scary Movie, Jason and Pinhead have both gone in space and if you're going to make a slasher you better bring something fresh or else wallow in the genre but Girls Gone Dead never rises beyond wannabe. The best parts are the opening scene which is somewhat tense, intriguing and full of nudity; and the credits which show outtakes. Everything between is simply someone's lazy excuse to get a lot of women in bikinis (or less) with a pitiful protagonist who randomly kills people for Sin! The blood and gore make up is passable, at times even gross, and the girls are fairly attractive though no show stoppers. The story attempts some pathetic humor, one girl's dad lets her have a beach house for Spring Break but the ditsy girls (eventually) realize it is part of a retirement community and there isn't much partying that doesn't involve Karaoke or shuffleboard. A group of dorky hunks on their way to Daytona Beach stop at the local watering hole and decide to set aside their Spring Break plans to party with the girls. Even though they are apparently only miles away from Daytona beach it never occurs to any of them to simply drive there and join the fun. The rest is too pointless to describe but suffice to say a masked monk shows up to slaughter sinners for The Lord. Girls Gone Dead is a very, very, long hour and half that is better spent stabbing yourself with a fork. Oh, and there are quite a few Saved By The Bell references for fans of that show.
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This can't be real
glennataylor14 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If you watch this movie you love really really bad movies with no plot, really really bad "actors" sorry to real actors. I'm not sure it actually qualifies as a movie. it is sort of a conglomeration of really ugly, really flat, really fat, really horrible "people" that think they act. The only girl that is actually somewhat almost not ugly is so dumb that it makes her horrid attempt at acting almost tolerable, the rest are so bad, so ugly, so stupid and so pathetic that there are really no reasons to watch this abortion. The "lead" actress is so nasty, so ugly and so bad that anyone that would actually "sleep with her" is gay. She resembles a man much more than a woman.
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So Bad
arfdawg-13 November 2020
If you like your "horror" in literally the final ten minutes of a movie then you might love this poorly rendered film.

It's a borefest.

The "star" is a Tara Reid lookalike who is a worse actress, if you can believe that one.

This movie is horrible.

Poorly acted with no script.
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BandSAboutMovies13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Michael Hoffman Jr. And Aaron T. Wells from a script by Hoffman, Ryan Dee and Meghan Jones, Girls Gone Dead uses borrowed interest to get you to watch this movie that's really just an 80s slasher.

For the fans of those films, Linnea Quigley plays a bartender. For Howard Stern Show lovers, there's Sal Governale and Beetlejuice. Do you like hevay metal? Here's Nicko McBrain, the drummer from Iron Maiden. For, well, anyone who likes adult film hates Ron Jeremy, but he's in this. Finally, for lovers of pro wrestling, the sheriff is played by Jerry "The King" Lawler.

A bunch of girls head to Daytona Beach for spring break and end up being part of a Girls Gone Wild-style event for Crazy Girls Unlimited. However, there's a killer in their midst and everyone, every single girl named for characters from Saved By the Bell is in danger.

At over a hundred minutes, this movie somehow proves that naked women can be boring, which is not a sentence that I ever want to write. Jim Wynorski could make this movie so much better just by being near the set, but instead, you get a generic fill in the blank slasher with scenes of women partying on the beach, which may be fun when you're in your early stages of being able to drink legally but all feels frankly exhausting today.
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One of the worst movies I have seen if not the worst
dror9810 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The players are bad at a different level, except for the lead actress that is reasonable, the plot of the film is as casual as any dumb slasher movie but it is especially bad. The film also shows Naked scenes for no reason and it is not understood to me beacuse this is not a porn movie. Regardless of horror, the film is just terrible in all the details through a terrible plot and terrible actors almost none of them have information on the Internet, the film budget as far as I know is tiny at around $ 2 million, but still in such a budget could produce a film more normal than this horror. I wanted to give 1 but because of the end that was not so bad I will give it 2/10.
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Fun tongue-in-cheek throwback to the SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE series and scantily-clad-women-in-peril flicks!
thiefofhearts8630 July 2012
GIRLS GONE DEAD is the campy follow-up to Michael Hoffman Jr's 2008 slasher flick/parody, SPRING BREAK MASSACRE. Originally intended as a sequel, the script was re-worked into what it is now - mostly a comedic effort at the slasher genre, with respectable homages to such films as the SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE series and even Brian DePalma's CARRIE. The plot is somewhat simple, with a group of college-aged girls going to party at a semi-remote location for Spring Break - only to be stalked and slashed by a masked maniac, brandishing a battle axe. All the while, a Girls Gone Wild-type shoot is going on nearby, and we are treated to some pretty humorous commercials along the way (featuring HOWARD STERN's Beetlejuice and porn star legend Ron Jeremy).

Speaking of other notable cameos/appearances, The Queen of Scream herself, Linnea Quigley (THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, NIGHT OF THE DEMONS, and also in the previous SPRING BREAK MASSACRE), is hilarious as bartender Willie - where she uses a fake Aussie accent and performs Karaoke to a song, hysterically off-key. Shawn C. Phillips (aka "Coolduder" on his YouTube channel) even makes a small appearance as the token fat guy who picks up one of the girls while she has a severe case of "beer goggles." Professional wrestler Jerry Lawler also stars as Sheriff Jackson Cole and has his own moment of hilarity during the film's conclusion.

As I mentioned above, the film is mostly a comedy - with horror elements thrown in for good measure. My favorite scene (and one of the more serious and tense moments) comes when all hell breaks loose towards the end of the film, and it definitely reminded me of the SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE series - of which, if anybody knows me, I am a huge fan of. The movie flows well, and the cinematography is surprisingly impressive for a low-budget film. I applaud the ambitious use of crane shots and the angles that were used, to achieve a pretty damn good-looking film - low-budget or not.

If you are a fan of anything that USA UP ALL NIGHT played back in the '90s…anything that Linnea Quigley, Brinke Stevens, Michelle Bauer, or any other countless scream queen appeared in…anything directed by Jim Wynorski, Fred Olen Ray, or David DeCoteau…or just an enjoy a good, campy time - GIRLS GONE DEAD delivers and more!
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I had very low expectations......
kdogmac20 November 2012
What possessed me to rent this flick?I'm not per-say a T&A fan nor do I dig the current trough of contemporary,no-budget comedy/thrillers that pop-up on Thriller channel (say like "Andre the Butcher"-utter dreck which also features the ubiquitous Ron Jeremy).Or maybe it was Howard Stern regulars Beetlejuice and Sal the Stockbroker,a little but not really. Actually it was one-time scream queen Linnea Quigley that drew me to this,being a loooooong time fan of hers. She barely makes a cameo but it's nice to see her having a good time with her sparse material (playing a dive-Tiki bar owner with a fake Austrailian accent).I thought I would turn the disc off at that point,but I was pleasantly surprised.

The plot's pretty slasher-flick formula stuff.A straight-laced Christian girl joins her much more rowdy gal pals on a jaunt to a sparsely-populated Daytona for spring break.All the while,the hot-to-trot girls a stalked by a monk-like serial killer with a cherubic mask(a reference to "Valentine" maybe?).

Even someone with Beetlejuice's intelligence can figure out the killer's identity,even the weak plot twist at the end(a reference to "Scream 3" maybe?).But what matters is that you'll have fun getting there due to some truly inspired comic timing.Could this have been a better movie? Sure,with 60 x's the budget....but don't let that detract you,believe me,I've seen worse.

Like I said,a bigger budget would've improved this and the performances,while not Oscar caliber,are at least tolerable.The lead actress Katie Peterson is attractive and likable and the tantalizing Stewart and Whitford are hilariously bitchy.Other notables include ex-WWE great Jerry Lawlor as the goony sheriff,and the aforementioned Sal the Stockbroker,Beetlejuice,and as himself,Ron Jeremy,who curses aloud that he won't get his paycheck after the mayhem starts.

So rent this,get some brews,invite your frat bros to your dorm room and have a blast. I guarantee this'll put a smile on your face and it's 500x's better than "Piranha 2DD",which is more deserving of a 3.6% rating(no,actually lower)than "Girls Gone Dead".
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The only girls that will make you leave the theater
adi_20029 June 2013
The film follows a group of girls who want to have fun as much as they can. So after gathering all at the house where the party will be held each is placed to give her cell so they will not be disturbed by anyone. They go to a quiet bar, do not know much about it but it was recommended. They order their drinks after a guy there gives one of them a cocktail and this after being drunk the guy sees as attractive but in reality it is repulsive. After leaving with him, he tells her he can not go home because he lives with his parents so they choose to stay in the park where the two sit on the bench and are killed by this mysterious person with an ax and cloak. On leaving the rest of the girls do not bother to worry for their friend saying it safe with her new boyfriend. Here they meet a group of guys passing by there and later are invited at their house. Here the masked killer makes an appearance and kills the girls one at the time. Disclosure of a surprise later. With the help of the police killer is finally put to the ground and one of the girls manages to escape with his life. It is a weak film, a combination of Scream and teen-party films. I would say to track only for girls but even so there is no point wasting your time.
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An abomination to Christianity, and lots of boobs
thebrownwarrior1234519 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As my title states, this movie is an abomination to Christianity. Don't believe anything it says about Christianity. God does not damn adulterers; He forgives them.

Aside from the message of the movie, the movie itself is terrible. None of the people in it can act, most of all the main character (but they didn't have much of a script to work with). With the exception of the main character, all the girls are shown topless at least once. Come to think of it, the acting didn't seem to be a priority to the producers; they just wanted hot girls that were willing to show their breasts.

The end is the worst part. There's all kinds of unexpected twists and turns that really don't make sense.

Honestly, was this really supposed to be a horror movie? Because the only parts where my heart raced was when the girls got naked.
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Fun 80's horror style movie
walkingdeaddexter30 July 2012
Girls Gone Dead is a straight up 80's style slasher movie but with a more modern feel to it. Lots of dimwitted hot chicks taking off their tops and doing all the wonderful things that get young sluts killed in horror. The movie is paced very quickly and never leaves you feeling bored and waiting for something to happen. The chemistry between the girls is a big plus. They play well off each other and the dialog between them feels very natural and will make you chuckle multiple times. Jerry "The King" Lawler surprised me in his role as the Sheriff. Most of the male actors were all great at playing smarmy douche bags that you want to see meet a brutal demise. Video quality is AMAZING for a DVD only release looking as good if not better than most horror blu-rays out now. If you want a fun horror movie to throw on with some buddies Girls Gone Dead will put a smile on all your faces.
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