Come Back to Me (2014) Poster

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A surprisingly solid horror film
jtindahouse14 November 2015
'Come Back to Me' is a reasonably good horror movie I'd have to say. It starts off with a scene involving a violent, bloody murder and I thought "here we go again" into the "seen it all before" category, but I was wrong. The movie gets better and better as it goes on, until the conclusion which is very well executed and clever.

It's based on the novel 'The Resurrectionist'. I don't imagine many horror movies are based on books but ones that are often seem to have an extra layer of quality to them. The frights are OK without being ever being brilliantly executed. There is an overall chill to the atmosphere though, which keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat. There are of course the usual instances of characters doing completely unrealistic and unreasonable things, but if you can find me a horror movie without an example of that I'd like to see it. Altogether a good effort.
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Subtly Mind-blowing
indianajones7918 October 2014
Unique, twisted story with a truly horrific twist ending. Well acted by all involved; "Dale" left me feeling very uneasy whenever he was on the screen. The wife was a little obnoxious, but that just made the character feel more three-dimensional. All in all, I was pleasantly surprised by this sleepy little creeper. Dark photography and ominous music helped to shape this film. I wasn't really hoping for too much with this movie, but am glad I watched it. I would certainly recommend it to anyone who enjoys horrors, psychological and supernatural thrillers: that being said, it is definitely not for everybody, as some will no doubt find it to be slow, boring or passé.
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Really clever, fun, and original!
deacon_blues-31 December 2014
This film was a pleasant surprise! It keeps you wondering throughout the initial half, and delivers deftly conceived twists as the story progresses. Of course, like any film that deals with extraordinary phenomena, you have to be willing to suspend your incredulity for the sake of entertainment. The acting is good, and the production value is decent for a DtDVD film. I won't do any spoilers, since most of the entertainment value is derived from keeping the audience guessing about what's going on.

Just don't give up on this one early on when things don't seem to make sense.

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A tepid version of a really nasty novel.
Kingkitsch21 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I only see one review here on IMDb of "Come Back to Me" that mentions the source material for this mid-level horror flick. The real deal is this film's source, "The Resurrectionist" written by one twisted man, Wrath James White. Having read the book quite a while back, it came as a surprise that someone was audacious enough to attempt filming it. That being said, it came as no surprise that White's uber-nasty novel was stripped of nearly everything except the basic plot line. Luckily, the film redeems itself during the last twenty minutes by not conpletely changing the end of the story. You'd have to read the novel to find out what really happens.

White's novel is of the "extreme horror" genre. The authors that make up this cadre write books designed to turn stomachs. There is no atrocity, sexual perversion, or degradation these guys won't put on the page. Tanker trucks are needed to supply the gore. Extreme horror is not for the squeamish or faint. "The Resurrectionist", however, for all it's bloody excesses had a unique plot, which is the only reason the film version CBTM works at all.

This looks and feels like a Lifetime afternoon movie. Dale, the creepy instigator of all the unpleasantness isn't fleshed out well. His backstory is integral to the plot, yet it's glossed over here in one flashback and one exposition by his mother. We only know he can bring the dead back to life and uses this power to sexually abuse people, kill them, and resurrect the victims who have no memories of the assaults. Like "American Psycho" some years back, the novel could not be filmed as written. Both books were incredibly nasty pieces of work that brought pornographic levels of mutilation and murder to the reader. Trust me, Dale was up to a lot more in the novel, and used everyone for his twisted sex. Including the husband.

Many characters are missing from this film version, it's watered down to only a few people who figure out the whole mess fairly quickly. A number of plot holes exist in the narrative. The tension in the novel came from a longer time line in which the main female character began to remember some of what happened to her. This is seen briefly in the film but is rushed, like everything else. The ending was kept, but again, the horrendous bloodbath that ended the novel is nowhere to be seen. The film ends with a superfluous shot of a baby sired by Dale out of one of his victims. Smells like a sequel set up, but White only wrote the one book. I can't spoil the end of the novel for someone who might be curious and read it, but suffice it to say, no baby is involved. It's something much, much worse.

So, "Come Back to Me" is a tepid telling of White's book. It undoubtedly gives some shivers for viewers, which is a testament to the power of White's imagination.
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A pleasant surprise
killypso199 December 2014
I started watching this movie not expecting much. I mostly watched it because I wanted to watch something scary but not really scary. Initially I thought I had the movie figured out from the get go and I kind of did but I enjoyed the twist and particularly the surprise ending. All in all I was pleasantly surprised. I found it to be an interesting concept, it drew me in and had me thinking about after the movie was over. The acting wasn't award winning but I feel the story made up for it. I was instantly uncomfortable whenever Dale was on the the screen which I loved. The movie is on Netflix so there is nothing to lose in checking it out. I recommend it.
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begob21 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Brilliant concept for a horror. As good as it gets.

Problem is the direction is TV chick-scare standard, the acting is ordinary, and the music is overblown and intrusive.

The surveillance camera scene in the bedroom is crucial and should be blood freezing. But the direction is so poor that, even though we're shown what happened, we also have to be told what happened. And all the other chills are delivered in '80s clichés with du-du-duuh music. Also there's an unnecessary explanation flashback in the doctor's story.

Even so, the final sequence is eye opening. Only to be ruined by the ridiculous delivery of the line that gives the title to the movie.

What a waste. I guess the author is kicking himself for signing away the rights to this production team. I'm going to check out his novels - interesting character.
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Weirde and that's good
Opacus_Music26 May 2021
That was a weird movie and I must say, I've never seen that before. I did not expect it. Its not a masterpiece by any means but it sure gets points for originality. Not all of the character's choices of actions made complete sense but its more than forgivable all things considered. I liked it and do recommend.
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A let down
aishayeoh-328 February 2015
Other positive reviews actually made me want to watch the movie. Acting wasn't good, but it wasn't the worst either. I actually thought the slow pace of the movie gave it the suspense it needs, but when I realized about half hour from end of the movie was the deal really was, it was a let down. I give it 3 just for the first half of the movie which isn't so bad, because I kept waiting to find out what the "twist" is. The "twist" positive reviewers refer to isn't just a twist after all, not like "Jacob's Ladder" (Tim Robbins) or "The Others" (Nicole Kidman), far far far better thrillers/supernatural movies. If you got plenty of time and wanna kill it and you have a Netflix account, by all means watch it. But if you don't watch it, you're not missing anything.
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Surprisingly good horror/thriller
beckyb2191 October 2019
This no-name cast, low budget film pleasantly surprised me. The weird and unique premise plays out as a good mix of psychological thriller/supernatural horror. Yes, there are some eye-roll-inducing moments and general cheesiness in parts, but overall it's well done with a satisfying ending. (Random side note: the lead actress looks just like Kellie Pickler.)
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How did this get into movie theaters?
bbickley13-921-5866426 July 2014
Wait, I know exactly how this got into movie theaters. The concept of the movie which lead to a nice twist ending is what got it into theaters, but since I don't want to give away spoilers, I can't tell you the only redeemable quality to go see this picture.

The movie really suffers from the filmmaker's lack of skills in making a movie. I know making movies is hard, and I have nothing but respect for the genre, but Horror films are pretty much by the numbers here. A girl is in a room by herself the room goes silent, we think the boogie man's going to creep up behind her, then the phone rings or the dog barks and she jumps. We seen it all a thousand times and it's pretty standard by now, so it baffles the mind that this movie seemed unable to do the clichés at least decent enough to showcase the awesome story. It's like cooking minute rice, how can you mess that up, really?

It's been a while since I've seen acting this bad in a film, but in all fairness, it is a horror movie. The lead actress does not need to be able to act, she just needs to be able to look pretty while screaming loudly, but once again the movie fails badly at a Stereotype they were obviously tiring to exploit. Though the antagonist was pretty creepy, I think he could have use both more Direction and acting lessons

This could have been a good horror movie as it's concept was interesting and the final act was pretty classic, but I felt like I was watching a student film made by a C average student.
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An utterly remarkable horror movie
rhunter37719 December 2014
First let me note that I've been a horror movie fan since age 5, and I've seen thousands of films in the genre. I would stack this one up against almost any I've seen, including such classics as "the Texas Chainsaw Massacre" by Toby Hooper and David Cronenberg's "Videodrome"; it's truly a unique, thoughtful, and disturbing film.

The film effortlessly weaves the ordinary horror of a stalker movie with the extraordinary horror of the supernatural. The director knows when to pile on the gore and when to hold discreetly back; the big fright scenes hit me with a physical impact that I haven't experienced in any film in a long time. The actors were completely unfamiliar to me--which made it easier to see and accept them as the characters, as opposed to their real selves, of course--and thoroughly convincing in their roles. Most horror movies rely on bad decisions by the characters--often inexplicably bad decisions--to drive the plot; not this one. The characters behave logically given their beliefs, and the plot is driven by their increasingly acute understanding of their situation, not by the kind of artificial idiocy that screenwriters turn to when they can't figure out a good reason why any sane person would open the door to the monster's lair.

Finally, the film is constructed so as to keep the audience guessing about what's real and what's not for almost its entire length. It's rare that a director can pull the audience's strings so effectively, over and over, without giving anything away. The logic of the film is satisfying, and it builds to a remarkably powerful conclusion that is both surprising and entirely earned.

I repeat that this overlooked movie is one of the best I've seen in the genre. If your taste in horror movies runs to none, or to the excuses for nonstop on screen dismemberment that many modern horror films embody, you may find it not to your liking. If you want a film that combines visceral horror with mystery and a highly original concept, this is for you.
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Innovative and vicious
omendata23 April 2021
Although it is a tame version of the novel; and there is no way the novel could be made for the screen as it is too graphic, it is a rather unique idea and the toned down version translates quite well onto the big screen with good performances from all concerned.

Quite disturbing with some real atmosphere and topping the cherry on the cake with a superlative end sequence you will not be expecting; when a film delivers something you are not expecting then it is a bonus. This is one of the best, what I would call "true horror" films I have seen this year.
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I guess, if anything, I will be known for *Spoilers: This sucks* So...Spoilers: this sucks. Now, here's why
eirecat8 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ugh. Just...ugh. The conventions of B grade horror are not difficult. That's why we're all so forgiving. We love to see it. Even when the acting is bad and the effects are laughable. But god...the worst part of this joke of a movie...

Moloch, this is the paste-eating kid of the horror genre when his proud Non-bi-lateral chromosomal gene donor goes on about how he'll probably be president some day. Woof. I'm too mad to sound reasonable.

I am so mad at the time I lost on this movie that I have to force myself to bring it down to two terse notes.

Alright. #1: Making the poor, emotionally abused small human thing who grew up to be a slightly awkward adult human thing the abject villain is just...terrible. Don't do that. Spoilers: That's what happens.

#2 I find it almost helplessly hilarious that a movie available through a certain company that starts with "N" maybe has pretty much the same "Baby through 'having loving intercourse with someone that does not want you to have loving intercourse with them' that I didn't know about because ghosts or something!" that is kind of...a huge plot point in two out of the three current big original series of a certain company that may or may not provide direct to download services and start with an N!. Seriously, Netflix, dude. Just write some hot and heavy wife swapping fan fiction or wallaby off. It's getting creepy.

((*sigh* Guys, it would really help if you would highlight the problem words and not just tell me that something is vaguely wrong. I sound like a tin skeleton.))
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Seemed like an average horror. Wait for the outcome.
peterp-450-29871629 November 2016
"Why would God give a Christlike gift tot the very Devil himself …"

"Come back to me" is an indie horror with a fascinating and original basic idea, but the repetitive nature in the middle was a bit to much. The opening scene, where you're witnessing domestic violence with a rather bloody ending, was a masterful move by the creators of this strange film. The change of scenery, from the murder scene in Reno to a sleeping suburb in Las Vegas, was rather abrupt and confusing. But later in the film, you'll know that the seemingly emotionless boy from Reno is the same person who lives in that quiet suburb and lives opposite Josh (Matt Passmore) and Sarah (Katie Walder). His name is Dale (Nathan Keyes). A strange behaving, concluded guy who acts pretty retarded and exhibits a kind of fascination for Sarah at the first encounter.

Josh and Sarah are an attractive, young couple. Josh is croupier in a casino. Sarah studies at an unknown university and works on a thesis about the influence of pornography. Still one specific problem hampers their relationship. Sarah's desire to have children isn't actually fulfilled. In fact, if you look at Josh's reaction, it seems as if he isn't really enthusiastic about it. When Sarah is being hounded by terrifying nightmares, after which she awakens in an entirely different location with sometimes strange injury and not knowing how she ended up there, and she gets blessed with an immaculate conception, everything becomes a bit of a mess. Sarah is convinced there's something fishy going on and she decides to install a camera system in her house. In this way she tries to figure out what's causing these hellish nightmare.

The cover of this film isn't really impressive, so to say. And certainly not frightening. To be honest I wasn't expecting much. A typical horror with stalker elements, I thought to myself. Ultimately, at first sight it seems not to be really special at all. But believe me, the phenomenon Sarah has to deal with, is quite a unique find. Granted, there are more movies with a weird, creepy neighbor or a lovely lady who receives nocturnal visits of unsavory characters. But I've never encountered such a phenomenon, that disturbs Sarah's sleep, in any other horror. The film contains the necessary tension and suspense. Plus there's this supernatural skill added to the story. And those surveillance cameras created an atmosphere which made me think of "Paranormal Activity" immediately. By the way, that's not one of my favorite movies.

Katie Walder is not only pleasing to the eye. She also manages to play a proper role. A vivacious and sexy blonde, whose daily rhythm gets screwed up because of some realistic, nightmarish dreams. The end-result is a hysterical and helpless young lady. It's not Oscar worthy, but it's convincing. Matt Passmore's part is limited and not so overwhelming. But that has more to do with the script than the person. The most memorable interpretation is provided by Nathan Keyes. Without a problem he turns into the strange and creepy Dale. Perhaps all this sounds a bit vague and superficial. But that's because "Come back to me" is such a type of film where it's best you know as little as possible about it. Let me just say that the excellent performances, the creepy and dark atmosphere, the haunting music and surely highly surprising (and in a certain way also most hilarious) end, turned this probably unknown film into an entertaining discovery. Definitely worth to give it a try.

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Not as Bad as People Are Saying
brian-226610 May 2015
Despite some plot holes, and at times some unrealistic responses by the actors to what's actually happening to them in the film, this movie is very original. In my opinion, the ending is a classic mind-bender. It's not the expected outcome...most people will be very surprised by the twist.

If you're just simply after a couple hours of entertainment, then this is not a bad choice. Ignore the 1 and 2 star reviews, they obviously either didn't get it, or didn't really watch the movie. Don't get me wrong, it's no award winner, but as far as creepy horror/thrillers go, it's a fun ride.
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Don't Ever Bring This Movie Up Again
view_and_review25 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What? I mean really, what? What did I just watch?

Even if I were to concede that the idea of the movie was good--that of resurrecting the dead by breathing into them--even IF I conceded this was a good premise, the execution was horrible.

1.) The acting was wretched, especially on the part of the female version of Haley Joel Osment who played the lead.

2.) The movie itself became quite daft because the actions of the lead character were daft. Breaking into your neighbor's house because he seemed weird. Staying at home to "find out what's going on" when you know that some crazy crap is going on. Coming into your house with a weapon drawn knowing your husband is there because his car was in the driveway. There were too many unforgivable faux pas in this movie to let slide.

3.) The finale was predictable, cliché and unimaginative. Sarah not reaching her husband when she critically has to tell him not to go home. The husband actually going home. The husband being bound and gagged to look like Dale so Sarah can shoot him and other cinema sins such as the husband simply throwing the bad guy down as though that took care of the problem.

This movie was terribly done. This very concept in the hands of good writers and a good director could've been so much more. But, as it is, it will be a forgotten flick hopefully never to be brought back.
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Low Budget Surprise
Poptart_Psycho4 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
These modern day lower budget horrors always seem to come up trumps. No big named actors, no media hype but are a lot more effective.

Come Back To Me will have you in many ways enthralled to find out whats happening. The movie starts off in Las Vegas 2002, a meth addicted father kills his partner in front of their 14 year old son... Skipped many years in to the present day married couple College grad Sarah and Casino worker Josh welcome new neighbour Dale (who is the boy from the 2002 incident) Things start to become very weird Sarah starts having vivid nightmares and tremors that are leaving her traumatised. Believing its down to a var accident she had months back Josh and her pregnant friend Leslie (who also suffered similar things) shrug it off. Its only until Sarah falls pregnant the twists begin... Josh is infertile. Sarah notices a hidden camera in her bedroom revealing a horrific truth which also impacts on Leslie...

I wont spoil the ending but its one of those you thought you saw coming but it has another twist...

Come Back To Me is worth a watch!! The right amount of gore the little that's needed, a psychological feel throughout and the aspect of paranormal is in their as well
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Low Budget C-grade Slow, boring Movie. Avoid at all Costs!
rajivness5 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a mashup of Nightmare on Elm Street, Paranormal Activity, The Entity and Halloween. This is a low budget movie with relatively good casting but poor directing and weak script.

The movie is about a girl who has nightmares of being assaulted - but wakes up in a different place and in different clothes - suggesting that she was moved. She gets pregnant in the process which makes the hubby furious since he's sterile and thinks his wife is cheating on him.

The main problem is that you already know who the villain is very early on - because of the creepiness of the character. The only remaining piece to the puzzle is how the event happens.

I'll save you the bother of watching this sleeper. The creepy neighbor did it. He did it by killing his victim after he raped her and then bringing her back to life - which removes the memory of the assualt - kind of like the date rape drug. The story had potential - but should have been developed further including the one - dimensional characters.
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Interesting premise.
sooperklew3 April 2015
Its an interesting premise.

Its worth seeing but don't expect a finished product (at least at the start of the movie). It seems like it needed one more edit and one more script rewrite.

The ending is really good, its a shame the beginning isn't done better. Its really a novel idea as far as horror movies go. Its worth seeing just for the idea.

If you want a more finished product, i'd recommend Oculus or Mama. (both on netflix)

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jackstupidjack24 July 2015
It looks like the Industry Shills who infest IMDb these days have been hard at it posting fake reviews here for this insipid, turgid tripe. The storyline is a bland jumpy plot, yet it is the dreadful acting which really makes this one of the very worst films of recent times. Just how any of the cast could be called 'actors'. They are truly wooden, especially Kate Walder who screams her way shrilly through most of her script which sets the nerves on edge, not in the way one wants to be affected in a horror flick. Nathan Keyes overdoes the 'weirdo misunderstood outcast' bit in a way assured to ruin any film, let alone this one. Utter nonsense from start to finish. Best avoided for anyone really wanting a few genuine scares.
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dduff-427 November 2014
I'm not sure why there's so much haterade over this movie. I almost didn't watch it due to it's mediocre rating, but I'm so glad I did. It's a little slow in the beginning, but the suspense kept me going.

It's so hard to find good horror movies these days. This doesn't fall into the typical horror movie genre per se, but definitely the stalker/creepy/suspenseful type of horror. Definitely had me screaming at the TV.

I can't say much without giving away the story. If you're on the fence about watching this--just go for it! It's on Netflix, so no harm done if you don't like it.

Watch alone with the lights off and a good glass of your favorite adult beverage and you're in for a ride!
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Can't resist the cookie jar
mitchw-61-30594224 January 2015
I enjoyed this film. I'm going to talk about the plot as vaguely as possible so if you haven't seen the film or watched the trailer, you'll know a bit about it if you decide to keep reading.

So ... Low budget. Jaw dropping shock ending. Mystery movie. My curiosity grew steadily as I watched this film. I had seen the lead actress in the very first episode of The Good Wife and I liked her character/acting in that, so I looked her up here, on IMDb, and that's how I stumbled onto the film. I thought she did a decent job. She worked well within her range, and followed many directions from guess who? The director. I've read other reviews that said she was a little annoying and obnoxious, but I think I would be too in her situation, so I disagree with those opinions. I'd probably have myself committed, or have gone to the police with the video footage she recorded. I was a little disappointed - at first - with the reoccurring freak-out wake up scenes, until they were justified with answers.

The car accident - the one that we're virtually told nothing about - was a good pre-storyline for an initial explanation to her night terrors.

I liked the side stories with her husbands jealousy and medical issues, and the surprise little twist with the pregnant, doctor friend. I felt her character kept the film 'grounded', so to speak. She was logical, positive, reassuring and the voice of reason .. until she was out of them. The neighbour/grocery clerk did a fine job. Socially awkward. He made me feel uncomfortable - so, well done brother! And the scares, though few, I found to be pretty creepy. I never jumped out of my jocks but I had the occasional "Oh Sh!t" moment a couple of times. The score complemented them film well, I felt. I don't know much about cinematography so I couldn't find any fault there.

Great ending. Worth watching. Keep in mind it's a low budget film and they worked pretty well within their limits. Good job!
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To put it simply, this is a terrible film
trublu21520 December 2014
Come Back To Me is D grade film and that's putting it lightly. The idea behind this film is there and as a story, it holds up. But just because a story is there, that doesn't mean the film is a slam dunk and Come Back To Me proves that. The first on my laundry list of problems with this film is the clear disregard for any sort of realism in the story. Sarah is an accident victim at the tail end of recovery and Josh is a bartender taking double shifts to secure more tips...WHY IN THE HELL ARE THESE TWO IN A BEAUTIFUL LOOKING HOME?!?! Honestly, the home that these two characters live in is so unrealistic by any standards and it can't be ignored either considering that it plays a large part into the story. The film in general is a mess, relying on the most basic scares to send shivers up our spines but it just looks and feels lazy and sloppily put together. With a bland script including some of the worst dialog and banter I've ever heard, it is anyone's guess as to how this got a green-lit. And as for plot twists, you see them coming a mile away and it does ruin any hopes of the film redeeming itself with some crazy twist that makes these events make any sense but it doesn't. As for the acting, it couldn't be anymore wooden and fake. It looks and feels like a soap opera and judging from the director's previous film and media ventures, it looks like that was what was intended for some unknown crazy reason. The music is cheesy and very garage band-sounding. In a horror film, the music is the most important part. It makes or breaks a film and in this case it is simply adding insult to injury. The cinematography is decent and the film looks really sharp but the color tones shift a lot throughout the course of the film and it becomes distracting after the first 20 minutes. Overall, this is a horrendous film and makes me wish I was as smart as some other people and just turned it off. If you think you can maybe sink into this film in hopes of being good, you'll be waiting...and waiting...and waiting until the credits roll and then you realized you wasted 96minutes of your life on something that doesn't deserve to see the light of day.
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A creepy ride
ryleespicksandflops19 October 2020
This movie definitely had the creeps in it. The twist at the end was worth waiting for. Not a bad little thriller/horror to keep you entertained on a rainy day.
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nogodnomasters2 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Josh (Matt Passmore) and Sarah (Katie Walder) are a young couple with issues but appear to be getting by. Dale (Katie Walder) is our greasy haired social outcast who moves into the neighborhood and Sarah' life is turned upside down with weird night terrors. She acquires information she should take to the police, but doesn't and there is a communications breakdown among our couple.

I liked the unique idea of the film , but they made it a mystery much of the way through when I believe a film from Dale's point of view would have been less mysterious but far more entertaining...maybe next time.

The film is low budget with too few characters. The dialogue needed creativity. Okay film to watch if it is cheap enough.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. Off screen rape. No nudity.
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