"Gen V" Jumanji (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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SlummyT22 October 2023
The start of this episode is quite slow the first 5-10 minutes but once in gets into where we are going, the storyline has you gripped until the credits roll.

This episode has an interesting premise carried through until the end exploring more about each character and the guilt that lies within them.

Episodes with this concept usual remind me of game sequences where you are taken through a section that helps you understand pivotal parts of the story that were otherwise not said or told to help us as the audience understand the motivations and actions of characters.

Episode 6 was perfectly carried by all the individual main characters. The story was intriguing, the setting was captivating and I'm eager to see where the story takes us next

Once again thank you for taking the time to read my review 👍
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pretty good
MiloSuperSpesh21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show gets better each week though i wonder how long they can keep it up.

Pun intended.

Follows right after last weeks ending cate decides to come clean, but instead of having a meet cute around a campfire and spills like the usual teen angsty cliche show, she pulls them all in to her mind and lets them see the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

And then takes it further by outing everyone else, in some wierd apology but also calling them out as hypocrites for judging her.

We see more of shetty's questionable antics at work and just how far she's willing to go.

Well acted by the core group, though i feel they outshine the regular 'older cast' . Soldier boy's cameo is inspired, hilarious and leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination, delivered perfectly by jenson ackles in a much nicer super suit than the mess he was given in season 3 ( is this a hint to s4 return ?).

It's probs the shortest episode of the season at 30 mins ( recap and credits take up 10 mins). So it's tightly packed with little room to breathe for certain emotional moments but imo this is acceptable due to the time crunch.

Honestly the lower score reviews need to give their head a wobble. This is the boys universe not downton abbey..
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I'll never let go, Jack
Trey_Trebuchet17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best episodes in the season but clearly you all aren't ready for that conversation👀

I thought this was actually a really clever concept and execution. I've ironically enough been playing Insaniac's Spider-Man 2 and

(((small spoiler for the game... I just finished the Mr. Negative segments in Miles, and then this just so happen to sort of be the same premise))).

If last week's episode wasn't quite meaty enough in the story or worldbuilding department for you, perhaps this one will make up for it.

I like how humanized the characters are all so far. Cate's decisions were horrible yet understandable, and she uses the others' past mistakes and trauma to call them out for their hypocrisy and other poor choices. Obviously your opinion of what is and isn't fair is up to you, I just thought it was a pretty clever concept.

The Solider Boy cameo was pretty weird but pretty humorous as well.

In a very dark twist at the end (which I actually didn't totally see coming), it's really the humans (non-supes) that are the bad guys in this series. Neat.

I for one have enjoyed getting to know the student characters. Only two episode left and I can only assume they'll be the best in the series so far. Quite good episode, even if the Emma-Sam plot feels a bit out of place.
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Sex with a muppet and Best Cameo I've ever seen
frankymarcell20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is how you deliver an episode on all levels, soldier boy's scene was legendary. You can tell Jensen Ackles is have a blast playing this character. Sam having a sex scene with the girl changing into a muppet in his mind was epic and hilarious.

As for the plot and moving the story along... brilliantly weaves together perspective from each of the main characters while allowing them to see more of each others past lives and secrets.

Very well done and impressed with this show. Eric Krepke continues to deliver on creating great TV in a saturated market and brings a fresh injection of entertainment to continue The Boys Legacy.
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Best episode so far
jeffreydrent24 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure why people think the writing ia bad in this episode. For me it represents the awareness around some scènes perfectly.

The episode took a big risk with cate and her memories. I think it was obvious from the start that she wanted to show that she is kinda innocent. She was only able to convince her friend by forcing them to see their wrong doings.

In the end Cate took a big risk and told everyone everything. Now I am truly wondering what will happen next and who will die of the virus.

Hope it is Marie because that would be the least expected. But we have to see how good they will end the show.

Risk of Gen V is higher than the Boys. But, it is worth it for me.
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Didn't love this episode
gpglenpeters20 October 2023
There are some good ideas in the concept of this episode but the execution made it feel a bit CWy.

The emotional moments didn't really land as they're never allowed to sit. Characters get really emotional whilst facing a huge moment from their past, and then instantly get over it.

Also, some of the acting felt a bit forced in this episode, and some of the dialogue was a bit trite.

The main story needs to pick up the pace to keep me invested.

The group dynamics aren't entirely believable and there's not much to distinguish the characters in terms of who they are and what they want.

After a fairly engaging start the story has started to lose me.

There's not much left of the season so I imagine we'll start hurtling towards the climax soon but I think the pacing could've been better throughout.

The revelation at the end is interesting but the show needs to do more and do it better.

It's definitely not as good as The Boys and I don't think it's even as good as Moving, though it generally looks better as it no doubt has a higher budget.
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S1.E6 - Mediocre Episode [6/10]
panagiotis199329 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(S1. E6) My Reaction / Review for Gen V Season 1 Episode 6 ''Jumanji''. Episode 5 was good and I gave it a rating of 7/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. This doctor created a virus that only affects supes? That could be a useful weapon, interesting. They are inside Cate's head? How is that possible? Soldier Boy shows up? That really cool. Sam and Emma are a cute couple. To be honest I hate dream sequences. I don't understand why Cate would do all that to her friends and boyfriend. Finally they are awake, enough of these dreams. So this episode was only 34 minutes long? That sucks. A mediocre episode overall... my rating is 6/10.
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Bunker door in a wooden house with a simple glass window in groud floor
mohammedsultan-6200421 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A kid died right next to them and got exploded to tiny pieces and they were discussing other matters and morals like nothing happened and judging each other actions

The simple wooden house with bunker door for a room on the ground floor with a simple glass window !

Not to mention when they got back to the real world They didn't even check or care about the kid who got exploded in her memories and they kept judging each other until sam arrived

Mother so scared of her daughter so she made that massive ass bunker door that costs a fortune and hated her for killing her brother all this time but gave her a sort of a room built with love with a nice pc somehow

Its a 40min narcissistic joke.
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Don't Delete The Kisses - Wolf Alice
JabezGill22 October 2023
That's the name of the song that you're wondering about from this episode. It's a great song by an awesome band named Wolf Alice.

As for the episode, it was better than the last few but is just so full of silliness/cringey parts and an over reliance on Sex and gore that this little series is guilty of.

The memory jumping portion of this episode was a bit much, too.

And how they're all doing crappy stuff but then judging one another harshly for the crappy stuff everyone did. It's just pathetic and annoying. So is the need to be like "sure the one girl wiped your memories but look how hard her childhood was!!"

The dialogue is the cringiest and worst part of this episode "I think I saw god... just good? You regret it don't you?... I don't think I can do that 24/7..."

Who wrote this? A 12 year old or a 40 year old virgin woman that has never been kissed or on a date before?

Anyways, check out the band Wolf Alice & their awesome music.
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Beginning a downward spiral?
mattlawebens25 October 2023
The first couple of episodes were really good and I was excited to watch more, but these last two episodes have been the definition of filler, no explanations for how certain things happen and relying on people to go "ah remember that from the boys" to win people over.

I'm hoping they're ramping up to something towards the end of the season but it's all a bit meh at the moment, golden boy flashbacks are the best part of the show at the moment and most interesting, feel they could be doing more with the main girl, her and jordan however have no chemistry.

This has a good cast and I'm afraid it's starting to go to waste, and seems a bit directionless at the moment not to mention dull.
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Unfortunately, the worst episode so far. It's the 90's equivalent of a clip show.
teaguemcmartin16 November 2023
If you watched TV in the 80's and 90's (and even the aughts) you know what a clip show is. They take memorable parts from previous episodes and combine them to make up a full episode. Perhaps it was due to a strike, a week of unoriginal ideas or maybe just the anniversary of the show and the writers felt like they needed a break. With the advent of the internet and user reviews, producers quickly realized that watchers hate clip show episodes. So they retooled them into a new kind of lazy episode. The "dream sequence" or the "inside the mind of..." episodes.

But don't be fooled. They may contain an original idea and advance the plot more than a clip show but at the end of the day it's just exposition parading as a metaphor.

I enjoy the Boys and Gen V. I will continue to watch both. However, this episode was, sadly, was a Prime example of when good writers are lacking in original ideas.
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Really really poor writing
Robin_clarke4122 October 2023
Not sure what an earth happened to this show in the last two episodes?!!! It started really well and I kinda thought we were in for a 'The Boys' meets Hogwarts school for messed up Supes kinda thing. However we've drifted into the mundane, the boring, the lazy, sloppy writing and episodes that make no sense and that you just don't care about. They need to turn this around ASAP and start looking at the things that made 'The Boys' such a successful show. I can always tell when writers run out of ideas in a show as they start with the dreamy, trippy try to mess with your head type nonsense. This was just awful. Please do better next week.
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Still Bad, but in Different Ways than Previous Episodes
infinitetyler21 October 2023
So far my conclusion is that every minute we're not following the Sam plot line is a wasted minute, but here we are. I'm starting to think the writers intentionally blew through the character introductions so they could change their powers without as many questions by the audience.

Jensen Ackles to the rescue! Who cares how we got here or why, here's Soldier Boy for 1 minute of stand-up comedy! First time I've laughed the entire series.

There's less talking about feelings, which is a major improvement, but now we're dealing with levels of contrivance on par with Inception or a Rick & Morty episode. Lol it's like the writers made it up on the spot during a meeting with executives, or they received late notice that there would be 5 fewer episodes than originally planned.

The show struggles so hard to make everyone morally ambiguous. As I've said before, this is one of those "product of its time" shows because of how many boxes on the checklist of Covid-era entertainment cliches it checks off. The good guys do bad things, and the bad guys "have their reasons", and therefore it's difficult to emotionally invest in anyone.

Sam's plot line is no longer interesting. Since the main plot line is forced and contrived it's difficult to get a sense of any stakes. The longer it goes on the more boring it gets. I miss Soldier Boy. The acting is a lot better than the last episode at least.

This was like an expository episode dropped three quarters into the season. The departure from dialogue-based teen drama to a more action-oriented show is a welcome breath of fresh air, and if I were viewing this in isolation from the others I would likely think this was a bad episode of a great show; but since I've seen the rest of the series this is a "meh" episode of a subpar series. All of the premises we've seen before in other things and GenV doesn't bring anything new to the table.
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Gen-B (boring)
carnagecarney20 October 2023
Season started great - action, plot development, drama, comedy..

And then.. the last two episodes (5 and now 6) - dreadful. BORING.

A sign of a great show is when every scene advances the plot. There is no unnecessary soap operatic scenes, going in circles (as in episode 5 - "I can't remember", ten minutes later "I can't remember"), over and over.

You can't call it "character development" either. Said simply - it draaaaaags. HARD.

I left for 10 minutes during both episode 5 and episode 6 - came back - missed nothing. That is how you know a show is going down the drain.

The content from both episodes could have been done in 20 minutes. Not 2 hours. If you only have 6 episodes in a season but they are awesome - great!

But don't add these boring af "filler" episodes just to get to 8 or 10 episodes. I'll watch one more episode but if it's like the last two it will be "goodbye Gen-B."
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R-rated Inside Out
The-Brick21 October 2023
Throughout the show I've been distracted with the sensational gore and association with the boys, I've been giddy and excited with this spin-off but this episode suffused all the previous bad signs I tried to ignore into an incontrovertible realization that this show was written for no other than teenagers. I could forgive the shallowness of the characters, the implausability of some events, and the awkward teenage drama, but now they shoehorned a silly "inside out" episode because writers are either not paid or care enough to properly write characters authentically without resorting to having our protagonists reminiscing their past inside some supe's mind palace. I doubt I'll go on eventhough I'm an avid sucker for the Boys. Everything to see here, the cookie-cutter characters and rehashed "X-men" plot, is just a cheap backdrop to blood+sex+violence.
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