You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment (TV Mini Series 2024) Poster

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Bait and Switch: A Plant-Based Infomercial
austinangela-502353 January 2024
I initially started watching this series because of the identical twins and how they were going to eat for the next 8 weeks. What I didn't expect is a mulit-episode infomercial on why you should eat plant-based foods. Look, I get it. Meat bad, plants good. Don't label a show as an experiment on identical twins when it's really a promotional video for a plant-based lifestyle. You're making it sound like anyone who eats meat should feel guilty about every aspect of the environment, social issues, health issues, etc. That's just not the case across the board. The twins we're the best part of this show, and I am very disappointed it wasn't more about them. By episode 3, the twins are hardly in it.
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Just another one
xulianxavi2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Posed as a scientific experiment about nutrition, with the appeal of it being about identical twins.

Unfortunately, from the begining you can see it is heavily biased towards veganism, featuring the same vegan army of experts seen in other documentaries like the Game Changers. Not much information is given about what the omnivore diet looked like.

This combined with the fact that the sample was just of around 40 people, and that no experts advocating for omnivore diets made much of an appearance, makes it very difficult to take any outcome as believable or unbiased. I was surprised to see Tim Spector there, as he actually advocates for including dairy products (criticized in the documentary), as part of a healthy diet.

I was really looking forward to this documentary, and I feel quite dissapointed.
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I feel like some infos were missing
agatapiwowarr2 January 2024
Hi, I'm vegan by the way.

Throughout the 4 episodes, several times vegan diet is refered as the one with less proteins, or the one with limited protein sources. The few ready vegan meals they showed us looked tiny and like a side dish not a whole meal.

But, there are so many sources of proteins for vegan diet? All kind of beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, seitan, whole grain pasta, nuts, just from top of my head.

When I first went vegan, for two months I was using nutrition calculator to make sure I get enough proteins (I was also working out a lot back then). It was easy. Everyone could do it.

I feel like people from the study didn't give enough resources like this to the vegan twins. Teaching them how much they should actually eat a day and what are their protein options.

At the beginning they also say that vegan diet lack some nutritions like B12 and iron. And yeah OK, but in the real world we vegans just get our supplements for these, so it's not like we don't have access to that. I wonder if vegan twins got their supplements.

Anyway, good documentary. I learnt a lot. I loved the side stories like the one about that fancy New York restaurant or the chicken farmer.

Happy veganuary 2024!
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Not making the compelling case they think they are...
piergrottoli15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Let me say right away that the environmental case against eating meat is well articulated, and I'm glad they managed to convey the importance of changing our diets to save the planet. Now, I would also have loved to see the vegan diet win! And when you start watching it, it sounds like it will! But, alas, it did not. The results of the study are inconclusive and very vaguely presented. Lots of sensationalism, little in the view of numbers. The study and the show are clearly biased from the get go - and yet they fail to make a compelling case for going vegan. I'm not even completely sure that this will help the cause. The vegan diet scores some wins, but the omnivore diet actually scores much better at times (e.g. The young African American twins). When this happens, it is brushed aside without much explanation. The angle of the whole show is not very scientific, and the amount of data collected is definitely inadequate. Some of the tests are just laughable from a scientific point of view (see the "sexual arousal" test, or the "germ glow" test). To be perfectly honest, at times it felt like paid advertisement for those vegan products. The environmental case against meat eating comes out much stronger than the dietary one.
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Very little about the experiment
livstanglund5 January 2024
I object to the presentation of this series. It says, it's about the experiment. But it's not. Except for episode 1, there is hardly anything about the participants. It's about how bad the food industry is, and how bad meat is for you. I agree absolutely that the meat industry is very bad. The word alone tells you that. But it's the skewed info on the series I don't like. Just say it upfront. We want to convince you, that veganism is best. You should not eat meat. We will show you a lot of bad things about the food industry, in order to make you change to vegan. That is the point of the series.
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Too much advertising of processed vegan food.
kasiawrabel10 March 2024
It is a good idea to promote Plant Based Diet. But what is promoted in this series is a lot of processed vegan food that is still not a healthy option. Processed vegan meat substitute, or cheese. Plant Based Diet to be healthy has to be whole, not processed, full of vegetables, fruits, grains, pulses. No oil!

And why all the Americans companies have to immidiatelly go global? Take over the world? Can't you guys just stay local and let other communities in the world just stay healthy. Why they have to buy processed cashew nuts if they can just eat them raw? Why producing a processed vegan sausage? People who do not want to eat animal products do not want to eat sausages. Simple food like grains, pulses, vegetables take very little time to prepare. We should be going back to nature, to simplicity. Instead we exploiting now cashew farms because we need to produce tons of fake cheese? Vegan means eating fresh, minimal processed food. Vegan eating vegan cookies, and oily stews with fake meat is still not healthy.
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Far too Biased
SouthernViews3 January 2024
I went in hoping to see a scientific comparison of how diets impact your body. Using twins as a baseline seemed like a great idea. The two diets would be plant-based versus meat-based. Within 15 minutes of the first episode, it became apparent that the series was pro-vegan. Every "expert" talked about the benefits of plant-based diets and the evils of the standard American diet. The problem is that you can eat a healthy meat-based diet using grass-fed quality meats. But all I ever heard was how unhealthy hotdogs and other processed meats are. Duh.

I stopped watching before the end of the first episode. I would have preferred a test comparing the standard American diet to something like the Mediterranean one. Or a diet without processed foods compared to one with processed foods. This was a missed opportunity.

When the experts compared the pros/cons of the vegan/omnivore diets, you could easily see that NEITHER diet gave you all the nutrients your body needed. It's almost like a BALANCED diet of quality meats and vegetables would provide your body with all the required nutrients.
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Good message wrapped with too much finger wagging
derp-584091 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've been on a vegan lifestyle journey for about 6 years, so I really appreciate documentaries that delve into that world and do valid research into what changes occur in the body both short-term and long-term. What I really was interested in with this documentary is taking twins and comparing the effects of opposing diets over a short period of time to gain a more reliable baseline.

That interest was quickly killed when the documentary went on long rants from various politicians about the end of the world, climate change, and cow farts. Again, I absolutely believe in a massive reduction in meat consumption by people who choose an omnivorous diet, if not for the health of the person, at least for the benefit of the animals that live miserable lives so people can eat them. Again, I completely support a person's right to choose whatever diet they deem fit for themselves, but at the same time I can hope for better treatment for the animals that comprise a portion of their diet.

That being said, this documentary gives the impression that you simple follow these people and their diets and changes over a period of time. That's not what this documentary is about though. It is a long and drawn out lecture from politicians about climate change, cow farts, and the end of the world. Listen, if you want credibility, any credibility, do NOT include a politician in your message. It was such an immense turn off, and I am coming from the side of the isle that actually supports a plant-based diet. But this documentary is just overkill. Stick to the diet theme, don't try to shove every 'save the planet' talking point into a few hours, you only turn people off and turn people away.

It's ironic really, the message in the documentary has a 'everything in moderation' tone, yet this documentary is the furthest from moderation in trying to shove every talking point down the viewer's throat. It's a shame too, because presenting valid studies with research like this is great to show people who are questioning changing their diets.
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Eye opener
rosalieroobol3 January 2024
One of the best documentaries I´ve seen in a while. The experiment is perfectly done and the outcome eye opening. Must see for anyone who wants to be healthier or just contribute to a greener world.

They discuss the animal agriculture industry, new innovations in food, health, environment, the devastating outcomes for people living nearby animal farms, how less privileged people are affected by the industry and how to easily change your lifestyle- as a farmer, a producer, or just as a normal human being trying to do better choices in your life.

A lot of inspiring and interesting facts are included as well as older studies brought back to light.

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Interesting, but could be less one-sided
rafael_rlzs4 January 2024
The show aims to raise awareness about the global food crisis and addresses critical issues such as deforestation in Brazil caused by cattle ranching. It advocates for a shift towards veganism as a potential solution. However, its singular focus on the negatives of meat consumption and the glorification of a vegan lifestyle may alienate its primary audience: meat eaters. The portrayal of veganism is somewhat biased, with its benefits exaggerated and its drawbacks often overlooked.

This one-sided approach could result in the show missing its mark. A balanced discussion that fairly represents both diets, acknowledging their respective pros and cons, would likely be more effective. Additionally, exploring middle-ground options like vegetarianism might appeal to a broader audience. In conclusion, while I appreciate the show's content and intent, I believe it could better achieve its objectives by adopting a more inclusive and balanced perspective.
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Bait and Switch
anna010104 January 2024
Let me preface this by saying that I am, myself, a practicing vegan. That said, about 20 minutes into this thing, I was appalled at the overt finger-wagging toward meat-eaters. I tuned in for a study on dietary changes, not a documentary about climate change and how cows are destroying the planet. Now that I've seen the agenda, how am I supposed to trust the findings of the study? That is, supposing they actually get back to talking about the study. Halfway through the first episode and it doesn't look promising.

For now, I'm going to continue watching for awhile to see if it improves. I don't enjoy the patronizing tone though, so I have some doubt about how much more I can tolerate.
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Extremely biased, but interesting
drakeakabigair6 January 2024
I have looked into the benefits of veganism for years, and am convinced there are a lot of health benefits. I enjoyed the show, but there are two major issues. First, they portray this as a scientific study, while every single person involved is biased from the start. That bias is present in just about every moment of the show. The second issue is that those in the show, with the exception of one person acknowledging one time that prices will go down over time, completely ignore the fact that the vastly majority of Americans cannot afford to eat the products and diets that they are pushing in the show. They try to make everyone feel guilty for not eating plant-based meat, even though it is $10 a pound as opposed to $3-4. Most American families cannot afford to double or triple their food costs to eat healthier or save the planet or whatever else this show is telling us we are failing at. Most of us are just trying to get by with the little that we have. Many are probably like me, who wish they could make these changes, but simply can't afford it.
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Watch just ep 1 and 4!
kristinamarkovic-004204 January 2024
Started of really well, the premise of the experiment sounded great, each pair of twins was likable and it kept me interested. By the episode 2 and 3, it all went dowhill. Too many side ways, different storylines (although interesting like the best restaurant in the world going vegan, lady making vegan cheese, especially appreciated Mayor of NYC admiting his own health scare) made it all feel jumbled and didn't get to see so much of the twins. But episode 4 picks it all back up for a conclusive end and presentation of the results. Overall, it is still a good watch, really informative but pick and choose!
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They got off topic by the third episode
mcudworth1 January 2024
There is a lot of fear lingering and very old information in this series. What made it interesting was how the twins were doing, unfortunately there was very little in the series about the twins. Vegan or carnivor, eat what you want. But do not tout the very best of veganism/food in comparison to the very worst of carnivore/food. There is a lot of difference between high quality meat and the garbage we are offered at the store, just as there is with the fruits/veggies at the store.

Bottom line, eat the best food you can get your hands on, get out and walk, get extra sugar and overly processed food out of your diet, get some fresh air...these simple, non-expensive changes will do wonders.
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Pig farms literally spraying nearby residents with untreated animal feces?
mgfiel3 January 2024
This docuseries seems to be at first all about health, but I was surprised with groundbreaking anecdotes and discoveries. 21 pairs of twins participate in an experiment to see which is better: a vegan diet or a healthy omnivorous diet. And then we get stories from real people, such as Chef Daniel Humm, chef and owner of Eleven Madison Park, a 3-Michelin star restaurant. He recalled how he transformed his business into a vegan one and all the pressures and hate that came with it, especially since this was after Eleven Madison Park was awarded as the world's best restaurant. We also hear from Craig, once a chicken farmer, who realized how cruel the industry was.

After the twins' two-month participation in the study, there were already notable results regarding their health, including ones about women's sexual health, amount of visceral fat, and even changes in biological age. What I like about this twin study is that it features meat-eaters and their opinions as well. Also, the omnivorous diet given to one-half of the twins was a healthy one, instead of the Standard American Diet (SAD). The series shows us detailed procedures on the assessments and easy-to-understand presentations of results.

Do not sleep on this series, even if you think you have already watched something similar, as it offers new revelations and fresh perspectives. With just four episodes, it includes talks about health and diet, the environment, the ethics of animal farming, and humane solutions. The movie ends with these lines from Christopher Gardner: "Many of the same things that promote human health are also good for the environment. We can solve a lot of the issues that are hurting us and crippling our planet by just rethinking what's at the end of our fork."
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lineart-129734 January 2024
They visually promote the Bill Gates produced frankenfood called IMPOSSIBLE, which is as suspicious as BEYOND MEAT. The bias and use of the term 'plant based' is rampant.

Are they part of the agenda to get humans onto these fake foods? Many researchers are wary and continue to reinforce the consumption of animal protein.

The conclusion was full of foolish believers who assume physical ailments come from animal diets, and believers in the frankenfoods carries on. Brain washing. No evidence is non science.

"Compared to a meat-based burger, Beyond and Impossible contain roughly the same amount of saturated fat and more sodium," she says, both of which, when over-consumed, can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
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Interesting but seems paid for by the processesd vegan food industry.
reeceagland17 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It started out interesting and informative but quickly became about promoting not so much veganism but the vegan processed food industry. In particular it refuses to addressthe health issues related to this industrial food industry. Do your research and you find heavy use of salt, food dyes, emulsifiers and other things harmful to your health. So yes vegan food is less damaging to the planet but the processed vegan food side is not healthy. Having said that, proper vegan food, ie natural foods and minimally processed food is both healthier for the planet and you.

Iman omnivore, love meat, but also recognise impact on planet and my health. What I got from the show is not to go vegan but to change my relationship with food to be more about feeding my gut not my tastes. Not eating crap tasting food but eating more variety. Trying to keep meat to about a qtr of plate, eating more vegetables but also replacing processed grains (bread pasta, etc) with less processed grains. I now find I'm fuller, my gut health is better and wait slowly coming off.

So change your diet, just don't replace procesed (ie manufactured) meat with processed (manufactured) vegan food.
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Misleading and frustrating
lucasmonterazo22 January 2024
This show was supposed to be a reality show/experiment with different diets but it's actually a documentary on meat production. It doesn't track the participants, it got me really annoyed so that I couldn't see the results of the diet. Yes, I know how bad meat production is, so is crop farming in industrial scale, I wanted to watch the diet.

The first episode is really nice, it starts off assigning the vegan and omnivorous diet to the participants. You get to know the participants and their stories in a humanizing way but as the second episode starts, the subject changes completely and it becomes about meat production and how bad it is.
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Very well researched
merrittangela-310935 January 2024
I've been researching the American food system for years now and this packages the information very well. The real time study was very interesting with the twins and the education of harmful factory farms, which I've visited a few in my home state of South Dakota, were very accurate to the experiences I have seen in the industry first hand. It makes you lose your appetite for meat when you see how it's raised and made. Overall a very eye opening study for those who simply order off a menu and don't look into how it got there. I also highly respect Dr Greger and his methods of education on diet so I was happy to see him interviewed.
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I watched all 4 episodes!
jreneant-480768 May 2024
The docuseries does bring up some interesting points. I learned a lot about pig farming, the history of food in America, etc. However, the series was just a promotional for veganism. They never brought up any opinions for the opposing views. I wish they would elaborate more about saturated fats, etc. I also wished that they would explain what the omnivore group ate. They supposedly ate healthy, but what was the standard for a healthy animal diet? Was it paleo, south beach, Mediterranean, Atkins? There are so many diets that include meat. I wish they would elaborate. The main takeaway is to eat more vegetables.
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Almost Pure Vegan Propaganda
TMAuthor234 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This "series" is a great example of bait and switch.

And ask yourself this: what does a world renowned restaurant converting to an all plant based menu and declaring it to be the wave of the future, have to do with a study about twins trying two different diets? And what does a poor family's law suit over pig waste being sluiced into their property have to do with a dietary study?

Nothing, absolutely nothing.

The advertised and teased premise is about following the journey of 21 pairs of identical twins while they followed two different diets over a period of eight weeks.

In reality that part of the show represented less than a third of the program.

The other significant part of the program? Heavy doses of the ills caused by over farming of livestock (cows, chicken, hogs, fish) and the impact on the ecosystem and native species.

I don't mind knowing more (of what I honestly already knew or suspected) about harmful farming, but I thoroughly resented being conned into this pure propaganda dump being injected into the program I thought I was tuning in to see.

Industrial livestock farming is often inhumanely handled. Farm raised salmon for instance, doesn't look, smell or taste nearly as good as line caught salmon. If you didn't already know this or the waste management failures of large industrial chicken and cattle companies, it's discussed at length here.

But, again, this show was a huge lie in the way it was presented.

AND...most of "data" spoken of when declaring the problems related to various protein farming was NOT corroborated.

All of this was presented: ALL fishing, other than individual line catch, is bad. Raising chickens and cows is bad in every way. Growing mushrooms is what all farmers should do, going vegan is the answer to everything, eliminating red meat from your diet, is the answer to all your health issues, all protein sold in grocery stores will kill you...I'm not kidding. A politician extolled the virtues of a vegan diet. Hmmm. Doesn't sound like the series I tuned into.

Any responsible documentary (which this is not, and is acknowledged with a brief title card at the beginning declaring it to be just for "entertainment" purposes) illuminates both sides to the question, or issue at hand.

That never happens here. And the "study" about the twins? Unsubstantiated "findings" mixed with a few charts that either support a total vegan lifestyle, or are not explained at all.

Two stars only for the (admittedly tainted) exploration of bad industrial farming practices.
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Biased, one sided garbage.
Sleepin_Dragon9 January 2024
So called experts conduct an experiment on a group of twins, one goes on a vegan diet, and the other (poor soul) has to eat meat.....

.....the results..... are presented in the way I expected before the show even started.

I am giving this trash two stars, rather than one, because the first ten minutes of episode one were fairly interesting, and a comment is made about everyone being different, different food groups working better in different people etc, do not be fooled, from there on in, it is atrocious.

A documentary, or scientific, educational show etc, is supposed to present you with facts, but give you both sides, pros and cons, this one sided joke, has one message, meat eating is awful, and eating plants will make everything better.

The experiment (LOL) plays a very, very second fiddle, to the propaganda.

I strongly disagree, and take real issue with this propaganda, I have lived for three years, pretty much, as a carnivore, and am in the best health I have ever been in, this lot would have you believe it's deadly.

There is not one person, who recommends or suggests eating meat, or the multitude of benefits that come from it, and I'm not surprised by the load of negative reviews, it deserves every single one of them.

At one point someone suggests that vegan cookies are healthy, I honestly had to go out and have a walk, it irritated me that much.

Netflix, how about a documentary about a healthy carnivore diet please?

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BE OBJECTIVE! You can't change the truth
Chef-Nacho27 February 2024
People think there is some kind of war, meat eaters vs vegans. There isn't! I'm tired of reading reviews of people who watched the first 20 minutes of the first episode and are mad at the world because adding more vegetables to your diet is healthy. I'm sorry, but that's the way it works.

I eat meat every single day, and I eat many vegetables every single day. I watched this docuseries and I read many books that talk about the same things, and they all agree on almost everything. That's just how it works: you eat more vegetables, you're healthier; you eat less processed meat, you're healthier; you exercise regularly, you're healthier. Everyone is mad at the truth because the documentary didn't mention the benefits of eating meat, and that's because there are less of them compared to the benefits of having a plant-based diet.

This is an amazing documentary that shows a disgusting side of the world we live in which, sadly, is real. They're not forcing you to do anything, they're just showing us the facts. Again, every professional agrees on them. Also, it's really easy to understand and has a lot of information that connects to everyone's daily life.
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Biased from the start
samanthalouisecooper5 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
They said it was healthy meat diet vs healthy vegan diet. Rubbish.. they were giving them Sausages. That is not a healthy meat.. Sausages are full of saturated fat and are processed. They even discussed how processed meats cause cancer in the first episode. They then gave all the vegan twins clean healthy plant based meals before comparing the "healthy" processed meat diet with the clean vegan diet (obvs the clean vegan came out on top) and then in episode 4 plugging a load of processed meat and cheese substitutes. What an absolute joke. This could have been really interesting but was just bias through and through. Vegan diet can be just as unhealthy and cancer causing if you are eating processed food. If they had out a processed vegan diet vs clean proteins chicke/turkey, the meat diet would have won. In short. Don't eat processed food it will kill you.
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I'm not vegan ..... but
Purium564 January 2024
This is an eye opening series about the food we eat . If you're looking for some solutions on how to get certified organic whole foods picked at their peak , solar dried , very low carbon footprint, 99 % compostable packaging delivered to your door I can help . If you care about what you eat and you're a label reader , you're my people. Look me up on IG Purium56 or look for my videos on YouTube. The study in the series was done on twins and it was the first of its kind . I know it leaned toward a vegan lifestyle but the part they left out is how you can get all your nutritional needs through plants and grains . God bless superfoods.
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