Anatomy of a Love Seen (2014) Poster

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I can understand both the negative and positive reviews.
HelenReviews25 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Since there are so few movies about realistic lesbians, it is easy to take offence to a movie that portrays both lesbians as childish and melodramatic. I can definitely admire the cinematography and the writing within the film - it looks beautiful, which is why I rated it the two stars I did. However, as a lesbian myself, I couldn't help but feel saddened by the characterizations of both leading women. I don't know that this is why the other negative reviews came up, but I almost gave up on this movie a number of times because I was upset over another disappointing portrayal of women in a committed relationship who were endlessly catty to one another. I can understand the negative reviews, because I felt negatively about this movie too, but I can also understand the positive reviews.

I didn't enjoy the film, but I think if you are detached from the LGBT community, it would be much easier to enjoy this film for what it is.
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Shallow and Horrid
jenlewis92316 August 2014
I am not normally one to write reviews. In fact, I had to create an account just to review this movie. I despised this movie so much that the effort it took to warn others not to waste their money (or time) in order to view this movie was worth it. Let me be clear. I am a lesbian, so I was excited at the prospect of a potentially good/appealing lesbian-focused film. This was not that film. In fact, it was the opposite of a good/appealing movie. The film only has a running time of 80 minutes, and yet there were many points when my partner and I considered turning it off...but kept hoping it would get better. Let me assure you, it does not get better. There is no plot except for shallowness and self-absorption, if you can call that a plot. I don't actually want to spend more time writing about/thinking about this movie, but consider yourselves warned.
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Drawn out
darth-tobe27 March 2016
What this film does have going for it is two very pretty female leads and a quite erotic love scene between them, which also both feature prominently on the cover. The film itself breezes through this in the first five minutes. Then there's a brief montage of relationship and the viewer gets dumped in the middle of *something* going on. What follows is a series of overacted confrontations between the girls in which they grimace and cry a lot and give the viewer extremely vague exposition. A little more context would have been nice, like who the characters are and why the viewer should care about them. All this is annoyingly intercut with shots of extras doing stuff, fragments of irrelevant dialogue - and bits of a subplot between two other characters that is completely redundant. The director (who also played the director in the film) seems to have self-importantly shoehorned herself into nearly every scene. These other bits then feel like mere padding, as if during pre-production it turned out that writing the real meat of the script, giving the characters context and some genuine conflict or tension, was really, really hard. I find that a shame because show business with its egocentric personas, its gossip and also prejudice should have provided a dramatic enough setting for an emotional story about a lesbian relationship between actresses. I've seen the film described as slow but I feel that word does not capture my feeling. There is slow and then there is drawn out. Room in Rome was slow but offered much more in terms of both eroticism and character focus. Mind you, making an 80 minute film feel drawn out is an achievement in itself. For a real relationship drama, lesbian or otherwise, you'll need to look elsewhere.
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Love is ... wonderful/awful
kosmasp23 May 2021
Word plays always get an extra point with me ... kidding aside you might have scene it already. Now can filming a movie or just one "simple" scene be harrowing and draining as ... can be? Yes, it is not that you have an inkling how something might go. Especially with relationships developing (devolving) ... and also reshoots can be ... a pain.

Now actors who do a love scene together can fall in love with each other. Actually it is also quite funny when you see how the scene is shot and how not hot at all it is making it (which makes the end result even more amazing). If you expect titilating love scenes all around, you may have the wrong movie anyway. There is nudity and there is ... passion. But that is mostly because of missunderstood things between our two leads here.

If you can't stand the drama, you may not like what is happening on your screen - but it is really well made, even if it feels annoying at times. Life can be the way ... love even more so (complicated)
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What did I just watch.
heathersherm15 August 2015
This movie is awful. Just people talking over each other, melodramatic, self-absorbed, unscripted crap. The dialogue is just a bunch of, "Oh. Hey. How are you? Good, yeah, me too. Thank you for being here. Are you feeling OK? OK good, yeah, alright. I appreciate you being here. Oh, hey, how are you? Good to see you. Wow, yeah. You'll be fine. Good, OK."

That's pretty much the film. Just stretch it out for 80 minutes and sprinkle with crying, mumbling heart-to-heart conversations, slow piano music, and painfully long shots of people "going through something".

I truly hated this movie.
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Parents protect your daughters!(for it is very boring)
meritcoba6 January 2016
This movie has a great idea in that it is supposed to be about two young actresses who fall in love for real when they play as lovers in a movie.

But that is not what is advertised. Instead we are told that it is the lesbian love scene itself that actually turns them into lovers. It was why I was reluctant to go and watch. To make the most of the advertised sex scene the movie opens with the scene itself and it is on the cover and in the trailers. Yes, we are promised a hot spicy lesbian love scene that will turn two women into lovers. Two scenes even, for the movie is actually about a reshoot of the first scene. And the effect is more or less the same. You see, that is what lesbian sex does to girls. Perhaps even to straight girls? Parents protect your daughters!

What would be next is a guy who will tell them that a real guy(he himself) will turn them into straight girls again because all they need is some good straight hanky panky to make them see the error of their ways. It never hurts to have a good old straight shag to fix things.

The problem however isn't this misused promise of a lesbian sex scene, but the incredibly slow pace of the movie. You see, the two lovers had a falling out, but darn now they have to reshoot that particular scene! Drama ensues... very slowly. Very very slowly.

It could have been a great movie, but instead we get long slow scenes in which the crew is followed setting up for the scene where such things are discussed as why the wall is missing or that the movie needs to be less heavy. It was probably interesting for the movie crew to see themselves in action but I found it irrelevant for the story and boring to boot.

Even worse however is the bemoanings and recriminations of the two actresses. Like little spoiled brats they have to be talked to by the director all the time to get them to do the bleeding scene. But no, their interpersonal struggles cannot be set aside but have to be addressed and solved right there and then by the director turned relations councilor. Of course, none of the actresses ever thought of taking a friend or otherwise trusted person with them or deal with the thing in a professional or grownup manner. No, no no. We have to see this drama unfold.

If you like very slow drama that has people bemoaning their plight, this is the movie for you. If you instead had hoped to see a movie about a lesbian relation that develops with it's up and downs, as was promised, you might be disappointed by the result. It would have been great to allow people some insight and understanding of lesbians, but this isn't that movie. In fact it wouldn't have interested anyone if this love scene had been a straight one. Making a love scene lesbian does not make a movie less boring or better.
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Worth patience
SB1003 January 2016
I have to say that I only watched this film because the film I intended to watch on Netflix had disappeared. and when I did start watching it, I came very close several times in the first 20 minutes to turning it off. But as it went on and I realised more what was happening it grew on me, and in the apparent messiness some very good acting and some very truthful situations emerged. It's a miniature, but a worthwhile one. It's not erotic, except maybe at the very end, but that is not the point; it's about feelings. The sub-plot of the relationship between the director and her assistant is perhaps more convincing than the main plot, and perhaps more interesting.
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Really bad
shelb4614 November 2014
I will watch any movie with a lesbian love story and get something from it even if it's poorly done, but not this one. I started to fast forward after trying to watch for about a half hour. Then I went and made dinner and kept it on in the background in case it started to get better. Then I fast forwarded the last 20 minutes and watched the end just out of curiosity. There is no plot and the writing does not make up for it The acting was okay and the love scene was boring , but it's hard to care about the love scene when you don't care about the characters. .Don't waste your time or money. I have to think that the positive reviews here must be fake.
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Don't just watch... See.
RaynarRogers27 August 2014
Earlier I read a review that basically warned viewers about this movie but since the Director was so kind as to personally message everyone who queried about the film on Youtube strands and the trailer was done so beautifully, I decided that it was worth the $5 and went ahead and watched it anyway. Now can I just say that this is not a 'typical' movie and if you are a plot based person who gets bored easy and needs the car chase or the lonely montage or any other Hollywood film tricks to fill your 90 minutes, you may not be prepared for this and may even have words as strong as the previous reviewer who claimed that it was slow and self indulgent. But if you can be open to seeing something very different and raw, it is really something unique and special. Realism to me often comes in a slightly art house package, with a slow narrative mimicking reality. You know. Those long look-out-of-the- window-of-a-train sequences or how the film sometimes gets taken over by silence. And somehow, even with a narrative, these films will so often lose me. However, this movie is clever in that it is absolute realism without the extended narrative, in fact, the whole film is set up within a short space of time, literally almost mimicking time itself which absolutely gripped me like I was living those moments with them. The four lead actresses were fantastic and the chemistry between Zoe and Mal was nothing short of Real. I can talk about how great the pace was or the shots but art isn't always meant to be picked apart by its roots. For me, seeing a film that is not dragged down by plot but puts all of its cards on letting a situation and a relationship run its course throughout a difficult day, a film thats core focus is to express just... love, is refreshing and honestly exciting. With this and Blue is The Warmest Colour... I am feeling pretty confident that particularly lesbian relationships are started to be represented well within the film industry. Despite that we were removed from so much of the context and history,I was so emotionally invested because it wasn't about exposition and it wasn't about knowing, it relied on feeling. That in-the-middle-of-a-complicated-break-up-and-now-I-don't-know-how- to-function feeling that leaves us completely vulnerable and if you've never had anything like that or never felt sick when you're around a person, like your body doesn't feel like its you anymore or you've never had a first fight or a last fight or a relationship ultimatum moment or you've never stopped yourself before you risk getting hurt, then maybe, just maybe you might be like meh, a film about love with no plot. Otherwise, this is a gem and you will not be sorry for putting money into this film. Commendation to the team!
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One of my top 10 favourite films
hartesmith1 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have never written a movie review before but had to defend this beautiful film from its critics. It certainly is not a film that you can half-watch while cooking dinner as one reviewer did. It is like watching a flower open in slow motion. You have to immerse yourself in its subtlety. Yes, It's confusing at first. Clearly too much so for some people. But I am bored with films that I can predict who did it and why half-way through. If you are pleased to be puzzled, try it. The only thing I didn't like was the sex scene at the end. It wasn't necessary and hard for for it to live up to its billing as the moment when the two actresses realised they were in love. Finally be warned that if you have ever had your heart broken, this film will bring it all back.
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Circle after Circle
herbiehusker1310 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Follow me, won't you please, on a visual representation of this movie. You're in for quite a treat.

First look at me. I'm staring off into space. I'm contemplating something-- you don't know what-- but please, look at me staring off into space.

Now find an open space nearby and walk in circles for two or three minutes. Tight, little circles. Over and over and over. This is the plot, ceaselessly turning itself over, never moving, never advancing, never containing motion.

Now look back at me. I'm still looking into space. Watch me for a minute or two.

Now go and walk back in circles for ten minutes.

Hey look- a nipple!

Now look back at me. Yup, I'm still staring.

Is the movie still going on on? Dear God, really? Okay then... let's continue.

Walking in circles, aimless staring. Walking in circles, aimless starting.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate character development (that's clearly what they were focusing on here) as much as the next person. I can understand a directors desire to focus on a relationship or two and examine them deeply and complexly. But you HAVE to, you HAVE to mix that with scene and plot movement. Not to do so in a 80 minute piece is abusive to the audience. Do not watch this movie. Do not waste your time.

Now look back at me...I'm still staring off into space.

Now go walk in circles.
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At first,erotic, then unadulterated bad acting!
jim-895826 November 2015
This film was starting to be something then fell flat in the first minute! The blonde's acting was worse than the redheads and most of the few actors in this were "acting" as if they were acting, if you know what I mean, and not in a good sense. As I'm watching, this the redheads sincerity seemed real in bed about 34 minutes into the film, more so than the blonde. Don't get me wrong "I LOVE blonde's"! I don't understand why they would have put two people of conflict in a film together? Did they or didn't they know? It seems to me, to be a conspired film, pro LGBT and they could have done it better with a better production and better actors. Maybe this would have been better as a play but this is trying for a gut sense and I don't get there with the thin acting scenes. 46 minutes in, the blonde in the makeup room is really overacting and not at all what a normal person would experience during a time like this. I could act with or have actual sex with an ex,whether I liked her or not and not act like this! The only touching section of the film was after they filmed and were backstage listening to music and hugging.And "acting director" it's inappropriate not unappropriate during the backstage argument following the "Do you love her " segment.This movie just proves to me as a hetero that women have the same heartache together as they do with men, so not a better situation just different. The END! Neither of them ever having had a meaningful relationship with others (I'm not sure there was a time line mentioned) seems improbable. The end seemed to be thrown in there as a hard R/X scene to keep the male audiences interested to boost the lackluster 3/4 of the rest of the film.
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Wasting Time
FaridRjb22 August 2019
From the beginning, boring story starts and I bet you can't watch it to the end.
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soakingintheocean14 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know what to expect and I decided to watch it mainly because the plot seemed to be very cheesy and romantic but this was not what I got. I ended up really enjoying the movie but not for the reasons I expected to (see; cheesy plot with a lot of fluff). I was blown away by how much emotions were conveyed by all of the actors (the cast is almost entirely made up of women and all of these actress delivered in my opinion an incredible performance). The dialogues were well written and not at all predictable but what really hit me was how the two actress managed to say so much without opening their mouth. Even in moments were the dialogues were the main focus of the scene the body language never ceased to amaze me. I think that those scenes were the verbal confrontation became really powerful were amazingly written, developed and performed. I loved the scene /SPOILER ALERT/were they were all screaming at each other because I would have never thought that it would have gone that way /END OF SPOILER/. In a way I feel like I can say that a lot of the scenes in the movie had me holding my breath and cry because of how truthfully they were. I need more movies where you can feel like you know exactly what one character is going through even if you've never been there and more movies that leave the path of predictability without necessarily being too extravagant or coming off as unreal. Everything about this movie was real and could be felt.
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This movie made me cry (and I hardly ever cry)
jenn_ballard717 November 2014
I can't believe how rude some people can be, this movie was so beautiful to me and I had to create an account because I want to offer my support against the haters.

I can see how the movie might seem slow to some. This isn't your typical movie with unrealistic drama at every corner. It is so emotional and relatable because it shows something everyone (well most everyone) has gone through. Breakups can be so heartbreaking, and all of the elements of this movie come together to convey that with aching subtlety. It is rare that you see a film that can make you feel so many things with just one look the actress gives or one strategically placed piano note. Shannon (Zoe) is especially gifted, her range of emotion is incredibly refreshing.

I never cry during movies, but this one really took me by surprise. So much tension builds up, and you see these two people who were once in love now fighting with each other and so angry. You start to find out how it all fell apart, but also without actually seeing the moment they fell in love. Then they hit you with that moment and you finally understand why they are so hurt. That scene was so incredible beautiful, and I credit both ladies for how amazing they did at appearing so in love. So many movies you see people fall in love and it doesn't look real. The culmination of that scene is what really got me to shed a few tears. I thought it would have been some sort of crazy inception situation where the actresses fell in love while filming the scene where they fell in love. I doubt that happened, but it would have been cool.

Anyway, I recommend this movie to anyone who has been through heartbreak. Anyone who appreciates beautiful acting in a film that pays attention to every fine detail. Everyone involved in the movie really did an amazing job. Thank you for making me feel this way because it is something I really needed.
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Yes, its ideal, but very pretty, and well thought.
tfeiman-110 August 2015
This film is a a witty undertaking of a subject, that could be easily viewed as trite, or an idealized fantasy of what might be, especially with two very attractive female leads as well as supporting cast(both genders). The character realizations could appear, as contrived, but their is a sense of honesty, and hopeful behavior that rings true to the two lead characters. Specifically referencing those of true intimacy of being alone in public sphere.

The film moves quickly, and provides a fanciful imagination of what love and love lost could look like between these two ladies, and delves into intimate, while quick similar to that in life, moments of what it feels like to have love, loose it, want to retain it, and maybe win again. Yes, there is something familiar about the plot, and the characters, what is refreshing is the execution, and understanding that it is a bit of a show.

Yes, the ending is a bit tidy, however the question that is effective is that of the audience. Is this real? or is this an ideal? Luckily, the films producers and directors provide a clean line of sure, but its really up to the viewer.
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Beautifully scripted, well-produced love story
grunstedler25 October 2014
This is a beautifully scripted, well-produced love story that addresses some of the challenges we may face in a relationship. The chemistry between the main characters is intense yet natural. There are degrees of conflict that most of us have encountered and even though this is a lesbian relationship, these conflicts and interactions hold true in most relationships. The actors compliment each others roles and so you can identify with the characters. The story is told without embellishment(to simply fill time) so it is not a long film and with the way we cherish our time, this works well. Nicely done, a precise, pleasant and lovely film.
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real emotions and anger
jason_manshad12 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
most lesbian romance movies tend to focus on just the sexual aspect of the story and disregard the real emotional and human aspect.

Anatomy is able to avoid that predictability by instead pitting two women with negativity with regards to each other and shows how despite their indifference and anger at each other, the feelings are still real and still there. despite taking place in less than a day, its portrays the angry, resentment, and passion between the two characters surprisingly well. and after showing all the anger and hate, it also gives the audiences a glimpse into the love that exists underneath it all in the ending sex scene.

it also devotes the movie to the post-breakup phase, a time that is generally not given this much emphasis in romance movies and thereby allows the movie to have a sense of originality to it.
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Something different, thank goodness...I loved it!
abigail-chase19807 September 2014
This film delivered exactly what it promised based on the synopsis and trailer. It's unusual storytelling, it's a film within a film, and the acting is nuanced, beautiful and real. The characters really pull you in - there is no escape from the extremely uncomfortable situation they find themselves in, so they are forced to deal with each other, which was my favorite part of the film. If something doesn't feel good we usually walk away, but what would happen if we didn't - if we walked toward it and dealt with it. How many relationships would turn out differently? Beyond all of that, I just really enjoyed how unique this felt - I loved being "behind the scenes", the leads are stunning and the love scene was tasteful and beautiful. I laughed, I cried, I felt, therefore I recommend.
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Anatomy of a Love Seen
fysal125 October 2014
I loved this movie. It is a very raw and emotional drama that keeps you invested from start to finish. It is beautifully filmed and directed and if you ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes of filming, this movie will give you that insight. The two lead actors work extremely well together and have you hoping for love to prevail. The Director in the movie (who is also the Director of the actual movie) is so supportive of her actors and it shows in some emotionally charged scenes. To get a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes of making a movie was very enlightening to me and I found myself wanting to learn more about the film industry in general. Please make every effort to see this movie. You won't be disappointed. I highly recommend it.
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This story involves two actors shooting a love scene
funnyjoplingirl8 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Marina Rice Bader, has a background in photography. It shows the movie is beautiful shot. I love the behind the scenes shots. They make you feel like your in the movie, so to speak. The chemistry is off the charts great, between the actors! Marina, herself debuts as an actress in this movie. She is a natural! This is a beautifully told love story. It has several layers. It is worth the watch. You won't be disappointed! You will laugh and you will cry. It will make you stop and think about your own life. It has a couple of stories within stories in this movie. Marina, has an eye for putting actors that are perfect for the roles. Go rent or buy it now! You will be happy you watched this beautiful story!
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a special film
dark_dreams-n-lullaby14 June 2015
i have no words to say for the movie because i gave it a 9! i mean where do i begin and where do i end? it's a wonderful movie. to those who say the characters were immature and childish to be lesbians well... what is the lesbian handbook because i forgot to buy it when i came out of the closet. i think this movie is so awesome just because it shows raw emotions and somehow everybody can relate to that. it makes me experience different shades of so many emotions. honestly just watch it without trying to see the "types" of people represented. we all are humans! sit back and let it take you with it. honestly it might be slow on how the storyline evolves but its not boring. this comfortable silences and the amazing photography is needed.
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Wish I had watched it sooner
peterson-courtneyj22 September 2017
I had seen this movie advertised on Netflix many times but always gave it a pass due to the low IMDb rating (we all know how terrible movies with lesbians as the main characters can be). However, I was in a weird mood tonight and thought I'd take a chance. IT WAS GREAT. I didn't find it slow-paced, though I see others did. Also, I have worked on movie sets multiple times in the past. The tone they set was spot on, tongue-in-cheek. The actors were well cast and they played their parts beautifully. I have no idea why it is receiving bad reviews and low ratings. Like no idea. If you are wavering on seeing this movie, please do yourself a favor and watch it. I know I'll be watching it many times in the future.
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Innovative and Provocative
janecrane25320 November 2014
Marina Rice Bader has delivered a film that challenges the viewer. She is the director of the film and is also playing the role of Kara, the director in the film. She pulls off both roles beautifully. We believe her and isn't that what we want from a movie. The characters are not totally developed which leaves us wanting a bit more. We know there is more to learn about Mal and Zoe. Bader has given us one day in their lives. I would love day two so I can get to know these fascinating women better. What we do witness is real people in all of their open and exposed glory. Well worth watching and learning from its style and story. If this is a new way to tell rich lesbian stories then keep it up. It is sexy, sophisticated and sensual. Loved it.
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Have tissues handy
musical_lover198626 April 2015
This movie is so powerful. If you are a person that has been abandoned by someone you loved, who you thought loved you, without explanation, this movie will have an affect on you. Maybe you are the person who did the abandoning. You can identify with one, if not both, of these women. Some have complained about it being slow or no plot. I will say, you must have some depth to you to enjoy this film. It has very quiet moments, but that is where the intensity lies. These quiet moments are where you are going to feel and remember your old wounds. I have watched this movie several times since the first time, and it sticks with me for hours afterwards. Not many movies these days that have that effect. The two lead actresses did such a good job with their roles. I cared so much about Mal & Zoe by the end. If you are able to watch a movie without aliens/disasters/high speed car crashes, please give this movie a chance. xoxo
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