Impaled: Painfully Blunt! (2009) Poster

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Low-budget, but high-dollar comedy and entertainment.
donitononaire1 May 2014
This is low-budget film-making at its best!

First let me say that this stands out from the long-list of documentaries, mockumentaries, "found-footage" films, reality TV, etc. that has become a staple in contemporary film. It's not just another humorous documentary where everybody is "in on it," save the main subject (of the film).

The film follows the wannabe modern renaissance man, Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey (Jonathon Tepes Sharkey on facebook). Jack of all trades, master of none - failure at all Sharkey's resume includes the following: Professional wrestler, professional boxer (remember this!), vampire, witch, pagan, and most importantly, full-time douche knuckle. While there's nothing cool, or interesting about Sharkey himself, the approach director Richard Mullenax takes makes Sharkey look like the fool he is, providing many laughs along the way.

However, after studying up on the film's central character, you realize he may be more dark (not in the way he wants you to believe) and disturbing than a harmless buffoon thirsty for attention. You also realize upon further reflection, the film reveals a disturbing, and scary message about politics, and the many candidates we put in office. Mullenax actually writes an interesting piece on this - suggesting (rather convincingly) that Sharkey's behavior, and eccentricities he exhibits (on full display in this film) are not the exception, but the rule (regarding politicians and their behavior): Vampire-be-a-Template-for-the-Common-Politician

This is what shoestring-budget documentary (mockumentary, in this case!) filmmaking is all about. Mullenax and his team make the best of the budget they have to work with - and any shortcomings this doc has regarding technical aspects such as lighting, and audio, is compensated for (and then some) by the actual content of the film. It is easy to follow, and is paced quite well - progressing gradually, and transitioning from one hilarious situation to the next. You keep wondering if, or when, Jonathon will storm away in a rage, realizing he's been totally played from day one. I also have to say the film is scored pretty good - the quirky, eclectic "homemade" music seems to fit, and go long with the corresponding scene and situation perfectly.

If you enjoy seeing complete and total ass-hats get made fun of with impunity and recklessness, but at the same time just enough subtlety to keep the victim going along, then you will like this film.

Again, I strongly encourage you to research this Sharkey creep before watching - it will make your viewing experience all the more satisfying and pleasurable, and keep an even bigger smile on your face watching him humiliated!
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Interesting doesn't even describe it!
I have been friends with the director for many years and I remember him telling me about his plan on making a documentary of Jonathon Sharkey. I had little knowledge except from what I had seen on Director Mullenax's Youtube page of the various interviews that he had done over the years on Sharkey. But to take to the next level- to actually make a documentary would take it to the next level. Anyone who has any common sense would take one look a this guy and think he is nuts. And that would be a fair assertion.

The first time I saw the documentary I was amazed at how well the film was put together. Right from the beginning as a viewer you are drawn into the story of Sharkey who thinks he is a Vampire. I couldn't believe how he paraded around and how proud he was to show off. But what is even better is that the whole production is a total mockery of him. That is what I love about the film. The film is so well put together and there is never dull for a moment.

Kudos for making such a great film! This film is definitely a great documentary that will forever tell the story of a man who is just so out there it is unreal!
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The Curious Case of Jonathon Sharkey!
impalersucks3 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The vampire myth has been with us for ages. We have the legendary icons like Dracula, Nosferatu, and Lastat who contribute to the legend of the vampire persona. Vampires can be either scary or sexy and even at times both.

Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey is the parody of what a vampire is supposed to be.

The starts off with Jonathon showing off at a costume shop. He is so arrogant and cocky until a boom mic lands on his head and the tone of the film is set. This vamp isn't as iconic as he thinks he is.

The director Richard Mullenax pulls one of the most unique and innovative pranks I've ever seen and he isn't doing it by himself. He assembles a cast of unknowns to help push Sharkey over the edge. Just when you think the overcook vampire is at his wit's end, he comes back for more "laugh out loud" punishment.

Not everyone in the cast is an actor. There's one scene where Sharkey gets into a boxing ring and spars with an actual pro-boxer. This happens after Sharkey does an interview claiming that he could knock out Mike Tyson. The filmmaker shows a montage of Sharkey training. Although you can tell he has a limited yet knowledgeable skill set, you can still tell he doesn't know what he's really doing. He gets in the ring, gets humiliate by this pro, and is yet too stupid to know he was had. It makes for great comedy.

Perhaps my favorite scene was when Sharkey found out that his love interest was actually a transsexual. I couldn't stop laughing at his reaction which was subtle yet priceless. Even after discovering that, he still went on with the filming like the naive solider that he is.

This film is low budget and you're not gonna find it at your local Wal- Mart, but it's worth seeking out. It's one of those treasures you seek out at two in the morning and tell your friends about at work or at a party.

Impaled is an underground classic for the 4chan crowd.
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I can't believe what I just watched!
timbladwin16 May 2014
So I was recommended this film from a friend who's into some crazy documentaries. She's been pestering me for a week to watch this. At first, I wasn't really interested until I started watching it on You Tube and HOLY COW...I was neck deep into the oddity that is Jonathan Sharkey.

The guy is so full of himself that you can't help but root for the guys pulling this insane stunt. What's even stranger is how could he not know? Maybe it's because he lives such an eccentric lifestyle that maybe nothing seems strange to him.

It isn't the best best produced film. I noticed some spelling errors but the mayhem that ensues makes up for that. They've used every stereotype on this guy and he just didn't get it!

I'm not big into pranks. I think they can be cruel for the most part, but when you see it happen to a guy with this kind of ego and creepiness, you tend not to mind.

I think I'm going to watch it again. It seems like the sorta film that you have to re-watch to find certain personality traits on this loon. It's quite possible that he has a border-line personality. Perhaps Associative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. I can't say for sure because I'm not qualified to make such a diagnosis yet I am a thinker and I can't help but to think that might be the case.

10 out of 10. Perhaps that's pretty high for the flaws I mentioned but if it makes me want to keep re-watching it then that's the score it deserves.
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This guy makes "Twilight" vampires look tough by comparison...
sdward19803 May 2014
Before watching this documentary, I had never even heard of "The Impaler" - which I'm sure is the general consensus for most people, despite what Sharkey's ego says. I was under the impression that pretending you were a vampire was relegated only to the realm of bored Goth teens, who make up fake pseudonyms like Lord Ravensbloodholm or Katrina Everdark. Sharkey's inner Goth teen is much less creative, choosing to merely rip off the nickname of the original vampire, and also claim lineage to Dracula as well.

The most frightening thing about Sharkey, as evidenced in this documentary, is how much he truly buys into his own hype. Even when the filmmakers put him to the test and he fails miserably, he's still somehow able to come up with a flimsy excuse as to why his skills are not up to snuff. At times it's extremely comical, other times you can see a small psychotic glint in his eye that belies his calm exterior. Those are the moments when you shudder, realizing that this man has the potential to be dangerous.

Sharkey would have you believe that he is going to be our next president, and although he's tried unsuccessfully, he insists that his time has not yet come. I can only hope that America's fascination with electing strange individuals into public office draws the line at a man who has been arrested for threatening to impale the president, and who appears to have a penchant for young girls.

All in all, this documentary was very well made, extremely entertaining, at times laugh out loud funny, but overall very eye-opening. We're conditioned to see people like Sharkey and just laugh and dismiss them, thinking that they're just some weirdo that isn't worth paying attention to for more time than it takes to make fun of them. But we have to keep in mind, that exact idea is how people like Dahmer and Gacy were able to get away with their crimes for as long as they did. I'm not calling for a witch hunt of every weirdo you ever come across, but when they have a record and clearly are not repentant about their past crimes, we need filmmakers like these to remind us to keep a close eye on them. Sharkey may not be the mystical vampire lord badass he claims to be, but that doesn't make him any less of a threat to the public.

Highly recommended.
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