Rebirth (2020) Poster

(II) (2020)

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Beyond terrible an insult to the genre
rmmil27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of low budget horror with good stories.

The good stories being the key point.

I can even excuse amateurish directing, but wow this is terrible!

I cannot over stress the general weirdness of this film, and most of these choices that ended up being terrible were narrative ones, meaning it was the writing and direction at fault, not the budget.

There's a "kid", I guess? It's so weird that everyone in the cast treats some guy like a little kid when CLEARLY he's about 30-40 years old. What. The. Heck. It gets especially weird when an adult woman tries to "console" the "young one" (?).

Overall it's just an homage / ripoff of the original NOTLD, it's even a very similar setting.

What an insult to that classic film. This film is just so bad it hurt to watch it.

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The remake of NOTLD no one asked for.
berg-7453218 September 2021
It's amazing just how clueless some people are and I say that with absolute derision because of all the nonsense in the reviews about groundbreaking commentary on government blah and racial and sexual prejudice. This movie is not new the themes in it aren't a daring and bold in any way because it's a shot for shot remake of 50 year old George Romero classic. Stupid stupid most likely millennials who believe the world began the moment they were born. This is the most famous Zombie movie of all time and the only thing that's different is the female lead is replaced by a man. Seriously what the hell is wrong with this group of humans that leads to such a huge gap in knowledge that they aren't aware of NOTLD. The age old "what's wrong with the youth of today" from the past is never been more true then right now. Stupid completely self centered spoiled brats. Movie if it was a completely new idea would be passable this is made a monstrosity by the lazy nature of ripping off the classic made worse by the morons who think this is a new idea.
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Not really worth the watch to me
kinglycian6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind watching low budget horror, but I honestly couldn't get past the fact that this is basically another Night of the Living Dead remake.

It's also kind of hard to feel sorry for a guy playing the damsel when he's constantly whining and crying. Even in the original the damsel wasn't so much of a damsel as she grew into a heroine, but this guy's character tries doing the same while still whining the whole time.

The synopsis doesn't particularly line up either I'd change it to

"During two brother's annual visit to the cemetery things go awry when the dead start coming back to life"

Instead of "they" have to fend off violent assailants.
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Well, it's one more movie than I've made, I'll give it that.
dmcebabb3 December 2021
It's a remake of Night of the Living Dead. But Barbara is replaced with Adam, who seems to be based off of stereotypes of gay men from 80's comedies, and is called "boy" and "kid" (despite being in his 30s) and treated like he has an intellectual disability or something (at least Barbara was clearly in shock). Ben has been about 15% "urbanized", as evidenced by his dialogue (I miss Duane Jones, or Tony Todd channelling Mr. Jones, and wish Aswan Harris's take skewed closer to one of those). Harry's made even worse than before by making him racist and homophobic (in case it wasn't clear we're not supposed to root for him), turning a creepy guy who might be concerned for his family into a two dimensional prop. And of course, you can't have a Christian villain in a horror movie not curse, but Harry is practically a fountain of profanity (when he's not menacing our gay anti-hero). So yay? Preppy Johnnie is now Face Tat Johnnie, Helen... Helen actually gets some depth and an actress who can carry the material, and is honestly one of the few high point of the film in terms of quality and creativity. The remaining characters are just kind of there filling the original roles, with a new "not all old white men from the country are jerks" character, that otherwise serves no function than to remind the audience that not all old white men from the country are jerks (which, aside from "Tucker and Dale vs Evil" hasn't really been done much).

As for the zombies... they're slow, they're killed by headshots, they growl in a way that'd be more effective if the sound balancing was better. And their eyes glow for some unexplained reason, which I'm fine with in theory. I'm not going to argue over how many buttons a leprechaun's jacket can have, and I won't argue over whether or not fictional monsters can have glowing eyes. In practice though, I think it was done to try and help add menace to zombies compensation for their often (but not always!) mediocre make up effects. Seeing a bunch of zombie eyes "blink on" as they close to attack is almost creepy. The movies "Demons" and "Demons 2" made it work okay through practical effects, shame it looks so cheap here due to CG.

But character tweaks aside, this is the kind of zombie movie that couldn't afford zombies smashing windows (or heroes barricading said windows). The kind of film where right before the heroes open a door to see how many zombies are outside, one of them looks out the windows of said door (meanwhile, in a later scene we discover the house has a balcony, so there's that). The kind of film that really needed someone to ask the director/writer "do you really need this shot?" and "why do they throw away their torches when they know the dead are scared of fire" and "do we really need to be reminded that Adam is off screen being worthless, again?" Honestly, a good chunk could be forgiven if Ben turned to Helen and explained "I have a cousin who is gay, they just need a little help. Hey buddy, would you like a juice box? I got the straw ready for you."

Seriously though, there's some genuinely good ideas here, but the execution would've benefitted a lot by someone doing good storyboards beforehand (even stick figures are fine!), and then allowing someone to come in and challenge the weaker aspects of the film. And that's ignoring the issues due to budget limits.
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mibradygrl5 June 2021
It was too hard to take seriously when a guy keeps referring to another man his own age as "kid" and "child". This dude is at least 30 and everyone is treating him as if he is 10. Even consoling him when he sobs in fear, whining that he wants to go home. Not sure if he's supposed to be mentally handicapped and that's why? It was just funny to see and the zombies are hilariously bad with glowing eyes. The rev was a huge downer, not gonna lie, currently halfway through and can't wait for him to die. Didn't realize this was a remake, nor have I seen the original so not sure if it's supposed to be serious or funny. It's definitely funny and the acting isn't bad.
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This is what happens...
MrGKB17 January 2024
...when folks who don't really know how to make movies make a movie. They end up Dunning-Krugering themselves into producing messes like "Rebirth," a scratch-and-dent remake of the seminal zombie classic, George A. Romero's "Night of the Living Dead." It's tone deaf in almost every respect, sad to say, and I have to put it on the quaking shoulders of faux auteur Roger Connors, who in writing/directing/co-producing and starring in the benighted project, has mystifyingly chosen to put a gay slant on things that plays poorly and adds nothing to the story. I'm not going to pick at the corpse; others have already done that here. I simply mean to caution potential viewers against any expectations of quality filmmaking, because you won't find any. "Rebirth" is as pure an example of Sturgeon's Revelation as you might ask.

TL/DR: Low return entertainment even if you don't value your precious, irreplaceable time.
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i had no idea ........
godinamachine2 December 2021
HEY EVERBODY ITS ME, (4) and today we review ..... night of the living de ....???? Rebith of the living dead .....

SSOOOOO theres this whole thing about night of the living dead where its copyright is now up ...and its in public domain SO anyone can use the name and remake the movie etc .... so TONS of remakes and retellings and just out right films using the name etc have happened ...okay cool ...

SO this one of those it seems .... only instead of barbara we have .....a gay dude ..... so i guess they are trying to bring the classic to a more modern PC era .... okay .... instead of becoming comatose however this guy just whines and cries and screams at everything ....opositsies lol.... also ...annoying-isies ..... but its reall runs along the same basics as night of the living dead over all .... similar situations .... similar story .... similar characters ..... only some exagerations to them here or there ... like DR ANGRY BEARD lol..... taking the place of the angry dad from "night of" ....

being honest here i only watched about half way through before i started skipping around .... i realized .... "hey ive seen this before " and i just didnt want to waste another 45 minutes ....

from a technical standpoint ...everything seems pretty well done ... their lighting for a indie was on point ..the acting wasnt bad .... so good job ....

the FX were good EXCEPT the glowing eyes ?!?!?!!??!? Why ??????why did you feel that was needed ..... who was sitting there editing ....thinking ..and said " you knw what this needs .... REALLY terrible glowing eye FX , yea thats the ticket !!!" .... lol... NO shame on you ..and who ever greet lit it after seeing it ...slap your own hand ....shame on you as well .... the zombies would have been fine .....didnt need flashlight eyes .... like some kind of lo pan from big trouble in little china cos play tryhards ....

also the brothers in the beginning great omage to the original .... but jesus man ... casting the newest indie rapper "lil jonny" there bro ... your face got more tats than a biker rally ........ i hope your sound cloud career go good for you because man ..if it dont ..... jeez

so ...sorry gang but unoriginal gets you beat down ...underservingly though because you did a decent job BUT should have just called it for what it was ....rebirth of the living dead ....


EDIT: upon minor research ...... this is in fact a remake of the original night of the living dead and is also in fact being updated to a newer generation ... LOL ... wow ... i called it on accident .... so now how do i feel about my score is the question .....
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Good thing that Romero himself can't see this...
paul_haakonsen20 June 2021
I stumbled upon the 2020 movie "Rebirth" here in 2021, and with it being a zombie movie, of course I needed no persuasion to sit down and watch it. I should, however, perhaps have read the movie's synopsis prior to watching it.

Why? Well, "Rebirth" turned out to be a remake or reinvention of the classic George A. Romero's "Night of the Living Dead"; a movie that have been remade a couple of times already before. So this 2020 remake was fully and utterly unnecessary. Yet, I still sat through it.

I must say that "Rebirth" from writer and director Roger Conners was a bitter pill to swallow. First of all, the fact that it was a remake of a movie that had already been remade before was just pointless. And then Roger Conners went and opted to replace the Barbara character from the original movie with a gay guy named Adam. What? Seriously? Yeah, that was just utter rubbish. This whole political correctness that sweeps through Hollywood is just laughable.

Then there were the thing with the glowing eyes of the zombies. What was that all about? It just made no sense, and it just made the movie come off as being more rubbish and as a joke. It was so hard to take it serious with this. And the fact that the zombies were making growling noises that no human would be able to vocally produce just didn't help to sell the movie either.

The acting in the movie were sort of adequate, for the most parts. Mind you, you are not in for amazing performances here, nor will you see any Award winning performances in the midst of the performers here either.

Visually then the movie was sort of a swing and a miss. The majority of the zombie make-up and effects was just barely passable, so there wasn't much of any meat here for us gore fans, pardon the pun.

While I managed to sit through this ordeal, then "Rebirth" is a movie that came and went without as much as a groan or a bite. And it failed utterly to leave a lasting mark on the zombie genre at large. I am not going to be sitting down to watch "Rebirth" a second time, nor is it a movie that I would recommend any zombie fan to rush out and get their hands on.

My rating of "Rebirth" lands on a three out of ten stars. It was a completely unnecessary remake, and one that failed to deliver much of a bite at that.
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A Pile of Garbage
camdenb-103741 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Piggybacking off of one of the most recognized names in the genre this gets nothing right and everything wrong. This movie should be put out on the porch and burned with the recliner in the original masterpiece.
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NedGill3 September 2021
Don't waste your time on this. I couldn't even stand the first few lines. Nauseating. Sorry.
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A Boring, Incompetent, Sloppily Edited Mess
imcrep9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I first learned of this particular remake thanks to a YouTube review. I watched the review, and he said a lot of positive things about it, and when I accidentally came across this film on Tubi TV, I watched it.

Of course, it left me completely and utterly bored. The film itself is only 99 minutes long, but it feels like 2 full days. It doesn't help that new characters are introduced because the plot, of course, demands they do. They did a complete disservice to Ben by turning him into the stereotypical black guy. Adam, played by the director, replaces Barbra, but he's far less interesting and he fades into the background after this film's version of Barbra's death, except Adam miraculously survives until he's shot by the huntsmen. As to how he survives when he's last seen getting overpowered by zombies, I have no idea, but this film falls completely flat.

The editing is part of the aforementioned plot hole, as it does not show us how Adam could have reasonably survived the zombie attack other than plot armor, only getting killed when the plot demands he does. This film feels like it was made as some form of torture that kidnappers could freely use.

Karen killing her mother in the basement is no longer as terrifying as it was in the original, and suffers heavily as a result. However, I should just say the movie as a whole isn't particularly frightening, despite being a horror film.

If you come across this film on any streaming services, or YouTube, do not watch it. Keep scrolling until you find a good film.
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A great low-budget independent film
aviskunz7 June 2021
Realizing this is an independent film lovingly made in honor of the original Night of the Living Dead (that film owns the title, BTW), this is a tremendous effort that shows the talent and dedication of the ensemble cast from Cleveland LOVINGLY MADE, let me stress with an almost non-existent budget. If you are a supporter of independent films, then you view them with all the quirks and limitations of the independent film ecology. I applaud the creative energy used to lessen the impact of the low, low, low budget. I was on the edge of my seat, especially at the end, really routed for Helen to survive! The film views important social issues on masculinity, race, bias, and the will to survive in the face of the inexhaustable enemy.
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A good effort
VincenzOhRly5 June 2021
Has some pertinent things to say about "the enemy within" we know today. I have to believe George would've admired that.

Also I seriously enjoyed the zombie's high beam-emitting peepers. Some good spooky moments result from it and I wish the effect was utilized more. A nice tip of the hat to Lambert Bava's "Demons"es this production made their own.

Unfortunately there's many instances of budgetary constraint on display and some uneven performances that hobble "Rebirth" to an extent, but if you're a fan of the original it's worth a watch (and smarter than a lot of people will give it credit for).

And while we're talking George and "the original" I don't understand the logic behind dropping the "Living Dead" moniker. Personally I will never not refer to this as "Night of the Living Dead: Rebirth." Though that's certainly more of a mouthful.
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Stupid film not worth
bagazi21 August 2021
Me it is stupid movie .you will lose your time watching this kind of silm.
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Terrible Movie
Hajimoto062524 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge lover of zombie movies, even the low budget ones. This movie is terrible. It tries to pay homage to the original NOTLD, but all it does is insult the original.

The acting is terrible, the effects are terrible, the script is terrible, and the makeup is terrible. And what was with the glowing eyes???

I wish I could get back the time I spent on this one. The glowing reviews are clearly friends of the filmmakers. Or maybe the cast and crew themselves.

Spare yourself and watch something else. I'm not sure how this made it onto Amazon Prime.
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Horrible Attempt at a Remake?
mwgfgrey30 September 2021
The question mark was intendes because I don't know what direction they were going with this movie. It was like a horrible attempt at remaking Night of the Living Dead. The makeup for the zombies wasn't bad but the glowing eyes was so dumb and unnecessary. Also really wish there wasn't zombie dong. Didn't need to see that.
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Not the worst
takato05241 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen worse movies than this. For a while I thought it was dubbed because the lips weren't syncd, but then the black guy showed up and it was obvious it was American, just poorly shot. It would've had a 4* but the last 20/25 minutes dragged on. The house scene at the end was just an annoyance of watching that mother lady run around like a chicken with its head cut off. The ending also was cheap and terrible. All that just for him to die by some good ol boys. Oh and him not talking also was annoying.
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New twist
kmkerr22 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While there were a couple things I found distracting (glowing eyes too bright, and calling Adam "kid"), I enjoyed it. Although the main character was male as opposed to a female lead like in the original, his demeanor couldn't have been better. I felt Roger, Aswan and Rachel gave great performances. And for a low budget, independent film, I found the special effects and makeup to be awesome.
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A refreshing take!
juswatchproductions22 June 2021
Finally! Finally someone makes a zombie film and creates a character who has a more realistic response to a zombie outbreak.

Most main characters in zombie films portray a badass/unrealistic/unrelatable telling of what a person in such situation would truly be. Roger Connors' Adam, finally gives us a look at how a person may truly react, emotionally, in a situation that includes undead, cannibalistic human beings mindlessly wandering around in search of live flesh to devour. This realistic take is a breath of fresh air in the zombie genre, and one that allows mindful viewers to truly connect to the source material on a different level. Add to that the reheating of Romero's classic, with some new themes added, and you have an entertaining watch that is worth your time.
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Not for everyone but I enjoyed it
devinwatson-663835 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely need to watch the original to appreciate this gem. When it clicked for me that the gay dude was playing the hysterical woman and that this seemed to be a remake... honestly that guy did a great job in the role and I laughed so many times in this movie (the two shots of him running/sashaying through the field haha were brilliant). The movie is a lot of fun and it channels the essence of the original quite well if you overlook a few things.

I didn't find it really trying to say too much about anything too political if you know how the roles were played in the original. You will encounter a couple of hilarious nude shots that will probably shock but I didn't think they held them for too long. Still, wang and butthole alert haha just warning you.

For the genre I felt they did a solid job with the kills ect. The zombies aren't supposed to run like in World War Z so you have to keep that in mind. There were some excellent performances by several in this movie (not all) that were pleasantly surprising, impressive even.

Again it's not for everyone but I had fun watching and yes I'll say it I thought the gay dude's hysterics were hilarious and actually quite well calibrated/performed by the actor - not too much or little.
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A love letter to NOTD
jigglypuffstud22 June 2021
It was nice to see a project go back to the night of the living dead theme. The film tackles more relevant issues of bias and hatred to update the classic tale. There was some solid performances and I enjoyed the relationship between Ben and Adam. It's low budget but the passion is still present.
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A masterpiece horror movie.
ronkal-5057821 August 2021
These days Hollywood movie producers seem to feel that in order to make a great movie they need to spend 10's of millions of dollars on special effects. "Rebirth" proves this is not true. Director Roger Conners pulled off a masterpiece movie spending a small fraction the amount of money todays Hollywood producers would.

Mister Conners has shown his skill as a talented director, writer, actor and film editor. His attention to detail was amazing.

Aswan Harris (Ben) nailed it. I can't think of any Hollywood actor who could have played this roll as well as Mr. Harris.

Rachel Anderson (Helen) performance was stunning.

Good luck to Roger Conners and all the fine actors who were in this movie. And, I hope to see more movies directed by Mr. Conners in the future.
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Clever Indie Horror with a 70s style
mentalrev28 October 2021
I really enjoyed this indie horror film, the acting is solid and the story is clever. I especially loved the period piece feel to it, playing off a 70's style but with a contemporary protagonist who is both the leading man and, at times, the damsel in distress. It's 100% unique and definitely worth checking out. The reveals are unexpected and payoff in unexpected ways.
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10/10 Strong Message Behind This Movie!
karasutearz20 December 2021
Roger Conners delivers the perfect Judith O'Odea performance and Aswan Harris as ben was a perfect fit! The movie is not just about the zombies but society itself! The racism the anti lgbtq+ it just has a very strong message that others lack to see.
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Great indie horror film
ymmbfkp1 July 2021
As a horror author, I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It's an indie film so there isn't big box office funding behind it. To me that's what sets it apart from the constant barrage of zombie series. Roger Conners did a great job at this new reimagining. George would be proud. This will become a cult classic.
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