JW Broadcasting (TV Series 2014– ) Poster

(2014– )

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Not too hot or too cold
Peter-9458527 August 2018
Reading the reviews it would be hard to get a true read on what these broadcast are all about. Either people hate them or they love them. I rated this series so as not to affect the star average. You just have to watch a few to a get a true feeling for what these broadcasts are. So after watching a few I then asked what my gut was telling me and what most people would also see. You get the strangest feeling watching these. I will include in my review of this sites broadcast, what some have mentioned in their reviews and give my take. I will also try to stick to the facts.

1) The host of these shows spend a LOT of time talking about moral values. So much so that it might be a little annoying for some. The message seems to be what kind of person does God think you are. You do not see this on most other religious broadcasts.

2) They use the name Jehovah a lot in the broadcasts. Jesus is mentioned but takes a second place. They emphasize that Jesus is Gods son. That said the name Jehovah is not mentioned very much in many bibles and not at all in a few. The KJ mentions it a few times.

3) It might be nice if the broadcasts mentioned the specifics of how the organization is financed but it can be found on their site by using the search I used. "How Jehovah witnesses support their work" otherwise you may have to pick through several hours of video to find the information. I think this is important information for any show to explain. Besides the explanation of how the organization is financed I could not find a place where they asked for money. I did see them say in a few videos that their work is supported by donations.

4) Someone in another review said a "cult broadcast" but I was unable to verify this claim. Labels like this do not make arguments and many times labels are used instead of real arguments. There seems to be many hosts for this series of shows and not just one Charismatic leader. In fact, it is hard to find just one charismatic host on the entire series. If this show is trying to bring people in by a "cult of personality" they need to try harder. There are a few hosts I am sure, some might find a little dull. One Host -Stephen Lett is funny to watch and might be the most entertaining. He tells every story like he is telling a child a story before bed. He speaks so deliberately and enunciates so concisely it can be very distracting. I would certainly have a limited tolerance for it.

5) Some watching this series will feel that these broadcasts promote the JW organization and (Jehovah) too much. Here is how I look at this. If what they are saying about themselves is true then their depiction of their organization would be fair. But looking at what is being said I am sure many would feel it is way too good to be possible.

6) Here is a short list of Hard stands the casts clearly take. Political neutrality, They do not believe in supporting the military in any nation, They do not believe in premarital sex, Marriage is for one man and one woman and for life, No profane language and this is a short list to say the least.

On a short side note. They talk a lot about their people preaching on these videos. They seem real proud of that, but if you ever had one of JW come to your door I bet you have asked yourself this question. How do you get this many people - Men, women, old and young alike to do this nonstop proselytizing? My Nana went to church(died at 96) and was sure she was going to heaven and she would never considered doing this. Don't they ever get tired of having the door slammed in their face? Now please don't the JW's come over here and try to answer that question. I do not really expect to hear an unbiased answer here.

Some might find my comments too neutral to be useful but I have no reason to dislike these people and whether or not these Broadcast depictions of themselves are real or fiction, the shows themselves are at least clean family entertainment. No language, No outside product advertisements, No color preference, No violence, No Sex, yes as I am sure many are thinking (Sounds boring). :)
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Worth watching, and it's free!
ninthtome25 December 2015
This is actually a really well presented program, as well as being very insightful into the Jehovah's Witness organization. It will make you think, feel, and be impressed with what's been happening all around the globe.

Worth checking out!

Plus it's all free and available for everyone...In many different languages, including sign languages! It really has an impressive amount of languages it is already regularly translated into, but they plan to add even more.

A lot of work obviously goes into make this TV program.

Thumbs up from me!
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Wholesome, Christian TV
kayelanil5 June 2016
This Broadcasting has many family shows about the bible. Great for those who want to explore what is in the bible. There are bible readings and dramas that bring God's inspired word to life. It helps to make the comparisons and applications to our everyday life today. Ways like this help to show us that the Bible is not some outdated booked. Great TV in comparison to all the shows that are available on cable today. There is no violence, swearing, nudity. How refreshing! I was impressed with the variety of shows that are on this website. There is something for everyone: children, teens, couples, parents, etc. Streaming or On Demand is available.
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Respectful to the Viewer
cherwill6 March 2016
Unlike other evangelical shows, JW Broadcasting respects the viewer by not pushing dogma, not shouting, not making claims about being infallible and not condemning or pressuring the viewer to do anything. It is the best place to find out about Jehovah's Witnesses, being free of the usual religious hatred, forced interpretations and loaded propaganda against Jehovah's Witnesses by their opposers. The viewer gets to judge for themselves.

The governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses runs the show along with helpers to the governing body. These men give clear signs of being humble, not arrogant. They instruct on the Bible using illustrations, careful reasoning and no man-made philosophies. They actually use their Bibles instead of thumping them. They uphold Bible principles rather than ignoring them. Rather than condemning people for failing to live up to them, they instruct on how to apply Bible principles.

The show is primarily geared toward Jehovah's Witnesses, but is free and accessible to non-witnesses.

Contrary to the claims of some, they do not solicit funds from the viewer but in a few episodes merely inform of how the organization is funded and what their needs are. Also contrary to some, the show and channel demonstrates that Jehovah's witnesses do not have a preoccupation with Armageddon. Not one thing can be shown on this show or its channel demonstrating it to be dangerous or destructive.

Many other videos are provided on the channel to show every aspect of their religion and beliefs, as well as how meetings are conducted, and how the majority of members feel about the organization.
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Propaganda for destructive beliefs
gtipam20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The 7 men principally featured in these JW TV programmes are called The Governing Body and they seek to control the behaviour, access to non JW information, thinking patterns and emotional responses of all JWs.* They speak against higher education, the equality of women in all aspects of life and worship; they regard child abuse as something that can be dealt with internally as a sin - IF there are 2 witnesses to the act - and are increasingly living lives that are moulded by the principles in the Hebrew scripture (Old Testament). If you decide you no longer want to be a witness, or you re-establish your free will by your actions, there is a very good chance you will be thrown out and shunned. You are likely to be shunned anyway. Many commit suicide or try to, because the emotional damage of losing everything is totally overwhelming. Another way many JWs die is through refusing blood transfusions. I speak from knowledge - I was one for 52 years of my life. I am now free, and have never been so happy. JWs reading this - just take back control of your mind and do your research. No one will know! And you can think for yourself - why are they so frightened of anyone reading information that challenges your thinking? Read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. Go to jwfacts.com; jwsurvey.org - just google anything about JWs. The millions leaving are not evil - they have just started thinking and looking for evidence. These JW TV programmes are designed you lull you back into comfortable sleep - but they are talking to you like you are 2 years old! A nice lullaby - same tune, same intonation - just as you hear at the meetings - you are being hypnotised! I now find it excruciating to watch this stuff - it makes me feel physically ill. *(BITE model used by mind control cults. Reference Steve Hassan/world expert on cults).
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Refreshing and honest
gpjw12 January 2015
It's good to go places where you have nothing to worry about. This is the way JW Broadcasting made me feel. Those explaining the Bible, their experiences with using the Bible, or applying its teachings, speak about it in a genuinely helpful manner.

Personally, I don't like being preached at in a dogmatic way, I like to be able to apply thought and reason to what I'm listening to, and I honestly feel I was hearing 'food for thought' here. I can imagine JW Broadcasting isn't going to be to everyone's taste though, and I don't think it's designed to be to everyone's taste. After all, its focus is always going to be on living by, and being rewarded because of, the good values learned from the Bible. This is where some will differ. The majority of people have their own opinions on values. If people believe their own values really do provide them with a sustained inner contentment and real prospects for the future better than what the Bible offers, then they will likely stick to their own ways. But my suggestion would be to taste and see what is on offer here.

All those presenting and explaining are very experienced teachers, and that is very evident. They aren't actors, which means that their confidence and reassurance is based on what they know to be true, and you'll realise it is true because it makes sense, is logical, factual, evidential, without a hint of sophistry

The dramas are very interesting to watch because the viewer is engaged in the account, encouraged to see the point and principle being made. You understand the characters portrayed.
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Hacked Up Bible, Manmade "Religion"
bobbyandbeans11 September 2021
Jehovah's Witnesses have their own inaccurate, biased translation of the bible and their teachings are full of misinterpretations (i.e., believing the number 144,000 in Revelation is literal and represents the only people who will go to heaven). Their broadcasting channel constantly begs for money, encourages women to consider staying in abusive marriages, slanders those who have left and who criticize their practices, and the list goes on. Their religion is far from loving or accurate and their broadcasting channel is just embarrassingly awful.
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Free streaming without commercials in over 70 languages
shaleah1722 February 2016
This free streaming educational Bible program is available in over 70 languages, including many sign languages. The 1 hour program comes out once a month so far, along with shorter videos, clips, and songs as those are made. There are sections for children, teenagers, and families. Everything is G rated although some discourses are above a child's comprehension. People from all over the globe are interviewed.

Even though this is public, this is primarily for those who have dedicated their lives to God and are following his standards in day-to- day life as set out in the Bible. If you are looking for mindless entertainment, this isn't it. Every video is for teaching.
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They are a cult.
tturner-3286914 September 2022
I have been exposed to this cult for 58 years. I recommend that you don't watch this brainwashed group. They use semantic's and circular logic to manipulate you. They breakup families by disassociating members who no longer want to be involved with the organization. For members who leave, it takes many to learn how to go on with their lives. Since college is not encouraged and they believe armageddon will destroy the earth and a new paradise will emerge, you are not taught to think for yourself. With that being said, your not taught how to provide retirement. So when you become a senior, you have no money and have to rely on government subsidies.
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A channel that all age groups can enjoy!
bethcathda23 October 2016
I love to read,research, observe and ask questions about the things that happen day to day in our life. This is an intriguing channel and the most enjoyable thing is watching the interviews from folks of all backgrounds. Good news is good for the heart and seeing people from different backgrounds wearing smiles in a world where we are sensitized about negative things makes me very appreciative of having this channel. I remember doing some research about the Babylonians with a 12 year old and seeing her exclaim after seeing the ruins since she never thought they really existed! Thank you for a great teaching tool. Very credible indeed.
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Love JW Broadcasting
azgardengirl1 August 2018
This is a wonderful, family oriented and bible based program. I love the website as well.
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JW Propaganda
dcashdollar21 January 2023
JW Broadcasting is just another form of JW Propaganda. It consists of a few hours of biased reports and stories that make their organization look good.

The organization has had numerous failed armageddon predictions. They've been preaching armageddon for over 120 years.

Their main belief of 1914 was based on Jerusalem being destroyed in 607 BCE when it has been proven time and time again 607 BCE is not accurate.

They teach their members that all information outside their own are lies and not to read it. Blocking members from researching critical articles is the definition of a cult.

This is a dangerous religion that preys on vulnerable people with promises of perfection.
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dalmassod1 December 2019
Good quality content based on the Bible and experiences. Includes original songs as well.
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Hurry up and watch!
curtismaxzmus7 November 2017
This broadcast is marvelous! On a monthly basis, you get pre-digested "spiritual food" prepared by mature gentlemen that have dedicated their entire lives to recruiting members of the public to join the only religion on the planet earth that has the favor of the Creator himself! Not only that, the hosts of this program strongly suggest that the Creator had a role in preparing the message each month via his Holy Spirit or active force. One view is all you need to see the obvious truth that no one else has the undeniable biblical truth but the men represented in this broadcast, as well as any that follow their direction. Since time is running out for any that are not currently members of this organization, please, PLEASE hurry up and watch - then join them before all non-believers get destroyed by the Creator in a global genocide. The only reason that some "haters" have given a poor rating to these broadcasts is that they are too simple minded to understand the "deep spiritual" gems being provided during each broadcast. Don't worry about trying to research any of the positions put forth on the broadcasts, you will be directed to JW.Org to see that everything they say (or have ever said) is absolutely true! Go JW Broadcasting and leave the reasoning to them. Instant salvation - just become a viewer.
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Very informative up-to-date information
sqckkf2 March 2022
I like how they use the Bible instead of man's ideology on matters. Good practical information given to children and adults that can benefit them greatly in life. Never biased. Never putting one race above another.

My children love the kids programs.

A lot of people say that Jehovah's Witnesses have their own interpretation of the Bible that they read. I happen to have a copy of many Bibles and their Bible says the same thing as everyone else's so I don't know what that's all about, but many people are saying that on this forum.

I like the information on Covid prevention it's practical and up-to-date.

Nothing is political or governmental information it seems just to be Bible-based information from what I have seen.

I'm always looking for the new movies coming out every year. I do not know where they're filming at but they're getting pretty sophisticated.
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