Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty - Concept Short (2018) Poster

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After Battle Royale, Film Short Suggests More Is In Store
hackerj-3369817 April 2018
In just ten minutes, the film hurls the viewer headlong into an epic saga from a scarcely examined time and place where a population has cleaved itself into warring factions. This centuries-long conflict stemmed from an ancient intra-family rivalry that makes the Hundred Years' War look like a schoolyard squabble. The short film touches the zeitgeist as it raises issues of freedom and centuries-old injustices. And at a time when spirituality has become passé and talk of God has become impolite in civil society, the full feature seems poised to elevate divine conviction against the backdrop of a battle royale. If the full feature can sustain the intrigue, maintain the lofty grandeur, and build on the human connection that this short concept began, there may be no limit to the heights the full feature (or trilogy) might attain. Kyle Warr has augmented the film's storytelling as he sets off to make his own mark in theatrical music composition.
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Better than expected, and good production value
kckern20 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As a kickstarter backer, I got an exclusive online viewing of the concept short. The production value was terrific, and Ben Cross' performance as King Aaron was a marvel. The action sequence was well choreographed, although quite violent, especially for viewers who may have thought they we settling in for a family-friendly retelling of scripture stories.

The story telling was compelling. Although the date is clearly shown in the opening titles, the audience is misdirected to think that the character we are seeing is Captain Moroni, when in fact it is the Moroni who finished the Book of Mormon record. The scene depicted in this short is (somewhat ironically) not even from the Book of Mormon. An extra-textual, third-hand account of the fate of Moroni turned up in 1897:

"At a meeting at Spanish Fork, Utah Co., in the winter of 1896, Brother Higginson stated in my presence that Thomas B. Marsh told him that the Prophet Joseph Smith told him (Thomas B. Marsh, he being then President of the Twelve), that he became very anxious to know something of the fate of Moroni, and in answer to prayer the Lord gave Joseph a vision, in which appeared a wild country and on the scene was Moroni after whom were six Indians in pursuit; he stopped and one of the Indians stepped forward and measured swords with him. Moroni smote him and he fell dead; another Indian advanced and contended with him; this Indian also fell by his sword; a third Indian then stepped forth and met the same fate; a fourth afterwards contended with him, but in the struggle with the fourth, Moroni, being exhausted, was killed. Thus ended the life of Moroni. (Evans, Charles David. "The Fate ofMoroni, 1897." Archives Division, Church Historical Department, Salt Lake City, UT.)

That's what we see in the film. When the scene flashes back to Captain Moroni's day, it is little more than a teaser with some medium-budget CGI.

I must say that the roman helmet for Moroni is a terrible choice. I would have hoped that some level of research would have been done for costume design. The Roman Empire did not expand to the new world, and Captain Moroni was not equipped by Ceasar.

That aside, I do hope the full feature gets made, and if it maintains this level of production value and acting quality, it will be a cut above most Mormon cinema.
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Please don't flood all the stereotypes of the past
mattmcmatters14 June 2018
Went to the premier short. Great story! Great concept. Solid performances. Great costumes and makeup. However, i can only give this a 6 out of 10 because the charcitureing and stereotyping aesthetic really rubbed me wrong. It did not offend me at all mind you. It just came across as cliche. There has been a cultural acceptance of this idea that Lamanites looked and acted like Polynesians and Native Americans and that Nephites looked and acted more like Europeans. And that Arnold Freiburg paintings were somehow an accurate representation of these real people. Please do something different than fall into that box. Take the chance to approach the cultural aesthetic of these historical figures in a new and fresh way. Please please please!!
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Can't wait for more
oak-6503216 March 2018
My wife and I attended the premier event and loved it. It was too short!!! I want a 3 movie, Lord of the Rings extended edition style release (ie. 3-4 hours each), one a year for 3 years. :) This is such an epic story that deserves to be told on the big screen.
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Bring us the Trilogy!!!
kevinrobbins-5603816 March 2018
WOW, just wow! I knew you guys could do it, but that was better than I hoped for. Thank you for putting your heart and soul into this project, and thank you for the opportunity to be one of the first of millions to take part on this journey with you by attending the premiere last night. My brother and I were deeply moved by all the emotion and power behind that opening scene and all the production BTS as well. The actors, and their testimonials of faith, prayer, lineage... are all blessings from God and I honestly could feel something special in that theater tonight. Not something that happens a lot at the movies. I'm excited for whats next for you all, I can already see the trilogy unfolding. This film deserves the recognition from Hollywood, and this story needs to be told in this medium!
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I have waited for something like this for over 20 years
jeremydjenkins16 March 2018
As a young 19 year old serving in Mexico I had a dream/vision of a movie based on the war chapters of the Book of Mormon and I saw clearly an image of a jungle scene with the subtitle "Zarahemla, 72 B.C."

I wondered when someone would actually create that movie. I can't wait to see what you do with a full length feature.

My teenagers didn't realize this was only a short concept film and when the credits started rolling they were SO disappointed as they wanted to see the whole thing! We are praying that everything goes super smoothly so that this can become a reality sooner than later.
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A Powerful Concept Short Film
mcdapper16 March 2018
This concept short film exceeded my expectations and had me on the edge of my seat. A great story told well can become a great film. The desperate struggle for freedom chronicled in The Book of Mormon is a compelling and riveting story to bring to the silver screen. Astounding work Darin! Onward!

The acting and quality of the cast and special effects were very well done. The cinematography was excellent and the setting and costumes were perfect. The film score emotionally connects the viewers to the story and greatly enhances the experience. The overall presentation was enthralling especially for the short amount of time that was available to create and produce it. It felt like I was watching a major motion picture. I can easily see this project progressing toward completion and I believe it will happen.

The power of faith and prayer are real and they bring forth miracles. Ben Cross mentioned the influence of prayer in his decision to accept his role in the behind the scenes cut. This project has miracles woven into it and many people believe in it.
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Let someone else be Moroni
cannonjj18 May 2018
Here's the deal. I went to the show with low expectations. I thought the first 13 minutes were sub-par. BUT, I do think that the quality reflected the meager budget constraints and the minimal prep time. In other words, I wasn't thrilled.

When the film concluded, I sat there with my arms crossed, wondering why I was so disappointed. I got some pretty dirty looks from the people around me because I was not nearly as enthused.

Here are my gripes: 1. The soundtrack needs to match the epic potential of the film. What I heard, was third rate, at best. But his reflects the budgetary constraints. I expect much better when the full length film begins production. 2. Mr. Southam is brilliant. But he needs to spend more time behind the camera. It feels like he can't handle a leading role and direct a film of this magnitude simultaneously. LET SOMEONE ELSE BE CAPTAIN MORONI! 3. The dialogue and the story line were choppy and a bit difficult to follow. And I've read the Book of Mormon. Again, I attribute that to timing and budget. 4. Overall, the opening sequence felt rushed. I expect some major touch ups and edits to the completed version.

I will add that the final 30 seconds of the concept presentation were what gave me hope for the completed version. Most of the concept film made me feel like this project is off to a rough start. However, I did get chills watching Captain Moroni raise the Title of Liberty to the legions below. THAT was what I paid to see! Give us more of that and I will gladly throw the remains of my sad little paycheck at a full priced ticket!
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Phenomenal! Can't wait for the full Trilogy!
deedub-9903716 March 2018
Intense, beautiful, instantly captivating! Excellent film work, music, costumes and acting. Really good characters in each role. Ben Cross is one scary dude! We loved it and can't wait for the full length movie....all three of them!
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Awful! Not a BoM Adaptation! Poor Production Value! Prideful Director!
aarhin8 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This concept short was abysmal. If the goal of this is seriously to provide a concept for a feature film, I REALLY hope that film never comes to fruition! I cannot believe people are giving this 10 stars, *especially* fans of the Book of Mormon like myself.

The production value was terrible! The producers must not know how to budget their money properly, because this has the look and feel of something that was made for $1,000, not $170,000! It's completely insane that they burned through that much cash and have nothing to show for it! Ugh, the editing is especially awful. No wonder, Darin edited it himself! Geez, hire a professional if you want the editing done properly! And geez, the color grading was also terrible. It's like all they did was add a crap ton of blue to the image for no gosh dang reason!!

The story also makes zero sense. It is NOT the story of Captain Moroni AT ALL, nor does it have anything to do with the Title of Liberty. There's just one tiny moment where it shows that Moroni II had the Title of Liberty in his possession, but that's it. And that part is really dumb and makes NO sense, because Moroni II NEVER HAD THE TITLE OF LIBERTY. So stupid. There are so many awesome true stories in the Book of Mormon. Why make up something that isn't true and have that be a main plot point of your story? Stupid stupid stupid.

And the story had virtually nothing to do with the Book of Mormon at all! It's literally just a bunch of Polenesian Lamanites (again, something that makes no sense!) that chase down Moroni. They fight Moroni one by one, and each of them watch as Moroni slaughters the others one by one. COME ON! The Lamanites were wicked at this time, but they weren't STUPID! There wouldn't be 5 of them just sitting there doing nothing while they watch someone get slaughtered by Moroni. Awful writing and nonsensical choreography.

And then after Moroni slaughters all these Lamanites, a white Lamanite comes out of nowhere to "save the day" for the other Lamanites. Ridiculous. Those of us who are faithful members of the church understand the skin situation in the BoM. We get it. We understand it. But this short film gives NO context to that at all! And so as a result, it just comes across as super racist. Like, "these brown guys couldn't kill a white man, so now we'll see if this other white guy can kill him instead". My goodness. And man, as a conservative Mormon, it's very rare for me to call something "racist." But in a story about these characters, you really have to explain the skin situation somehow, or everyone's just gonna think it's racist.

And O the hubris of Darin Southam! He plays Moroni II AND Caption Moroni (in addition to directing AND editing the movie). Darin, you do realize that Captain Moroni and Moroni II are two COMPLETELY different individuals who lived 500 YEARS apart from each other, right??? Geez! Cast someone else! You didn't fit the role of Moroni II. You're not old enough for the part! Your bleached white hair and beard looked super wonky because the rest of you looked very young. But if you absolutely HAD to be Moroni II, at least get someone else for Captian Moroni! WOW!

And geez, the last little bit of the movie flashes back 500 years for no apparent reason other than to remind people that Darin wanted to include Captain Moroni "somehow," But DUDE, putting Captain Moroni in the movie for 2 seconds doesn't magically make this a movie about Captain Moroni! And you shouldn't make Captain Moroni jump around with his sword in fast/slow motion a la the movie 300. It looked incredibly cheesy and extremely derivative. The Book of Mormon is so unique and fantastic, but that little shot at the end was literally just a 300 knockoff. It was outright stupid.

Anyway, I'm done with my rant.
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dglusko-222-84657022 March 2018
Ben Cross' performance was spine-tingling powerful as the wicked King, sure hope that if he's needed for the full production that he will agree to come back! Moroni's emotional cry of "Jehovah!" grabbed me by the throat! Everyone's performance was topnotch! It fell so authentic. Can't wait!
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Life changing
mudmiller4 May 2018
There is something about this film that will definitely change peoples lives for the better!
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Definitely has Potential for an epic film
smo-2506929 May 2018
This was a very interesting short concept film, and has a lot of potential. This is definitely the best adaptation of Book of Mormon thus far, but I think there are a few things that can be improved upon. The fighting scene was corny and the choreography needs improvement. It was too simple and slow. Unfortunately, they need a new actor for Captain Moroni, the director has talent directing, but does not truly embody the character of Moroni. Captain Moroni was portrayed differently in the Book of Mormon. The costumes and set were amazing.
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Great Storyline--Poor Execution of Plot
marsynjen15 June 2018
* Three of us saw the concept preview two nights ago with a group of 82. I'll review in bullet points. * Probably one of the best, most worthy events that needs to be told on a full screen, but if told at all, it must be done right. * Direction was lacking. Ben Cross was actually the highlight because he knows how to act despite poor direction. The rest of the crew needs time and experience on screen. The growling Lamanites were a disappointment-an eye-rolling experience. * Poorly cast: Lamanites and Nephites traveled mostly on foot. The Lamanites were cast from body builders who would pass out if they had to run more than 100 feet. The sped-up scene was obvious. * The preview focused on the death of the latter Moroni who had little to nothing to do with the 500-year previous Moroni who raised the Title of Liberty during the reign of the judges. This should have been a brief intro, with the remaining preview time focused on the events related to the movie title. * Movie title was poorly explained in text at the prologue--should have been expressed visually in the film short. The actual storyline should have been the focus of the preview, not the above bullet point. * The point of Moroni's struggle, and his raising of the Title of Liberty, was to overcome an insurrection at his homeland kingdom during a time of desperate war--not clearly portrayed-only a glimpse in the prologue text and at the very end in a vague visual. * A full length feature film requires big investors/backing/support, experienced people outside the realm of the LDS faith. This concept preview did not target that crowd, and will not attract them because it depends on the viewer having a prior background knowledge of the events. Overall, not a good pitch for a full-length feature film.
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An Inspiring and Powerful Must See Film!!
moserbrendon16 March 2018
There is power in this film that no other movie I have seen could create. In just 14 minutes the film was able to capture raw emotion that left me speechless, and wanting more. The soundtrack is amazing! There's a strong connection between the audio and the visual which helps create strong emotions throughout the film. Along with the soundtrack is the incredible acting. The actors were very well connected and each one was able to portray their character in a unique way that made it seem very realistic. This was a low budget production, but it reflects the work of a high budget film. You would never imagine that this was produced in such a short amount of time funded by supporters on kickstarter, yet that's exactly what happened. There is so much potential for this film and I only dream and pray that it becomes a full length feature film in the near future. On a more personal note, I usually don't get emotional in movies, but this proved to be different than any other movie I've seen. Most of the film was intense, but there was one line towards the end that was just one word. As the actor was yelling that word the emotion and strength was so immense it made me emotional. The theater went silent and you could tell that everyone in the room had felt the same power that I did. I applaud the director and everyone involved in this project, may the spirit of Freedom spread like wildfire across the world!!!! Ho Fe!!!!!
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Wonderful concept! Make a full length feature!
simonbrewer-7174216 March 2018
This was a great concept with a riveting story, fantastic acting, wonderful camera work, and a beautiful soundtrack. The set location was great, and the costumes, makeup, and stunt work were spot on. I really had goosebumps during many of the scenes. It lays the groundwork for what will be an amazing story of one man's struggle to unite his people under a banner of freedom and face a murderous population intent on enslaving all those who oppose them. This movie started in an area, and time, I did not expect, but fully realized the intent and perfect placement of the characters as a setup to properly tell the story. Well done team, you made me a believer in this movie!
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They've Done It!!
kfarns19 April 2018
I was skeptical! You're probably reading this because you're skeptical as well! Don't Be!! I'm here to say emphatically that THEY DID IT!! The look of the film is incredible! The score is incredible and my goodness, Ben Cross! Just thinking about his performance gives me chills. Then there's Karina Lombard and Eugene Brave Rock. They're performances were so powerful without having to say anything! These are amazing, Non-LDS actors who caught the vision of what Darin is trying to accomplish. After listening to him speak tonight I can promise you that he is 100% fully invested in making this movie with the highest standards possible. This IS happening! Let's all get behind this great effort! Spread the word!
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All I Wanted Was to Feel Something
bcarkell20 March 2018
I had read reviews from others who had seen this short film and they all loved it - but I rarely enjoy movies for reasons others do. I don't go for the cinematography, or for the brilliant acting and editing - I rarely notice those things. (Unless it is very bad acting) All I want from a movie is to feel something powerful - which very often is a hard thing to achieve.

With that said, I felt something from the opening shot of this film. The music, the action, the story line, it was all truly captivating to me as a person who has always wanted to see what it was really like to be there in Book of Mormon times.

All I wanted was to feel something - and I felt it!
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So well made and disappointing
sherrymartineau8813 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I left the theatre too angry to speak. Young children cried throughout, saying"No Daddy, I want to go!" So much blood and gore, so inappropriate for children and those seeking a "kinder, more sensitive way of life."

I should have read closer, I totally missed the part of "War Chapters," I just read Book of Mormon and thought, YES!, I want to support!

No more support of Scriptures being represented as a Hollywood style action flick.

The friend I persuaded to come (and bought the ticket for) and I left ill, saddened, and sorry we attended.

Interviews with those acting and producing were entertaining and and appreciated.

Sincerely, Sherry
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High Quality Concept Short
ricardoshade16 March 2018
High quality short film! Even within its short duration, this film was able to showcase the essence of the war chapters found in The Book of Mormon and the role Captain Moroni had in a way never before seen in other movies with their respective heroes and stories. It combines both a feel of gritty survival and a new visual perspective on the concept of ancient war depicted in the book, and the concept of religious freedom. Off to a great star. I give it a big thumbs up and my full support!
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Wow...horribly dissapointed! Too much Violance, NO PLOT!
spencerrogers-1168918 August 2018
This film is not worth least not with the direction they are taking it and the absolute lack of plot and character building and not to mention the overkill of graphic violence...where are they going with this film?! I would not recommend it to my friends...Very Disappointing. He said he wanted to use this as a spiritual tool, but it does exactly the opposite, I did not feel any spirit of Freedom while I watched it, it is actually very repulsive due to the graphic violence! This does the Book of Mormon an injustice...its a no for me!
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hickssl16 March 2018
My son and I were so enthralled with this short, and my only negative comment is that I wish it could have been the full length feature film. This movie touched me deeply and emotionally. Because I was familiar with the story, seeing it come to life on the big screen for all the world to see, brought tears streaming down my face. I'm so thankful that Darin Southam had the foresight to make this movie and bring Captain Moroni's story to the world. What a great movie this is going to be! I The short was gripping from the first moment to the last, and definitely worth seeing twice.
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I am not Mormon and did not understand it and get tired of seeing people kill each other in the name of religion.
zenruid17 June 2018
The acting and film were first class. Other then that with out a lead in and understanding what it is about. Not of much use to me. If you want the general public to get anything out of it, there probably needs to be some kind of explanation.
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The Book of Mormon is so much more than a war story
vsanoeh16 March 2019
As a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, I was thrilled to hear that Darin Southam was endeavoring to make a full length movie that could more powerfully and broadly share some of the amazing stories of the book of Mormon in order to increase interest in the book, which can bring us closer to Christ. When I watched the concept short with my family, it was too gory. The book of Mormon ends without us knowing the fate of Moroni, the son of Mormon and I also disagree that Darin should take liberty to portray his death at the hand of his enemies. Maybe he died of natural causes or was translated like righteous prophets before him, so I would have preferred leaving this open ended. If the movie focuses too much on warfare I fear it may give a poor impression of the Book of Mormon's purpose. Christ himself teaches in the Book of Mormon that "he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me but is of the devil." I hope that Darin can capture the goodness of Captain he allowed prisoners of war to escape when he would have been more than justified to kill them. He was an amazing soldier but more importantly an amazing christian.
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Powerful and captivating
ammoncarter16 March 2018
I'm so glad to see great actors like Ben Cross, Karina Lombard and Eugene Brave Rock on board with this project, their acting left nothing more to want. Writer and director Darin Southam who also stars in the film has created a work of art. The music by Kyle Warr was incredible. The hero's of ancient America have always inspired me. The reign of judges instead of a king who can oppress. Freedom from those who seek to destroy and most of all, a promised land giving hope and strength to a nation who will follow the Christ. I felt this inspiration while watching this concept film. I've been nervous about anyone making a film about these events because they need to be told right in a film or not at all. I watched this last night and was moved. Realizing these complex stories cannot be told in a short concept, I certainly got a taste of what I've been looking for. I cannot wait to see the features.
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