Nocturne (2016) Poster

(II) (2016)

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Contains Spoilers -Writing and acting subpar
mtjohnson-610018 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a better movie had the writing and acting measured up. To often the acting and storyline seemed forced. This is where I will reveal a small spoiler so please be advised. There is a scene where one friend is locked in the bathroom and has no control of her actions as the friend who is now inhabited by an evil spirit has revealed she plans to kill her. Rather than both the remaining males run to the bathroom and at least attempt to break down the door they merely stand there watching the possessed friend make hand gestures. These forced pauses are throughout the movie along with poor acting just makes this incredibly hard to watch. With all the great content available why waste 90 minutes of your life on this dumb movie. Consider yourself warned!
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Rather huge missed opportunity
kannibalcorpsegrinder8 October 2017
Arriving at a friends' house, a disturbed teen joins in with others to play with an ouija board only for a series of secrets to emerge from the group which leads to a somewhat sinister supernatural presence to start in killing them off and forces them to fight it off to get away alive.

This was an incredibly disappointing and banal supernatural effort. Among the few noteworthy parts here is the fact that the film really lets loose with some solid supernatural tricks when it decides to play with them. While completely predictable, the seance sequence where they get wind of all the different secrets amongst everyone and the first signs of the possession taking place gives this one the type of setup that nicely leads into the antics later on which really push this one along. Admittedly clever tactics, from the repeating of the entire conversation as it's happening between multiple people to the convulsing and fake deaths all letting this one go even crazier in the final half with not only the full extent of the secrets being revealed but also the supernatural action coming into play. This one certainly gets crazier the longer it goes on as the film offers up some rather chilling scenes that show the demonic influence at work with the numerous self-inflicted situations that come up to torment everyone, from encounters with ghostly figures from their past to being forced to mutilate themselves and all the more chilling as it plays out. These here are what manages to really hold this one up as it does have a few massive flaws. The main issue with the film is the sheer boringness of the film as a whole since barely anything happens at all here. Since so much of the film is based on them partying in the house and hanging out together, barely anything horror-related happens for until the midway point and it's not until even later that anyone even catches onto the ploy. This here really takes so long to get going by featuring this uninteresting group of people that it never really generates much interest with them simply playing around with each other around the house which never works all that much here. As well, there's no reason for the possession to come about here as it's rather curious as to why this one goes in that fashion. Nothing ever really comes about due to her getting that way, this never does offer a reason why it happens or why it's the specific individual and the whole concept here does have some big credibility issues. The other issue here comes from the circular ending, which is a complete cop-out and signifies that there was no real idea how to end this as the tactic is confusing and completely underscores what had happened before. It has its moments, but overall this one has some big flaws.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Nudity, drug use and mild violence-against-animals.
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Uncertain what I've watched here. (Spoilerific)
LoupGarouTFTs22 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let me state right off the bat that this movie wasn't horrible. Neither was it really good, hence the 5. It was a fairly solid little thriller wanting to be a horror movie, so it had the trappings of horror. Where this film failed, largely, is that millennials lack imagination. They don't understand what makes a good story or how to pull the threads of the story together at the end to create a solid ending. Virtually every "scare" in this movie has been seen before, done better.

That in itself is not an issue. There have been so many stories told since Gilgamesh that it's impossible to create a completely original one. The problem is that the viewer has no idea what kind of story is being told. The viewer thinks it's going to be a simple "oops, we didn't say goodbye with the spirit board, so bad things are going to happen" movie. We know that there is a subplot going on and suspect some kind of abuse from the start. The question is, why don't her friends suspect it, too? While Maren, the possessed girl, chews the scenery and makes the story about her, the true main character is Jo. The story opens and closes with her.

When "Maren" is asked why she is doing what she is doing, the demon inside her proclaims that it is vengeance. That's all well and good, given that Maren has been wronged by any number of people in the circle. However, "Maren" also takes vengeance against Jo, the one person who has been physically harmed by at least one person and who has been mentally harmed by other people in the circle, as well. It is difficult to see how forcing an abused person to slit her own throat is appropriate, when it was creepyboyfriend who stood Maren up at the prom. And, as "Maren" kept insisting, Maren no longer exists. What does the demon get out of destroying anyone other than creepyboyfriend, who honestly wasn't that horrible of a person?

The film did some things quite well. Many of the relationships seemed natural, even when strained. The characters didn't live in impossibly grand houses or drive unaffordable automobiles for their ages and stations. The atmosphere was tense and there was a good balance between psychological scares and gore. It definitely earned its stars with those good things.

The film does some things very poorly. The circular ending was unexplained. The Bible-quoting demon was confusing. The "reasons" for the vengeance were negligible. I mean--if a demon were to manifest every time someone broke a spirit circle because he or she found out his or her partner was cheating, dang . . . there wouldn't be anyone left in college. Spirit circles, whether with candles or Ouija boards or whatever are practically a rite of passage, at least in horror movies. Cheating, along with the drinking and the drugs, seems to be ordinary behavior among dissipated horror movie youth. Wasn't that the point of virtually every horror movie since the original Friday the 13th?

When examined as a treatise on domestic violence, the film is marginally better. The viewer gets to question Maren's motives for inviting Jo. What does she know and when did she find out--and is she, somehow, one of Jo's tormentors? As someone before me pointed out, domestic violence is a perpetual thing. Living with domestic violence is like living in a movie with a circular plot. No matter how many times you get up in the morning, it seems as though your next day is identical to the previous day. The horrors just continue. If that plot was what the film intended to convey, then it needed to be more explicitly done: more than one iteration of Maren's possession and more than one iteration of Jo's suffering needed to be shown As with other things in this movie, it's been done before. However, the movie would have been the stronger for it.
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Disappointing beginning and end of movie
remotiger3 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that pulls the old did anything really happen? The movie begins and ends with the same scene. We see Jo arriving in her car to a class graduation party. We then move to the party where during the night the usual party games are played. Games like have you never ever,good ole strip poker and of course the ever popular seance, where of course they forget the very important step of making the spirit leave.

The rest of the movie is a mish mash of unbelievable things happening that have you screaming impotently at the screen trying to get the actors (very weak actors I might add) to have a little common sense.

Then comes that ending that I despise more than a person should where it ends in a big old circle that makes you wonder why you wasted over an hour or however long this movie lasts.
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fig-7527515 January 2018
I found Nocturne because it had some of the actors from Mythica in it. Based on the tag line, and my good experiences watching the Mythica films, I had high hopes that Nocture would be quite good. I was expecting a story involving a relationship with a demon that inevitably turned bad. Unfortunately, that wasn't really what the film was about. Having watched the film a couple of times now, I still don't really know what the motives of the demon were. The whole thing just doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and I certainly didn't get to see the film I was hoping for.
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There are much better movies on Netflix
loveKayCee7 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was a horrible movie. The acting is bad. The camera work is shoddy. The story sucks. The characters do things that really don't make sense (like participating in a game of strip black jack knowing she had bruises that she didn't want anyone else to see or conversing with someone you know you didn't call because you were phoning the police). I absolutely love horror movies but this one was just too terrible. It gives the malevolent spirit too much control over unnecessary things. How can it already be possessing someone and still have control over other people? If you want to see a good ouija board movie go for Ouija: Origins of Evil. It's not perfect, but it's way better than this.
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cprobusiness10 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What in the hell did I just watch? The circular ending does not work. They tried...but it was too cliched and missed the mark --despite the beams of evanescent creativity. I kept waiting for closure, but never satisfyingly received it.
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Very confusing movie!!!
angeladevillier18 October 2018
The most confusing movie I think I have ever watched. Nothing made any since to me. The acting was great.
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Pleasantly surprised with this one...
jswindter0129 July 2017
I've learned the hard way as to just how defeating it is to get your hopes up about modern day horror films(and that goes for b-movies, as well as for the big budget Hollywood films).. The let down is bad, and its exactly why I've learned to curb my enthusiasm in regards to upcoming horror films.

This low budget indie was quite enjoyable and I found much entertainment in watching it last night. I, unlike so many others, am actually a fan of the supernatural horror sub-genre that deals with a lot of the paranormal themes including ouija boards, seances, and even hauntings/possessions.. This indie had all of that and more.

Was it a thrill ride? No, but it was entertaining and yes, I will actually watch it again at some point in the future (IMO, always a tell-tale sign of a good horror film is if it holds up in repeated viewings).
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I was really surprised that this movie was better than I would have ever imagined it to be
manuelasaez22 August 2017
The set up; A group of friends have an impromptu seance and invoke a dangerous and vengeful entity. Sounds simple, right? Well, for a micro-budget film, it did everything it set out to do, and succeeded in more ways than it failed. First, the acting; most of the cast was really, exceptionally talented. You believed them when they spoke, and it felt like watching a group of friends interact as if you were a fly on the wall.

Secondly, the story doesn't take too long to get going, and once it does, it doesn't let up, even for a minute. The special effects were really nicely implemented, and the levitating objects and gore-effects were really top-tier. (That bathroom scene will forever be etched in my mind). The star of the show is the girl who is possessed. She really took her role and ran with it, and the movie grew better because of it. She made the movie, and I am so happy to see that the rest of the cast pulled their weight.

So, I went in with zero professional cinematography and directorial finesse, is more than made up for by strong performances and some neat SFX. Overall, one of the best surprises of the year. Highly recommended.
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wandernn1-81-68327427 December 2019
This one wasn't too bad. Some High School / College kids meet for a 'party' which turns out to be not so much of a party, more like a gathering. They decide to entertain themselves with a deck of cards to use it like a tarot deck. Then the fun really starts!!! You get some demonic love, some interdimensional / planar travel, and a prime example of what kind of parties to avoid in the future!!!
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Don't even bother
One_slice_of_pizza29 April 2019
Awful acting, terrible script that makes zero sense, horrific cgi effects. This cliche twist in the end was made twenty years ago. One word. Awful.
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HORRIBLE not even scary - waste of my time
ksd12320 January 2019
Probably one of the worst horror films I've ever seen. To make matters worse one of the characters kills the cat for absolutely no point in the story line. Movies like this make me sick. You can make a good movie without killing an animal that has nothing to do with the story line. (I know it wasn't real, just making a point). Also, there wasn't really anything I would consider scary and the graphics/special effects were awful.
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The good and the bad.
kjjames8121 October 2020
I torn with this film, whether it was really good or just an okay movie. First thing that sprung to mind was it was a very slow movie and for almost an hour there is no tension in the film at all and I found myself bored with it. Then I found some of the effects looked fake, really fake, check out the father and what happens to him, you will know what I mean and the guy on the bed. The effects didn't work on these parts if the film. Once the film took off it was quite a fun filled film. The bathroom scene was good, the appearance and disappearance of the witch worked well and overall after the slow start the rest of the film picked up nicely. For most of the film, the acting was good. The twist was good, I enjoyed that bit. So o stall a good film but I only wished that they had put something in for the first half of the film, which would save the viewers being bored. Worth a watch.
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Don't waste your time
taw-048098 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has no plot, as it begins and ends with a circle. Part of the blurb says that the protagonist must "face her future," but it makes no sense, as the only thing we know for sure is that she has been abused by some guy named Hank (boyfriend, step father, who knows???). The movie literally opens and closes with the same exact scene, leaving the viewer to wonder if anything ever actually happened. I'd give negative stars if I could.
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tiskec5 January 2024
In my opinion, the story wasn't very solid and I got the impression that the blonde girl may have been in hell while dealing with legion (maybe).

The characters back stories were nonexistent and came about in random "tidbits," providing no explanation to a lot of why the characters were they way they were. This made it nearly impossible to care for any of them at all.

I get the sense that the film had major budget restraints and they grabbed some decent looking women to run around with their boobs out in order to keep the "male" attention span. Lots of shirtless women; very little story. I do not like that about movies. Sure, who doesn't like seeing naked women? However, I want to watch a FILM, not a porn!

I have it a moderate rating for the decent acting for what they had to work with.

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Oh dear Lord...
paul_haakonsen20 February 2020
I had expected something more of a horror movie when I sat down to watch the 2016 movie "Nocturne", especially given the movie's cover. Instead I was given a horrible and god awful movie about secrets and sexual promiscuity.

This was a massive swing and a miss of a movie. And I managed to endure about 45 minutes of a movie that made very little sense, and actually failed to properly entertain me in any noteworthy manner.

The characters in the movie were bland and pointless to me, and I can honestly say that I can't even remember a single name of any of the characters, nor put a face to them.

The storyline was just as bland and pointless as the character, so at least that was something, I suppose. I wasn't the least bit entertained by what transpired on the screen. And everything that did happen, which was boring beyond belief, was lived out in such a slow pace that you just wanted to gouge your eyes out while yelling "get on with it already".

I seriously have no idea what writers Katy Baldwin, Kristi Shimek and Stephen Shimek were trying to accomplish with the story that they wrote. And it turned out that the collective writing apparently gave director Stephen Shimek very little to work with.

There is no chance of me returning to watch the rest of "Nocturne", as the movie failed to appeal to me, and my time cannot be squandered any further on something this pointless.

I am rating "Nocturne" a two out of ten stars. The rating is given because the movie does have a good production value to it, despite of everything else failing to appeal to me.
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Surprisingly good
TdSmth520 November 2017
Some kids throw a graduation party at a house. One of them does card tricks and talks about religion and falsifiability. He suggests they play an alternate Ouija game using labelled cards. They start asking questions mostly about sex. There are some unresolved romantic issues among the group. They fail to end the session with "good bye" and something breaks the glass they've been using.

They spend time in the jacuzzi playing "Never Have I Ever" which reveals some more about the characters. Afterward, finally, one hour into the movie, one of the character shows some strange signs. She displays some magic tricks of her own, starts talking in unison while someone else is speaking and can even say ahead of time what the other person is about to say. Things eventually turn deadly as the weird girl starts looking sick and recites biblical passages about the devil. Things turn strange as she seems to have some control over time as well. The innocent girl, who has some dark secrets of her own, will have to figure out a way to survive all this.

Nocturne managed to surprise me. It's smart, has a good story with some surprises, attractive actresses, some nudity, and a bit of gore. I have such low expectations of lower-budget horror movies these days but this movie is better than most. That said, it takes too long for things to get going, once the action begins it had my full attention, but the character are stuck acting nonsensically. I'm also not crazy about the dark sepia look of the movie. Nocturne represents a strong effort by a small production team.
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Time Paas movie
ashustrike18 October 2020
The horror is not good..... Its quite boring and slow moving.... The ending is also confusing and boring... However the actors have performed well
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Very scary.
turtleloverules8 January 2021
This movie is a great horror movie that had the players doing things that made sense in a bad situation. This was more realistic than most horror flicks that I've seen.
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I liked it
daniellesharp-9603629 March 2019
I didnt have high expectations but I was pleasantly surprised. Definitely entertaining, give it a try!
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Well made all around, & enjoyable, though too restrained for its own good
I_Ailurophile8 October 2022
Of anyone involved there are a few names in the cast I'm familiar with (mostly Melanie Stone, with Jake Stormoen and Clare Niederpruem coming in second and a distant third). I recognize that this is a small-time production, and like most such films, it operates at a disadvantage to gain anyone's favor - indeed, reception doesn't seem to have been particularly strong in general. I'll watch just about anything, though, so why not? There are some clear obstacles to optimal engagement here, not least the fact that we're supposed to believe the cast are portraying recently graduated high school students (the actors mentioned above turned 28 or 30 in 2016 when this was released); I also hope we're not supposed to be reading texts when characters check their phones, because the camera ensures the words are so small as to be illegible. Even with these and other issues, however, I do think 'Nocturne' is pretty enjoyable, if just not altogether essential.

Despite the unmistakable low budget, the movie is able to achieve a measure of uneasy atmosphere just through some softly unsettling music, mindful scene writing or direction, and calculated performances from the cast. Characters are written with underhanded complexity, plentiful bad behavior, and clear tension between them that all reveal or worsen as the night goes on, making for a(n intentionally) discretely uncomfortable viewing experience. And all this is to say nothing of the horror elements, unnatural goings-on that progress and definitely coincide with the spiraling evening. Though 'Nocturne' takes its good time to really feel like it's moving forward (about half the runtime), up to that point there's just enough to keep one curious, and thereafter engagement is more keenly locked in for the remainder.

With all this having been said: though sparing, I think the special effects look great, along with the makeup work. As far as I'm concerned the cast give strong performances across the board, more than I actually assumed would have been true of such a film. The dialogue is somewhat troubled - early instances are decidedly boorish, and unnecessarily so, and the loftier the intent behind other instances, the easier it becomes for those lines to teeter over an edge. Yet, again, I think the characters are written well; the scene writing is low-key brilliant; and the narrative is overall more robust than I'd have ever given it credit for when I first pressed "play," not least as it plays with a broken sense of reality. I believe Stephen Shimek's direction is wonderfully capable in tying all this together, and the end result, at length, is an earnest air of horror and a compelling, satisfying story.

Setting aside a few specifics, the biggest flaw I see with 'Nocturne' is that it's much too subdued for its own good. Maybe this was a matter of budgetary constraints, a film-making choice, or some other aggravating factor, or maybe it just manifested spontaneously. One way or another, even at the moments of greatest bloodshed, violence, or heightened emotions, the movie bears a comparatively hushed tone that concretely restrains the utmost possible thrills or excitement. As this is true in the second half as events escalate, in the first, that is more predominantly quiet exposition anyway, the muted sensibility almost deadens the early scenes. As if to illustrate the point, this graduation party is being held in a large house, and it's clear a larger number of attendees were planned for, but we're greeted with a total of only six characters. The house, and scenes, feel a little empty, in an echo of how the overly temperate tone reduces the best impact in one way or another.

Such problems are unfortunate, because I can only repeat that at large, I honestly think this is quite good! A lot of hard work went into making this, and sincerity; I have no doubt everyone had a great time making this, and loves what they do. That passion and care is communicated in nigh every element of the production, even if they don't meet with total success (e.g. The dialogue) - and once more, I think the horror is palpable here, if diminished. I genuinely like the feature I've just watched. I just wish the enthusiasm of the cast and crew were better represented in the picture as it presents, so that it could in turn be passed on to the audience. Even at its most downplayed, however, I see the terrific value herein, and I commend all on hand for what they put together. I can understand why 'Nocturne' won't sit well with all viewers, yet if you're able and willing to look past its shortcomings, there's a strength here that's worth exploring.
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Liked this movie
hcox-351897 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Watch this movie and get over the imperfections. My review gives away the end, so please read this after you've watched the movie. I really liked this movie. Yes the acting was rough at times. The sound was horrible. But the production seem to improve as the film developed it's story. I grabbed my bowl of popcorn and was really surprised. Hailey Nebeker gave a strong performance as the possessed character. Clare Nider as Jo played her part well. What makes this film rise above the run of the mill indie "horror" movie is the sub story that I realized at the end. Domestic violence is often a never ending struggle. Victims return to relive the horror of abuse over and over. Friends might even see the abuse and not know what to do, or don't want to get involved.
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Low budget, but great little film
godmschick17 September 2018
This movie looks like it was made on a small budget, but its the kind of movie that knows its production limits and still is able to deliver a great scary flick. The script, acting and tempo are pretty great. Solid horror movie with some really smart/inventive scares and twists.
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If you like "films" give this a look
jwassdesign7 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This contains barely a spoiler, so continue reading.... I would consider this a "film". Sure it has a few flaws but to me this was something created by a group of people that have a passion for film making. It came on after a movie I was watching while I was doing some late night work; I didn't find myself tuning it out. For a (likely) small budget and actors I've never seen before, it's pretty damn good. There was a scene that kinda had me squirming. I think this film's biggest fault is the color of the blood but if you find yourself colorblind like my mother totally is, you'll never notice a difference. I bet if this was streaming on Netflix this would have a higher rating. Don't be afraid to give it a try.
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