5 Greedy Bankers (2016) Poster

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Do something more interesting with your 90 minutes....literally anything!
timberr-2202827 February 2020
This is awful. Looks like a student film shot on little or no budget, I can't begin to imagine what persuaded the 2 leads to debase themselves to this extent. The dialogue is utter nonsense, the plot is woeful, the locations are questionable at best, the grading is bizarre and keeps changing from one style to another (without it being a plot point just in case your thinking this film might have some depth, it doesn't) and the editing in general is....umm...laughable, you can actually see the moment the director shouts 'action' at some points, main characters standing still waiting and then starting to run, seriously, who edited this crap? This is not a comedy but it is comical. I implore you, find anything else to do with your next 90 minutes, call the dentist, write an essay about the inside of a ping pong ball because they would all be better use of your time than watching this utter garbage. How anyone can have given this any more than 1/10 defeats me Honestly, avoid!
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I watched so you don't have to
jamesabcmorgan27 March 2018
It is a pathetically shallow take on the banking industry, so much so that I can only presume the positive reviews are from their friends. The obvious lack of budget does not excuse the nonsense cod psychology. Utter tosh! It was disappointing to see some vaguely decent actors involve themselves in this utter turd of a film. I watched it as it was on Amazon and I was ironing, the iron turns out to have been more fun. There are no spoilers in my review as the film rather spoils itself.
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Don't Even Bother
whynotreviews-201219 February 2018
I'm gonna be honest I only watched this film as a joke! My friends said he was a good laugh.

It was funny, but not in a good way. I couldn't watch the whole thing. It was awful. I feel really sorry for the two main actors who were dragged into this.

So if you are planning on watching this movie on prime because you are bored, don't. But if you do, have the volume remote on you at all times, just to ride the sound mix...

0/10 - vomit on my sweater already
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Wittiest heist movie in a decade
teapoet3 February 2017
It took me and my fiancé nearly a year to watch it...

... but we did and its funny, pithy and stunningly filmed. The script is SUPERB. When did you last laugh at a bit of dialogue?

It's been at least a decade when I've been willing a film not to end. Heist films seldom have an underlying profound message. This one does. My only tiny niggle is that - on a small screen rather than a big screen - it was difficult to read some of the text (nice device and on big screen no problem).

That aside, the casting's great, the acting spot on and I'm showing it to my eighty-something year old parents next week. Anyone who's familiar with the City and financial world will find much that amuses. But you don't need that background - it's just a brilliant adventure.

Oh, did I say we would recommend it?
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Low budget special
alanfisher20019 January 2021
I should support watching British films, as there are not enough made. This film reminds me a little of a one hour TV episode as it seems about that level. The rather infantile revenge I guess reflect the legality and budget that an average person could manage. The highlight for me was the humour in the booklaunch. Pippa Heywood was her usual cynical self.
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Stingingly witty
barltropsbritain4 February 2017
Laughter is the best revenge - and here's a stingingly witty rebuke to the nose-in-the- trough bankers whose greed has - allegedly! - cost the rest of us. .

A feast of tongue-in- cheek pastiche of the classic heist movie - but in this case, it's amorality in the firing line. Or rather, in the pigsty!

The satire's all the sharper for not taking itself too seriously. A super cast take us with them as they romp through an orgy of revenge.

Nominated for 'Best British Film' in the National Film Awards UK. Cast, writer, and director deserve fame and fortune.
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An interesting take on a common theme
bmoviep19 May 2017
5 Greedy Bankers is a Heist film directed by Simon Davison and starring Pippa Haywood, and Ramon Tikaram. The story revolves around a shamed ex-banker named Catherine Stone (Pippa Haywood) who teams up with a group of anarchist, lead by a mysterious man named Fidel (Ramon Tikaram). Stone and her new acquaintances each have their own grudge against Stone's greedy, power hungry ex-employers and decided to extract revenge by attempting the five lead bankers for years of corruption and greed.

The early revenge plots primarily take the form of juvenile pranks, such as tricking one banker into cross dressing in public and getting another banker attacked by a pig. These early schemes play out in a manner that resembles a unique cross between "Oceans Eleven", "Boondock Saints" and "Home Alone". The group picks a target for their revenge, they study his/her personality quirks and weaknesses, then they set up a trap in which the greedy banker inevitably falls victim to. Elaborate traps using common household items are often utilized for quick escapes.These early scenes are fun, and it's impossible not to enjoy seeing such despicable characters as the targets of these otherwise benign tricks.

What separates "5 Greedy Bankers" from most other revenge films is the recurring question over how relevant these seemingly immature acts of revenge actually are. The younger members of the group hold more ideological views. They believe that with each act, they are making a difference in society, helping to end the pervasive corruption and eventually creating a world on equality. The older members such as Stone and Fidel reject these naive notion and insist that their petty pranks are simply self serving revenge tactics that will ultimately have no effect on the society as a whole. The differences in ideology cause friction between the group, eventually leading Stone to go her own way.

In the end, Stone and Fidel manage to put their cynicism aside, and join the other revolutionaries in a plan to take down the final banker. In an unexpected twist, Stone tricks the banker into unwittingly donating his entire fortune to charity. Left penniless and by extension powerless, the final banker meets his ultimate defeat. The naive ideological members prove that it is possible to make small changes in society. However, when all is said and done, the bleak predictions from Stone and Fidel are also shown to be true, as the corruption inherent in the system still remains, nearly untouched 5 Greedy Bankers is a fun, action packed heist film, that offers an interesting twist to a common genre. The social commentary was well appreciated and added a much needed extra depth to the story. However, the bankers themselves were portrayed simply as cliché villains that seem to be fueled by nothing more than sin and vice. The had no personalities other than the singular personality trait they attempted to embody. It can be reasoned that these villains were intended to act as personifications of greed, lust, aggression and corruption. If this is the case, than in-depth personalities would have served and unnecessary and at worst a hindrance to the progression of the story. However, for an otherwise very well crafted film, I personally would have appreciated more compelling and memorable villains.
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