"Limitless" Stop Me Before I Hug Again (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Jumping the Shark?
mhogan7-4-5048525 May 2018
This is like a Jump the Shark episode. Is this series coming to an end?
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Hard to get past how "FAIL" this episode is.
thewaywardpilgrim-0356910 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First: I virtually NEVER sign in---to ANY site---even if I have an insightfully pertinent comment or response to comments...sigh. I'm a bit dismayed I suffered the (UN-intuitive/badly coded) sign-in process here at IMDb, but I appreciate the site otherwise----so, I owe 'em (and you).

I loved the movie; mostly like the series a lot---tho' it can be lame at times. I use Netflix, tend to binge---LOVE no commercials(!!!)....so I can excuse misses if quality prevails. In fact, by ep.12 I'd become a fan----UNTIL EPISODE 13. I'd've just jumped to 14---shaken off this inexplicably BAD producer screw-up---only to find there are key 'eggs' hidden amongst the thorns of embarrassingly stupid FAILS.

I wouldn't feel so irritated---OK---insultive---if I could've weathered the stupid moments; but there are WAYYY too many. Irritation became resenting became bail-on-the-series sense of vested-interest wasted.

It's rather moot, now, given show's cancellation---except that vested interest nags: Move on? or see if latter eps are even worth the time. I suspect THIS episode proved renewal's poison pill. I chafe at temptation to vest further interest after this burn. (I KNOW: "GET a life!"...sigh.)

UPDATE: I've upgraded this ep to 3-stars, amazed how great the actors did- --with crap-infused script. It had worthy moments THEY pulled off, and....grrrudgingly...I admit the writing/directing was good---were it not for the painfully dumb bits.

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Brilliant PC satire
statmanjeff25 April 2017
Did no one else see this episode for what it is — a brilliant satire of our overly politically correct society, where short people become "altitude challenged," ugly people suffer "severe appearance deficits," and soldiers come down with "operational exhaustion" rather than shell shock? Mentally enhanced by his NZT pills, Brian's subconscious comes to the forefront in the form of a prehistoric host (Josh-O-Saurus Josh) of a defunct children's show that Brian watched as a child. As Brian's team temporarily joins an elite FBI division that tracks down pedophiles and serial killers, Josh rears his late Cretaceous triceratops head to replace the unpleasant investigation language with nice words "to make the world a better place." Thus, through Brian, we see the world revised toward family-friendliness, where a woman's soft-drink spillage (blood splatter) reveals her playing an air guitar (clawing at her attacker) before being hugged (killed) while engaged in a game of Cowboys and Indians (getting raped). It's well-meant semantic foolishness taken to the point of crassness, ultimately offensive in itself, whose appropriate chief spokesman is that of an ugly, creepy, over-the-hill and past-his-time dinosaur-man. Josh does, however, make one thought-worthy suggestion: Stop giving cool names to serial killers. His solution: Name them something they'd hate, something innocuous like ice cream flavors; thus, the Marrying Man (who collects women's ring fingers as trophies of his kills) becomes Mr. Pralines and Cream. As the series progressed, Brian became increasingly more boyish, connecting far more solidly with his inner child than what initially drew viewers to the series. This episode drives the matter full-speed ahead rather than curtail it, addressing his growing, little boy attitude through the emergence of an antiquated dinosaur personality that'd be better left extinct (yet fondly remembered) while on his road to maturity.
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Worst Episode Till Date
iniyan_sel20 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have been an ardent fan of the limitless series since the pilot episode. Although the plot is somewhat predictable, the screenplay and writing are great. Especially the humour and witty take on things is what keeps me glued.

But, this episode is probably the worse both plot wise and as well as the deliberate effort to make some things funny. I don't know whose idea was it to create irritating words for serious ones. They refer to "Killings" as "Huggings", "stabbings" as "tickling" and invent stupid names for serial killers based on icecream names. It may be OK for one or two instances but to drag it throughout the episode was irritating and silly. This made me want to stop it. I skipped many such instances. Plot was also only OK compared to previous episodes.
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Absolute WORSE Limitless episode to date
D-Sligar22 January 2016
What the heck were we watching?! It's like the show was written by a kid (which may have been the point, but it made the show suck bad). If this is any indication that the show writers have ran out of ideas, then I may need to rethink how much I like this show.

Let's replace every reference of bad things that occurred during the show with dumb non-related crap and call it a wrap. I could see the writers occasionally having the main character have flashbacks like he did, but to subject the viewer to such inane garbage throughout the entire episode really ruined it for me, regardless of how the rest of the show came together.

Dumb, dumb, dumb...
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Extremely obnoxious.
dmcman-4170824 November 2016
I Almost decided to stop watching this series because of this episode. This episode brought the silly aspect of this show to an almost unbearable, cringe-worthy level. It's very rare for me to write a review, but I logged onto this site just to see if anyone actually enjoyed this episode. I then decided to add another review in hopes that the writing team would never write anything this bad again. I am sincerely curious why the writers thought anyone would appreciate the extremely childish and obnoxious nature of this episode. It was already occasionally pushing it in some of the other episodes, but I feel as if they really couldn't stop beating a dead horse in this one. The worst part is that there were some critical events that affect the series as a whole, so in order to keep up with the overall story line I had to sit through the whole episode.

Even though a couple of interesting things happened, the bad so heavily outweighed the good that I have to give this episode minimum ratings.
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very disappointing episode
pjdavey723 February 2016
I'm sorry but this episode is ridiculous, the writers had a mental day off. I actually felt silly that I made myself sit and watch the whole episode. I was constantly thinking to myself are they trying to have this show canceled. It felt like a trip back to school year one where the adult viewers were suddenly treated like we had the intellect of babies. Very disappointing. A Big Thumbs down. I agree with the other reviews of this episode. I rarely make comments but I felt compelled to do so here. Why do this to the viewers? was this a failed experiment? I really enjoyed the movie & have enjoyed the Series not as much as the movie but still enjoy the larger scenario and how the writers relate to the average guy by including the occasional bong, but this episode was completely De-railed.
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This episode is infuriating, seriously, "I did it for the lulz" needs to be taken down a notch..
jamaicagurl8528 July 2016
Barely 7 min into this episode and I can barely stand to hear one more substituted "hug" for the real words, honestly it's so incredibly distracting, I don't know how I am going to finish this episode.

I really loved the movie, and love this show so far, they could take this is such an awesome direction with the NZT neural enhancers, but this episode is painful.

They need to make this show less cutesie-silly Brian "dramedy" and more of a drama... a good intense drama... with more cerebral factor to really let your brain wander in the land of what could happen if NZT were in the world. That's the real angle here that they need to play up.

This episode is infuriating, seriously, "I did it for the lulz" needs to be taken down a notch... I want to explore more of what it would be like to have a brain on NZT and what a character could all be capable of doing...
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This was awful.
olivermugambi22 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe that the show creators decided to torture viewers with all that stupid stuff. I hope they have better ideas going forward otherwise the show is going to hell. The trend of replacing stuff with unrelated stuff is infuriating. I hate this episode. The show started off perfect. But over time they have butchered the theme of the original movie.If the current trend continues I would advise not to watch the whole show. disappointment awaits ahead. And Brian has become too childish for any adult viewer to enjoy the show.Grow up Brian and get some balls. It sometimes gets so hard to root for him. I think the show creators need to get better ideas.
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sb-1508424 April 2018
This was the most childish episode of ANY series I have EVER seen! One would believe that the producers believe that their audience is in the 8-10 year old demographics. This episode was an INSULT to your viewers!
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Worst episode of the whole show
dolnduk17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like ALL the others said, except that one guy who probably was a bot (since we all know they exist, and often to boost views & sales) the whole thing about making bad words in to "funny" words and the whole kids show sub-consious part too? I mean what the heck seriously, absolute garbage the whole episode. Also i've been trying to just accept that how very often in this show there is no logic, on how the NZT works because sometimes it works ridiculously well and often it doesn't seem to work at all even in the most basic situations. Which also occured in this episode too, for example when he changed the coats how in the hell he knew where the bullet shot was in the jacket when he went to replace it and if he was on NZT why didn't he figure out to see the close-up pictures from the buttons that his co-worker had so the whole issue about the buttons being wrong could of been avoided. Also the whole thing about him finding out two lock-picking company employees solved magically a serial killer case, just because they lived close to where the two last victims was is absolute nonsense too without any logic behind it because if that's how it works then there wouldn't be no behavioral experts and FBI at all.
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