Day of Reckoning (2016) Poster

(I) (2016)

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Day of ultimate boredom...
paul_haakonsen24 April 2017
I am a sucker for the horror genre, and I am the first to admit that I was lured in by the promise of the movie cover/poster. Especially because it did seem rather interesting, sort of a mixture between something demonic and zombiesque.

First of all, it was an uphill struggle to actually sit through the entire movie, because it was a massively generic storyline, which offered very little in terms of entertainment value, and even less so in originality. Furthermore, the storyline was horribly predictable, to the point of where you just shake your head well ahead of things actually happening.

But for a horror movie, then "Day of Reckoning" was scarily devoid of anything even remotely scary. And it would have served the movie well if they had opted to go for a proper storyline that could have bolstered the fact that this was intended to be a horror movie.

Furthermore, as a horror movie it is essential to have proper practical effects and/or CGI. Alas, it can be said in all honesty that this is something that "Day of Reckoning" didn't have. And it was showing blatantly on the screen, because the CGI was laughable at best, and it was super poorly animated to the point of being an eyesore.

I can't recall any of the acting performances in the movie, so it is safe to say the cast weren't particularly memorable. I am sure that they did the best they could given the severe restrictions they had anchoring them down.

Surpringly enough I managed to suffer through the entire ordeal that is "Day of Reckoning", but it was a very hard struggle. And I can honestly say that this is not a movie that you will return to watch a second time, providing you get through it the first time.
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CGI, weak story, contrived action
mrcrashhappy-18 October 2016
I've given up on the SyFy Channel. This is typical of all their productions. Terrifying and spectacular scenes involving CGI monsters/aliens/whatever separated by deserts of arid narrative with little or no purpose other than taking the characters to the next scene involving CGI. It's just crap. Some visual engagement but zero intellectual value otherwise. The suits at SyFy either are idiots or venal purveyors of weird trash -- or both. Don't waste your time. There's so little artistic value, other than the yeoman efforts of the put-upon casts, that I honestly believe SyFy is soliciting scripts from middle-schoolers. With a title like "Day of Reckoning" and the very rare religious references made in dialog, one might suspect that some attempt at rationalizing the cause of a disaster threatening the existence of the human race might be made. One would be mistaken in that assumption. There's nothing here. Watching while drunk might improve the experience.
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Lame and Senseless
claudio_carvalho19 March 2017
When the world was invaded by underground creatures that wanted to wipe out mankind from Earth, the post-apocalyptic survivors called The Day of Reckoning. Fifteen years later, people have the same signs indicating that a new attack is coming and they seek out shelter for protection. What will happen to mankind this time?

"Day of Reckoning" is another SyfY Channel garbage with a lame and senseless story and awful computer-generated imagery. The plot begins with no explanation or character development. Then the viewer sees a teenager (Tyler) jeopardizing his family and friends with a stupid unexplained attitude. There is a fight to survive from his family and friends and nobody misses the death of his mother's girlfriend. Then his uncle and aunt die and nobody grieves. In the end they laugh as if they were on the beach of in a picnic, forgetting those who died. But the worst is that the appalling creatures that destroy the world are easily killed by salt and saltwater. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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I have a question
ghcheese20 December 2020
So you have monsters coming out of a hole in the earth every fifteen years. Salt kills them. And no one thought to dump salt water in the hole? Just wondering.
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Why Bother?
paulwattriley2 February 2017
A vote of 1 is too good for this movie. I stopped viewing after a few minutes.

You could tell from the start it was going to be awful with the cardboard acting.

The CGI must be an example of the worst CGI possible, it makes old Sinbad Plasticine creature look 100% real. ( I loved the old Sinbad movies as a kid)

Why do these people even bother? I downloaded it for free and feel cheated and criminal that it took space on my hard drive.

I worry about people that voted this above 1
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Amateurish - very bad
billsoccer21 October 2016
Not quite as bad as those from the 1950/60's, but surprisingly poor CGI for 2016: The monsters are visually obvious additions. At one point, a dog-like creature attacks a man who - instead of trying to use his hands, throws them up! The acting was OK, as was the dialogue. The plot had reasonable promise but only for about a half-hour. The interactions between good and bad guys was believable for the most part. I don't think any interaction between the monsters and anything else - buildings, humans or other monsters - was believable. Shocking when almost all films rely heavily on such nowadays. Perhaps Sc-Fi channel has too rigid production schedules, or lousy quality control?
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They Really Tried
Lugodoc14 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The good points:

1 It takes itself seriously, it is not a daft parody of science fiction like Sharknado.

2 Interesting premise - millions of monsters from deep beneath the Earth's crust rise up world wide during some eclipses to eat people.

3 Good dialogue and acting. Generally not bad direction and editing.

4 Several types of monster (avian, bovine, humanoid, small worm things, giant worm things) suggest a subterranean ecosystem somewhere.

5 Okay CGI. Vast hordes are depicted with conviction. Close-up hand to hand battles, less so.

The problems:

1 There is no attempt to understand or explain the creatures, which a sci-fi or horror film ought to try to do. Some people think they are literal demons, which some people would, but why would subterranean creatures react to a total eclipse they cannot possibly detect? Is it because they really are supernatural? I can see why cold would bother them but why salt? Salt is a traditional weapon against magical threats, again suggesting a supernatural nature. They decay rapidly into red mulch when dead but nobody mentions this, making me think this was added at the CGI stage and was not in the script.

2 Just one is seen at night apparently either dead or paralysed, but mysteriously still intact. Nothing is made of this potentially intriguing episode.

3 Several action scenes are missing short vital events necessary to make the scenes flow and make sense. Easily fixable, so why weren't they? Was it edited in a rush?

It still manages to be one of the best SyFy channel movies.
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A far from hellish rise
TheLittleSongbird20 April 2018
Part of me knew what to expect from 'Day of Reckoning' and that it was meant to be not take it too seriously and take it for what it is films. The idea was a good one and the cover looked cool and a little creepy, so while not expecting much part of me wanted to enjoy it.

While there are certainly far worse films than 'Day of Reckoning', even taking it for what it's meant to be it is a major failure and really not a good film at all. There are similar films and low-budget films that have been surprisingly average and above, so actually 'Day of Reckoning' could have been good with the right execution. Instead a good idea is ruined by the terrible way nearly everything is executed and the coolness and creepiness stays in solely in cover and doesn't translate in the film.

'Day of Reckoning' at least has occasional splashes of fun and some semi-decent scenery.

However, while there has been worse acting it is still poor, both bland and forced. None of the characters are easy to get behind or interesting, it's all very flimsy and any attempts to develop them feel like melodramatic padding. Their decisions and behaviours also don't make sense and they show very little emotion to tense or dramatic situations.

Nearly everything severely underwhelms. Not just being visually cheap and poorly acted and written even worse but what seemed like a decent, if very generic, idea was executed in typical fashion, with no imagination whatsoever and only occasional splashes of fun.

Faring worse are the production values, story and writing. 'Day of Reckoning', aside from the scenery, is drably shot and sloppily edited, but it's the truly abysmal special effects that are the worst. As the creatures were made on a low-budget it would have been forgiven a little if it was not great, but when the effects for the sharks look as if no effort was given in making them without looking so goofy and unfinished-looking that is hard to ignore or forgive.

Can say no better about the portrayal of the creatures either. They exude little personality either, no menace, not even any unintentional goofiness. Generally the attack scenes, apart from the odd mild amusement, are sloppily edited, too brief and devoid of suspense or sense of horror. Moreover, there is no attempt to give them any explanation or development so the motivations and such are confused and vague.

It is hard to not take 'Day of Reckoning' seriously, when it itself doesn't know whether to take itself seriously or not. Some parts make earnest attempts to not be stupid but come over as pedestrian and over-serious. Other parts go well overboard on the silliness that one is cringing rather than being entertained.

Really wanted to like the story here because the concept was intriguing slightly, but while it starts nicely the further the movie progresses the lazier, cheesier and more formulaic it gets and it gets stale quickly.

Overall, very poor. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Oh dear
jhmoondance2 November 2021
Abysmal! Dire acting diabolical cgi and no story or plot to speak of.

I gave it 2 stars for the effort n for the music.

Another low cost crap film fro SyFy.

Please don't make any more movies like this one cos you are nearly as bad as Assylum!

I can not recommend this movie at all cos it is terrible.
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corradomarsili26 December 2019
After the first 5 minutes you understand the film will have no meaning. Pointless dialogues, poor trama... I watched all the 85 minutes through to leave a negative feedback and a warning: do not watch this
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bambuever15 May 2023
I'm a sucker for apocalyptic/end of the word stuff so I have to admit to enjoying this film. Not the best but by far not the worst in the horror genre that I've seen in recent years. Yeah the CGI for the scary creatures wasn't brilliant but they made me jump and hide behind a cushion several times. The continuity in one particular scene (that I noticed) was a bit dire (the son and his gf ... one minute standing together in each others arms and from another camera angle miles apart) but which film doesn't have those moments?? Glad I watched it and would definitely recommend it going forward. Seen a lot worse.
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OMG! I Actually Enjoyed it! HELP!!!
mboyd19863 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, honest, I actually enjoyed it, so gave it a 6.

OK, it was pretty bad but the idea was pretty original. The actors were passable - even the guy who played Grandpa (who apparently can only talk in a slow deliberate, boring voice) he wasn't too bad in this silly film.

Sure, there were lots of plot holes, like where the heck did they actually manage to climb out of where they live to come to the surface? I mean, most bore holes are pretty narrow...

Yes, the CGI was pretty lame, but as long as you don't LOOK for the problems and use your imagination, it wasn't too bad.

I still can't get over the fact that I'm writing something positive about an Epic Pictures Group film. I must go see my doctor.
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I feel like this movie was a sin...Where's my day of reckoning?
soulminded7 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The summary of this "thriller" movie was honestly the most exciting part of this horror show (pun intended). It had a great start, the characters were introduced in an obvious manner to let you know who were going to be key characters to the "plot", but as the movie progressed, the writers seemed to aggressively remove your choice of who to like and who to be suspicious of. The plot itself was very elegant in the fact that there seemed to be a really thought out story under the hideous coat of bad animations (there's obvious lag in the CGI and it was very annoying when there was a group of monsters and it looked as though the 1989 computer that processed this was begging to be freed from such medieval torture), stage fright acting, and overall underwhelming tone. It also felt as though there was no character development apart from the obvious divorced- parents-getting-back-together trope that was smashed in your face at the very beginning. This removed any chance to develop a relationship with any of the characters. What was extremely laughable was that the "divorced" wife instantly started dating her co-worker after a small remark, and he became apart of the family within what seemed like a day or so. What horrified me the most was the very annoying color palette switches between frames; not scenes or even chapters, but literal frames changed hues and saturation and it was very noticeable. The modern era touch with RGB spectrum colors would have been very nice if the colors had stayed consistent. Another thing, this movie takes place 15 years after the first event and no one has the slightest idea of what happened besides people died. 15 YEARS and yet the only information that was compiled was, "They come from underground and a table spoon of salt will stop them". The plot falls apart right there. Neil Armstrong could make 675 back to back trips to the moon in the time between the first event and the second. How did no one learn any valuable information about these creatures in that same time span yet they made sure there were sirens and one shelter (which just so happens to get destroyed) The premise of the plot is highly unbelievable, even for a movie. As well, nothing is really ever explained in the plot or through dialogue. It felt as though the "suspense" that was created was very intentional and it showed. For instance, Ted's wife gets bit and she makes a comment that is later forgotten until the "climactic" scene where she barely tries to take the pistol (that she was holding at first but somehow ended up in Ted's possession) and attempt to kill herself but just gets eaten. I've been ranting but let's end on a good note. Remember when the blond teenage girl cut the head off of one small snake and all of the sudden the knives became her signature weapon? What happened to those knives when the big snake grabbed her ankle with a smaller tentacle and all she did was watch for a full 5 seconds before she was pulled to the ground at -5 mph? I had never laughed so hard! She killed one snake and became a professional knife-stress!
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This is my car!
nogodnomasters5 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a SyFy made for TV film. Fifteen years ago there was a "day of reckoning" when carnivorous creatures flew and ran out of the earth. Apparently they ate only humans. The fact that the earth was almost destroyed did not stop deep well drilling and fracking, making an unspoken message is here somewhere. An eclipse triggers another event and using the Asylum formula, the film concentrates on one man to unite and save his family, even the ex-wife. Now we know the creatures don't like salt or cold, yet we can't seem to avoid or fight them very well even with a new new Homeland Security to advise us.

The film is aimed at the younger male audience who won't attempt to try to make any sense out of this, just enjoy the special effects and occasional human being attacked and consumed. They managed to recruit seasoned actors such as Raymond J. Barry and Barbara Crampton for lesser roles. Don't look for anything deep in theme, just breakout the popcorn.

Guide: No sex or nudity. There was a whisper that sounded like an F-word.
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Independence Day Of Reckoning...
FlashCallahan6 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Fifteen years ago evil creatures from the underworld plagued the Earth with the intent of eliminating mankind.

Called the Day of Reckoning by survivors of the nightmare event, warriors of mankind again must battle the forces of darkness......

Just so you know, the best thing about this film is the one sheet that you clicked on, because like me you thought 'hmm that artwork is nice, I'm stupid enough to fall for this trap again', and yes, I fell for it.

As soon as I saw the SyFy watermark appear, my heart dropped a little, not because I knew the effects would be bad, the effects are laughably bad, and that gives the film an extra point, it's just when it's obvious when the film stops for a commercial break, it's irritating and just stops everything dead in its tracks.

Other than that, it's your atypical invasion movie. Estranged husband looking after his cheeky son, son runs off, mother becomes concerned, and father and son bond. It was a wonderful part of the narrative, in Spielberg's War Of The Worlds, but here, there was no need to introduce this, we are here to see very amateurish extras running away from terribly designed CG monsters.

As always we have a couple of special guest stars. One is the bloke who played the Vice President in Van Dammes Die Hard homage Sudden Death, and the other is the wonderfully walking cult that is Barbara Crampton.

She adds class to any film that she is in, and this why it gets another star.

So all in all, it's a terrible film, funny when it should be shocking, and although it's a must for bad movie aficionados, it gets a little bit boring toward the end.
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Good theme, bad movie
rsoto_md14 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The theme, although recurrent, was not bad, but the film as Such performances, dynamics, special effects so poor, With the joust lasted 20 minutes. Mainly what killed the film were the performances, too forced, as imitating third-party performances, and how to present the plot, very poor, lacking in imagination and dynamism.
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Horrible CGI
felishakleesh30 October 2019
Bro this movie was made in 2016 and had the cgi of a ps1 horror game I could make something better my self in 10 damn minutes I don't care why they look like that but if a movie is gonna have demons that look like that it shouldn't be made
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Seen better, seen worse
flmomof19 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They kept referring to the previous event. I could actually swear I saw a movie years ago that was the prequel to this one. Maybe these cheesy sci-fi movies are all blending together.

I was so confused about the threat here! First there were the winged creatures. Got it. But then suddenly they added snake-like creatures, a sort of evil goat looking thing, and eventually these upright man type creatures! I guess they couldn't decide what monster they liked best, so they opted for ALL of them.

Predictable plot. Predictable ending. Good for making popcorn and spending time with my kid (who loves these movies-she does not have very discriminating taste. LOL!). To sum this movie up in one word: meh.
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Look The Other Way, But Not Because You're Scared
raoulmagneto20 February 2019
Hollywood believes if a film contains alien monsters, it will be successful. By Hollywood standards, this Monster Turkey flies high. If you insist on watching it, get high like the turkeys first. Being high won't make the film better, but you won't harm yourself for watching it.
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D'oh of Reckoning
martrpeden11 October 2021
As everyone says, mostly shameful CGI. You can literally see CGI errors happening on the screen.

Tbh, I've seen worse acting, but the characters themselves are incredibly poor. You just don't care about any of them.

The best parts are the goofs:
  • The cities have been destroyed but in several night-time scenes you can see a perfectly normal city in the distance from the hills.

  • One character is shot in the shoulder and in incredible pain - and then completely forgets about it for the rest of the film.

If the creators can't be bothered to even try making a decent film, what's the point of watching it?
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A Haunting Vision of a Hell Earth
jlthornb5120 February 2019
Day of Reckoning is a powerful film which is nothing less than science fiction at its most cinematically electric. Gifted director Joel Novoa (God's Slave) brings his horrific vision to incredible realization as he works from a brilliant screenplay by Gregory Gieras (Dark Island.) There are unforgettably haunting vistas of desolation captured magically by cinematographer Petr Cikhart with a skill unique to film. The suspense and horror is high intensity with a cast of exciting young people bringing to life characters who are very real and vivid in their humanity. Jackson Hurst (The Mist) is memorable and Heather McComb even surpasses her fantastic work in The Event. Jay Jay Warren (Beverly Hills Christmas) is wonderful as usual but it is Hana Hayes in the role of Maddy who gives one of the most powerful performance within this outstanding ensemble cast. The acting, direction, screenplay, and cinematography all come together to create a motion picture depicting an apocalyptic hell from which the audience can not escape. A superb film that no fan of science fiction will want to miss and one it will be impossible to forget.
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alicearichard13 January 2023
I enjoyed this B movie. It was badly written and had terrible special effects. I mean the CGI was like a bad video game. The story was pretty much a rip off of Reign of fire. I forgive them tho. I still watched it until the end.(i dont know why my review has to be six hundred chatacters i was pretty much done with my review in fifty characters but i have to keep adding more in order to fill it in. Thats why im rambling about nothing ritght now and my review will probably not be approved beacause of this)It wasn't on the level of Sharknado. If you enjoy terrible B movies then you'll be amused by this.
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Usual Racism, Ageism
mst9009 October 2019
In a nutshell. Apocalyptic event. Monsters, close calls. All the people of color are killed off first, then the old people, usually saving the younger white folks. You know, the people who matter. Religious overtones. Skip it or watch while vacuuming.
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I would like the last out of my life back, the title should be painfully cringe
bader_gsxr16 January 2023
This without a doubt the worst movie I've ever watched, the acting is lazy to say the least the CGI would put the Bollywood action effect to shame by comparison, last advice if u have some time to kill u can watch a boiling egg you'll be more entertained. Plot is not exiting, and you can't relate to any of the characters if fact the long you watch it the longer you'll start to strongly dislike 'em I started to root for the horrible horrible built catastrophe of the CGI monster, I've seen a better monsters in amateur kids shows, The category of the film is horror/ sci-fi and that's only cause there no category of painfuly cringe and boring.
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Delivered What I Expected!
TharsheyN30 September 2023
I saw a recap of this movie on youtube and it seemed interesting so I gave it a watch. It was exactly what I expected going into it so I was not disappointed.

The story is pretty decent actually, with a transformers or world war z level budget and cast it probably could have been a block buster. The story follows a family trying to survive a horde of monsters that appear every 15 years for 24 hours to kill the human population before retreating back underground. Simple, solid idea that: interesting.

The cast was okay, no actors or actresses that I know but everyone did a good job with their limited resources. Overall a decent job by all and a good enjoyable on-screen portrayal for the audience.

The VFX and SFX were by far the weakest point of the film. I didn't mind it personally as I already knew what it would look like going into it but for those expecting good VFX don't bother, it looks like a teenager designed and animated all the monsters and creatures on their laptop before slapping it into the film.

Overall a 5/10 from me. The movie has a solid premise and okay cast but could definitely benefit from a bigger budget for some decent special effects with the potential for a block buster if given enough money for the production, cast etc and having the write director at the helm of the movie.
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