"13 Reasons Why" Bye (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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it could've been better!
dorsakarimi20 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, this episode was not amongst the best episodes of this TV series. What really bothers me about this episode is the reviews that I read about it. in this TV show, Jessica and Hannah were raped on the show and no one found the scenes disturbing or intolerable but then Tyler was raped and everyone is now emotionally attacked and disgusted. If this is not sexism then what is? I was disappointed that Justin still uses the drugs and although I ship Jesica and Justin, Alex deserves better than this. the fact that Bryce literally didn't pay a thing for what he did to all these girls is just disappointing and the fact that Justin was punished more than Bryce unfortunately shows the injustice that we're actually encountering in this world. I found this season much better than the first one because every single event was analyzed from each character's POV and not only Hannah Baker. I am not waiting for a season 3 but there are defiantly questions that need to be answered before the end of this show.
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Lots of crying and a bit of screaming
valbafake20 May 2018
For the most part, I thought this episode was a great end to the season. It was really emotional in the best of ways. I laughed; I cried (mostly cried).

However, the crying was interrupted by what was by far the most disturbing thing I've ever seen on tv. If you've watched it, you probably know what I'm referring to and if you haven't, I'd say just be extra aware of the warning at the beginning of the episode because wow.. Not sure who signed off on that idea but I really could've gone my whole life without seeing that.

Still hoping for a season 3 though.
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Disappointing ending
clairedignam-1439222 May 2018
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I liked the season as a hole and thought this episode closed Hannah's story nicely. I was insanely proud of Jessica for standing up in court like she did. Baring all that in mind I was horrified and had to turn away during the Tyler rape seen. While I get it was necessary in a way to tell Tyler's story it went a step too far. I get why so many people were disgusted by this. It what I found more horrifying was what Clay and Tony did for Tyler.... helping him escape the cops! I think that after everything they have seen and been through that this was like taking 100 steps back to immaturity. This is someone who clearly needs help and hiding him from the authorities will only delay what he intended to do! For me that's why this fell down over all. Once again the kids were playing grown up in the situation and will realistically only make it worse in the end.
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Wake up
tfdeni2 June 2018
We are okay with the women getting raped in this show but when a guy gets raped, it's "too graphic, omg no, eww, Horrible! Why would they show us that?" (I know it wasn't sexually intended but It was rape in my book)

This episode wasn't what we expected and we all wanted a happy ending but that's not how life works.

Males get raped and it's just as hard as it is on women. We need to have a conversation about rape and school shootings and this was it. This was a "hey America wake the f up" from childish Gambino to this episode. From Columbine to Las Vegas and Parkland. This shows us who we are as a country and we need to take a step back and fix it. It's defining us.

I'm not against guns but neither am I against helping out people mentally and being safe rather than sorry. We as Americans need to re-evaluate our lives; we are falling apart as a people and a country if we don't start communicating. 13 reasons is one of those stepping stones to help us get to that conversation.
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If you were outraged, GOOD!
Wililjam21 May 2018
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Last season played a lot with my emotions and every episode made me cry. This season played a lot with my emotions as well, but in a different way. Rather than cry during the episodes, I found myself screaming at them. There were moment where I found myself crying, but not the same amount as last season.

That's what I think they wanted. What you think would happen in season 2, didn't happen, and what you feared would happen, happened, excluding one thing which was Tyler's school shooting. We wanted justice for Hannah, for Jess, for everyone who had been suffering from bullies in Liberty High. We didn't get that, and that is the reality of so many cases around the country, and the world. Those who deserve punishment doesn't get it, and those who do gets a light slap on the hands and nothing more.

If you're outraged by events that happened in this show, GOOD. You SHOULD be outraged, this is not something that only happen in shows. This happens in REAL LIFE, so before you even think about criticizing the show, criticize the society that you live in. You're not doing anything good by saying that what they did to Tyler this season was horrible, it happened in the show, and it happens in real life as well. Most of the events that happens in the show has happened in real life as well.

Bryce doesn't get what he deserves, which is time in prison and a reputation in the trash. He survives it all, to our disgust. Again, it happens in real life. This show is not about happy endings, this show is about the reality that we all live in. If you're more outraged about the show not giving the ending you though you deserved, then think about all the victims who didn't get the ending they deserved in real life.

If you were outraged, GOOD! Take that outrage and make a change.
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BRAVE....that's the right word for this episode, not disgusting.
sachinkr-074491 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I agree that this season was seriously sub-par compared to the utterly amazing first season, but the hate this episode has received for that bathroom rape scene is not justified. It was necessary, it was the TRUTH and it was the only time this season stayed true to the core of this series: that is not being afraid to face the difficult reality we live in...rather embrace it and learn to live with it.
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(Contain Spoilers) It would have been a better Cliffhanger if the dance shooting happen.
JohnnySlayer19 May 2018
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As I watched this season, I thought this was just a lame attempt to make money off the Viewers. This season was good enough for me to be emotional invested. I was yelling because I was angry and scared, I didn't know what was going to happen next, espically with Tyler, Jessica, Alex, Justin, and Clay. This episode was about moving on, but I honestly Can't believe that they are, we have watched these guys get angry and upset about Hannah's Death, the verdict of the trial, and Bryce. When they were all at the dance, Bryce and Justin were having a cordial conversation about their Freshman year when they first met, Clay came in and then just left with Justin, Then when Tyler was beaten by the Jocks, he wanted revenge and it was completely understandable. I Low-Key wanted the shooting to happen if the Jocks were There, but it wasn't right for him to kill everyone there that were innocent. The Jocks are the only ones that deserve to pay for what happen, they did. In My Opinion, Humiliation and being Exposed is worse than death because you have to live with that for the rest of your life. This Season is proved that the story isn't done and even though it's the 2nd season, it's just getting started.
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bad ending to a bad season
trollerbrendan18 May 2018
I'm surprised i even made it to the end of season 2.....it was just such a stretch. the first season was great, but then netflix wanted to keep the story going but didn't have good material to do so, and they ended up with a pretty bad storyline. this episode has its moments but was ultimately dull and repetitive.
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I don't get it
J-Fields259426 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand all this uproar over the Tyler scene. It was raw and perhaps hard for some, but honestly, it didn't bother or shock me that much. I was more focus on the story and the progression of the character than anything. That and THE SHOW WARNS YOU AHEAD OF WATCHING IT. Like, how could people be so mad or upset that they want it cancelled? This is a show that has shown suicide, it has shown rape, someone getting beaten to a pulp, and this is what you all freak out over?

This happens around the world, people. Someone had a pipe shove through their backside and had bleach poured into it. A woman was rape by six men that used a pipe as well. This stuff happens, it happens and you're all wanting to go into a fit is saying you don't want the show to address it or talk about it.

If this is to hard for you, don't watch. Like, seriously.
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kkoho24 May 2018
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If your issue with 13 Reasons Why Season 2 is the scene in the bathroom with Tyler, get over yourself. That shows the mental states of those kids and you should be outraged about what happened to that character because that type of stuff happens today. That very end was set up for two seasons and they resolved that with a superb twist. Do I think Clay is the biggest idiot on Earth? Yes! He should not have played hero but look at what he just did. He saved the lives of everyone at that school. This show did a great job of extending the story and expanding it to give you deep character development and shows that there is multiple sides to a story. Hannah wasn't perfect. No one is. Does that make what she did invalid or the problems that led her to it irrelevant? Absolutely not. This was a good episode of television and everyone criticizing the show for "dismantling the characters", the mop scene alone or the "triggering" near-school shooter scene, you are missing the point of the season and the series entirely.
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I wanted to love this season
laurenofsteele22 May 2018
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My biggest takeaway from this season, season 2, is that it let down the character development that took place in the first season. Instead of seeing Hannah as this beautiful, pure woman, with a pure heart, you're left wanting to take your mind back to the first season and forgetting what they have done to this precious character of Hannah Baker. In fact, so many times I understood why Clay Jensen looked betrayed and puzzled by all of these allegations against his love, Hannah. Well it's no wonder he was so distraught, because I know for someone who saw her like he saw her, it was hard to stomach to have all of these "revelations" coming at you all at once. None of it made sense and made me personally upset they would take the show to these extremes.

I understand Clay needs to work some of this stuff out, but Hannah is gone and the viewers and Clay needed to let her go at the end of season 1. Why draw this out so much and make this poor boy endure these hallucinations? By the way, does anyone even believe it? This Harry Morgan coming around to talk in Dexter's ear, but no one can hear or see him but Dexter kind of thing still works? Perhaps it could have worked if Clay weren't talking to Hannah at Monet's in the middle of the day shouting at her. Come on, really? Someone should have taken that dialogue off the drawing board day one.

One redeeming quality of the show, specifically in the 13th episode, was the way they (hopefully) finally let Hannah Baker go. It was closure for Clay and the audience which is something we all needed. I remember sitting in a restaurant in February and "Night We Met" by Lord Huron came on. My eyes filled up with tears before I had the chance to figure out why it was happening involuntary. I was instantly moved by that song and it brought me back to Clay and Hannah's tragic love story never fulfilled. The 13th episode reminds you that although you can let someone go, a song or smell can bring back those feelings of loss and I am relieved the writers and director allowed us to feel that pain along with Clay and the original 13RW characters. It was our moment together and it was raw and perfect. For the entire song, which isn't even that long, it reminded you why the first season was as powerful and groundbreaking as it was. The music was everything for that season.

Which bringns me back to a big point here, 13 RW was perfect as a single season. Any moment brought into the second season that was a flashback from the first season was huge for the viewer. Honestly, these moments were the only ones I really enjoyed. The original cast were outstanding and you can see this love for each other as a cast. There is a lot of care. I even had moments of empathy for characters I didn't want to have empathy for just due to the fact they are backed by actors who are incredible at their craft.

The things I cringed at most: 1. Hannah as a ghost disturbing Clay. I would like to believe Hannah Baker and her soul would move on from Clay and the others as she already felt she was a burden to them in the life she lived. Why would she come back to haunt? Wouldn't she feel guilty? 2. If Clay weren't haunted by her ghost and he was hallucinating, he needed a straightjacket for the way he was handling his emotions 3. Here is a big one. Not one of these characters would have acted in the ways their characters acted in this season. It was contradictory to the first season in monumental ways. I'd like to believe Hannah was a virgin and didn't give it up to Zach. I liked Zach, but in no way does it make sense this girl would hook up with Zach after the way he had treated her and the way she had treated him. She was already very damaged. Plus, where was this in the tapes? Seems like this would be crucial to her story. I'm sorry, the gratuitous sex scenes weren't cutting it. I wasn't buying it. No way. It doesn't make sense Hannah could be so depressed to take her own life, I never saw signs of her depression in this season at all. If anything, she had tons of friends and was enjoying life. The first season was a much better depiction of her life. We didn't need to see every detail to know she wasn't a slut, and yet with this season, it's hard to think she isn't one. Hannah simply would not make these choices. She even says in the first season on Bryce's tape, "I finally lived up to my reputation" when referencing him raping her. She was pure until he took that from her. It only made senses this was her first time and it was in a horrific way. 4. Clay wouldn't make these decisions he has been making. Clay would not do drugs, wouldn't go out with someone so messed up, would help his friends who were struggling, would go the extra mile for his friends, would not be so angry with Hannah. Let's pause for a moment. Clay was angry with himself for failing Hannah, so now he is angry with Hannah for leavin him? This guy needs counseling. 5. The scene with Tyler in the bathroom. Do i have to mention how gratuitous this was? Disgusting. For what reason was that necessary? They were tying up the loose ends of the story beautifully and with Tyler getting better. It makes no sense to have that scene, poor Tyler. Not that I'm an expert, but I cannot imagine he wouldn't have to go to the hospital after that ordeal. Surely something wouldn't be functioning well after that. Anyone else agree? 6. Bryce narrating his story on an episode was difficult to stomach and it really bothered me to see Hannah in those flashbacks, even if it didn't actually happen, it was hard to watch and it was hard for the audience to see our precious Hannah in those scenes. In no way am I wanting to glorify Hannah, but her story was tragic and the writing of how she got there was beautifully written. There was no need to add anything else. The second season muddied up our vision of Hannah as this pure, lovely girl who was misunderstood. She didn't whine about school, she wasn't concerned with boys, she wanted to make good friends. There was way too much kissing this season and it made me feel bad for the actress portraying Hannah. She kissed women and men and it was a lot. It was way too much to handle watching it all and I could not believe any of the choices these characters made. 7. Jessica and Justin. That scene at the end I didn't agree with. Jessica kept saying she never wanted to see him again and went through a terrible ordeal. I didn't believe it one bit that she would go back to him. It doesn't make sense for her character development. And poor Alex! It just made me mad.

But trust me, that dance scene where all of the kids are gathered with Clay to Clay and Hannah's song, that was worth watching that episode. It's good for anyone who loves this show to have a good cry there. I love these characters and the actors who have portrayed them. The writing was terrible, but these fine women and men do a great job telling the story they were given. I gave this three stars because I believe this show had talent, but it fell short. Just like Mr Porter says, " You can have the best intentions and still fall short." That is how I felt about this second season.

Thirteen Reasons Why will always have a special place in my heart.
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I was wrong
statingfacts19 May 2018
I really expected this season to be bad, but I feel the show has became much more than it intended to be. I kind of feel it's became a less cheesy version of degrading and it's just so blunt about serious situations and topics. It really brings to life real situations that happen. This season and finale blew me away and made me feel so many different emotions I really enjoyed it. It also brought so much more depth and story to most characters.
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I just expected more
chelssdh27 May 2018
This season was kind of a let down. The first season was all around great, almost phenomenal but this season... meh. Like expected they shouldve never carried on the show just because it was so popular. If i were the writers i would just let it be so they can still look back on the show with any pride. Moral of the story: Hannah's story has been told, she got her peace and so did most of the main characters. I really hope they dont drag this great show into the "we are really popular so we HAVE to carry on" kinda way. Cause honestly WHO tf actually cares about Tyler or his storyline? The writers made him so annoying and unlikable that i find it really hard to feel bad for him (Although he obvs didnt deserve what happened to him in that really explict scene).
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Too far
hayslr23 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I understand and appreciate the need for a scene portraying sexual assault on males. Being a rape victim myself, I think it's very important that people know that it isn't just women who suffer these horrible attacks.

That being said, the scene with Tyler was exponentially more graphic than either of the rape scenes portrayed in season one. I was physically sick while watching it. I am three days out and still having trouble sleeping. It pops up in my mind throughout the day and makes me nauseous. There are so many other ways the producers could have conveyed this message. Doing as they did was disturbing, unnecessary and was clearly for shock value.

I will not be watching season 3.
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Wouldn't change it.
Dennynkok28 May 2018
I know a lot of people are upset or confused about the last episode, but just let it sink in that the producers did this for a reason. THIS REALLY HAPPENS!!! That is why they chose for this to happen to Tyler, it might me 'sickening' to watch, but it is more sickening that this is happening and no one is talking or doing something about it. I wouldn't change a single thing
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jasminhegmann18 May 2018
I don't want to spoil anything, and I would get why some people may not like the ending. But in my humble opinion as someone with a past of bullying, as well as being bullied I think this season was more than necessary. At some point you may say it is over the top, but the world, children and youth all over the world show us it is indeed real. And it needs to be adressed. Again this show didn't fail to do so. Face the truth, those stories do not end where season 1 ends. There is no justice in so many cases.. and people need to see that. If you came for a happy ending, than you will be disappointed. But the show wants to raise awareness to adults and parents, as well as to children. I am impressed on how well this season continued the story even though I didn't now what to expect. The end was shocking and I kind of wished it would turn out less heroic.. Clay is my least favorite character of the core group and I think it would've been more authentic had it turned out another way. I still think this season was important, as is the series, as are you and me. Take care of yourself. Watch and listen and think what you might.
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Was It Necessary?
JoeMcRhee19 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Literally. I didn't know what to feel and I didn't know what to think when I finished my binge watching yesterday but I think I do now. Was this season that necessary for the main story? I think no. We've heard all the tapes and we learned about all the reasons why. They could've just ended it in the first season. Does the second season ruin the show? I don't think so. Of course, there are some out of character moments in the season, but mostly it just expands the story and lets us see those different sides of it, different 'truths'. We still didn't know the whole story, we've heard it from Hannah's perspective and we've heard only the things Hannah wanted people to know. Now we know everything from different perspectives, we've learned not only the whole story but who Hannah actually was: she was just a human, she made some mistakes, she hurt people, she misunderstood people as well. She wasn't perfect. Also, the show touched upon some important topics like self-harming, drugs abuse, bullying, sexual violence once again (I would say sexual violence is the most important topic of the season: we saw how Jessica was recovering and we heard all these stories of different women who were abused but never mentioned that and we saw disturbing and horrifying rape of Tyler) hence the season wasn't for nothing. I really don't like that cliffhanger and I don't think they should milk the show, but if they have more important topics to raise and it can help someone so why not. That's why everyone loves the show: it tells us about important issues and makes us remember about them and pay attention to them, so I hope the show keeps it that way.

I must pay tribute to the show: I was 100 percent sure the second season wasn't gonna shock me more than the first one but Tayler's rape just emotionally destroyed me. I couldn't pay attention to what was happening on the screen for the next ten or fifteen minutes, I just felt so bad for Tyler and I felt so angry on those bullies and I realized that Tyler was gonna lose it and something bad was going to happen... I swear I have never experienced so many emotions at once watching a TV show.

To sum up: it expands the story, it touches upon some important issues and it evokes the emotions. As for me, it means that the season wasn't that bad. Nothing can beat the first season though.
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Was it really that bad?
gio_86724 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER: I agree with a lot of people that 13RW should've ended after s1, but hey, we still watched s2 didn't we? (So stop complaining about it!)

I didn't have high hopes for this season, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It gives a bit more depth to the story and characters, but that also made me cringe a lot of times as I never thought about some characters developing in this way...

A lot of times I had the feeling the writers of 13RW wanted to make up to the complaints about s1 (like the fact that she was blaming everyone for her suicide, triggering kids to kill themselves,...) with the extra background stories from the other side. This made me upset sometimes, because as teacher I think the first season was groundbreaking and made suicide talkable. Kids finally talk about it and their feelings thanks to watching it, after seeing what I does to people you leave behind, people you love.

Now, the scene everyone's talking about and being so dramatic about, is not worse as all the other things you already saw in the previous season. Yeah, he gets a stick up in his butt. Was it necessary? No. Does it happen in real life? Yes. I feel like laughing at reading people's dramatic reviews about that scene. I feel like it's because it's a boy being raped, they react like that. If a girl gets raped and shown explicitly it doesn't trigger them, but with a boy they get triggered immediately? Why? What's the reason behind that? Yeah, it was really explicit and I do feel sorry for Tyler in that scene, but please make aware that these things happen as well and 13RW was always good at showing us explicit scenes. So stop giving this season bad reviews for only that particular scene! It didn't make the season, but it didn't break the season either.

I feel like the end was worse. REALLY NETFLIX? AN OPEN ENDING SO YOU CAN DO A THIRD SEASON?! No thank you! The story of Hannah is over and you should've ended it in a closed way. Like I loved the closures in this episode and the school dance. You should've just ended it with that!
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My problem with the show (or season 2 and onwards)
benowen-9120712 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first season of 13 reasons why was based of a book of the same name. I know it's not perfect but it had a decent premise with good pacing. One thing I respected about it was that it didn't portray these kids as monsters, just people with regrets Season 2 on the other hand is when this show bombs. Hard. Without the guidance of the books the narrative and pacing felt a lot more messy and misleading, character stereotypes were exaggerated and worst of all, they try to separate the 'good kids' from the 'bad kids' in this episode in particular. Weird to think that my biggest problem of this episode isn't the Tyler mop scene but the ending at the disco
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I think people are overreacting about that scene
brunomrosendo22 May 2018
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I mean, yes, the scene was something to be somewhat disgusted, but it wasn't something out of this world. If you're used to watching series with violence and such things you won't get as disgusted and "traumatized" as some people are making you believe. I personally was surprised by seeing this amount of hate in this scene, I didn't think it was anything out of normal when watching it at all. So.. If you're sensible to this kind of stuff, you have your warning at the start of the episode, and I sugest you skip the bathroom scene. If not, there's nothing to worry about.
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Graphic, but important.
ben_boutwood20 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I completely understand the reaction to *THAT* scene with Tyler. It was very graphic, and arguably unnecessary - it could have easily been portrayed in a way that wasn't as visual as it was.

However, it is such an important scene for the series. You have to remember that the trial revolves around the school not being accountable for Hannah's death. The main message about this series is responsibility, and those in positions of influence not stepping up to their roles. In this scene with Tyler, it just shows how bullying is very much a real, and a horrifying, problem at this school. The school are not making any real efforts to stamp this out.

Tyler is another student who is being constantly bullied, abused, and harassed right under the noses of the school. What's the answer? Send him off to a training camp - out of sight out of mind, right? Responsibility is once again passed to someone else. Summed up wonderfully by the Principal deciding not to take the stack of folders Mr Porter had left him, warning him about students in a potential critical state. Who was top of that file? Tyler.

Yes, it is hard viewing and watching it on a full stomach is not advised. But, the underlining message is that Hannah is just one cog in the wheel of struggling students at this school.

Hannah took her life, but what this is leading Tyler to do is even more drastic. He is beyond the point of caring about himself, or even the lives of others around him. He is fully aware of the consequences of his actions, but like Hannah, he feels this is the only way for things to change; to stop the hurt and to get his message across because no one is listening and no is doing anything to stop the pain.
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ghadar-8825521 May 2018
The tyler scene and the ending was too much! There is no need for another season because the 13 reasons why and why not are over everyone knows the story of both sides, again there is no need for that extra drama and twist
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Reality Check Viewers
MotherOfCats9125 May 2018
I found season two as a whole quite good; I enjoyed it as much as season one and hope there's a season three. That being said I know why this episode is being so poorly rated, THAT scene; but the thing is if you do the research as I did after viewing this episode, what happened to Tyler is happening at an alarming rate in schools all across the U.S. and most likely the world. It's become quite an epidemic in mainly high school male sports teams that younger players are being sexually violated by older team members with fingers and other foreign objects and teachers and coaches and schools are ignoring it or trying to pass off these sexual assaults (RAPES) as "hazing" and "boys will be boys". Do you not all see that's exactly the point this series is trying to help shed light on?!?! The scene/this series is fake, that scene was fake with actors faking what was happening, and clearly it's messed with viewers and that's GOOD; because what happened in that staged scene is happening to young men every day and just because we're not used to seeing it portrayed as we are with male on female rape (which the fact viewers are clearly desensitized to that form of rape being shown is another problem) doesn't make it not real which is why this series included it because it's a horrible subject that NEEDS to be addressed so real life victims can start to feel seen, so they can begin to feel like they can come forward and get the justic they too deserve. If it upsets you to see it fictionally then figure out what you can do to help end it happening in reality instead of acting like it was just a scene for shock, it was a scene to make real life victims be seen. Grow up and do something to help these victims.
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Good, but still unnecessary
lautarofilgueiras22 May 2018
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This season was about showing how hannah's suicide affected this kids lives and their personalities in a longer term, but, was it just for the money?

I have to say that, even tho i was waiting for the new episodes to come out since the last one of the first season, I didn't have too many hopes for it to be as good as this one, and i was right. I couldn't get to feel all those emotions like sadness and happiness all at once, except for the dance scene in which they get all together on the last episode, because it just doesn't feel like 13 reasons why anymore. It stops being an emotional story and passes to be a much more darker and twisted story of sexual assault and extreme violence at schools. Im not saying this is bad but it is a complete turn for a series of love and justice. We can notably see that this season wasn't supposed to happen with the amount of secrets hannah kept at the tapes, which is the thing i find most ridiculous. Why would she do that if she didn't had anything to lose? She wanted to tell her story but, why would she leave so many gaps?

I feel like it was just a forced continuation to the first season with a horrible and, again, unnecessary cliffhanger at the end. I await for season 3 but with absolutely no hopes it will be as much as this seven.
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Just Awful
emsasser20 May 2018
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It's terrible and sickening to think about what happened to Tyler actually happens. Showing it the way they did was unnecessary and horrifying. It made me physically ill to watch. They went for shock value and in the process turned me off to recommending this show to anyone. I have absolutely no desire in watching a third season if it gets renewed.
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