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Awkward, cringeworthy, but very funny!
chris_robbo_236 September 2018
I went to see this movie at the cinema with my uncle and the opening scene caught us off guard completely but it set the tone for the whole film. It has some really brilliant laughs and nothing is taken too serious.

A welcome escape from everyday life just like going to a festival or similar. A few scenes made me laugh harder than I have to any comedy in the last couple of years. The use of shock tactics and in your face awkwardness (similar to the Inbetweeners) is tactful and yet in abundance.

This movie is what it says it is, a good old solid British comedy.
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10 Years Too Late
zoegreen-194-79850415 August 2018
Seems like a film that should have come out in 2008, it just seemed out of touch. Played Mr Brightside at least 3 times. There were definitely some funny moments but just the same joke formats as the inbetweeners, nothing new. Noticed a joke pinched from Peep Show (no thanks, I'm full). Overall I had a fun time going to see this movie but I will never watch it again.
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Really good comedy
masonsaul12 July 2020
The Festival is a really good comedy that's fun and enjoyable and relaint on a predictable narrative, which is fine. Joe Thomas, Hammed Animashaun and Claudia O'Doherty are all great and Jemaine Clement is a scene stealer in his small part. It's funny and at points hilarious which makes up for the jokes that are gross and don't land. Iain Morris' direction is good, it's well filmed and well paced. The soundtrack is really good.
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Well... it was OK...
kevcoe8 December 2018
I was quite looking forward to this film. Loved The Inbetweeners and was hoping for more of the same.

It was, well, OK. Quite funny in places, quite dull in others. Joe Thomas plays exactly the same character he always does from the likes of The Inbetweeners, Fresh Meat and White Gold. It's always nice to see the lovely Hannah Tointon in anything. And Claudia O'Doherty is a talented comedic actress.

If you're after some undemanding and obvious laughs, this film is worth a shot. Just don't expect a classic.
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Inbetweeners funny
redrangerg16 August 2018
Love Inbetweeners and this just feels right up their street. it might as well be Simon fantasizing over specific girls as the only difference between this guy and simon is the name of the character. Actually surprised and laughed in cinema which i usually dont. Worth the watch if your into this sort of comedy!
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Some funny bits
bdunkley4 September 2018
All in all a pretty awful film with the odd funny bit here and there. If you're a bit inbetweeners fan you'll watch it anyway but doesn't even compare.
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Excruciatingly Unfunny.
SamJamie4 March 2020
I barely made it half an hour into this, it's painfully unfunny and awkward, I didn't even laugh once the humour is generally terrible and I love the Inbetweeners, avoid this trash like the plague!
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Likeable and rude
neil-47625 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When Nick is dumped by Caitlyn at graduation his mate Shane drags him along to a pop festival (which Nick doesn't really want to go to) in order to distract him, although the real reason is that Shane wants to try to meet one of the acts. Accompanied by truly annoying Australian habitual festival-goer Amy, they discover Caitlyn is also at the festival. So might she get together with Nick again?

This movie, by The Inbetweeners production team and starring The Inbeteeners' Joe Thomas as Nick, recycles the plot from The Inbetweeners Movie - substitute a festival for a Greek island - to the extent of the characters played by Thomas in the two vehicles being more or less the same person.

I laughed. It's rude, silly, relatively light on toilet humour but high on drugs and embarrassment humour. It's not going to win a BAFTA, that's for sure, but it's loaded with a lot of lowest common denominator humour.

And despite Nick being a loser who makes things worse for himself and Amy being annoying, I liked being in their company.
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Lazy writing that relies on gross out humour
fallyhag9 December 2018
A mash of the inbetweeners and the hangover. This film should be in court for multiple stolen ideas. There are very few funny bits and the story is painfully predictable and dull. I'm rrallu struggling to understand how they failed so badly at writing their own story rather than copying others. It's just a lazy film that didn't need to be made like it was. Not recommended.
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I nearly cringed to death
nathanmanson17 May 2019
I actually enjoyed that to be honest, it was really good for a bad film. I'm genuinely being serious some of the parts in this film genuinely made me leave to room because they were so cringy and awkward.
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Glaston-barely passible
southdavid22 August 2018
Dumped by his Uni girlfriend at Graduation, but stuck with an expensive ticket to a Summer Music Festival, Nick (played with willingness but familiarity by Joe Thomas) and his best friend Shane (Hammed Animashaun) head for a weekend of music, drugs and mud 'somewhere ..... somewhere in a field in Hampshire .... Alright'.

Following on from the teenage grossout-embarrassment comedy trend that was reignited by the likes of "The Inbetweeners" "The Festival" is a collection of sex, pain and bodily function jokes stretched over a fairly basic plot about a character too self-absorbed to see how he sabotages all the relationships in his life. You can probably already know if this is for you or not, so what can I tell you if you're still considering it? Well, if you're in the right mood, it's was a reasonable time. There were a few laughs to be had, particularly from Jermaine Clement cameoing as Shane's mothers over familiar boyfriend and as you might imagine with some of the surprising bits of unsophisticated gags did warrant a laugh, or at least a groan. They actually did a good job of keeping many of the jokes out of the trailers but as can often be the case with comedies, realistically it's got one viewing and then it's done. I don't think I'll ever need to see it again, and if I do it won't be anything like as amusing.

As many of the other reviews have pointed out one of the films worst failings though is familiarity. Joe Thomas is essentially playing the same character he does in both "The Inbetweeners" and "Fresh Meat" and similar things can be said for Noel Fielding and Nick Frost in their cameos. It does then fall to the less familiar stars, Hammed Animashaun and Claudia O'Doherty, as Nutty Australian Amy - to offer something new, which they do with a couple of nice B-Story plots that help keep the film ticking over.

Fun whilst it lasts, but instantly forgettable and not worth revisiting.
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In (between) Festival
kosmasp10 October 2021
I only have seen the Inbetweeners movies ... but it makes sense that this advertizes itself as something along that line. This is rude, foul language, immature funny and lots of other things that you might not really agree with. But there is still so much heart in it.

A movie that plays into or rather for people who love festivals. But even if you don't, you can have lots of fun with it. Some romance along the way and a lot of heartache too. And following your dreams .. no matter how much ... mud you have to get through.
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Funny and Cringeworthy
Padreviews14 August 2018
Good plot , good script , typically funny lines you'd expect from an inbetweeners type movie with a touch of American Pie. An enjoyable film that will be equally popular when it transfers to the amazon prime type small screen .

There's a few cringeworthy moments but it will hit home with its target audience of festival goers and students and their parents too .

Worth a watch but not a huge mistake if you wait for it to come to the small screen .

Pad.A 6/10
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Avoid at all costs
powersy8617 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this one at my local cinema this evening, not expecting a great deal from one of the head honcho's behind the flawless Inbetweeners & arguably the weakest of the 4 main cast. But I gave it a go regardless and my fears were realised almost immediately.

I knew I was going to hate this movie from the get go, with the opening 60 seconds ripping off THAT scene where Will McKenzie finally gets to bed Charlotte. Terrible start, seen it all before, it was only funny the first time.

From here on Its forced gag after forced gag, leaving excruciatingly awkward moments after the jokes fall flat, knowing full well those churning out the lines are regretting putting pen to paper on a contract. The acting for the first half of the movie from the relative unknowns is at best, abysmal. Poor Joe Thomas churning out a performance which is EXACTLY that of 'Simon', it's hard to see how he will ever do anything else. Seemingly destined to be typecast forever, never shaking the Inbetweener tag.

Anyway I'd had enough after he crawled through the crowd & got pissed on. I walked out after barely 40mins. The first time I have ever done this in my life.

A painfully unfunny movie, from what looks like a script that was dragged from the bin under the title Inbetweeners 3. Can't wait to read others reviews after the coming weeks, if this film doesn't bomb & sit in the £5 and under bin at your local Tesco's by Christmas I'll be shocked.

Avoid this disaster, save your cash.
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What The Inbetweeners 3 could've been. Thankfully it wasn't.
Porterboarder27 August 2019
From the outset, it's clear that Joe Thomas' character is basically Simon from The Inbetweeners. The only difference is it's not Carly that he's pining for after a break up but another actress who starred in the same show. It's almost as if the screenplay was pitched as an idea for The Inbetweeners 3 but was shot down for being rubbish, then reworked as a spinoff featuring only Simon and then having that also rejected for being terrible. Only for it to get the green light by changing the characters names but keeping the same idiotic plot. The only highlights were the very short cameos from Nick Frost and Noel Fielding towards the end.
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More fun than expected
Geraldine-Trouve6 May 2019
Looks like the Inbetweeners cast didn't make the call. Clearly some of the characters were written for them... Need to take it as a self-laughing at what goes on in festivals (good and bad). We were impressed by the number of famous brits actors in it (some of the in US sitcoms). Wouldn't have gone to watch it in the cinema but pleased I got to see it. Gave me some good time :-)
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Surprisingly funny, in parts.
james-george-wall23 April 2019
We put this on with the plan of 'it's easy watching' but we were surprisingly laughing.

The comedy is a combination of gross out and some clever observational humour. The latter being far better.

The storyline is simple and hits all the commercial beats.

There's some good cameos.

It wouldn't be the first film I'd recommend, but it's alright.
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stevehellboy19 December 2019
Yeah I should've listened to the reviews of this film. It was very very cringeworthy. The tone compared to Inbetweeners is very different
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Basically a slightly less funny Inbetweeners
jtindahouse17 December 2019
The similarities between 'The Festival' and 'The Inbetweeners' are abundant. I was sure that some part of the film-making team had to be involved in both and sure enough director Iain Morris played a big role in 'The Inbetweeners' production. Joe Thomas for example basically plays exactly the same role in both, to the point I was surprised they didn't just call him 'Simon' in this one. None of this is necessarily a bad thing, I mean 'The Inbetweeners' series and movies were brilliant, but it is pretty safe to say if you did/didn't enjoy 'The Inbetweeners' you will likely feel the same way about 'The Festival'.

Jemaine Clement is in this film and he is the best thing about it. Every moment he is on screen is an absolute joy to watch. His comedic abilities were so far above everyone else in the film that he clearly stood out. It was a reminder that he really needs to be in more stuff. The rest of the supporting cast do what they needed to do without ever blowing me away. Hammed Animashaun and Claudia O'Doherty had great chemistry and were a nice addition to the film.

The film has a couple of genuinely hilarious moments that had me laughing out loud. When the movie is funny it is really funny. The problem is that it isn't funny often enough. Also there is a really nasty moment later in the film between the characters of Nick and Amy and while I understand why the film needed it, it still went too far in my opinion and made it really hard to redeem Nick's character. That aside though this is a fun little film to watch - just don't expect too much and you'll likely enjoy it a lot more.
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It is what it is.
gsdurrant4 October 2018
Honestly, how much did you expect from a comedy like this?

It's a hangover, on the sofa, eating McDonalds & can't be bothered to think kind of movie and it's perfect for just that, I don't think the producers even expected it to be more than that.

Ever so slightly amusing, with dirty jokes and predictable humour.
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The Festival - Inbetweeners 3!
brankovranjkovic21 August 2018
British 'FILM4' Production.

Cringey comedy with coarse humour, sex drugs and Rock n Roll.

Plenty of 'Inbetweeners' style characters graduate and go to a large muddy outdoor music festival. Some very funny sketches with 'Lick'(Nick) and his girlfriend made me laugh, the Druid / goat sketch was a little too strange for me. If you're a 20 something fan of The Inbetweeners T.V. shows or more recent full length films, then you'll enjoy this.
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Do not go see it
roynunn17 August 2018
Does not represent the trailer! It is dog awful would not recommend to a friend. Níl
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Haters just calm down ... And grow up !!
timbmorris27626 August 2018
Wasn't expecting a masterpiece just 90 mins of laughs , got that on the most part , it's crude , rude , non pc , immature at times , but don't believe FlashCallahans 'review, there were many laugh out loud moments and groans in the cinema showing I went to . Just enjoy , yes it is like watching the third Inbetweeners movie , but if it ain't broke why fix it .
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For people with a good sense of humor.
deloudelouvain3 January 2019
If there is one genre of movies that will always divide people it's comedies. People just don't have the same sense of humor so there will always be positive and negative reviews for such movies. I thought The Festival was funny for most of the time with some pretty hilarious scenes and that's enough for me to like a movie like this one. I watch a comedy to be easily entertained and to have a couple good laughs, and The Festival managed both. The actors were all good and funny, what can't be said from all actors in some comedies. The haters have their opinion and that's fine as everybody is entitled to his opinion. Not everybody can have a good sense of humor, that's just a fact.
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jthompson-343401 September 2018
One of the worst films I have ever seen, in genuine disbelief at how bad it was
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