"Arrow" Elseworlds, Part 2 (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Gotham! Batman!
libbyhatch21-111 December 2018
Liking this crossover so far. Love it when characters from other shows come in. Highlight of every season.
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Whoa! Is it me or is this the best crossover!
sscialli11 December 2018
More humorous action packed crossover is making me smile and worth the watch! The fun the team is having is so infectious!
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amrut-1542611 December 2018
Best Fan service episode everrr. Love how they are developing batman universe while tackling the issue of showing batman. Comic book references were really good.
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Crisis on Infinite Earths officially name dropped
hawkins_saints_rock11 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As a major Batman fan this was everything I could've hoped for in a crossover without actually bringing in the man himself. Seeing Arkham Asylum was so awesome and then having Green Arrow vs. Flash battle inside while effected by Scarecrows fear gas had me major fanboying. I enjoyed Ruby Rose as Batwoman but wish she had done a bit more, the writers didn't give her enough to do.

Just like last night the humour was great! Seeing Oliver and Barry go back and forth with petty jabs at each other was hilarious. We also get John Wesley Shipp back as his very own 1990 version of The Flash. While it was only for a minute, it was good to see that 1990 Flash became canonised.

On to the plot...as expected our heroes don't stop the big bad in this part, and in fact reality gets broken even more. Barry and Oliver are now wanted men and no longer have powers. I've got no idea how they are gonna turn this around from here. Will the rest of Team Arrow and Team Flash remember everything that has happened over these first two parts? Keen to find out tomorrow.

Now what I want to get to quickly...The Monitor officially teased the Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline. He told Barry, Oliver and Kara that he is "preparing" and "testing" this earth for an "incoming crisis". To me this sets up Crisis on Infinite Earths as the crossover event for next season. And oh my god how awesome would that be!

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This crossover is Christmas arriving two weeks early!
astrobot11 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly can't remember the last time I had this much fun watching an episode. This crossover was epic on so many levels.

And goddamn does Bruce Wayne has a hot cousin. And she plays such a badass vigilante too. Her little flirty conversations with Kara were so funny. Add to that the action packed sequences of Superman, Flash and Arrow. Can't wait for the thrid part of this one.

On a more funny note for the Flash fans: Look how much fun it is when an episode does not revolve around Iris or her relationship with Barry. ;)
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A bit of a let down!!
tripaditya-8028911 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I actually loved the last crossover episode, and gave it 10/10. So naturally I started this episode with great expectations..... But ended up being disappointed.

For me the beginning was awesome and kinda funny. The references were overkill.... Like seriously lay down a bit I know we're in Gotham. Asylum scene was not as good as I thought it would be and Ruby Rose's Batwoman was a bit dull and out of character. The costume was great but the acting.... not so much. And does the secret language of Nora has to be connected to everything.... I mean why was it in the book of destiny that was just down right stupid and made no sense... Like at all.

But episode was saved by Oliver And Barry's dynamics. And that easter egg about John being Green Lantern on earth-90 was great. Overall this episode was not the good as I expected but still pretty good.
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Really Amazing
Sam_Morningstar12 December 2018
This is the Second Part of the Crossover and it is amazing. The acting was amazing especially Ruby's, She is an amazing actress and her portrayal of Batwoman was amazing. The villain was enjoyable and a pleasure to watch. The chemistry between the lead actors is so perfect. There was so much Batman lore that I can't count them all. The story went smoothly with a lot of humour,action,emotion and references. The switch was enjoyable,the intro was amazing. The music was amazing, where I can't help but to bob my head. The ending was amazing.

Can't wait for Part 3.
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The Uncharted Territories makes this an remarkable experience
Holt34411 December 2018
We are now in Uncharted Territories, Gotham City with no Bruce Wayne in it, tell me more! Ruby Rose as Kate Kane/Batwoman was good, I don't really get the hate towards her. This crossover is going places me as a big Batman fan loves, introducing multiple characters from Gotham City and the easter eggs, loving it! The fight sequences, mixing the two main heroes are interesting and entertaining to watch, rewatchable. So far I'm really enjoying Elseworlds and I believe the final part will be amazing but I feel the last crossover, Crisis on Earth X is still better but it seems like Elseworlds is more the prequel to Final Crisis but we will find out more in next episode!
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Easter egg fest
pirlo200412 December 2018
There was so much to geek out over in this it was untrue, one of my favourite episodes of TV, and Batwoman was awesome! <-- Edit - Little did I know :D
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Just Awesome <3
islamnazib-9022521 December 2018
That scene in Arkham is just breathtaking. A lot of Dc characters were seen. But disappointed with the batwoman casting.
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Gotham city
nurul_isthy13 December 2018
Finaly The CW use Gotham city but not batman I think it's because Gotham is a series from different production but still it's a very good episode I think this elseworld focus on bromance Barry and Oliver and also friendship with Kara
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Name drops and fan service, not much of a plot..
ElDiomedes11 December 2018
There are so many characters come together but they don't have much of a purpose it seems, yet. This episode was all about fan service and name drops. I guess DC being unsuccessful in the big screens, they are trying to appease the TV fans.

6 stars for the Batman name drops only. If they are trying to show us that they are developing a Bat Universe, well, it was a good attempt.

Best part on the episode ? Seeing Marc Guggenheim having his own cell inside Arkham Asylum. Weakest crossover episode ever.
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Part 1 was really good...Part 2 blows.
garabedian12311 December 2018
Wow that was boring. And unexpectedly so too. After that 1st episode this is not where I thought we were going. They just repeated everything. Instead of Iris it was Felicity and boy did they spend a lot of time talking about and to her. Explaining how Iris immediately knew Barry was not Barry...But hold on a minute that is not what happened at all. Iris took a while to realize It wasn't Barry.

After that nothing happened. We got introduced to Batwoman...whom was no help at all. The whole trip to Gotham was just wasted time and really did not add to the Elderverse in any way shape or form
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Welcome to Gotham!
highmarksreviews11 December 2018
While Part 1 was the setup episode that relied on heavy comedy to do the heavy lifting, Part 2 on Arrow was undoubtedly the novel episode and a high-point for the Arrowverse. From the endless references to Batman lore, to the other outlandish easter eggs and even Ruby Rose's limited, but powerful debut as Batwoman, there was a lot a to love. The story flowed very naturally as an added bonus, allowing time for a little drama between the Arrow stars, Emily Bett Rickards and Stephen Amell, only to quickly cut back to the action. Yes, this was very much stunt coordinator master James Bamford's time to shine and shine he did. From the creative Batwoman stuff and one-take Arkham inmate brawl all the way down to quite possibly one of Arrow's most creatively executed duels of all time, there were thrills aplenty. Special shout-out to the opening brawl between Diggle (David Ramsey) and Deahtstroke Junior (Liam Hall), with the cool tracking shot and reddish aesthetic. While it was unfortunate to see Gotham go, the ending managed to showcase how threatening Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) can really be, along with a very entertaining tease of a new, fractured reality with several goodies sprinkled in. Part 2 of Elseworlds is truly a network high-point and is guaranteed to make comic book fans drool at the sight of its rich world building.
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xfile-6923611 December 2018
I loved part 2 of the Elseworlds crossover as much as the first part. I am excited for the Batwoman series. She has potential for development on her own series.
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Fricken Gothem, Fricken Arkham!!!
splosh322 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing the names Cobblepot, Nigma, Isely and most of all hearing the Joker laugh made my week. This is fan service and I don't care. It was done right and made me so happy. Reference galore and it was awesome such a great crossover.
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Love it but... Warning: Spoilers
The Batman references are amazing. The characters bounce off each other perfectly and the Batwoman action is amazing. However, The Earth-90 Barry Allen is set up throughout the past Elseworld episodes and previous Arrow, Flash and Supergurl episodes and yet, with one flick of the finger (literally) he is gone and we never see him again. Very disappointing especially for a fan of the original 90s Flash show.
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The Batwoman Cometh
pinemaples20 December 2018
I don't normally write reviews on TV shows, but I just HAD to go out of my way for this one. I'm three years behind on Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl. As that is, I went out of my way to watch the first two parts of the "Elseworlds" crossover event between the latter three shows because I had read that Batwoman would be making an appearance, and maybe I'm still riding the endorphin high, but I have to say: that was two hours of the most exciting television I have ever seen in my life. I'm a massive, lifelong fan of Gotham City's stories, and especially a fan of Bruce Wayne's sadly less-famous cousin, and the way she was played by Ruby Rose was a dream that I never thought I would get to see come true. I'd seen Ruby in several other things, like John Wick 2, The Meg, and xXx: Return of Xander Cage, but here, all I saw was one of my favorite comic book characters brought to perfect life. The power she gave to this character was incredible, and her brief appearance behind the red-wigged cowl was a thing of absolute beauty. Even "Elseworlds, pt. 1", despite missing Batwoman, was still an unbelievable setup and a powerful reminder of why I love the Arrowverse so much. I love Jeremy Davies's work in Lost and God of War, and his version of Dr. Destiny was a little cheesy, but still so much fun. As for Part 2 -- I have never freaked out so much watching 20 minutes of anything. The climax at Arkham Asylum was filled with amazing Easter eggs and setpieces, and featured a wild re-imagining of Nora Fries, as well as what I'm pretty sure was a cameo of Lonnie Machin, Anarky himself, of all people. The way they even worked Jonathan Crane's fear toxin into the overall "Elseworlds" plot was pure Bat-fanservice at its best. Even though I watched this only to see Kate Kane, I still found myself enjoying the crossover story itself just as much as seeing Gotham City's newest depiction, and even teared up at one of the more emotional moments. I can't wait until I get the opportunity to watch Part 3, but even more than that, I am 100% sold on the forthcoming Batwoman TV show, and I'll be dropping everything (maybe even Kingdom Hearts 3) to finally be able to watch one of my favorite heroes in action. Now, if only I had confirmation that they're reviving her comic book series...
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Fun call backs with exceptional grounding
sophiejensen-1306311 October 2023
Okay when I saw this episode I was at least a year behind the times in Arrow. I had no clue what had been going on with Oliver recently. But I was watching Flash, and loving it. I have to say this episode was far more than a harbinger for Crisis. There has always been a draw back or an impediment to Barry and Oliver's relationship, rather something Oliver just never quite seemed to grasp before: Barry's attitude is a rejection of his circumstances, a refusal to live in darkness, not an absence of difficult circumstances or things to take seriously. Going all the way back to when Barry first showed up in Starling City, Oliver always dismissed Barry as someone who could afford to be all happy and gay because he never had anything that could bring him down. And while Oliver had walked in Barry's physical shoes in the Flash portion of the crossover, that probably only reinforced his belief that Barry's life is a sappy, emotional and smooth ride compared to his own. Now, walking a bit in Barry's Mental shoes, seeing Reverse Flash shred Flash for 'being so weak you couldn't stop me from killing your mom' Oliver FINALLY gets that Barry could have been dragged down, easily and simply didn't let himself be dragged down into this darkness. He'd met Thawne briefly, fought against him at the end of Flash season 1 but never really understood who Thawne was to Barry. He'd heard, once that Barry was stuck in some personal issues, but naturally he'd had his own. And to hear Oliver actually validate him, rather than simply support him was probably the height of glory for Barry. The big surprise occurred when Oliver, Kara and our Barry face Mar Novu. The Green Arrow (actually Barry) yells at the Monitor "by giving a nutbar an all-powerful, reality rewriting book!' and I could SWEAR that was Roy Harper speaking. Someone we hadn't seen since near the end of season 3 of Arrow. Someone who was at Oliver's side for 2 years and had donned the hood. Plus there was a second moment of Barry being the all-knowing mentor in the relationship. Which is always awesome.
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A Crisis is Coming
ThomasDrufke11 December 2018
Last night was a great beginning to the Elseworlds trilogy however, tonight felt like a muddled step back in a few ways.

For one, the "need" to reference Batman surprisingly got old after awhile. I was far from impressed by Ruby Rose' Batwoman. They neither gave her enough to say or do, and her performance was rather wooden, something that is not so shocking at all. But I will say Blake Neely's score for her scenes was great. I genuinely love hearing what he comes up for these heroes on a week to week and year to year basis, and this Crossover is proving to be more great work from him. But my other issue with Batwoman is that she just doesn't feel like a natural presence in Gotham city. It feels forced that Bruce/Batman "left" Gotham because it "got bad". Does anyone really want to watch a Batwoman show based in Gotham that references but never actually shows Batman?

The trip to Arkham Asylum also was a bit of a letdown, at least in terms of Easter Eggs and the brief appearance by Stephen Amell's wife as Nora Fries. It was fun seeing Merlyn and Thawne back and fighting the opposite heroes. But if that's really all we get of John Barrowman this year, I will be pretty disappointed.

It follows along similar beats as last night's episode (including a scene between Felicity & Oliver that felt eerily similar to last night's moment between Barry & Iris) and i wasn't feeling the scope of the crossover as much tonight. My expectations may be too high for these things, but here's hoping tomorrow night caps it off well.

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Not impressed
breathedirt11 December 2018
There is so much one can do with all the characters available in Arrowverse and yet such an egregious script has been created once again. I can't wait for this to end so that each TV show can proceed with its main plot..
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Ruby Rose's Batwoman is plain bad.
koryozkal14 December 2018
Ruby Rose's Batwoman was one of the worst acting performances I have ever seen. Part 1 was brilliant(10/10) and promised a lot but part 2 was plain bad. It was dull with just lazy writing and wooden acting led by Ruby Rose and Jeremy Davies. I don't believe this version of Batwoman deserves its own series.
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Ruby Rose is amazing and another fun episode.
cruise0119 July 2019
Arrow 7.09 (3.5 out of 5 stars).

The episode continues with the crossover event. This time Barry and Oliver go to Gotham City. To come across Kate Kane (Ruby Rose). To learn about Batman's disappearance. And who the lead person is that is causing this event.

The episode has an exciting fight in Arkham Asylum. It does get a little cheesy with Barry and Oliver. The highlight is Ruby Rose and her introduction to the series as Batgirl. Sad thing is the episode was very brief with her character.
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Crossover crap
MariaLBD15 January 2022
Crossovers are only cool if you watch the other show(s). The rest of us are totally lost and don't want to watch a bunch of characters we don't care about. At the very least, the episode should be a stand alone that doesn't require prior knowledge of the other shows or affect future episodes.
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What a joke!
brettkuester8 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Toying with cool ideas does not consist of a good episode. This episode was dull and painful to get through. Just as bad as the flash musical episode. The only good thing about it was the hint of batman, but then it ended up being looking like they were trying to sell a bat woman show. The girl who played bat woman was just awful. Like, who wrote her lines? One-dimensional badass that acts like a man? Cliche female action character? At least do not have her try so hard that she comes off as a poser/hipster.. Haven't seen a girl girl try to pull off a man so hard that she is the toughest guy in the room(sarcasm).. Whatever. The first episode was good. This is garbage. All the characters were not themselves. They came off as goofy. It breaks immersion, especially for Oliver. Didn't Arrow just suffer because it was trying to be too family friendly for spin offs with the flash.
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