"Elementary" Their Last Bow (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Thank You!
amfanmagician-116 August 2019
Thanks. It's been a great run. It's been a pleasure to watch intelligent people going about their business for these last seven years. You'll be missed. Thanks to everyone involved in the production of this series.
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Drummed up in one sentence..
louisadawes16 August 2019
"As long as we're together what does it matter?" Through it all friends forever, thank you Elementary for ending on this line.
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An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes
merrimacga17 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As many of you likely realize, this review title is the same as the latter part of the later title of His Last Bow, which was, chronologically, the last of Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories. Considering the Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes, though it occurred earlier, continued Holmes' adventures and was published later, I thought the review title appropriate.

Their Last Bow is Elementary's finale but the ending, in fact the whole episode, indicates the adventures will continue, though we may not get to see it. Presumably, Holmes and Watson will get their old consultant positions back, reporting to Bell instead of Gregson. And Moriarty and McNally are both still around to create havoc and fodder for more cases, not that NYC isn't capable of doing so all by itself. With the preponderance of evidence in the world of TV today, the door is left wide open for a reboot or a TV movie or two at some point in the future. Or at least more novelizations.

For now, though, this is the end and it wraps things up nicely, just in case there is never anything further. Holmes not only lives but is still doing what he loves most taking criminals out of action...and apparently every important person not only knows it but is fine with it. Gregson lives to enjoy retirement, even though Paige is gone. Bell is Captain at the precinct now and is married and a father. Watson did finally adopt, a son, and has beaten cancer. And she also finally published her book on their adventures (remember she started it in season 2 episode 3). Even the bees are still on the roof of the building, well looked after by Watson in Holmes' absence. Reichenbach is gone for good...Holmes' return won't change that. And with no more family issues, and presumably neither Moriarty nor McNally willing to intervene either, there seems to no longer be anything standing in the way of Holmes and Watson working and living in New York at the old brownstone and being happy together forever.

And for Conan Doyle fans there are some clever moments, like the title of Watson's book (though spelled without the hyphen) and Holmes' aliases Altamont in Florence, which was Holmes' alias in His Last Bow, and Sigerson in Norway, which was one of Holmes' aliases in between Reichenbach Falls and The Adventure of the Empty House, which in turn not only depicted the return of Holmes but was also the origin of the card-playing Ronald Adair character. I'm reasonably certain Watson's son's name, Arthur, is a nod to Conan Doyle himself.

Of course, there are still some loose ends, notably the will they or won't they question for the shippers out there. But we don't really need confirmation of a romance...some of us would rather they remain platonic and what we've been given should satisfy all. There are no remaining questions for which we can't live without the answers.

However, it would have been nice to see Jamie Moriarty on screen one more time. Perhaps the only thing I really missed in the episode.

All in all, the Elementary team has given us a very satisfying end to the series. Though I, like many others, hope for more at a later date, I think we can all be happy with where they left it.
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Please teach others shows how to properly end a series
ellentaube-3349619 August 2019
I was amazed by the final episode of Elementary. It far surpassed what I had expected. The line "as long as we are together..." will carry me through not having my weekly experience of these characters.

Of course Watson's son had to be named Arthur! It is only fitting.

The love affair that was never fully explored in the series between Watson and Holmes is one of the best since Pride and Prejudice was written. It doesn't take steamy love scenes to demonstrate what they had, and continue to have. It showed what true human bonding can be about, what can truly happen when two like souls find each other.

My hat is off to all who finished this project in such a fine manner. You did the series proud!
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I am truly sad....
nnom26 August 2019
....this series is over. I watched the first episode a year ago, mostly on a lark. I thought, well, pretty cheesy but not horrible...before I knew it, I was on the second season. Then I got caught up and had to actually WAIT for episodes. I put off watching the series finale because I didn't want it to be over. The finale was quite good, and I did cry...and they got me repeatedly with the plot turns.
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Until the end, I wasn't sure I liked it
MiketheWhistle16 August 2019
I bounced back and forth throughout this final ep between liking it and not liking it. Many (I'll have to watch it again to decide if all) plots were closed off. Generally it followed a plausible plot line with one exception that I won't give away. I wasn't sure at first whether the time skip would work, but it did mostly. It did leave open lines to do future movie specials, which I doubt was a factor as I assume the cast will be going different ways, but other shows (like the Pretender) came back with movie specials. Lastly, there were some holes as to what happened in the new plot line, but again I'll say maybe that's because I need to watch it again. I'll miss the show.
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Well done... want more!
HeidiHitchcock16 August 2019
This was very well done! The only thing that would have made it a 10 for me was to see Morland and Sherlock together again with the hope that they might work together again. I so want there to be special episodes in the future... please make that work on any network or streaming platform. Would love to see Sherlock and Joan together again! Such a shame that such an intelligently written and executed show can't remain plausible for many years to come. Please make it happen!
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Will miss this so much
lizs128910 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There have been many interpretations of Sherlock Holmes, Star Trek:TNG (two episodes) and Sherlock being two I've enjoyed but Elementary has become my favourite. I actually had tears in my eyes by the end of this episode. It very neatly tied up (most) plot lines while still leaving the way open to carry on.

Some have said the cancer storyline was thrown in for no effect but it was there to enable Sherlock to stay - he was going to leave until he realised he had to support Joan. His need to remain close to Joan was as great as her need to have a friend around at such a difficult time. I loved the way they expressed their deep relationship simply by a hug - so much said in one gesture. So pleased that Marcus was promoted and had a special person or two in his life.

The many nods to the original Conan Doyle canon were fun to spot and I loved the fact that Joan's son was named Arthur as a tribute to ACD.

The acting over seven seasons by all the cast was generally good but particularly Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu stand out as people who got right into the bones of their characters.

I am already missing this programme and hope that some day, the powers-that-be will resurrect it and we can see how their return to the Precinct pans out.
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fast, and moving
noharm516 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There was a felling through out that they wanted to tie up loose ends, slamming a lot of information in on one episode (as they tend to do regularly ). so i felt kind of rushed into it. But! at the end ,their loyalty and love for one another -though very subdued - managed to move me to tears. As Holmes said: "as long as we're together , what does it matter?" a sweet ending to leave us with. kitschy but kind :)
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S7: As good a conclusion as could have been expected for where it is and what it is
bob the moo22 September 2019
For many, many seasons I have continued to enjoy Elementary for what it is, even while I wish it was more. It is a product, and to be fair if it were my money making it, I would want it to play safe, be consistent, and do what has proven to work for as long as it could. As a viewer though, the high production standards and access to resources of all types has always led me to feel frustrated by the way it plays to genre and endlessly in its comfort zone. It is no great surprise that this final season does the same as those that have gone before.

As with other large events, the exile to London is so fleeting as to not be worth mentioning; it was billed as a big end to what was presumed to be the final season, but in reality it is just something to be gotten out of - and indeed it is only one episode and we are back in the formula in New York, despite all the endless internal reasons that shouldn't happen so easily. From here it continues just as it always has - which is not at all a bad thing. It remains very professionally done, very slick, very easy to watch, and a very decent network television product. Problem is that the majority of people do not get excited about products that they are loyal to - mostly they are loyal because they know what they are getting, they are happy with the price, and it is easy to get. So it is with Elementary I suspect, because as a product I come back to it for these reasons, not because I am really caught up in the narratives.

I appreciate that the show does try; and in this season the reduced episode run helps the main "Facebook is a villain" plot by not having much padding in and around it (unlike last seasons' unexpected expansion). That is not to say that the narrative does all it could have done - it plays it pretty straight, using it as a topical and interesting ideal, but never more than just another villain to be outsmarted and caught. Outside of this the mysteries are the usual over-elaborate but well-explained crimes which get sorted in 42 minutes, and the "character moments" are not much but benefit from good actors and character familiarity.

Elementary ends now, and as a fan who watched it all, I'm glad. At one time it was a great show, but it gradually stripped that back to just be a great product. I enjoyed that product, but it always frustrated me that it didn't use its resources to try to be more than it was. This season does more of that, and I enjoyed those elements of it, and it bowed out in a decent but uninspiring manner.
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Somewhat Abortive
wwkirk18 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Instead of continuing where the second to last episode left off, the finale brushes it off as something that concluded three years ago. The entire final season was focused on a major villain, Odin Reichenbach, but the finale barely deals with him. "Reichenbach Falls" ended with a cliffhanger, with Holmes having assumed a new identity, while Reichenbach was on the hook for Holmes' murder. Yet instead of depicting a tense legal battle with Reichenbach claiming self defense, or having the good guys dramatically come up with new evidence against him, always under threat of possible assassination, the story leapfrogs ahead in time, treating all the drama of the final season as old news.

Another criticism is that for some reason, Rob Doherty thought it would be a good idea to have "Their Last Bow" include, out of nowhere, a subplot where Joan is diagnosed with cancer. This seemed completely unnecessary to me as she had never had such an issue over the past seven seasons.

Possibly the best element of the finale was the dangling of the possibility that Moriarty is still alive. This could be the focus of one or more Elementary made-for-TV movies if CBS decides to go that route.
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Worthy ending
heavyjoe-543027 September 2019
It may be a fast paced ending but it was wonderful. From laughing to tears and back. The scene where watson says "I am pretty sure you gonna live forever..." and Sherlock breaks the Fourth Wall... incredible. My all time favorite series.
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Infuriating season finale
walhart-345-15124318 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think only GoT made me angrier about a season end for a great show, but it's 'good' angry, if such a thing exists.

Provides a reasonable amount of closure to some characters, but at the same time leaves a absurd amount of cliffhangers about several of the main characters.

Honestly, I would hope that they gave it a better closure, but maybe this means they will, hopefully, continue it in some way, like a movie or something.
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An ending Elementary didn't deserve
harr-florian17 August 2019
I loved every bit of Elementary up until this episode, but a useless Episode that has absolutely no content other than fast forwarding is not what Elementary deserved. It's a shame ending such a good series so weak in such a fashion.
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What a truly lovely episode
melee325 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When Holmes hugged Watson I couldn't help but be moved. This whole series is a love letter to Holmes and Watson and all the fans who love them.
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it was fitting
backnblack-0612327 December 2021
It came to a end not because it was fading with good acting and writting just new mealiness shows, i never tired of the episodes it was as strong in the end as the beginning and who knows maybe it comes back meanwhile the industry left us with reality tv and NCIS Reno.

Thanks to all for the once a week escape from real life.
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Great show but a rushed finale.
Allswell00719 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why jam a finale in to one rather lame episode? Ten minutes to go...let's give Joan cancer! *groan* Then, deal with it off screen in a flash forward. Didn't they have all off season to prepare a way to say goodbye? This finale felt like they made it up on the fly and ran out of pages.
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Great ending.
kenbo-8736020 January 2023
What a great ending for a truly special series.

I was lucky enough to be able to binge watch every season. That is the only upside to being late to the party where Elementary is concerned.

The final episode was full of mystery and I was never quite sure which way the writers were going to go. I felt happy, then sad, then thankfully I felt happy again as the credits rolled.

Bringing Sherlock Holmes into present day NYC was a great idea. Adding Lucy Liu as Watson seemed a gamble to me but it paid off brilliantly. Every regular cast member was very likeable. Seeing the friendships formed between them all was heartwarming.

Congratulations on a super series. I do hope there may be some specials in the near future.

I've got to finish by saying how brilliant I thought JLM was as Sherlock. He really made the character his own.
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Not the show I've enjoyed for years
jami-imaj21 August 2019
Most of this series has been intelligent and well thought out but this final episode was unexceptional and .... normal, something Sherlock Holmes is not. I was bored. I half expected this kind of ending, I watched how I met your mother for nine years only to have them destroy the show in the final episode. I rooted for the dragon queen for seven years only to be robbed of the ending that I feel everyone deserved. Hollywood has been doing this too much lately, it's akin to a nice scenic drive up the pacific coast in a convertible, pleasant, beautiful, serene .... and then Bam sharp left turn off the cliff, big explosion, roll credits.
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lame ending
alk6417 August 2019
What a lame conclusion to what used to be a good show. last season was almost a bust altogether, but what's worse it has revealed that very stylish Lucy Liu is just that, stylish. Always same gestures, same facial expressions, same annoying annoyance with Holmes, the woman can't act. Well, I guess style can go a long way, though of course shouldn't. Do hope to see Miller though in something else, preferably British, very soon.
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Weakly finished
quickclix10 October 2019
What a disappointment after such a great series.. this has none of the elements that make Elementary great. Felt lazily written.
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Dreadful end to a dreadful seventh series
bmesser26 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It seems to me that Elementary got progressively worse as each series went by.

The final series was poor and produced some of the worst episodes of the 154. Surely the great Sherlock Holmes could have come up with a much better way of entrapping Reichenbach than staging his own death even though it was supposedly mirroring the story when he fought with Moriarty.
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It's hard to end a show well
acharrell12 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Elementary didn't nail it either. This was a sad ending to a great show. Time jumps and forced drama, another death fake-out, and sapy "reunion" scenes for characters who we just saw all together last week. The previous episode that ends with Sherlock faking his death and leaving the country would've made a better finale.
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