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A micro-budget movie made with love
28 May 2024
One look at the trailer tells you exactly what kind of movie this is - a low-budget horror comedy made with love by people who love horror and comedy. The budget is lower-than-Troma-movie low - something like $5,000 - and the actors and directors and writers are the same people. This can be a recipe for disaster, yet somehow in this movie, there's a lot to love. Landing someplace between Evil Dead, Shaun of the Dead and Dude Where's My Car for stoner shlockiness, the film offers goofy fun for the kind of people who can enjoy Troma movies. (It's no surprise that Lloyd Kaufman has a cameo in this.)

It's not for everyone - the characters are clueless Gen-Z stoners who probably shouldn't be allowed near a car, let alone a gun, and the deer-monster is gloriously fake. But the movie lampshades its failings, turning them into a shared joke. And the dopey characters are fun to cheer for - and easy to mourn when things go south as they inevitably will. If this sounds like the kind of thing you'd enjoy, smoke up, laugh along with it and enjoy the ride.
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End of Term (2021)
Just like art school - pretentious but not enough substance
12 April 2024
A horror film about art created by experiencing torture has high ambition. Unfortunately, the end result falls far short. This film cries out to be extreme horror, but instead, the camera constantly shies away from showing anything too terrible. It's by far not the worst movie I've seen, but it begs for the kind of treatment you see in, say, Baskin, or French extreme cinema like Martyrs. Instead, the camera constantly looks away, as if unwilling to engage with the core concept long enough to let the viewer make up their mind. I'd like to see what someone like Clive Barker could have done with the concept; there's a gem of an interesting idea here, but the execution just isn't good enough.
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Remember Me (I) (2022)
Bad. Not hilariously bad - just bad.
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is uninspired on every level - uninspired acting, uninspired cinematography, uninspired script. The actors do the best with what they can, but it's clear that the little they have to work with is not enough. The director relies on a painfully few number of camera angles, and for some reason is obsessed with showing shots of the exterior of a house - presumably the house that the characters are in, but maybe just his own house? Because it doesn't seem to match up. My current theory is that it's there to pad out the run time, because it serves no other purpose.

How bad is this movie? I've never seen a movie that literally sums up all the plot points in the film in a flashback RIGHT AFTER you see them happen. Like, you could sleep through the movie, wake up for the last 10 minutes and not miss out on any of the plot because it replays it all for you, and honestly, the flashback makes you think the director expected people to do just that.

The worst part is, it's impossible to not watch this movie without thinking of the far better ones it cribs its plot points from - Misery, Besetment, heck, even the movie poster cribs from Sinister. Do yourself a favor and just rewatch them instead of this one.
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Off to a slow start, but the movie delivers
1 February 2024
I was prepared to dislike this movie - I hate Internet pranksters, and had a really hard time relating either to someone who would make their living that way OR someone who would marry someone who made their living that way - aka the two main characters.

However, I stuck it out and I was very glad I did. After the movie's sluggish, obligatory scenes that tell us who the characters are and what their motivations are, the movie picks up steam, swerving into delightfully what-the-f territory that escalates quickly and very satisfyingly. The effects are great, and the shocks and scares deliver. You really start to care more about the characters, which makes what is happening all the more horrifying. Add in a great ending and it's a recipe for success. (And stick around for a quick mid-credits scene that gives just a little more insight into why things unfolded the way they did.)
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I wanted to like this movie more than I did but points for trying?
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What this movie does right: If you're going to make a movie with a bunch of demonic slasher demons, give us blood and lots of it. When the kills are happening, it's got a great low-budget, low-class '80s throwback vibe. And I kind of love the cheesiness of the costumes. Yeah, demons, let's throw down.

What this movie does wrong: Every moment when the slashers aren't on screen. It's not that the actors aren't trying, it's just that as you watch the umpteenth scene of characters not listening to the main character, you are painfully aware that you could watching five slasher demons killing people instead. It's what we're here for, so give us more of it. The dialogue is laughably bad, while the demons just pantomime, which is another point in their favor.

Next time, just let the police raid the killer, take the book, read it out loud at the station, and let the demons slash their way through cops and criminals alike while the heroine tries to figure out how to stop it. It would have been a much better plot. Then again, this movie didn't have the budget for police uniforms, so...

This movie gets an extra star, however, for the audacious ambition of creating a cinematic universe with other extremely low budget, quickly made throwaway horror movies like The Curse of Humpty Dumpty. I see you, movie, and I appreciate you for it just a little bit more.

[Yes, the name is clearly a rip of Five Nights at Freddy's, but eh, who cares, I got more blood in this one than in the official one. And ripping off movie names has been a time-honored low-budget tradition for decades now, anyway.]
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Hellblazers (2022)
One of the better Tubi originals, but that's not the highest bar
29 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Who it's for: Fans of horror movies like the cheesy, often lumbering Lovecraft adaptations from the 90s - if you can watch them in all their uneven glory, you'll probably have a lot of fun watching this movie. I recommend watching it with friends who enjoy yelling advice at the screen and view watching horror movies as a social activity.

Who it's not for: Gorehounds who want lots of blood, people who hate "evil cult" movies, people who can't find any joy watching low-budget indie flicks made by people who dream a bit higher than they can reach, people who only like deeply intellectual movies.

What it's got going for it: A) A decent plot. B) Some fun classic horror actors that it's always good to see on screen. C) A sense of humor. D) A clear love for the genre. E) A good climax. F) Actors who obviously care about their role and aren't just zombie-ing their way through the lines like you get in flicks from The Asylum; when they look and sound amateurish in the beginning, it's intentional. G) A monster that looks way better than Rawhead Rex (again, a low bar, but hey).

What this move needed: A) An editor. The dialogue would be a lot funnier with better pacing, and the action would have as well. B) A bigger budget, especially for special effects. For the amount of people killed in this movie, the deaths are ridiculously bloodless. C) Less restraint. This movie deserved to run wild and go to 11. I don't care if you're using sausages and ketchup like the first NotLD movie, put that axe into someone's stomach and let the gory good times fly. That's what the core audience of a movie like this is going to be there for. D) More on-screen time for the horror greats. I don't know if it was a budget or availability issue, but I for one would have LOVED to see Tony Todd or Adrienne Barbeau as the sheriff, for example. Let the folks with the horror chops lift the movie up. E) A little more awareness. It's 2022, we're past the point of only having one black character who sacrifices himself to save the main white cast with no motivation. See D - Tony Todd as the lead would have been banging.

All that said, I finished this movie with a certain fondness for it. It's low-budget, but it knows what its job was. It's decently directed and shot, and decently acted. It just needed *more*.
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Slow-moving and atmospheric
9 September 2023
The Strangers meets The Void, with some snakes added to the mix for good measure.

If you're looking for fast-paced, pulse-pounding horror, this movie isn't for you. If you like your folk horror slow-paced, atmospheric and a bit surreal, this might be your jam. The cinematography is beautiful, the soundtrack adds to the atmosphere, and the cult is appropriately enigmatic and creepy. (Absolute kudos to the costumers who came up with the design for their masks.) The plot is slow-moving and subtle, but it's coherent and makes sense. The cult doesn't explain every step it's making, but I'm fine with that; mystery cults should be mysterious. And man, the main actress is really good at screaming.

CW: There's a quick flash of a dead animal, but it's not killed onscreen and the camera doesn't linger on it.
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People will either love or hate this
5 November 2022
Beautifully shot, directed and acted, The Murmuring is as much a story about grief as it is a mystery or a ghost story. It unfolds slowly in small details, nonverbal gestures, looks between characters - what is not being spoken is as meaningful as what is. The supernatural element creeps in around the edges, building until it can no longer be ignored, in many ways a reflection of the main theme. For those willing to let characters be imperfect and let the story unfold at its own pace, this will likely be a beautiful and moving episode. However, those looking for lots of action, gore or horror, or those who have trouble decoding subtle changes in emotion, may be better served by some of the other episodes.
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Day Shift (2022)
Sometimes you just need a good, dumb, action-filled vampire hunting buddy cop movie
13 August 2022
This is that movie. It's not deep, and the dialogue's not Shakespeare, but the chemistry's good, the actors are having fun, some of the world-building is neat, and the fights are bloody nuts. You can tell the director used to be a stuntman because damn, some of the setups and choreography are impressive. Jamie Foxx and Dave Franco are having a lot of fun, and it shows.

After an action-based start, the movie slows down, but it picks up again soon enough. The good news is, there's a lot more Snoop Dogg than the five-second cameo I was expecting out of this. The bad news is, I could easily have watched a hell of a lot more minutes than we got.
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Extra Ordinary (II) (2019)
A fun, lighthearted horror comedy - more comedy than horror
3 June 2022
This is a very funny movie, with a lot of dry Irish humor. Good performances and a lot of disparate plot elements that come together quite nicely make this a fun watch. And remember, never wake a floating goat.
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Misses the bar, but there's still value here
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The best parts of this film are the ones where they explore the mystery - the interviews with various townsfolk. It works the most as an earnest horror movie about ghost hunters that aren't charlatans. I'd give these segments 7 stars on their own.

The worst parts of this film are the denouement - the tension felt forced, the urgency felt artificial, and the acting really took a turn for the rushed and unbelievable. The main characters, who have been more than acceptable up to now, somehow lose the ability to act.

The film seems to forget about all of the other people besides the original inhabitants that were somehow lured there. There's no explanation for them, and no resolution, either. The movie would have been better off excluding them from the mystery altogether.

Moreover, the death of post-death dialogue of one of the main characters is so incredibly anticlimactic and off-screen that the movie would have been better off leaving it out, or letting the guy survive - it would have been better to see him fight off the guy, die to the smoke inhalation and then get CPRed back into existence.

We were promised a terrifying ultimate evil and it did not deliver. The filmmakers would have been better off recognizing the limitations of their budget and talent and revising the ending to do what they can do well, rather than doing what they can't do terribly.
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Nero Wolfe (1981)
The Nero Wolfe of my childhood, if not Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe.
22 January 2022
I grew up on mystery novels, and loved Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe from the moment I read my first of his books. This show is not that Nero Wolfe - it is a softer, more pleasant, and kinder one. William Conrad's Nero is not terse and rude enough and does not keep his cards as close to his chest, Lee Horsley's Archie does not get to show his intelligence as often as he should, etc. Etc. The mysteries are also muted and simplified.

However, I can love it for what it is. William Conrad was the first actor I saw portray Wolfe, and he will always be the way I visualize Wolfe in my head, beard or no. The actors are fun to watch, and it was clear they loved getting a chance to play this role.

For those who want to check it out for themselves, you can watch the entire series on the Internet Archive - just search the archive's media files for Nero Wolfe (1981).
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Red Notice (2021)
Typical action blockbuster writing, but fun to watch
19 January 2022
Red Notice brings nothing new to the action movie genre, but that's not always a bad thing. Sometimes you just want a fun escape with enjoyable actors and witty banter, and in that respect this movie delivers. It won't change your life, but it also won't ruin your faith in god. It's just fun, fast-paced entertainment, and that's okay.
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Free Guy (2021)
Feel-good action fun
19 January 2022
This movie starts out feeling like a live-action Lego movie, then hits its stride and like the main character, finds a life of its own. It's easy to see where this ride is going, but it's a hell of a lot of fun to get there along the way.
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Taken a little more seriously, this could have been a lot of fun
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie shines in moments. It's plot, with the girls intentionally planning to hunt down a serial killer, is actually pretty inspired. And there are a lot of funny moments that take the piss out the sexist tropes from the 80s. This had the potential to be a great horror-comedy, and the shower scene was inspired.

But whenever this movie makes jokes about feminism or masculinity, it becomes leaden and heavy-handed. I love a good feminist horror movie - the original Slumber Party Massacre, for example - and I love horror comedies, but dialogue about "how dare the men have the privilege to be murdered first" or "I'd stay but my toxic masculinity makes me have to go" are just... meh. The jokes are lowest-common-denominator and bring the fun to a screeching halt. You want to make a movie that's actually about feminism, take the time wasted by these kind of jokes and put it towards developing the female characters so that the main protagonist doesn't have to explain her motivation in a speech to the villain at the end instead of letting it out in conversations and actions throughout the movie.

And it takes away from a genuinely fun plot with a lot of great moments between women, which is really a shame. The first and last 30 minutes of the movie are great. It's what goes on in-between that's inconsistent. The movie-makers should have had more faith in the rest of this movie, because that 10% of crappy dialogue cost about two stars in my enjoyment.
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Bloodthirsty (2020)
More internal drama than horror rampage but good for what it is
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you're looking for a werewolf slash-em-up, this isn't the film for you. It's an introspective psychodrama with a main character who may be hallucinating violent episodes or might be a werewolf, and we all know ahead of time which side we want that to come down on. The plot is interesting not because you can't tell where it will go, but because it is interesting to watch the character grow and change from beginning to end, along with her music.

I'm not sure why so many folks had a problem with this movie - my gut suspicion is that a lot of the male viewers really weren't the audience for a slow-burn werewolf film with a female main character with Lorde-esque piano-pop vocals. I think this will go over better with a lot of female viewers and people who are okay with horror being subtle and creeping.
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Channel Zero: Insidious Onset (2018)
Season 3, Episode 1
Starts off a little shaky, goes off the rails
4 July 2021
This is probably my favorite season of Channel Zero. Everything seems upsetting and frustrating in the first episode as they move to a new town. Especially on the second watch, though, it's clear that that feeling of discomfort is carefully crafted and you'll see the layers get peeled back to get at the, erm, meat of the story as the season unwinds. Keep going; it's worth it!
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Walker: Rule Number 17 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
Consistently getting better
16 April 2021
Not sure I liked the final development in this episode, but I'm willing to see where it's going. The rest of the episode, though, was superb.
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American Horror Story: Final Girl (2019)
Season 9, Episode 9
Not gonna lie... I hated this ending
16 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The penultimate episode set up an amazing premise of wholesale slaughter at a rock concert... the thing the whole season was building towards. Having the denouement of the plot told in flashbacks with none of the promise fulfilled, not even one rock band slaughtered, made me very disappointed. While it was interesting as a happy-ish ending, the setup had so much undelivered promise that it just completely failed to deliver.
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Walker: Fine Is a Four Letter Word (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
good writing but more research (and an end to the pandemic) is needed
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like the writing on Walker is getting better with every episode. The characters are really coming to life and earlier episodes' story lines are coming back in new complications and ways. It was nice seeing Micki react negatively to the storm - so often, "strong" female characters aren't allowed to have weaknesses. We've seen Cordell being imperfect multiple times. It's good to see Micki have her own moments. All of the actors were at their best this episode, really. Mitch Pileggi and Molly Hagen put so much nuance into every small interaction, and all of the younger actors put out some of their strongest performances yet.

That said, this episode illustrates some of my continuing issues with the show, and I'd like to know how many of them are due to limitations of the pandemic and how many are ones that they need to bring in consultants to fix.

Some of the tornado scenes were good - others read fake, even if you don't live in the area. In some scenes, their hair is whipping around, in others it's barely moving. And it's a little too obvious that they're shooting on a sound stage, which I know is due to the pandemic, but I look forward to the time when they can have slightly better effects.

Similarly, some of the police procedural aspects are better and more believable. Others still feel like they're hand-waving away anything regulations that would get in the way of the story they want to tell. It would be really nice to see the show get an expert in these things in to advise the scripts.

A lot of these issues may be limitations imposed by the pandemic. I'm sure they can only have so many people on set, and only film in so many locations. I look forward to seeing what they are capable of when the pandemic scenes are over. Perhaps during the upcoming hiatus they can strengthen some of the show's weaker areas.
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Kingdom Come (2014)
Racist, insulting and thoroughly predictable
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For most of this movie, I was sufficiently entertained to keep watching. The actor who plays the devil is fun to watch, and the setting and demons are very Silent Hill in a good way. You'll never be surprised by what happens next, but it's not terrible. I would have given it five stars, except for two plot elements that just needed to not be there.

Making the black man a man who rapes and kills white women is a stereotype that needed to stop being used a century ago. I nearly stopped the film here, but it was 4:30 am and I figured, what the heck, let's see how deep this rabbit hole goes. THEN the movie redeemed the racist and let him live because he repented for having accidentally killed his daughter because she was dating a black man - but not for framing her lover for her death. Eff that.

And then, ten minutes from the end, the movie turns into pro-life propaganda. The woman is going to hell for getting an abortion, and she's only forgiven because the girl in the hospital she's been trying to protect is her unborn baby and her unborn baby knows that she was always loved.

I repeat, eff that.

What a waste of some acting talent and truly awesome demon effects.
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Nice gore, but really dumb plot
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
High points of this film: lots of kills that don't shy away from the gore, a nice creepy slasher mask, and good acting from the cast. The creators are clearly fans of the slasher genre, and it shows.

Low points: The writing and wasted acting potential. So much of this plot is just annoyingly slapdash. They're ostensibly there for a music festival, but it's clear there was never anything like that slated to happen. So what happened? Was it someone's deception to get bait or are they so off-track they accidentally went to the right murder house instead of the wrong one? Why didn't the hunter warn off the girls when they arrived? Why didn't we get to see the scene where their friends wandered off or otherwise got captured? Where does an entire junkyard of cars come from on the secluded mountainside?

Moreover, the chemistry between the actresses who live the longest was an interesting combination of antagonism turned reluctant friendship. The movie shouldn't have been so quick to separate them and end it. Watching them fight together would have made for a more interesting film and changed the pacing from just kill-chase-kill.

There's potential here for a better movie than they gave us. I'd like to see this team try again with a stronger script.
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Bit (2019)
Lost Boys for Queer Girls
3 April 2021
The first 20 minutes had me worried that this was going to be a stridently anti-man angry feminist film, and not in a good way. (There's a place for those, but not in my teen vampire movies.) However, the tone evens out and the message of the overall movie is much better. Like Lost Boys, this isn't a deep movie, but it's fun, and the soundtrack is good, and we had a lot of fun watching it. There are a few times where the humor didn't quite reach its obvious intent, but overall, it's a good movie.

Serious kudos to the film for hiring a trans actress to play a trans character, but also for making that a minor part of the story, rather than a Very Special Episode. It's just part of the character's background that makes her who she is, and it's handled very well.

(Side note to the Boomers and older Gen-X folks: Like The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and Daybreak, Bit is made with Millennial/Gen-Z values. In our era, one non-white character and one girl were considered appropriately diverse for any group of otherwise white, male heroes. Movies like Bit, however, speak to the younger generations who live in a much more diverse world and have much different baseline expectations for that. If you find yourself irked by it, try acknowledging that it's not *your* teen years that are being represented. It's okay if movies like this aren't about or "for" us. Letting go of the need to have them be "for" us is the best way I've found to enjoy them for what they are.)
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Hellmouth (2014)
I adored this movie
3 April 2021
Stylized, surreal and thoroughly captivating. If you're looking for a scary horror movie, this isn't it. But if you are looking for something oddly charming, memorable and creepily funny that makes you ask, "Wait, what?!" with each new turn of the plot, this movie has much to offer. (Fans of Dellamorte Dellamore will probably enjoy this.) In my opinion, the only thing that could have improved this movie was a soundtrack by Danny Elfman.
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The Widow (2020)
Better payoff than The Blair Witch
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Is this the Russian Blair Witch? Yeah, kinda. Does that make it bad? No. It's not the most original plot, but it's well-made and I enjoyed it. After the first half hour, the film switches out of found-footage mode, which makes it a lot easier to follow along and see what's happening. That said, if you're looking forward to a full found-footage film, it can be disjointing when the change in perspective happens. The horror itself is slow to start - definitely a long-burn - but once the ramp-up finally begins, the pacing is good, the suspense is palpable, and the atmosphere is creepy. And unlike The Blair Witch, you get to see a lot more of what is happening to the characters. But pay attention - a lot of stuff happens in the background, or not where the camera is focusing on it. Figures appear and disappear in the shadows, feet wait but disappear just in time to realize the person you think they belong to is on the other side of the car... on the first viewing, I didn't notice that the viewers see the fate of the missing boy - the camera goes right across his face at one point in the tunnel, but it's easy to miss if you aren't expecting it. At another point, you can see the witch's legs and feet in shadow on a wall, cast impossibly from a light source with nothing in front of it to cast the shadow!

The dubbing is acceptable and the dubbed acting is fine - in the beginning interviews, the voices sometimes seem too young for the characters, but the dubbed voices for the main cast are good. I suspect it would still be better in the original with subtitles.

(One note: The producer of this film, Svyatoslav Podgaevskiy, is the director of another Russian horror movie that came out recently, Baba Yaga: Terror of the Dark Forest. Moreover, the films share a writer in common. Since Baba Yaga is also a legendary witch in the woods... make sure you know which movie you're intending to watch before you start!)
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