
38 Reviews
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Serving Sara (2002)
Solid 7
25 January 2024
The first 1/3 if the movie is really fun. Perry has to do some creative thinking to outsmart both his marks and his rival service processor.

However, once Perry joins forces with Hurley, the movie's tone shifts to cheap non-creative sexual comedy. Even 22 years ago a lot of these jokes were predictable and trite.

Still, Perry's charm and Hurley's tease help get the movie over the finish line. It's a shame, as there was so much potential based on the first third.

Campbell and Adams both had decent roles that should have been developed more. Waste of talented actors as they weren't given much material. (What did Campbell's character even want in this movie?)
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Season 1 is exceptional and falls off after that
20 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The epic vision and ambition that went into Season 1 is, I dare say, uncanny. Juggling a team of 9 characters, season 1 had 3-5 plotlines per episode, several of which extended the whole season or into season 2.

The first episode is a classic where Jubilee meets the X-Men and a Sentinel at the mall. This early 90s fun vibe quickly meets adult situations when around Episode 3 or so one of the team members dies in battle. This death then spawns several plotlines as the characters react to the death differently. (And of course, being comics, no one can truly stay dead. But they did a nice job of merging the Apocalypse plotline with the Morph plotline.)

Season 1 covers Sentinels, including Master Mold, 2 of the island sagas (Muir Island and some slave island.) Days of Future Past. Apocalyse and his 4 angels of death. Plus feature villains such as Magneto, Juggernaut, and Mystique. My favorite plotline was when everyone was pursuing a doctor not knowing that the doctor was really Mystique.

It's pretty crazy that the Beast storyline takes the whole season with limited payoff. He just sits in jail the whole time lol. Also, Cable's appearance makes no sense in season 1 but they do get around to explaining it season 2.

Season 2 introduces some standalone episodes which are hit and miss. The Savage Land plotline is fairly interesting, though they slow walk it.

Season 3 has the Phoenix Saga, which is a drudge for me to get through. Way too much exposition and confusing self-sacrifice. After that it feels like the.writers changed the the energy dropped.

My biggest gripe is that the heroes are so overpowered it's hard to believe they ever lose. Cyclops can one-shot any Sentinel, but for some reason doesn't just take them all out in a minute.

Still need to watch the later seasons, but not sure I can make it through season 3.
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Creative and By the Books With One Annoying Flaw
20 July 2023
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From a writing perspective this story and plot are incredibly by the book. Everything is set up and the main character experiences hardships and growth at exactly the right time.

At the same time, a lot of creativity went it. Especially the world-building for things to make (a little bit of) sense. It mixes adult humor and kid humor fairly well (though some jokes fall flat). It's immediately relatable to anyone that has ever been to an arcade.

Where this movie falls short, and makes it hard to rewatch, is Vanellope. Perfect from start to finish she has no character growth. Compare to lesser characters Fixit and Bug-Killer Lady, who both grow and learn. Vanellope was always a princess. Vanellope always had superpowers (why she never used them, to say, escape prison, is never explained, because that might accidentally create character development for her.) She's a selfish brat outcast in the beginning and she's a selfish brat princess in the end. It doesn't help that they they draw her as a 5 year old kid while doing all these feats. The icing on the cake is when she appoints herself as president with no votes and calls it a democracy - the condescension from this character is incredible.
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Good writing in parts but disconnected story acts
25 June 2023
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Overall the writing was good. The character motivations and backstories were slowly dripped and in Act 1 it really looked like the movie was setting up some good payoffs.

Unfortunately, the moral dilemmas that were formed in Act 1 quickly disappeared in Act 2 when it became all about the money. Resolved was the mystery of each character's motivation. Resolved was the tension between the characters' competing interests.

Act 2 was a simple find the money plot with the characters making very poor choices. Why would you have the money mailed from the post office deposit box instead of driving there? It puts you at way too much risk. Why would you divulge your entire scheme to the real wife?

Act 3 consisted of some plot twists that got the action and drama going again. However, wrapped up too tidy for me.

Overall a fun little B movie that has some good parts to it.
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Seinfeld: The Junk Mail (1997)
Season 9, Episode 5
Feels like a predecessor to arrested development
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You've got the cousin thing going on. George feels neglected by his parents so he tries to get attention by dating his cousin. Only his cousin is into it.

You've got frisky parents of adult children. Then their adult child George accidentally finds and sees them having sex in a van.

You've got the obnoxious car (or van in this case) that is an embarrassment and a pain to drive in the city.

All in all it's an okay episode. I like how they're juggling 4 plot lines and like 11 characters, though the Kramer plot line is not funny and is painful on rewatches. Also makes no sense for George to want to be with his parents, but it's funny enough how he approaches it.
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Full House: Beach Boy Bingo (1988)
Season 2, Episode 6
Glad that this episode exists
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not the best in terms of plot - DJ never had to make a choice and Jesse/Joey never really ask the Beach Boys to listen to their music sample (though Joey does sneak the sample tape to one of the members.)

But this memorializes The Beach Boys - both in a house setting and in concert. Wish they would have said who's who though.

It may be my imagination but Joey seemed a little intimidated by the band in the house scene, especially when singing. Or perhaps he was directed not to steal the scene. The other cast members really got into it, especially and obviously Jesse.

In short, would've liked more plot but you can't go wrong with 10 minutes of beach boys singing and playing.
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Rip Off of Looney Tunes
18 February 2023
This felt more like theft than an homage to Looney Tunes. There was no coherent plot, it was just a constant stream of jokes. Yet ever joke was obviously lifted from a golden age era cartoon, with some Animaniacs references as well. The Animaniacs references were the large kiss, acting like a psychiatrist, the wacky pacing (though Animaniacs largely borrowed elements from class Warner Brothers cartoons, they did them in a new fresh style with coherent plots.]

I was personally offended that they lifted Duck Amok, my favorite Looney Tunes episode, in an unoriginal and unfunny fashion.

The villain was less than 1 dimensional. Probably the filmmakers couldn't get the rights to an actual Spider-Man or Spider-Ham villain.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
That 2020s Show
18 February 2023
The original had a lot of edginess that is not found here. Hard to be edgy with an obnoxious laughtrack going off every 30 seconds.

The look and feel is nothing like the 90s aside from a few memberberries. The overall plot isn't that great, her meeting friends and the parents visiting isn't a great comedic setup. It doesn't have that feel of a tight lifetime friend group that the original had.

The acting is all over the place. Leia [Eric's daughter] captures Eric's stoic aloofness in appearance but otherwise her line delivery is pretty amateur. These kids are not actors that I can imagine coming into the same celebrity status that Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis would obtain.
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So much potential
19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The basic plotline is great. Could have been a memorable film that people still talk about today, instead of largely forgotten.

First, the pacing is awful. We have a fairly interesting opening sequence from the past, setting up the big secret. Then we have what feels like a 20 minute courtship between Van Heflin and Lizbeth Scott that does nothing for the plot other than more set-up. The movie doesn't seem to start until the 40 minute mark or so.

Then when the plot finally kicks off, to me it was a big let down. Others seem to appreciate the lies and deceit. I was scratching my head wondering why a district attorney would ever behave that way.

First, why doesn't the DA just let the girl go and see if there is further blackmail? He ends up letting her go anyways.

Second, what did he need the girl for in order to beat up Van Heflin? To trick him into going into a dark alley? Seems like a pretty involved scheme which unnecessarily adds a wild card to it - there were easier ways to beat him up.

Third, if Van Heflin was blackmailing him, how would beating him and and leaving him on the highway going to solve anything? Nothing stopping Van Heflin from reporting the murder, even if just out of annoyance at that point.

That said, good premise. Plus an interesting love square going on that was well played by all the leads.
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Bus Stop (1956)
Come for Marylin Monroe, stay for the plot that goes nowhere
5 July 2022
I really liked the first half of this film because I thought it was setting up some fun twists and turns or payoffs. But nope. The film is as straightforward as it looks from the very beginning, and really slows down by the end.

People need to be more forgiving of Don Murray, as it is his first film role after several TV roles. Personally I thought he did a great job, and was one of the least annoying loud characters I've seen portrayed. But the film gave him nowhere to go with it.
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Colorful and contemporary for 1948
5 July 2022
It's pretty rare to see a teen-driven movie prior to the 60s in full color. Yes the styles are noticeably different, but the faces still have a very contemporary feel to them. Very refreshing.

Musical numbers are fine. Plot is fine. Just a fun relaxing teen drama film with an easy plot with some small twists. If you're looking for a movie to unwind to, this is it.
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Simpsons did it better 30 years ago
28 June 2022
There is a 5 minute Treehouse of Horror episode that has more multiverses, more madness, and more creativity than this movie delivered. Would have loved to see commitment to the "multiverse of madness" portion of the title, but it seemed the writers and director thought the audience would be awed by 2 multiverses.

Aside from the failure to show multiverses or madness, this movie gives us an unfocused plot, fan service sloppily woven together, and inconsistencies both with itself and other MCU content.

There were some nice visual spectacles and a couple decent one-liners. That's about 0.05% of a 2 hour movie. The rest of it was pretty painful. Maybe if you're expectations are low enough you can get some enjoyment out of this one.
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Joe E. Brown Carries the Film Well
24 June 2022
This is the youngest I've seen Joe E Brown in a film. I am used to him being loud, obnoxoius and brash in later films, so it was great to see a wider range of his acting abilities. His acting even reminder me of Don Adams in Get Smart at times, with some of his mannerisms here.

I think the tone is fine in the beginning, you can do comedies with down-on-their-luck characters. It's all about how they respond and get out of their situations. What lowers my enjoyment for this movie is the second half where the whole plot turns absurd. Characters start making decisions that no sane human would make, and the tone shifts greatly from the first half where the characters were more grounded.

Also, great use of names, Feet Samuels, "the brain", etc. They were likely trying to mock gangster names but 90 years later all the names sound fun and cool to me.
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Home Improvement: Pilot (1991)
Season 1, Episode 1
Why are dishwashers so weak?
26 March 2022
Watched this almost 30 years ago and it has stick with me ever since, like stubborn dried food on a plate. If you have to clean your dishes before using the dishwasher, what's the point? Yet 30 years later since this show there have been no improvements and I constantly think back to this episode.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
Imagine season 33 Simpsons writers...
10 December 2021
Imagine season 33 Simpsons writers trying to write season 1 South Park episodes. All of which are Christmas specials. It's that bad.

I'm one of the rare ones that usually likes Sarah Silvermans voice when she does animated work. But in this it's like she started smoking or something, it's lost all its pleasantness. Seth Rogan has always been a miss for me.

Anyway, you can predict the ending of ep 8 after watching ep 1 (if you can make it through ep 1). It just takes forever to get there, as you sit through a mix of rehashed sex jokes and lectures taken from a Genders studies 101 course that gets its syllabus from cnn.
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Odd little film
1 November 2021
Well you can probably predict the ending after about 20 minutes, there's no way you can predict the winding plot that gets us there. I don't mean that in a good way or bad way - but if you like plot surprises this is up your alley.

There's also a random social message thrown in that comes across like the writer was self-inserting themselves to shame a certain group of people. It felt out of place but I found it humorous.

Dancing and the music is okay. Acting is good. Cute lead. Fun chemistry between the two female leads.
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It's like there were two movies
24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One movie was the plot - the scary things happening to the characters.

The second movie was the characters - who for almost the entire movie were unfazed by any of the strange occurrences in the house.

Attempted murder? Why I think I'll explore the house by myself. Found a severed head? I think I'll explore the house by myself. Hear a strange noise coming from the cellar? Better go explore it by myself.

Make a pact to murder anyone who leaves his room? Why bother telling the lady who wasn't at the meeting.

Sure there were screams. But almost no other action or decision seemed to make any sense.
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30 September 2021
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Not sure where I got the idea that this was going to be a comedy. Multiple people at or near retirement age losing all their money. 1 suicide and 1 terminal illness.

The movie spent so much time building up this dinner. 2 separate love triangles. Comedy of errors set up with desperate people depending on others who they mistakenly think can help them. Everyone with a secret or a lie.

Then absolutely no payoffs in the end. Kill off one of the lovers so there's no conflict. Don't even address the other live triangle. No drama or comedy in the ending at all.
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Grandpa steals the show.
14 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't laugh out loud at a lot of movies. But when grandpa tapped the jaw of the gangster in the courtroom, I laughed louder than I have in years (watching movies.) It was so in character and so surprising at the same time.

Plus, I love me a good old classic patriotic speech.
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I'm no prude, but...
7 September 2021
...Dr. Freud would have a heyday with this one. For a film about a pre-teen kid, this has more references to breasts and penises than your average teen flick (about 75% of the movie.) The writer-director was definitely a breast man as there are no references to butts.

The main kid also has more love interests than your average teen flick (at least 3 girls and an adult woman). Two of the girls actually force themselves upon the poor kid when he doesn't express any interest in them that way.

I wrote this review so people know what they're getting into - I definitely would not recommend it as a family film. Can't rate this film as it was not meant for me.
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Watch the 1946 episode instead
5 September 2021
The Fistic Mystic had much better gags, is longer and has similar themes. Not even sure why they made Wolf in Sheiks Clothing as it is redundant of that one.
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Plot hits a brick wall halfway through and doesn't recover
2 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers

Saw this film about 20 years ago and didn't laugh once. Thought I'd give it another chance. The first half was actually okay - I really enjoyed these power actors portraying middle america nobodies, even if things were a little slow moving. Then out of a sudden at the halfway mark the plot smacks into a wall and scatters and the actors don't seem to have noticed.

Once we "know" where the money is, all the tension disappears and we have no idea why Bridges and Goodman are still wandering around LA instead of getting the money back. Bridges and Goodman didn't do anything illegal, why can't they get the police involved at this point? Why go tell a murderous thug that his money is at a high school kid's house? Why did the murderous thug let Bridges off so easy, after previously sending him a toe? There are no stakes for the rest of the movie.

The bowling plot was okay, but talk about anti-climactic. I've never seen a movie build up a tournament and then not show the tournament. It could've been a bold move, except for one detail: the film killed off one of his bowling teammates and nobody even comments on a replacement. How are Bridges and Goodman even going to participate in this tournament without a third? And we know they have no friends to ask.
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First, watch some movies from the 20s and 30s...
29 May 2021
...then watch this hilarious film of stars willing to poke fun at themselves and the industry.

Butterworth as Clemp was by far my favorite character with the best humor. The Stan and Ollie vs. Lupe Valez was also a lot of fun (not sure why bars in the 1930s would have fresh eggs sitting on their counters though....)

The script was well written, casually balancing so many A stars. The budget and production values were high. Nothing pretentious, just a movie made for fun. Song, dance, slapstick, romance, semblance of a lot - what more do you need?

The only criticism is too much Durante. Yes, he can carry, but there was so much additional talent to showcase.
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Fun Unique Little Movie
29 May 2021
The film had a strong opening that got me hooked. It slowed down and then sped up again, being quite funny in parts. Very hard to predict where the movie is going, and then (almost) everything ties together in the end.

There was so much happening with the beauty pageant portion, that I think could have had more payoffs. Instead of resolving it completely, the plot just took a left turn. It made sense, but it was still disappointing because that situation was getting pretty hilarious.

The comedy is almost a prototype of the Office (I'm not a fan of the Office though) in that it is a lot of situational awkward humor. And the director just lets some of that awkwardness play out on screen. And then the camera will hover on people that you're not quite sure if they are extras or if they're going to become significant characters, giving it a bit of a documentary feel to it.
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The Phil Silvers Show: The Eating Contest (1955)
Season 1, Episode 9
Gwynne steals the show
6 May 2021
Some real nice acting chops on Gwynne here who shows a wide range of emotion. Not the funniest episode, but just a fun one as you anticipate how Bilko et al will manipulate Gwynne.

Also some real nice scenes of the platoon working together as a team with Bilko. I especially loved the musical portion where they switched from guitar to harmonica, it was hilarious.
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