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Tracker (2024– )
What did I watch.
21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I like giving new shows a chance. There were two episodes of this on our DVR. We tried the first episode tonight.

I kept saying how good it was. That it seemed interesting. At the twenty-five- or thirty-minute mark, I said "this show is starting to get stupid." Then after some more time, I said "this is never going to make it." My mom and stepfather told me I didn't have to record any more. But I already have the second episode and don't like to give up right away.

The show just seems meaningless. I mean really, what was the point. No action. No drama. No comedy. Just mindless ramblings of words. It was useless.

There is a thing with him and a lady. I just rolled my eyes. I mean, is it going anywhere. To me, it just seems like there were a bunch of things put it to fill the time since there was no story at all.

There is no heart in it.

As I said, there is a second episode recorded and I had already set the third. But if the next is anything like the first, there is no way we are going to finish it. If the show has the rest of the season as the first was, I would be shocked it this makes it to a second or third season.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Weird, funny movie.
17 September 2023
After getting a 4K TV, I have been watching Net-Flix more than ever. I made a list of the next movies I wanted to watch. This was the first I picked. Here are my thoughts.

I don't really know how to describe this movie but to say this. We have our ideas on what we are. We know who we are. Some of us spend time learning as much as we can about others and trying to be smart enough for people to learn those facts from us. While at the same time, really have no idea of what is going on in our own lives with ourselves or those closest to us.

The movie is like going to the grocery store, having complained about an ingrown hair just before, waking up in the hospital after getting a C section and finding out you have seven arms. Confused. Watch the movie. Haha

It was one of the strangest movies I have ever watched. I went to sleep at 3:30 or 4am and got up at like 9:20 to watch this. I just got a flu shot so I feel like hell. Maybe if those two things had not been in my life, the movie would have been different. But man, I loved it. I wish I could buy it.
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Interesting movie.
9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My mom, stepfather and I started this last night. My stepfather seemed to hate it. So, we watched like five minutes. I decided to finish it this morning. Here are my thoughts.

The movie is about a girl who has a big event coming up. She is going through normal teen stuff. School, friends, love interests. It reminded me of a movie I would have watched twenty years ago. I laughed so much at some parts.

Ok, now what I didn't like. First, the movie didn't seem to flow well. There were scenes with the mom, dad, friends, teachers, and the girl by herself. But they seemed like scenes. Not like part of the same story.

Then, was there really a story. I asked myself that an hour or so after watching. I guess there was. But it just seemed to lack depth.

Sandler. One of the best. But lately, he just looks so worn out. I kind of feel bad for him. Which is odd, I guess.

Alright, two scenes in the movie seem to almost ruin it for me. It kind of changes the type of movie and the feeling. One is something that happens in a pool. It does not seem like a scene from a lighthearted teen movie. Plus, the thing that it was, they almost made it slapstick. The other is something that one of the girls says and does when the main character is watching a video. I just thought wow, this is a weird thing to hear in a movie like this. I almost couldn't get that out of my mind for the rest of the movie.

Why is the father such an idiot. I mean, why not write a better script for him. He just seems to yell and lay down. It was strange.

Then one part that happened when a girl was the center of attention, minutes go by and then the character of her father says turn it off. I guess he has a slow reaction. Seemed strange to me.

I did like the movie. I laughed. It made me happy. I may even buy it on 4K if it came out that way. But I just wish it went together better as one story.

At the end, when it listed four Sandler's in the credits. That made me a bit teary. My 82-year-old grandfather died four days ago. Just thinking of family and the years. It was beautiful that they can all be together having fun. May that go on forever and a day.
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Cool ending, I guess.
25 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers below.

So, I went through a lot in the first eighteen years of my life. Haha. I was molested, mentally and physically abused, verbally abused, my friend died when he was 15, my dad died in his 40s and six months later I died. Someone killed me. Haha. But I'm still rocking. I think I see life differently than anyone I know. I saw my dad and God. At least that's what I remember. Longest I died was 90 seconds.

All of that in mind, watching this got to me. Not as far as the characters or story went. But I think I thought of myself getting older. My mom and grandparents. All the people I knew in my past and now.

I liked how they closed everything up. It seemed to be a happy ending.

Here is what I didn't like.

Knowing how their end will be kind of ruined it for me. There is no wonder. Then in the end they are in high school and teens. In the future some were married and had kids. Friends and lives. So, thinking that in their version of forever they are back to being teens in high school, to me, makes it seem as if their lives after high school were meaningless.

Then to think they didn't stay connected. I mean all the stuff they went through. Haha. It just didn't really make sense.

Some had good jobs but were they the jobs they had hoped for.

That may be looking too far into the show. But these are the thoughts that were created in my mind.
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Jules (I) (2023)
One of the best movies I've ever watched.
11 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, I had no clue what this was about. But I put it on my list of movies to watch. I believed that I read something about an alien.

The movie is very slow moving. There is a small cast. It gives the story time to develop in our minds.

You see a man who is alone and may be getting to a point in which he no longer should be. He has some kids. Though one talks to him. Over the movie, he gains a couple other people. You see him try to deny what is happening in his mind while having no problem accepting what is going on in his back yard.

There is humor in the movie. Fantastic acting.

The very end, it is one of those things that make you wonder what it really meant.

This reminded me of the kind of movie I would have watched over my grandparents' house in the early to mid 90s.

I will have to buy it once it's released.
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One of the worst movies I have watched.
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, movies have previews. Maybe twenty-five minutes. This movie started at 2. We were there at one something. Got into the theater at 2:02. The movie had already started. So before we even sat down we were off to a bad start.

Then it is like 94 outside. The theater was so hot.

The movie. If it started at 2 then we missed two minutes. But it felt like we had missed an hour. There was no build up. They just got into action. By action I mean random stuff that seemed to have no purpose. It may be the only movie in which I couldn't tell you one thing that happened.

Then there were people standing and talking nonstop. Which tells me I am not the only one that didn't like it.

They have scenes of actual people from which I guess are movies as well as scenes of cheap art. It was so confusing. It just felt like a bunch of scenes that were put into a film.

I could not understand what many of the characters said.

The music was not that good.

When one of the turtles says the name of a talk show lady named Wendy W. I started to think the movie was made for a difference audience.

It was so stupid. We left after forty some minutes. I just could not take it. I tried man. I stayed as long as I could. I can't even see watching this on TV.

Oh, the voice of April, when I heard the first words from the character, I thought it sounded off. Maybe there was no energy to it. No life. I can't be sure what it was lacking.

Also, there was a scene in which a character gets sick. It went on way to long.

It was all a big disappointment.

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Barbie (I) (2023)
My mom and I saw this yesterday. Here are my thoughts.
21 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if I put spoilers in here. I am super worn out. Haha So I will just put that I did.

I had no clue what this movie was like or about. It just seemed like a strange, different type of movie. To me, it was going to be some kind of movie for kids that tells you everything is perfect. It was nothing like that.

There were a couple of young teen girls on the right of my mom and me. I felt weird knowing that. There is no way I would bring a kid or teen to see this.

The movie is really all focused on political and gender views. So that one totally surprised me.

There are points in which I kind of rolled my eyes. A bit of the singing kind of went on. There were also times that I was all teary.

There are sexual references in this. Young kids would not understand. But one part in which she tells of a specific thing that she does not have, and a specific thing Ken does not have, that was a bit strange.

The end threw me off. Here is a movie that seems to be saying we are equal, but we are not treated that way. Yet, at the same time it seems to be making men out to be mindless idiots. Also, something one of the male characters asks at the end and the reply the woman gives, seems to lead one to believe that things will be the exact same as they were. But unlike the way things seem to be, in Barbie land, the women will be above all men. I didn't really get that. Then, what may be the last lines of the movie, place Barbie somewhere. I didn't get the point of it.

I heard adults laughing repeatedly. The kids that were their kind of sat silent.

This is one of those movies that I cannot see every watching again. But it was fun and unique seeing it in the theater. Also, I dug the set design all the other stuff in the Barbie world. It was just cool to see.
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I loved this movie. It had some parts I thought were lacking. But great.
30 June 2023
My mom and I went to see this today. I had no idea what it was about. But I like cartoons. Here are my thoughts.

First, I loved the way it looked. We went to see another animation a week or so ago. It was one that had many good elements to it. But that and this looked nothing alike. I enjoyed the differences.

The voice work was amazing. Two of the girls, if I could put their voices into a machine and just have them say words when I hit a button I would. They were very soothing.

I thought it had a good story.

What did I think was lacking.

Well, compared to the other animation we watched, this one seemed to be much more in a box. Meaning, that as far as the story and characters went, over time, you knew you had watched all you were going to. It seemed to lack an advancing story.

This movie seems as if it were much more geared towards children. Which I have no problem with.

When it was over, I think everyone clapped. So that is good.

As soon as I can pre order this I will.

Oh, my mom said that she thought the animation in this movie as compared to the other we saw was nowhere near as good. I told her the companies are totally different. Each is known for their own art.

They also had some good music.
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I was excited to see how places like this work in L.A. Then I did and lost interest.
22 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I put this contains spoilers. I said something that they do. Not sure if there is enough to be considered a spoiler. But better safe than sorry.

My stepfather was a captain in the fire department. When I saw the preview for this, I had a feeling he would want to watch. I then saw that he set it on our DVR. We watched the first half last night. Here are my thoughts.

I can normally tell how a show will be within the first seconds. I had a feeling that I wouldn't like it. But I didn't say that. Nor did I stop watching. But I was right. I did not like it. Nothing about it.

First, I understand it's real life. But it just feels like they build you up so much and then nothing happens. The poor guy that they were using that machine on, that made me sad. I don't really think stuff like that show be shown. It is a person life. But I guess that IS real.

Then, maybe I am the only one on this. But the show seemed so strange. Like it was scripted. What was I really watching.

Who is this show really for. I mean, the audience. It almost seemed like it was set up for kids the way the guys were talking. Yet I can't see parents letting children watch this show. Adults may watch but I have a feeling more would lose interest than keep it. I suppose teenagers would find it interesting. But don't they watch streaming stuff. So, I just wondered who this was for.

You get to see the guys go on a call. It is quickly over and then they talk. I think two or three of the people said the exact same thing. I thought I was going crazy.

I just didn't find any part of what I wanted interesting, unique, or entertaining. I can't see this show lasting that long. But I am only human. I believe I said the same thing about one or all of the Chicago shows. They are still on and seem popular. Though I stopped watching the first and only one I watched after the third or so season.

It would be cool if this show got a large amount of people to watch. Give those who rarely get the credit they deserve a change to be seen and known. But in my guy, I just can't see it going for more than two or three seasons. I mean, at the most.

Also, just thought I would put this, I have nothing but respect for the men and women that do this. Someone killed me in 2003. There was an off-duty medic that had his radio on. He heard the call and came to me. If not for that guy, the men, and women on medivac and those at shock trauma in Baltimore, I would not be here.
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Elemental (2023)
One of the best favorite Pixar movies I have watched. One of the best movies I have watched.
16 June 2023
I have not liked many Pixar movies lately. I just feel they lack feelings and emotions. When this movie ended, I knew that this one had both.

First, it looks amazing. The background stuff and all those little things you don't even realize you are seeing they all just flow together.

The voice work was great. I first thought the main guy was being done by Zachery L. But after I looked, I was happy to see someone I had never heard of. It's always cool to see someone different.

The stuff they did with the elements. Like making steam to raise the lady off the ground, I thought was so cool.

Really, it's about knowing a way of life. You have people in your family, your friends, your role models and so on. They live a certain way. Others follow along and so beings a track. There may be nothing wrong with it. But one day a person on that track may start to feel differently. While they love the way they live and their life, they just feel that there is more out there for them. They need to decide if they will just keep living the same way they have been. The way those they admire have and just exist as others have or do they take the chance and try something different. While they may have no way of knowing rather it will work out or not, if they never even try, what might they lose.

Great movie. I look forward to getting the 4K when it is released. I hope it is full of behind-the-scenes stuff.
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Just seemed empty.
3 April 2023
I should say that I liked the first movie. I currently have a sinus thing or a cold. I feel like the fris part of a bee. Maybe that is why I was not that into the movie. But here are my thoughts.

There were a few funny things. Him and the cheese was funny. You knew what was going to happen but to see it, I found it entertaining.

There may have been a few other things I found humorous.

I didn't like anything else. To me, they just kept playing off the same joke repeatedly. I mean, how many times can one thing be funny. Yes, the cheese thing was drawn out but that is how it was supposed to be. But other jokes just used the same wording.

I really have no clue what happened in the movie.

There were so many things going on just to happen, I think. They took over the other parts.

It seemed to lack focus.

It reminded me of a play. No way did this feel like a movie.

They seemed to go on with one thing after finally ending the long over used thing they had previously done. It's like really. Now the person is going to bring that up. May have been something they said at the start of the movie.

I loved when they were in the burning building, not at all effected by the heat or smoke and then one of them went and picked up a metal briefcase. Haha Just put it in their hands and walked away with it. I did laugh at that.

Easily one of the worst movies I've seen Sandler or Aniston in. I am a fan of both.

I said I am sick. So, I will try again in a week or so when I feel better.
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You People (2023)
I have been hearing about this movie. I watched last night. Thoughts below.
26 February 2023
I never had interest in watching for the fact that I am not one who gets into the racial thing. I love everyone. It matters not who they are or what they look like. Plus, when someone has the news on around me, it was all I heard about for so long. Even though, the problem has been going on for decades. But last night I decided to check the movie out. Here is what I thought.

First, it has a great cast. I've not seen these actors in a movie for a long time. I don't know who the lady that played the girlfriend is. But she, without a doubt is beautiful. Plus, she has an amazing voice. I love the tone of it. I could sit by a fire and just talk to her for days.

I collect music. I don't have much rap. I do have a few classics, but not that much right now. But I loved the music in the movie. Some much you can hear. Some you can feel. I felt this music. I will have to look the bands up and get a CD from each.

I totally dug the sets. The scenes outside were cool. There was so many colors and shapes. It felt important. I was trying to see every inch of the screen.

This is the first movie I have watched about racism that I've not rolled my eyes at. Again, I have nothing against being equal. But it's just, nobody cared before and now everyone is saying they do. But this movie, just gave a fun look at the scene. It did at times have parts that were more dramatic.

I guess, one thing I didn't like is the fact that the movie was full of amazing actors. Different sex, age, and race. None of that mattered because they were together working and making up think and laugh. I almost wished I could watch a movie with each of them on their own. I know I can. But I don't know. It threw me off a bit.

You will get frustrated at some points by some of the characters. But that is how it is. Who amongst us has not been in a situation like that. We like or love someone to no end. But when we get around our family, they change something. Sometimes, people can put things in your mind and change who you are.

Just watch the movie. Think, cry, laugh. Lighten up a bit. I laughed more at this movie than I have any in years. I would love to buy it on Blu-Ray. I have not a clue as to rather it will be released or not. But I told my mom that her, my stepdad and I have to watch one day. I know that at least my mom will find it entertaining.

Just the facial expressions of the characters made me laugh. It was just so funny.

This and hearing about another movie that made fun of a genre gave me an idea to write a script based on race. I look forward to that.
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Fire Country (2022– )
20 October 2022
When I watched the preview for this, I was not at all interested in watching. But I like to give things a chance. I watched. Thoughts below.

I liked nothing about it.

There is now feeling. No drama. No emotion. Nothing.

The story is ridiculous.

There are too many things going on to give you a chance to care of focus.

Nobody listens to anyone else. Prisoners don't listen to the heads of the place they are in. Fire fighters don't listen to police. Police don't listen to fire fighters. It is a total mess. Like kids at camp.

Stupid show.

I have no interest in watching anymore. But we will try one more episode.

I can see no way this show makes it.
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Professionals (2020–2022)
When I saw Brendan Fraser was in it, I almost didn't watch.
12 October 2022
So, B. F. I have nothing against the guy. I have liked a bunch of his movies. But he has become to public lately. I stay away from stuff like that. But I decided to give it a chance.

Within about twenty seconds, I was thrown off. The video does not look right. It's to clear. I don't know how to explain it. To me, it's like everything is moving fast but those doing the scene. It was almost making me feel sick.

I skipped ahead about fifteen minutes. I saw some guys bringing something outside. I saw cheesy 80s movie. I told myself the show would never make it and it was not worth finishing the first episode. So, I didn't. I got less than two minutes watched.

There was another CW show that aired the same day this did. I did not like that show either. But I feel that show is better than this one. No way will Professionals make it. No way. It's like every mid 80s movie, cut down with worse actors and no story, broken down into forty some minute segments.

Enjoy it while you can. This show is finished.
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The Winchesters (2022–2023)
Nothing worth watching.
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like to give new shows a chance. I recorded two new CW shows. This was the first I watched.

So, I saw Vietnam and got excited. I have always been super interested in things from that war and time. But it seems the show has nothing to really do with either.

So, the problems were, everything.

There are so many things happening that you never get a chance to really focus on any of them. I mean, the guy just gets back from a war, that has left him broken. He meets a lady who is talking about vampires and witches, and he is cool with it. Does that not seem a bit odd to anyone?

I lost interest after fifteen or twenty minutes. But I finished the episode.

His son is telling the story. But you get lost in it. They don't change the look from one decade to the other well enough. So, you just have a bunch of people talking with ghosts and things like that.

If this show gets through the first season without being canceled, I would be shocked. If it somehow makes it to season 2, it will not go beyond that.

What a waste of time.

I will try the second episode. I don't think I will finish it though.

The only thing that is at all interesting is that the guy is telling the story. But that is not enough to keep this show going.
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The Goldbergs: If You Build It (2022)
Season 10, Episode 1
I am so thankful this show is still one. One of my all-time favorites.
23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved this show since the first season. My mom and stepdad used to watch it with me. But it got a bit odd for a couple seasons. So, I watch alone now.

The show is still as interesting and funny as it ever was. I am so excited to see where the characters go as they get older.

It was a good way to exit the character of the father. When they said what happened, it surprised me. I thought they would just take him off.

For those saying the show is not the same without him, I find that interesting. The show is about the kids really. The guy hated being on the show and it would seem as if he did some things that were not great. So, the fact that he is off seems best for everyone involved.

There are some things I find odd.

First, the younger son. He is talking about going away to college. Yet, to me at least, they have him looking like he is a kid. The hair, it reminded me of the first seasons. That seemed strange. Second, the older son. The dude is in med school. Yet he still acts like a kid. Where is the growth? On top of that, he looks a lot different than he ever has. Also, at least in the first episode, his voice sounded nothing like it used too. It was throwing me off for a bit.

The daughter seems to be the only one showing growth.

So, they all come back to the house. They have another grandparent move in. Ok, is it going to be the same stories that it was? That makes no sense to me. One is pregnant, one going to college and one in med school. So maybe throw them into a different scenario. It just made me feel like I was going backwards.

Still, I laughed and enjoyed watching. I will never stop watching this show.
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Big Nate (2022–2024)
I dig the show.
20 September 2022
I saw it coming on one day. I had a feeling I had watched it before but it said new. So I recorded it. Man, I love it. It is a fun, simple show. Great to watch as a final thing before going to sleep.

I love the animation. It does not look cheap. It reminds me of a show that would have been on in the 90s. Which I find interesting.

I love the characters. Each is easy to see and figure out. They are just kids. Friends, enemies. Simple stuff.

The stories are fun to watch. I get so into the episodes.

Never knew there were comics on it. I will check those out one day also.

I watch this from FIOS. I find it more fun that way. I can look forward to an episode each week.
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Brings me back to being 14 in the late 90s.
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I still remember watching Tony do the 900. I had nobody to talk about it with. Haha But man it was amazing to watch.

I have been interested in skating since way back then. I never got into it but I love watching it.

This movie lets you see great skates and hear their stories.

All the stuff Tony went through. The way he is now. He never gave up. He just kept on going. It's very inspirational.

You get to see and hear stuff about his childhood. Then you see him as a young teen starting his life long passion. You hear about the tricks that started when he was first riding and how he tired to learn them.

If you like skating then you will like this.

I had a skateboard. I was always afraid I would hurt myself. I still remember that when I was a teen I took the wheels off the board and would do tricks in my room. Haha Believe it or not in 03 I had a traumatic brain injury while getting into someones car. It's it funny how you try so hard to stay safe. Things you want to do you talk yourself out of. Then life happens and you survive. Life is a crazy thing.
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The Bubble (2022)
Awful to be that one guy. But even worse to be his ghost.
3 April 2022
I stream stuff on Friday. I've not found a good movie in a few weeks. I saw this one and decided to give it a chance. I am so glad that I did.

The movie is about a group of actors who want to make another movie in a series they've worked on. But the pandemic is going on. They decided to do it anyway.

This is a very dry movie. I loved every second of it.

The actors are all great. Odd group to be in a movie together. But it works.

The comedy had me laughing out loud so many times. Some of the time I thought about the idea that the story was and just laughed at that.

It is such an odd movie. The stuff they do isn't something you would expect to find in a movie. It almost seems like a show or a play.

I understand why some don't like it. It is unique. It kind of reminds me of a movie Mel Brooks would make.

Just think of the situation. Laugh. It feels good.

I wish I could buy a special version on blu-ray. I also wish I had people I could watch it with. Haha.
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I was cool with this for a few songs. They every song became one.
27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A few things before my review.

Last month was my birthday. I am now 37.

I started getting into music when I was 13 or 14. I would listen to it all day. I would also play my guitar all day. I have this weird connection with music. It's like a language I understand better than words.

I only know or O. R. from the Disney + show she is on.

I did get her CD for a good price. I got it for my mom who said she could not take it. But I then took it because I heard a song of Rs on the radio and I like the beat. I have yet to listen to the CD.

Ok, I started watching, not knowing what the doc. Would be like. It is her talking and then singing. I like the first, maybe three songs. One made me get teary. But then, as the program went on, I lost interest. At least 80% of the songs are about the same thing. A guy breaking up with her. It is amazing that she can sing her feelings. But it's all she does. There is much more to life than just one thing. In my life I have been mentally and physically abused, tortured, and killed. That is my life. Yet, never once do I ever talk about any of that stuff because I am alive. I live the life I always dreamed of. I am lucky to have the life I do. So, while I am happy that she can express her feelings, I just feel that it is such a small part of her big picture.

I heard her say the word like, more in this special, than I have in the past twenty years. I mean it was every other word. I think that is the 37-year-old in me. Haha

Her songs all sounded like other songs to me.

Her talking about breaking up so much reminded me of another famous singer who sings of that same type of thing.

I did not at all get the videos they were showing. They just made no sense. I may have been fogged out from the movie and I started watching at about 1am. But what did the videos have to do with anything? One, she is at a gas station. She gets there and all her instruments are sitting outside. She just starts playing. I said out loud "what in the hell is going on?!. Haha

There is a part where she is saying she wants a song to be first. The way she is doing it makes her sound like a young child asking their parent to be first to pick a show they all watch at night. It threw me off. Here is this smart lady who has a great voice, singing about adult things, acting like a child. It did not at all fit the image she wants to show.

Her and the band, that threw me off as well. I could have sworn that I was watching a show from the early to mid 90s. The way they dress was totally different. The arrangements and style they play is like nothing I've heard in a long time. Which I totally dug.

At one point, she is talking about how she does not like a song because it sounds like all the others. I thought to myself, well, maybe that should tell you something. Instead of worrying about one song sounding like every other, you should worry about all those others sounding a like.

She almost seemed to say she didn't like her songs so the guy who was making them with her would tell her how good they were. Perhaps we call that self-doubt. But it just made me look at her like a kid.

She was saying that either she or others wondered if she would be able to make another album with her life going so well. I had wondered that as well. Once you talk about one thing for an entire album, how many more times can you do it?

I also kind of felt bad for her for the fact that she put so much time and effort into making all those sings about one guy. If he is as bad as she says, I wonder if hearing a CD with most of the songs about him will fill his ego?

I found it interesting hearing about the way she makes her stuff. The way she used to word like so much, seemed to go away when she would talk about her songs. It was only there when she talked about random things. At least it seemed that way to me. But the songs are too repetitive. She is fixed on one mindset. I have amazing hearing. I woke up from a coma in 03 blind and I could hear everything. I got my vision back, but my hearing stayed the way it was. But for me, I would not understand most of the words she said. They were to muffled by noise. I felt like the Grinch. I was complaining of the all the noise.

She has a great voice. At points in her song her vocals do something. I can't get it out of my head. I would love to write a song with her. Though I think my style of music if different than hers. But I think it's just the fact that I am not a teenager anymore and I just wonder where she will go from this point. I wish her all the best.
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Good Sam (2022)
I liked it at first.
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
May be spoilers below.

Alright, I don't get into all the drama shows that are on. They are just the same stories. But I like to give new things a chance. Thus, I saw this show was coming on and set it on our DVR. Here are my thoughts.

The set looks interesting. Everything had this kind of white, grey look. If this was filmed in Canada that would explain it. Whenever I watch a show from there it has the same color scheme. I dug it.

The girl is working at a hospital. Her dad is the main surgent. Something happens and she is in charge. But he comes back. He does not want to let her be in charge and keeps trying to stand above her and take over whatever she says or does.

The idea seemed interesting I guess but I asked how long that could go on before it gets repetitive. Was there not already a show like this before?

Halfway through the episode it already started to get old. First, the guy isn't in charge and cannot do anything there. He can't do anything with a patient. He can't give orders to any doctors. So why is he? The other doctors start to listen to what he says over his daughter. Why? It makes no sense. They couldn't. He has no say over anything. Then his daughter gets mad. Blah blah blah.

You find out something about a friend of hers later. I just rolled my eyes. It's a bit nuts.

It just seems to me that those of us who have been around long enough to watch years of TV, already know everything that will happen on the show. Is there a point in watching it? I will again. Just to see if it has an interesting take on the same type of story.

I have very little faith that this show will go for more than four seasons. Even going past two would really surprise me.
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Interesting movie.
24 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers below.

I loved the first movie. Not really the next two. But I had a brain injury in August 03. So, when I watched them, I am not sure if my mind was fully healed. I was excited to see a new movie. Here are my thoughts.

I didn't take my eyes off the screen. I was so hooked on the story. I was very excited to see what would happen.

The effects looked cool. The set and all that was interesting.

I didn't like the rest. Well, I did to a point.

First, it just seems to play off the old movie too much. You see scenes from the others. Then, at a point, I just felt like I was watching a bunch of cars drive fast on the street with explosions. There seemed to be no feeling in any of those scenes.

They kind of well into the story to fast. They didn't have much of a setup because they relied on the past movies. It just felt like I was watching something made my fans of something.

The fighting was cool, but it's been done. They had people run up walls a few times, but it felt like even those that made the movie were sick of those scenes.

How they came back kind of bothered me. It's not them. They are closes built by a machine. Which I find interesting because it is that machine for with which they are fighting against.

The worst part was at the end of the movie. The last few lines spoken. They gave me an instant feeling that the entire movie was made just so those lines could be said.

I did watch it. I was excited. I just feel like they need more of a story. I mean it really does feel like there was no point to anything but that last part.
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Deadliest Catch (2005– )
Was one of my favorite shows.
18 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My dad liked boating. I hated it. When him and my got split up we lived in our house and he lived in a sail boat. It was two different worlds. I hated going over his house and out on that boat. But for some reason I loved this show. It was exciting. Now though it's all fake. It's like they don't even try to make it real. Here are my reasons.

They always cry about money. I believe they get paid for being on the show. So I mean maybe stop crying. They have a job that is really hard. Yet they always act surprised when things don't work out.

The episode I'm watching now, something broke on one of their boats. Another boat calls and says his fishing is bad and asks the captain on the boat with the broken part how his fishing is going. The captain tells him the exact part that broke. The first thing he tells him. The other captain has the exact part. I mean what in the heck are the odds that would happen randomly? This kind of this has been happening over and over again.

It's just not a fun show anymore. It's all about making it seem dramatic and adventurous. I think if they let it be what it naturally is it would be much better.

I guess nothings lasts forever.

I'm not sure I will even waste my time finishing the episode.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Good Ones (2021)
Season 8, Episode 1
They should have left it alone.
13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Awful. It's like a different show. Bad jokes, lame story, trying to throw politics in. Awful. I heard Black Lives Matter so many times. I think anyone who is abused because of their race has every right to fight for themselves. But don't just put it into a show with no point. It is not doing justice to those who have been hurt. Awful. I stopped before the first episode was finished.
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Really interesting.
4 August 2021
I had recorded the first two episode of this. I started the first and skipped through it to get an idea of the type of show it was. I deleted both episodes. Then a bit later I thought about it. I put them back on my DVR and watched the first. I am so glad I did.

The show is simple. It just shows the people who work for this small news station. Getting to see how they work, think, and create all that they do is so interesting to me. It reminds me of something from back in the 60s or 70s. I am super excited to watch the rest of the season. It would be cool to see more of the show. I am hooked now. Haha.
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