
13 Reviews
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A slow but good classic film
25 August 2012
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I loved it but I didn't, I loved the movie for the touch of old western style but I thought it may have been a bit too slow. It had great adventures and wrapped up beautifully but it may have been a bit too long. Regardless, it was very good to watch this movie and I am glad I did, Clint Eastwood was amazing in his prime!

I loved Tuco, played by Eli Wallah, who was just one of those loud mouthed idiots that always talks himself into trouble. You can assume that he was the 'UGLY' in the movie. Tuco was just great for the humor side of the film and that's why I loved him. He was also quite unpredictable, you never know what was going to happen with him.

I would recommend it to movie buffs who have a love for movies like I do. People who enjoy browsing the history of movies and how they were made back then, especially as it is an iconic one for its time and considered a classic now!

It was a unique movie, Clint Eastwood was like WOW! I now understand why he is such a legend in Hollywood. It is definitely one that will last through the ages as it is a classic due to the storyline, the actors and the camera techniques. One thing that put me off was the music! But that was the usual back in those times.
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The Shining (1980)
Iconic horror/thriller movie
25 August 2012
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This was a great movie. Kept me hooked. I loved Jack Nicholson's lines when he was mad! The twins were scary, the son was a superstar in the acting department!! The storyline was sweet. I am still waiting for a horror movie that has plenty of scares while following a great storyline but this movie did alright. Had a great storyline but a bit too few scary moments.

Credit to Danny Lloyd who played the son, Danny Torrance. This kid man, this kid can act!! His voice changed, his concentration was superb, his acting and lines were delivered fantastically well! Stanley Kubrick knew that he had talent. I can't imagine anyone at this age acting any better for this character.

I would recommend it to movie buffs who have a love for movies like I do. People who enjoy browsing the history of movies and how they were made back then, especially as it is a classic! The Shining is just an iconic movie in the horror department

It was a fantastic movie as there was so much suspense involved! I mean you have a vacant motel, so much you can do. The acting was great, the terror and fear shown by the wife felt real! The twins, the room 237 and the kid really added to the chills in this movie. Great overall movie!
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Changeling (2008)
Perhaps my favourite Eastwood movie,
25 August 2012
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I loved this film hugely. It was slow to start as most movies directed by Clint Eastwood are, but I really loved the storyline, the characters, the suspense and drama. I was hooked on the movie and so engaged. It was probably my favourite movie by Eastwood.

The character I despised in this film was Captain J.J Jones, who was wonderfully acted by Jeffrey Donovan. This is the actor who plays the characters that I LOVE to despise. His character in Hitch, Bait and Changeling, I despise. I just want him to lose. I want him to die. I just wanted Captain J.J Jones to suffer for his controlling and manipulative attitude. He put the mother through a terrible ordeal for his own selfish gain. I was so glad to see him lose his role as an officer for life and gain punishment! I despised him from the start right to the end!

I would recommend it to people to film lovers. For it is a film you will either get bored and turn it off, or really allow it to take it's time to unfold and that's where you will find the joy in watching this wonderful film.

This movie was fantastic. The way it was constructed, flowed and created. It had the Eastwood directing touch and the colour of a sepia/black and white contrast added to the wonderful tone of the film. The actors were perfectly cast in their roles as they all brought depth and emotion to the characters. Overall such a great film that I would remember for a long time!
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A different story that will take you on an unexpected ride
25 August 2012
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I liked it, but I didn't. It was completely different to what I thought it would be. I thought it would be a dramatic and intense film about an American teenager, but it was a quirky, weird film about someone's father having a crush on his daughter's hot friend. But I did enjoy a film that was different to the rest I had seen.

My Favourite Character was Ricky Fits. (Wes Bently) This guy was my favourite character by far. He was introduced as this creepy guy, who would film the family or whatever. We got the impression that he was mentally insane but as we learned more about him, we realize that our initial judgement was horribly wrong. He ended up being this drug dealer who worked numerous jobs to hide the fact he dealt drugs from his strict military type dad and he was this wild free guy. He ended up dating the daughter in this film and befriending the father as well. He just seemed like a likable guy and he was an unusual character.

I would recommend it to people over 16 and people under 30. It's a very quirky film that you will either like or hate. I would be very selective as to who I would recommend this to.

This movie was different. However it was fantastic the way it changes the audiences expectations throughout the film. We think one thing, then something else happens. So we think another thing, something else happens! I felt like I was on a ride when I watched the movie and did not know what to expect, it stays that way till the very end of the movie. It was a well crafted unique film that will be a masterpiece to some, and a shoddy film to others.
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127 Hours (2010)
Another Danny Boyle film that you'll love!
25 August 2012
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I liked it, wasn't one of my favourites but it was a unique film. I am a fan of Danny Boyle's work as he creates such colourful and eventful films, 127 Hours was no different. I really enjoyed how we as an audience felt like we were in the mind of the trapped mountain climber, Aron and it allowed the audience to be engaged greatly! However, this movie has the bloodiest scene I have ever seen! You've been warned.

My favourite character was Aron Ralston.(James Franco) Rven though he's in like 99% of the movie, you have to love him! He's crazy, bubbly, outgoing, fun, wild. He will be riding his bike at a crazy speed and then fall over and then laugh and take a picture of it. I loved the scenes where he met the girls as he is crazy around them, but kind. He's funny but doesn't make the girls uncomfortable. When he is going insane after being trapped for days, he starts pretending he is on a talk show as he speaks to the video camera. He was interesting regardless of the fact he was either dead or had to lose his arm

I would recommend it to young adults, not young teens or kids, as they most likely will get bored from it for they won't comprehend what is happening and also because of the bloody scene. But anyone else, it's a must watch!

These kind of movies are often the hardest one to create. Because you're writing about one situation at one place and you need to stretch it out into an hour and a half film while keeping the audience interested. Danny Boyle and James Franco succeeded while not straying away from what really happened. The movie had ups and downs, highs and lows and that added to the realism of the film. Feeling like we were in the mind of Aron, added to the film's tension!
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A sport's film that separates itself from the cliché sport movies
25 August 2012
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I LOVED IT and I HATED IT! You know those cliché sports movie where there is a struggle and success follows after hard work and determination which leaves you with a good feeling at the end? This movie decided to be the difference and show the main character, Maggie about to achieve success but lose it all! Very moving film though.

Favourite Character was Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) This woman, you can look at her and say she is an annoyance, a pest or just a daydreamer. However I look at her and see determination, dedication, willingness and a woman who knows what she wants! She spent days pestering the trainer to train her but he only trains men, she managed to get him on board and through her efforts and learning, she become a boxer on her way to success. This shows how hard work, dedication and having a dream can bring success

I would recommend it to anyone who has a love for movies and sports buff, even though I'm not a fan of boxing, I really enjoyed this movie. Women will love it as the movie revolves around a woman's desire to succeed regardless of the outside influences and of her background.

The storyline evolved fantastically! Showing the trainer, Frankie with his prized boxer, showing us the methods that he teaches and gives us a glimpse of what is taught in a boxing game - "Everything in Boxing is backwards." The scenes of training and hard work followed by Maggie winning games, slowly climbing the ranks was well put together. They added a whole new dimension to the movie when Maggie was knocked out and injured badly. It gave me chills to watch her in the hospital bed and see the struggle after getting so close to glory. Clint Eastwood was amazingly good with his acting, age cannot hold him down. Morgan Freeman was fantastic in his support role and of course, in his narration. It was a different film that I won't ever forget!
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The Godfather (1972)
A classic that you can't miss!
25 August 2012
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I LOVED IT! The movie was so long but had great suspense in it. The story line was ever flowing and the way the characters dealt with the situation was cleverly written and acted. I loved Marlon Brando and Al Pacino in this movie and it was a one of a kind movie that people of any nature can enjoy! So looking forward to part 2!

I loved Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) for he was the Godfather and his wisdom and ways were just brilliantly thought out. His love for his family and ability to keep peace within the Dons was great! Vito had his priorities right and was unfortunate to get shot leaving his sons in charge.

The beginning was superb as you got insight to how the Godfather worked and then the events that happened after with the numerous shootings, the loyalty tested, the reluctant son becoming the Godfather and the war between the mobs was just well written and put together. I loved every minute of it! It is an offer you can't refuse!

I would recommend it to any adult and young adult that have a love for movies. This movie is a classic and has every reason to be. The people will need to set aside time to watch it, but once they do, it is worth it!
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Donnie Darko (2001)
I can't even....don't know what to say!
25 August 2012
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It was just a UNIQUE movie, that didn't make sense, then it did, then it didn't, and at the end, it sorta makes sense but only Donnie Darko will ever know what really happened! It really made me think and I enjoyed it but really hoped it made more sense to me at the end. I guess that's the legacy that this film will leave.

Obviously he was the main character, I just loved Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) because Jake acted very well and Donnie was just a strange boy and I wanted to figure out what was going on with him, why he was taking medication, why he saw the bunny rabbit and why he thought the world would end! Very creative but weird.

You either love it or hate it! simple as that, it is a strange but fantastic film. Jake Gyllenhaal was superb in this movie. It would have been very hard for the director to try create the storyline and piece together the actual movie and it is credit to them for doing so successfully!

I would recommend it to people who like strange but good films. People who can handle watching a movie without ever really fully understand it. There is a chance the movie will leave you stumped, or will leave you figuring out what happened an hour after you have seen it!
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An Amazingly Different film
25 August 2012
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I actually did enjoy this movie very much although it was a bit slow. I was intrigued by the character, Will Hunting which was well played by Matt Damon. I wanted to find out why he was a troublemaker, why he was scared and every other thing. It was just a good film with a good storyline and an interesting ending.

The favourite character choice was a tie between Will Hunting and Sean Maguire played by Matt Damon and Robin Williams respectively. Will Hunting was the main character in the film and the storyline revolved around helping him. It would have been very hard to script Hunting's dialogue as you would have to show him as a very smart man and it was successful as he fired off very detailed negative reasons why he wouldn't do something and it showed who he was and what kind of childhood he had. Hunting was just a man who had a troubled life and didn't know what to do with his enormous talent and needed the guidance of a mature man. This character was one of the most interesting characters that I have watched.

I would recommend to mature people who want to watch a unique movie and will be able to understand the whole purpose of this film.

This was a creative film that I really enjoyed, It had an all-star cast with Williams, Damon and Affleck and they didn't let me down. The storyline was a unique one and it wasn't exposed to quickly but took it's time which allowed the audience to really let each scene saturate in their mind for a moment longer and it all added to the great film it was.
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A raw, engaging film that paints an intense picture of the reality of drugs
25 August 2012
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This was dark, depressing and sad. But this painted the true reality of what life is like for drug addicts. It really opened my eyes and it provoked me in a way. The techniques they employed to create the general tone of the film was just so well done and made it more brutal, yet realistic. It's an intense movie.

I didn't necessarily have a favourite character in this film, but I felt the worst for Marion Silver. She didn't deserve the result of where she ended up. She was just in love with a man who got caught up in the wrong things and ended up becoming reliant on the drugs and therefore trying to get money for drugs in some horrible ways. I just felt bad and some women go through this and it does break my heart that these things happen. All the characters in this film showed the different but damaging ways drugs destroyed their lives. Each of them impacted me in a different way.

I would recommend to a very selected few. Only people who are mature, can handle intense movies and heavy things that include drugs and prostitution

This was an intense film but wonderfully crafted by the writer and the director. It really opened my eyes to the damage that drugs have in your life. The techniques employed, just made it more effective and real. This is one I will never forget as it provoked me and gave me a glimpse of what some people actually go through in life. I will never forget this film for it's raw appeal and impact on myself.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
A good movie with a good storyline. Nothing too flash
25 August 2012
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I always knew what this movie was about but never got the chance to watch it. I was very expectant of this film when I finally got around to watching it however I thought Bill Murray would be way funnier rather than the sarcastic person he was in the film, that was my only disappointment. But it was a great film, with a great storyline and an even better ending!

I would recommend it to the general audience, this is just a unique movie that anyone can watch really. Light comedy for the family and it's a movie worth watching! Makes you appreciate your day more!

This film was a good film. A good movie with a good storyline with good characters and a good ending. Only bad point was there was so much sarcasm but who wouldn't if you were in his situation. This movie is sort of like Cool Runnings in a way that anyone can watch it and anyone will enjoy! A good, decent movie!
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City of God (2002)
A top film that I will never forget! Amazingly constructed
25 August 2012
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This movie was intense! I loved it as it really showed the reality of what happens in the slums of these places. It was full on, kept me hooked, it was brutal, no holds barred and it was a fantastic film that shined a light on what really happens in isolated, war ravaged countries. The structuring of time blew me away, although it may be confusing to some people, it was simply genius to me. The 'true story' effect made it even more engaging to me.

My favourite character was Rocket (Alexandre Rodrigues) This man could have easily been corrupted by the war, the drugs and the people as he lived in that environment. His passion for photography led him away from the madness that the City of God went through and gave him hope. You have to give this young man credit for the harm he put himself through just to get the photos of the mobsters. He was a generous and lovable man which really shined in the darkness. Easily the favourite of the movie. Great actor too!

However I would recommend it to a selected few only. This is a great film but a rather intense and brutal one. I will only recommend it if I feel they will benefit from watching it.

This movie was just fantastic. The directors and writers did the most amazing job in constructing the timeline as it only added to the tension. The details of the characters and their actions was carefully crafted and focused on heavily. This allowed the audience to get an inside look on what goes on in the City of God and it really opened my eyes. One of the best films I have and will ever see in my life!
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A hilarious comedy that will keep you laughing till the end and more!
25 August 2012
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I really loved it! Seems to be the original version of Due Date which I saw first! John Hughes really is a directing genius, creating great films that are really developed and uses all he has. This film was full of ups and downs, full of laughs and yet believable. The story was well written, well put together and well acted out by John Candy and Steve Martin

My favourite character was Del Griffith (John Candy) Who doesn't like him?? This guy is just the lovable, wild, freeloader man who you just have to feel sorry for!! He is well cast by John Candy who plays Del so fantastically well with his huge range of emotions!! You have to love him and his antics!

I would recommend it to everyone as it is a fantastic light film that will bring laughs to the people who watch it. Just one not to be missed and will give you an idea where Due Date came from.

This movie was just fantastic. The antics are followed by more antics. The laughs are followed by even more laughter. The storyline flows so beautifully and the characters are well developed! Great movie overall!
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