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X Minus One: Mars is Heaven (1955 Podcast Episode)
Over acting at its best
22 January 2024
This is one of my favorite x minus one episodes because the captain lurches between being a rational guy and screaming moron. I love the part where he tells the guy "stupid idiot, leave me alone". In fact I recorded it and it's one of my favorite MP3 clips.

This is part of the old time radio collection found on the audio portion of the internet archive. There's lots of other collections here many of them have been remastered. I'm not sure why they have such a long review requirement for one episode but I'm trying to fill it out as best I can. Anyway it's a fun episode to listen to, try it if you have time.
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Isle of Dogs (2018)
Anderson is a one trick pony in many respects
29 December 2023
In some ways Wes Anderson seems to make the same movie over and over. The most obvious way are the actors' affectations- although they show slightly more animation (no pun intended) here, he seems to direct all of them to have a characteristic flat yet urgent delivery that, frankly, has gotten old for me well before this movie. The animation in this story is unique and interesting, but that's about the only thing that rises above all his previous movies. The plot twists are of the "I should have seen this coming" type, The plot itself is fairly boring. I find some people's rabidinous (and seemingly reflexive) enthusiasm for his movies, including this one, to be similar to people's Fanboy kneejerk simping for Elon musk- way out of proportion and kind of sad.
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Watch this to die in 60 seconds
22 September 2023
So you're captured by a psycho, or maybe a terrorist, or maybe you have discovered you have a really fast acting and really painful terminal disease, and you want to kill yourself quickly and relatively painlessly. Voila, just watch this or any of the other 60 second movies and you will die a relatively painless death from sheer boredom, and possibly embarrassment for the people who think they're acting. I say relatively painless, so you're going to have to expect a little pain, as much pain as bad acting and bad script writing can inflict. But it's not a bad way to go when you think about it, I mean the movie is not that painful compared to say getting eaten by piranhas, or falling into a person-sized meat grinder, we're getting torn apart by angry baboons (actually even happy baboons tearing you apart would be kind of painful I guess).

It also makes suicide pacts very easy to complete, as you just tell yourself to the other person and don't leave the living room while it's playing.

Big warning however, those who discover your body(s) might be in danger if the movie is still playing. This would of course be acceptable if it was your mother-in-law but be kind to firemen and ambulance people and make sure you have some kind of dead man switch to shut the movie off when you kick.
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Apollyon (2021 Podcast Series)
Bad writing, like a soap opera
8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to like it, I really did I even listened to an extra episode but I just could not get past all the faults. It's so many minutes out of my life I will unfortunately never get back.

The main character is insufferable, and is given totally unrealistic lines. The writers have you used the other characters to point out I don't know how many times that she works too much, her coworkers even have to argue with her to go home so she doesn't miss a flight to go meet her ailing Mom. She'd rather work to the last minute (btw they are lead researchers trying to find a cure for the epidemic that this podcast is about, and her mom suddenly gets). Each conversation or situation the lead act character has with people isn't realistic, it's an exercise in stereotype, real people don't act or talk like this, only 10 year olds who have watched a lot of B movies and soap operas would write dialogue like this. How a person with this lack of patience ever got to the position she's in would never happen in real life.

Two episodes in and there's more talk about how this character works too much and her arguments with other people then there is about the podcast's main supposedly science fiction subject,- the epidemic and the virus. If you want a soap opera with overly dramatic characters who act like martyrs in every single conversation then this is the right podcast for you. If you want hard science fiction this is not the podcast for you.
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Outstanding- Best Acting Everlp
29 April 2023
Top notch romantic /drama/ comedy/drama/worldsaving Epic of Epics. The acting, especially the emotion on the actors faces, is amazing. The special effects rival that of Avatar. I really don't know how this stunt people pulled it off. The plot is better than any Steven Segal movie, and the character development will bring tears to your eyes. It also has a lot of gumption and grit which are classic American traits when talking about marionettes, cuz nothing says gumption and grit like American marionettes. Go 'Murica!!

No review will do this movie justice, and justice is what Team America brings (besides lots and lots and lots of collateral damage). So watch this movie and all its collateral damage and you'll be happy.
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Theodore Rex (1995)
Contractually Required Performance
17 August 2022
For those of you wondering why Whoopi Goldberg would appear in a movie with such a bad script and an animatronic talking dinosaur, the answer is that oral agreements can constitute contracts. The lesson is never agree to do a movie until you know exactly what kind of movie is going to be made. Whoopi Goldberg had orally agreed to do the movie without knowing a whole lot about it because it was still very early in its development stage. By the time she realized it was going to be a horrible movie, Kim basinger had lost her court case on a similar issue and would be realized it would be very expensive to back out at that point so she went ahead and did the movie. Her lackluster performance shows that.
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Why am I just seeing this for the first time in 50 years?
27 May 2022
The answer is it's not a great movie, but it is somewhat funny. I actually would like to give it a six but it's not fair to the other movies I rated at 6. This movie is, however, fast paced enough so you don't notice how bad it is, it does have some humor, the acting is not great but at least it isn't total overacting. I think the people who made it had a lot of fun and it shows.
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Helping people through martial arts education and being a force.
16 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get this straight right off the bat, a force of one Chuck Norris is equal to all the armies in the world put together times 11, you heard me right pal.

So Chuck Norris is the force of one, except there's a lot of other actors in the movie for some reason I don't know why, all you need is Chuck Norris but there are people that I recognize unlike his usual movies, so maybe the movie isn't that bad compared to other Chuck Norris movies. I don't know you'll have to go see it to find out if it's bad or not, all I'm telling you is that I recognize a lot of the other actors so maybe they actually put a little money into this movie. Hopefully they paid for acting lessons for Chuck cuz he really needs them even though it's acting, not martial arts, that are Chuck Norris's strength. That being said, this is a movie about one person who tries to help other people through education of martial arts and being a force.

So I just glanced at the TV and the female cop looks pretty heartfelt about some sad situation and Chucky's trying to look empathetic but it's hard cuz he's got like a big seventies hairdo and a big seventies mustache (bigger than hers), and he looks like a pornstar, but he's trying, goshdarnit, and that's what matters. Except where Chuck Norris is concerned cuz Chuck just does things, he doesn't try. (that's called the Chuck Norris paradox by the way, is it possible for Chuck Norris to just try when in fact he just does? I mean if he tries to try he's really doing, not trying. You figure it out).

I don't know how much you have to actually watch of the movie to be able to review it (I did see Chuck kick a guy a couple times when he was with the real cop and that looks like police brutality to me cuz he didn't even read the guy his rights or anything just up and kicked him even though the guy was nice enough to pull a knife out to help with (i think) cutting the poor girl's gangrenous arms off (you should just say no to drugs), but I did look at the screen a couple of times and read what the TV guide had to say about it, so I rate this movie more than a 10 I'd like to rate it a Chuckillion Norrisillion bazillion million and 2 stars. And then I guess the rest of the cast and crew deserve another 3 stars cuz they did go to the effort of showing up to work when everyone knows that Chuck Norris is the one and only star and the only person that people look at in the movie in fact you could block everyone else out and just have Chuck Norris walking around the screen talking to empty air and everybody would think it was the same great movie, ammiright?? Except that I just noticed Ron O'Neall is in it, he's a cool guy i would think. SUPERFLY! Or is it SUPERFUZZ!

Okay after some slow mo echoey fight stuff (at least he's not whispering to himself in his own mind like he did the last movie) Chuck is forced not to kill the guy by the chick with the gun who's a cop cuz the guys helpless but then the guy miraculously recovers & picks up the big box and throws it at Chuck, and Chuck destroys it with one hand. But then they're in the same situation as a sec ago and she lets him kill the guy this time cuz apparently he didn't fight fair, and then they embrace bittersweet, again in slow mo. What can i say? A Chuck Norris movie is a Chuck Norris movie. Also, I guess he gives his wife credit for choreography for part of the fight scenes. That's probably for tax reasons. Thats chuck for you, always thinking one step ahead.
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The Octagon (1980)
Chuck wins over the hillbilly mercenaries to defeat the Nazi ninjas.
16 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The usual Chuck Norris fare, bad acting, lame, stilted dialogue you say? . Wait! Ninjas are terrorists! (or are terrorists ninjas?) And they are Nazis too apparently! Chuck goes undercover to figure this out with the bad acting & lame dialogue that the Chuck Norris Fanboy club loves so much. A car chase early on sets the mood (no actual crash mind you that would cost more money in production). 'How is the acting' you ask? Well, the actors do get in front of the camera and they do speak words, so there's that. 'What words?' you ask? Well, when Chuck decides to go undercover and join the hillbilly version of a ninja training camp (whose storefront cover is, of course, a square dancing school) he is asked "well, you speak any Slope or A-rab?". And then he is told he looks like the 'constipated type'. Twice mind you. But good old Chucky doesn't take the bait, he keeps his cool, stays undercover, and moves the plot forward.

And then, Wowzee, we get to hear Chuck talk to himself in his own mind (but I'm not sure quite why he's whispering? Fanboyz, help me out here pls).

And then some more things happen, and then some other things and then Lee Van Cleef shows up again (I think he was there earlier I'm not sure). Oh but yeah right before Lee shows up the lead actress gives a horribly overacted Street scene, I'm not sure why she didn't get an academy award for this overacting cuz it's like she's overacting the overacting, which is really hard. Okay now there's a Jeep, cool! And then some more mind whispering and a big hug w a brunette because it's just destined not to be right now, got fightin' to do (melancholy sadness- poor girl). And then there's some somersaults and rolls and big sticks ninja style!! And then a ninja almost gets the better of Chuck but boy oh boy does Chuck let him have it woowee yowza!! (is there anything better than an exclamation point because Chuck Norris certainly deserves it!!!!). And then the ninjas come at Chuck one by one (why don't they ever attack all at once?) and Chuck dispenses some Chuck Justice!! And then the guys from the barracks come out cuz they heard the noise and the first guy out is fully dressed except he's doing up his zipper? Hmmm doesn't say good things about the bad guys, right? I mean a bad guy is still a bad guy even if he's on the right side of lgbtq+. I mean are they coming out of the barracks or the closet?

Then OH NO IT'S A TRAP. Chuck Norris is trapped and he has to fight the big master Sakura (or somebody in a ninja outfit except there's a red hood), then I think they used the film from when they were practicing and blocking the sword fights out, either that or everybody was getting tired. And then Chuck beats everybody up. But NO! The ninja that he kicked into the fire comes back out to fight him again and Chuck mercifully deals out some more Chuck Justice finale-style this time. And then all of a sudden the HillBilly's (or Hell's Bellys) revolt against the ninja nazi teachers cuz they think they're Nazis and there's a big big fight, of course Chuck and Sakura are fighting.

Then a brunette leads a couple guys into battle cuz it's 6-on-one wait no 5 on, no, 4 on one. Wow Chuck dispenses those ninjas so quickly so then the big fight probably maybe a car chase before that? I don't know but hopefully cuz that's a sweet looking red Camaro they borrowed off of somebody the day before the shoot (don't want to dent that baby). Then there's a big truck and some flammable liquid and the guy who almost drops a grenade (totally unscripted but wow imagine if he dropped it?) and then it's just Chuck and the other guy in the woods after the compound is destroyed. So much for training w those Nazi ninja bastahds!!!!!! I'm not going to spoil it & tell :you who wins between Sakura and Chuck cuz that would defeat the whole purpose of watching the movie you'll just have to watch it to find out who wins.

And then after the big fight it's just the winner of the fight in the sunset of the fully dramatic evening sky. And then the credits come on. All in all I rate this movie not just a 10 but a 10 cazillion twillion Norrisillions (thats a real lot, trust me, more than a bazillion I think). And I give it another hizillion for Chuck's acting, cuz it's the acting, not the martial arts, that's Chuck's real strength.
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Capricorn One (1977)
Good plot, well directed, still stands as a very good movie
28 March 2022
An interesting conspiracy plot, good cast, very well directed, good production values, well paced (keeps moving mostly), all make for a 1977 movie that is still enjoyable today.
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One Day at a Time (1975–1984)
Not All in the Family quality, but better the Live Boat.
22 March 2022
Although not quite in the upper echelon of the '70s/80s crates such as All in the Family, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, MASH, etc, it certainly always Head and shoulders above The Love Boat, Fantasy Island, Chips, etc.

Much like the former shows, ODAAT tried to deal with serious, real life issues that real life families face. And although it wasn't one of my favorites, it was certainly good enough that I watched virtually every episode. And while it was guilty of a bit of overacting, forced humor, and sometimes got a bit too heavy, it was definitely worth watching then. Whether or not it has held up enough since is for today's viewer to decide.
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A very good movie that's gotten better with age
13 March 2022
When this movie first came out I thought it would be a light-hearted romp but the movie actually did treat the subject with a certain level of seriousness. And 30 years later, it is still a very good movie that in some respects has just gotten better. First of all, you know that any movie Tom Hanks is in is going to be at least a six out of 10. Add a very good cast led by Geena Davis, which also includes, surprisingly enough, a very capable Madonna, a well-written script, and good direction and you wind up with a movie that is highly entertaining, pays tribute ably enough to the women who were originally involved, and there's definitely worth seeing over years later.
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Still horrible 30 years later...
21 February 2022
Just a superficial treatment of Margaret Atwood's novel that strays so far from the book's storyline and with such a superficial shallow treatment as to make it virtually pointless. Wooden acting, horrible directing (i e. Women raking gravel and puttingg it back in bags? As if the director gave them rakes and shovels and said here do something. In good movies details matter, in this movie they don't).

Atwood's novel dealt less with the physical force (ie soldiers) and more with the rigid societal structure and its accompanying corruption and contradictions, and how those things, along with a gentle shove, led to its downfall. This movie has none of that and the similarly plotted Logan's Run contains more depth than this sloppy piece of doo doo.
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The Sting (1973)
Well acted & true to the methods of the day
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you read David W Maurer's book "The Big Con" you will find that virtually all the elements and different cons presented in this movie are true to life, from the betting room to the call in from the corner phone to the fake chicken blood (which was called a cackle-bladder), used to end a con when you couldn't cool a mark off properly, to the nose flick, everything is exactly what they used to do from @1910 through 1940s. After reading the above book I went back and watched to the movie again and picked up many more things that you wouldn't ordinarily notice.
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The Salvation (2014)
Predictable yet entertaining
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Predictable storyline that's been done probably a dozen times or more (think Pale Rider, Fistfull of Dollars, gosh, even Blazing Saddles in basic plot) yet the director keeps it moving along quickly enough so you don't mind knowing what's probably coming next. Fairly well acted, good production values, and there's no extra baggage plotwise. And while it doesn't have the gravity or grittiness of say, Unforgiven, it's serious enough in its own way. I would recommend this movie.
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WarGames (1983)
80's movie that still impresses
8 January 2022
War games is one of the few '80s movies that will stand the test of time. A good script, good casting, limited but effective special effects (credit to the director: besides the dial-up modem, the whole computer thing is not outdated, and a director's vision that avoids stereotypes and tropes, all add up to a good thriller yhat will still entertain and keep a viewer on the edge of a seat up until the final scene.
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Highlander (1986)
Like an 80s power-ballad...
19 October 2021 was immensely enjoyable then but hasn't aged as well as I thought it would. If you can get past the mix of poor special effects production values / limitations of the era, overlook the overacting by certain characters, and forget about the screwed up casting (as referenced by multiple other reviewers) it is still a very enjoyable fantasy movie. It was a somewhat unique plot back then, the main character's somewhat quiet, almost reticent performance (as opposed to the other overactors) adds to the mystery, and the antagonists acting isn't so over the top that it's not enjoyable. It's definitely worth watching at least once, and it does stand above the loads of other '80s fantasy type movies with horrible acting and poor production values. I wouldn't bother watching the sequel however, and per its own plot, I'm not sure how this movie lent itself to an ongoing TV series..
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A Bit Over-Directed but Enjoyable
16 September 2021
It's a decent story, Kevin Spacey is great, but many parts of it feel overproduced, over directed; there are way too many students on the lawn for instance, but I guess that's what Hollywood thinks college is like, the faculty party is way over the top (apparently these happen on a regular basis, what professor can afford that kind of food spread in that kind of house?) and I could list other things but I guess it's my fault for maybe nitpicking (but lots of little things do add up to something) & expecting a different kind of movie given the subject matter. Maybe something more somber or real or noir. All in all, it works fairly well I guess, I enjoyed watching it.
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Soldier (I) (1998)
Still Stands Up
16 May 2021
Although it would probably be filmed with different film stock in a more somber color scheme today, and many of the props don't stand the test of time, it's still a good story and a fun movie to watch. A great cast makes the difference.
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OtherLife (2017)
Good, not great, didn't quite grab me
25 May 2020
Really a 5.5 The pros: great production values, good acting, good screenplay, no gaping holes in the plot. The cons: Kept my attention for the most part, but I did fast forward through parts of it. It was good, it wasn't great.
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Squeaky vouces, bad acting, not good enough for camp or schlock
6 February 2020
Oh my gosh, Where do you start. First, who did The Dubbing with the squeaky voices? This guy actually previously starred in a series? The other reviewers must have really really loved the series because they're overlooking so much that's bad about this movie to reminisce and enjoy this one. Second, the editing sucks. As if the jokes weren't bad enough and lines horribly acted, there's so many extra millisecond gaps, youre just waiting for the groans. Comedy is timing, and this aint it. If you want to see good funny camp on a low-budget then watch that Australian comedy about turkey zombies or whatever, it's much more fun. Unless you absolutely loved the original Pete winning and are willing to consume a horrible movie to reminisce, I suggest you skip this one.
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Cranium Intel (2016)
What do u call someone who writes, directs, & stars in a good movie
6 February 2020
Nothing, No one knows because it isn't done. As another reviewer said, perfect trifecta indicating a bad vanity project. Just not very good.
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Fake reviewers you insult great movies & embarass yourselves
5 February 2020
Ignore the reviews giving it a 10 from people obviously involved with the production. Is this movie better than Citizen Kane? Gone With the Wind? Psycho? I think not. In fact, it's not better than the Super 8 movie I shot for a 6th grade project. Those people should be ashamed of themselves, It's an insult to great movies and it's embarrassing that they would give this movie at 10.
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Enough w the fake reviews already, its a 4 to a 5.
5 February 2020
Not a bad movie, but seriously folks, can't people involved w/ the production STOP giving 10's to their movies just to bump up the aggregate score? 1) you can just tell when someone's making up a review, you don't need ESP. And 2) even those admitting to involvement, a 10?, seriously? If you truly love great movies then stop insulting movies like Casablanca, Psycho, Gone w the Wind, even Night of the Living Dead, etc, by giving your movie better ratings than the classics, it's embarassing. Show a LITTLE objectivity and SOME restraint by giving it what it is, a 4 to a 6.
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Frozen (I) (2010)
Even a GOOD scary movie wouldn rate a 9
10 January 2020
This movie sucks. Come on people (and by people I mean those involved in the movie who obviously wrote the fake reviews) do you REALLY think even the BEST low budget indie horror/drama flick deserves a 9 (along with, well, such classic flicks as Citizen Kane. Raging Bull, Psycho, the Shining). So, yes, your 9s and10s are SO not believable. SPOILER (not) this movie sucks. Thats it. Glad you got experience doing whatever, but the movie sucks. End of story.
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