
4 Reviews
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The Shining (1980)
Just A Review: The Shining
8 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So it's been a month and six days I have been gone. Missed me? I had my grandparents and cousins come over from Mexico, so that's why I haven't been very active, and why I haven't been working on scripts. But they went back yesterday, so I may have more time to work on scripts and such. So anyway, the Shining. I watched the Stanley Kubrick version yesterday, and I can see why it's one of the most famous movies of all time. The story is about a family moving into a hotel that is apparently haunted, and it possesses Jack, the father, to kill his wife Wendy, and his son Danny. It's a story that keeps you in suspense. The whole time, I didn't know what to expect. And it show's it in a very scary way. With Jack growing more insane by the minute. Speaking of Jack, the characters are few, but great. Jack starts as this normal father, and slowly turns into a murder crazy monster. And it makes him so entertaining to watch. Wendy's fear for Jack, and the fate of Danny is shown in an excellent way. Though, that's all she's good for. Danny scares me because he is always thinking freaky thoughts like how he saw a wave of blood move all around a hallway in the hotel. He even made the infamous "Redrum" writing on the wall. Not only that, but he is the one who is ALWAYS in danger. You begin to worry for Danny. And hope that Jack doesn't kill him. What I love most about this film is of course, the suspense. You never know when Jack is going to strike, or what will happen next. It will always keep you on the edge of your seat. If you're watching this on a couch or chair or whatever... SPOILER WARNING STARTS HERE: My only problem with the movie was at the end, after Jack freezes to death with his Me Gusta face, it shows a picture of him at this hotel in 1923. Wait what? That confused me so much. SPOILERS END HERE: In conclusion, the Shining is an excellent movie. With a haunting atmosphere and suspenseful story, this is truly deserving as one of the best movies of all time.

Story: 8/10 Character: 10/10 Horror: 9/10 Overall: 9/10
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Shake It Up (2010–2013)
Just A Review: Shake It Up
19 June 2012
Personally, I hate Disney Channel with a passion. They release shows that range from okay (Jessie), to unbearable. (Austin and Ally). But the absolute WORST of them all in my opinion, is Shake It Up. Two girls named Rocky and CeCe dance in a show called Shake It Up Chicago, while dealing with their daily lives. However, they focus more on high school, girl, and boy problems rather than the actual plot. This is also a problem with iCarly, Wizzards of Waverly Place, etc. Which is a shame because I kind of liked the dancing segments. Another flaw in the show is it's humor. They aren't funny, or even witty. Because the characters try to hard to deliver a funny line. For example, CeCe is very over-dramatic, to the point where it's very annoying. The characters by the way, are the most annoying, irritating, and unbearable people I have ever seen. Rocky tries WAY too hard to be a cute character, and it makes her very annoying. Like I said, CeCe is over-dramatic, and annoying. She is also very rude and disrespectful. Which is why I hate her so much. Her little brother Flynn is as bratty as Bowser Jr from the Mario games, only worse. And he, again, is not funny, or even likable. Ty, Rocky's brother, is an exception. He's actually likable, and is a talented dancer. Gunther and Tinka are German exchange students, but also suck ups, and their voices feel kind of racist to me. I think they are the most annoying of the show. ESPECIALLY Gunther. And finally, there is Duece. Who I just don't care about. He's a guy who has a collection of stuff. That's it. The last thing that bugs me about this show is the message. I know it's teaching us about friendship, but it feels like it's always be rude and selfish, and you will get what you want. WHAT KIND OF Message IS THAT!? In short, this is the biggest piece of garbage I have ever seen. The only redeeming quality it has, is it's dancing is pretty good. And I like it's message it's TRYING to deliver. Not what it accidentally gave.

Plot: 3/10 Characters: 1/10 Humor: 2/10 Overall: 2/10
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Just A Review: Prometheus
9 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
* means spoiler alert

One of the most hyped movies of the year is finally out. Being the prequel to Aliens, this was expected to be as awesome as the movie, or better. But I felt it wasn't as great as it was thought to be. Let's begin with the story. A team of scientist journey through the universe in their ship, Prometheus. Eventually they become stranded in an alien world, struggling to survive things that might even threaten mankind. My only problem with the story is in the movie, it doesn't really explore much of the alien world. Or even give it much backstory. Other than that, it's a great story. With good CG-I, and pretty freaky scenes. But that's another flaw. It's not that scary. My brother has seen Aliens. And he couldn't sleep after watching it. But this movie, he could sleep easier. I mean sure, there was a scene* where a machine took out an alien fetus in Dr. Shaw (Noomi Rapace). And it was very bloody and outright creepy. But it's like Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1's birth scene. Only it Dr. Shaw didn't have a nightmare inducing lifeless face like Bella's. (I hated that movie by the way.) Speaking of which, the characters were bland and boring. The only one I cared about was the black guy who pilots the ship. And guess what!?* He dies! Ah well. at least he died as a hero. Now it sounds like I don't like this movie. But I do! I liked the CG-I, the aliens were creepy, whenever there was action, it was scary (but not too scary), and awesome. Also, the good stuff in the movie are really good. This is a flawed, but good movie. And a good prequel unlike... *ahem* Other prequels that have been made... (*coughstarwarsphantommenacecough*)

Story: 7/10 Characters: 4/10 Action: 8/10 Overall: 7/10
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Chowder (2007–2010)
Just A Review: Chowder
7 June 2012
Ah Chowder. Pretty nostalgic for me as a kid. I used to love this show. But looking back at it, It's not as great as I thought it was. Chowder is about a kid named Chowder (Nicky Jones), a chef apprentice to Mung Dall (Dwight Shlutz). By the way, what the hell is a Mung? Anyway, Mung owns a catering business with his wife Truffles (Tara Strong) and Shnitzel (John Di Maggio). Who is arguably the most memorable character in the show because he only says one word, Radda. By the way, they have crazy adventures too. ORIGINALITY!! So yeah, mediocre story here. Not much here. The animation isn't that great either. Sure, it's better than other crappy shows like Problem Solverz, but still only okay at best. And they occasionally do random kinds of animation as well. CGI, claymation, etc. And while they are pretty good, it doesn't really work well considering the jokes are the average, "act like a complete moron" kind of humor. Which is another fatal flaw. Chowder, our main protagonist, IS VERY ANNOYING. Mainly because of how stupid he acts. And his voice doesn't help at all. Mung is pretty mediocre. You don't really get to know him too much. So he's pretty ignorable. Truffles can get annoying, but I found her voice pretty funny for some odd reason. I already explained Shnizel. And the only other character left is Gazpacho. He's the comedy relief. because of how nervous he always is. But he's not really that funny. So so far, it sounds like I don't like the show. But there are good qualities to it. Like the humor can sometimes be funny, and the characters, despite being okay, are very memorable. And some episodes can have a decent message. Other than that, it's very flawed, but not a bad show.

Story: 5/10 Animation: 6/10 Characters: 6/10 Overall: 5/10/Mediocre/D+
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