
32 Reviews
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Emancipation (2022)
Certainly Could've Been Better
19 September 2023
This is not a terrible film but it does nothing to remain in the minds of the audience. It's shot almost in black and white for little to no reason visually or for storytelling. Will Smith is given a lot to work with but falls short of a great performance. Very few moments in the movie have any impact at all and by the time you're done watching it does nothing to stick with your mind. There are moments the movie attempts to make its own like the scene between Will Smith and Ben Foster or the beginning half of the battle scene before but are cut off by predictable storytelling. The battle does a good job for a little while but once again cuts itself off short. More could've been done with showing how Lincoln's soldiers didn't fully accept the slaves but quietly goes over it as also the scene with the black man working with the slave hunters. More could've done with all of these subplots as well as the story's plot but all are executed in a way familiar to like movies.
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This is More Than a Western
14 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I say this is my favorite western it's strictly because that's the genre it's in. This movie deconstructs what a western actually is. Outlaws are portrayed as they actually were. Criminals. Not the outlaw to admire but the one to question one's feeling of them. This is highlighted in the train robbery. Is shot beautifully and sly with smoke flying around our supposed protagonist's area. However, as soon as they get onboard we see the reality of train robberies. Frank James goes around robbing the packed in cart of innocent travelers with no remorse and threatening them at the slightest act of defiance. On the other hand, Jesse is cruel and vicious with a joking demeanor that slowly fades as he wants to kill a man for no certain reason. The abnormalities that's places this movie apart from other westerns is not only in its scenes but in its location. The well shot movie shows the landscape as cold, hard, and uncomfortable. A far cry from the sunbathing desert we the audience usually sees. This film's depiction of Jesse James is clearly its shining star. A torn and violent man slowly descending into paranoia and anxiety. Who in his last moment excepts fate as he knew that betrayal was inevitable due to his actions leading up to the moment. Robert Ford is also a great character. More than just a cowardice greedy thief. A man pushed to his limits as his idol is applying a severe amount of stress on him. A man who regrets his decision in the end even though the madman Jesse James threatened his life and well being at every point. He misses him. He realizes just as Jesse did the infamy and notoriety isn't worth it as all they'll end up with is regret. They both end up dead with realization being the last thing on their minds. Jesse realizing his friend is going to kill him and Robert realizing what made Jesse who he was. That's the end of this phenomenal movie.
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Courageous (I) (2011)
2 May 2020
This movie could have been good but with a mixture of aight acting and fantasy it ain't nothing. As someone who has seen a cop's life this is nothing close to the reality. The bond isn't real and the protocols aren't either. Gangs are also unrealistically portrayed in this film and just why people join them. Gangs are shown to be full of evil people except for one kid but forgets or just doesn't know that most of those young members are exactly like the normal teenager. The film is more focused on the religious beliefs than the other plot lines. Which is fine when done right but this isn't it. There is no swearing in this movie which shocked me because if you ever been around a cop for more than 5 minutes you will here a multitude of expletives thrown in every direction. Dialogue is forced and never seems natural especially when it comes to comedic relief which is awkward and painful to watch. The shootout towards the end wasn't all that either. The last thing a gang member would do in order not to be arrested is to kill a police officer. They trying to avoid 10 years but killing an officer is life. This movie could have been good or decent but is overall unrealistic and poorly executed.
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Dracula (2020)
9 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show absolutely surpasses all my expectations with an incredible start. Unfortunately, the third episode is a major letdown with only a few jokes being the best part of it. As I said the the first two episodes are the best things that happened to Dracula since the 30's but, the third episode being the worst thing since interview with a vampire. That's joke for those too sensitive I actually like that movie. I mean some of the jokes are surprisingly funny and I like the way Lucy is shown with the revelation of what she actually looks like. But that's all I can say for the disappointing third episode. Overall though the show is really good up until the third episode.
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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014 Video Game)
This is ASS my guy.
29 December 2019
This game came out in 2014 the same year as The Last of Us: Remastered, Farcry 4, and Alien: Isolation. Yet this game looks just as good as 2007's Spider-Man 3. Even its predecessor has better graphics and that came out two years prior. The game isn't just bad in the graphics department, the gameplay is repetitive, boring, and just overall bad. The NPC models for the criminals are the same as the last batch you fought and the only thing close to being good is the variety of suits but, it's hard to appreciate them with these disgusting ass graphics.
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The Shining (1980)
It is a Classic.
28 December 2019
After seeing the Shining and it's sequel I have determined that this film is still great but, there is one glaring problem for me. The pacing in the first half is extremely slow. I believe this movie is 4 minutes shorter but I thought this was longer than its sequel. I get that the exposition has to be laid out but it really takes it out of me for the first 45 minutes. Although the second half blows the first half and most movies out of the water showing us that Jack is going insane and that hotel is the puppet master with little hints dropped here and their. That's what I like about this film more than the one that proceeds it. It isn't fully clear what is making the house haunted in a sense but that it just is. I like that it is not all in your face about it being haunted or that Jack is just a crazy person. Also, this movie has one of my favorite endings and it took me forever to understand.
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It's Good but....
28 December 2019
Don't get me wrong the movie is well written however the obvious problem is it's unbearable runtime. This isn't even the longest version. After 3 hours and 49 minutes I hadn't made up my mind. First it was 10 stars and then it was 7 and now it's 5. The movie isn't good on a rewatch and the pacing is incredibly slow with some scenes stay way past their welcome. However the acting is indeed great and the story itself is well written.
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Gladiator (2000)
28 December 2019
This movie is a masterpiece with just about everything in it. The acting, especially from Our protagonist and antagonist. The action with gladiators and the war is breathtaking. It's only flaw is the runtime. The first quarter after the battle scene seems to drag on as the pace slows down however it recovers as the rest of the movie is excellent.
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27 December 2019
This movie isn't all that good to begin with but the amount of disrespect in this film is unbelievable. We see characters based on real innocent people get murdered multiple times because it's "fun". The way the director handled the situation is awful telling Sharon Tate's real sister it's "his" story and it's not her choice. He seems like a really person. I rather not see a pregnant woman and her friends get murdered time and time again just because it's a horror film.
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Alien (1979)
5 August 2019
What else is there to say about this masterpiece of movie? I mean there is great effects, dope set design, blood, and my favorite protagonist of a horror movie ever.
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I gotta explain....
5 August 2019
This movie is good. I want to start with that because I do like this movie but that doesn't mean it is without flaws. This movie is inaccurate and even sometimes unrealistic but most of my criticism is just nitpicking except for the military inaccuracies (mainly with his clothing) and I don't like the ending. This movie is good though. The tension building is perfect and filming in Jordan was a really good idea, not safe but good. Although this movie isn't poorly shot it doesn't have anything that stands out to me as far as cinematography. That's just me. It's a great film and I recommend it to just about everyone.
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26 July 2019
Damn it this could've been good but, the devs made a really good CGI trailer but an awful piece of crap game full of bugs and glitches.
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Let me explain....
31 May 2019
This original review was a few years ago and I think I could've written this better so take what I said before with a grain of salt. I didn't convey how I felt and also wasn't even finished with the show when I wrote this. Which is why one of the arguments about Antron's dad didn't make sense because I was on episode 1 or 2. I think the whole cast deserves so much more credit for their roles and how realistically they portrayed them. The story is horrifying and dark. That's how should be because if this was me and my friends I don't think I would be happy throughout the situation. I feel like the realism helps because with most "true stories" there are embellished of made up story elements which feels disingenuous. I really am astonished by how good this show is. The acting, story, and tone of the show is top notch. I think it would have won more emmy's if Chernobyl didn't come out the same year. My final review is that this show is horrifically realistic and is successful with its messages and themes.
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Return From A Second Watch
17 December 2018
So, just about 5 years ago I reviewed this movie. And just about 5 years before that I watched this movie in theaters on opening day. With the new Spiderman movie I figured I should give this movie another try. I liked the first one but this one never stuck. The amazing Spider-Man 2 is not a good film, but the movie does achieve some good scenes in the movie that carries it along the way. To start off with the bad stuff, the entire introductory sequence is so out of place that back in 2014 I remember thinking it was a trailer for a movie only to find out it was the beginning. It's out of place and I personally think that Peter Parker's parents shouldn't be focused on. Also Peter Parker not knowing Norman Osborn in the first movie makes no sense because he was secretly best friends with his only son. Early in the film as Spider-Man messes around and makes jokes he lets the criminal kill people as he wastes time. There are multiple continuity errors throughout and train sequence is moronic as they try to pass off that Ben Parker making the spiders is something new. Electro is an extremely dumb villain and Dane Dehaan is wasted in this film because he's a good actor. But for good things, Spider-Man's suit as we all know is amazing and the montage that happens halfway through the film is pretty solid. Although Gwen Stacy's death is easily foreshadowed and hinted at throughout the movie the execution of it is actually quite well done. I like how Peter reacts to Gwen showing up at the fight. He knows that the area is dangerous and she just walked into it. And that makes even more sense that when she dies he is heartbroken with the fact that all of his nightmares came true, every time he put her in danger, every time he saw her dad, he knew it was a warning and that he was putting her in danger and he thought he could just stop it. However, as soon as the clock tower comes in to play in the last scene you can tell that Peter is desperate for her to be taken out of the situation so that his nightmare does not come to fruition. He even almost kills Harry just to save Gwen. I think the movie should've ended up with Peter coming back as Spiderman but not in a huge action scene, but rather a moment of reflection as he understands his role in life.
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Iron Man (2008)
You will be missed.....
17 December 2018
This movie is such a national treasure. I miss the old practical suits and the days of not having disgusting CGI on everything. Don't get me wrong it's helpful but they are way too reliant on it.
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It would have been lower....
17 December 2018
I really enjoyed this movie I did but, goddammit the CGi is not on point. It's just the main suit looks weird and it's not realistic. In such a good movie it stands out.
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Magnolia (1999)
1 December 2018
In New York I milly rock. Hide in my sock. Running from an op and I'm on da block.
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Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 (2017 Video Game)
Not it's own.....
25 November 2018
Don't get me wrong the game can be fun but, it feels like Ghost Recon and Sniper Elite. It just doesn't feel like Sniper it feels like other games combined.
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Needs improvement
25 November 2018
I really like the Uncharted games but the "remastered" title is only talking about graphics and not for all the games. The camera angle for shooting isn't fixed for the first game and the graphics for the games aren't the same in quality for each game. But over all I have a lot of respect for the guys and games behind this so next time worry about the game not the market.
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
Let Down
16 November 2018
This movie really could have been great and I was actually psyched for this. But this movie just feels like a hand me down copying multiple scenes from the original and spoiling its ending with the poster. It feels like a male hand me down (that's coming from me which isn't usual) and so does the ghostbusters. This was much better than that movie though.
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Quentin's Finest
10 November 2018
This movie is a long fun ride. This movie could go on for days and I would sit through all of it.
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1 November 2018
This movie is actually really good. Steve Rogers is a small guy and wants to enlist in the army. (Btw the CGI on Chris Evans and the other guy is great) he becomes a hero and experiences war and it's action packed and even at some points violent. This movie is one of the only marvel movie before 2012 to feature bullet wounds and effects such as the scene were Steve uses a car door as a shield and gets grazed through the door. The only problem is that there is a huge montage in the middle that seems out of place. But the ending gives me chills every time. I won't spoil it so you got to watch it. The relationship between Peggy and Steve is fantastic and Howard Stark is hilarious and feels like Tony.
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1 November 2018
This movie gets a lot of backlash for stupid things. People didn't like the change to the Mandirin. He was corny in the comics and would feel out of place in this movie. To be honest I would of really wanted him to be a terriost and be pure evil and such but I will gladly take this fake out over the comic book version. This movie is dope though. Iron Man pulser beams a guy straight through the chest he kills a person technically with a microwave and Tony's character is expanded on in this film showing that he has PTSD from the previous films.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
Could've been more.
26 October 2018
This show could have been great but it isn't. Green Arrow is not meant to be this serious. He comes off more like Batman than Arrow. He's making jokes in serious situations and has a sense of humor. This doesn't mean I hate the show. I think the fight scenes are pretty cool and the actor for Green Arrow looks like a younger version of him. And I know CW is all about Dramas (I'm not really) but even Arrow (not the show) has serious moments. If you want to see a great representation of him watch Justice League Unlimited, the DC short film, or read Green Arrow the archers quest.
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Swordfish (2001)
25 October 2018
It's a fun film and has someone pretty cool moments.
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