Predator 2 (1990)
Good sequel?!? Gimme a break.
15 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I hadn't watched this movie in a long time so I took another look and reading all the positive reviews here, I had to voice my opinion. This movie is pretty much complete garbage. I'm sick of reading "this movie is just as good as the original". Come on people, Predator 2 doesn't even come close. Firstly and most importantly, Danny Glover is terrible as the lead in an action movie. He only works in the Lethal Weapon franchise as Mel Gibson's older stick-in-the-mud partner. As an LA cop, he is not believable as "suitable prey" for an alien which travels the galaxy for a challenging hunt. In the first movie, the predator hunts a crack team of HEAVILY armed special commandos, in the sequel its Danny Glover carrying a pistol. Predator had a lot of awesome, totally quotable cheesy one-liners: "If it bleeds, we can kill it", "You are one ugly mother f***er". Predator 2 gives us "Want some candy?". The jungle setting of the original worked much better as well. The gang-ridden city of LA is a little over-the-top in Predator 2 and the gangs are ridiculously sterotyped. I think the only thing I remotely enjoyed about Predator 2 is the scene near the end, inside the alien's ship. The first movie was amazing and one of my favourite (action) movies of all time. The sequel doesn't do anything new and doesn't even do anything better than the original. It's even shot poorly. The camera work when Glover is looking around for the predator at the cemetery is just ridiculous. Don't try and tell me this is a good movie and on par with the original. It just isn't true. The original was phenomenal, the sequel is forgettable.

P.S. A.V.P. looks like it's going to be terrible too. Modern day earth?? That's the dumbest idea since Greedo shooting first! They should have done the movie without any humans in it at all and no dialog. That would have been interesting and original.
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